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The Times got more than two decades worth of Trump's tax returns.


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5 minutes ago, Ghost_MH said:


There is no good way to make a comb over look good. This is just a case of his stylist being the only person that can bilk Trump and the only reason it's possible is because he's incredibly vain.


It's not just the comb over. It's how fucking yellow it is.

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4 minutes ago, Jason said:


Even worse is they are in on the fleecing of Deutsche Bank, I assume. Seems like a lot of the funds have been funneled down to the kids. Could be at risk of seizure.

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1 hour ago, mclumber1 said:

Guys, the billion dollars that is missing from the campaign is likely in the pockets of the Trump kids and probably Trump himself.  Gotta have that golden parachute when everything comes crashing down!



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“Trump isn’t a billionaire, he only played one on television.”


This needs to be the new Biden campaign soundbite. Say it at every rally. Hammer it home through commercials. The only reason people see Trump as successful is because they believe what they see on television. If there’s anything that could help peel off any of his voters, if it’s even still possible at this point, this would be it.

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Shapiro’s a Moran, but he’s not totally wrong. (unlike dvd, who is totally wrong—I don’t see how any of this could *improve* your view of Trump)


We all knew he was a con man.  The portion of his supporters that are clear-headed enough to believe this isn’t ‘fake news’ and Trump isn't the savior of humanity all knew it, too, and probably voted for him anyway for other reasons. (or just want to ‘own the libs’ at all cost)

This doesn’t really change much in terms of the race’s fundamentals, IMO, unless they find something definitively criminal.  It does give Biden some extra ammo going into the debates, though.

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