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Final Fantasy XVI – Information Thread, update (08/22): PC demo patch and system requirements released


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1 hour ago, jaethos said:

If the demo is of the beginning of the game and it carries over I might try it, otherwise I'm good. The trailers have already spoiled massive amounts of the story, I don't need something from mid game.


It is the start of the game and it carries over. Just announced. Demo launches 4am est tomorrow the 12th so in a few hours.

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15 minutes ago, Bacon said:


It is the start of the game and it carries over. Just announced. Demo launches 4am est tomorrow the 12th so in a few hours.


Then I'm absolutely playing the demo tomorrow. Very nice treat. 

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Downloaded and played the first 30 minutes. Its visually well crafted(magic pops especially well on an HDR OLED!), the characters are 50% less annoying than your typical JRPG and I enjoy the conbat and menus. We're off to a very good start! Remember, the demo save carries over to the actual game.

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1 hour ago, Biggie said:

I’ll try it but doubtful I willl download the actual game. Unless the demo blows me away. From what I’ve seen so far it’s not my type of game. 

For better or for worse, its Game of Thrones. I liked Game of Thrones, at least until its last two seasons, so I'm in. If you didn't though, its probably a pass. 

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10 minutes ago, Mr.Vic20 said:

For better or for worse, its Game of Thrones. I liked Game of Thrones, at least until its last two seasons, so I'm in. If you didn't though, its probably a pass. 

Nope. Never seen one minute of Game of Thrones and the story/premise behind this game just isn’t doing anything for me. 

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The save screen sprites are awesome! I can’t wait to grt home and finish this. I got to the beginning of the first mission before I left, but everything is done so well. The combat is great, abilities are fun, and we only have a access to a few in the demo. 

the movement is way better than I expected.


12 minutes ago, Biggie said:

Nope. Never seen one minute of Game of Thrones and the story/premise behind this game just isn’t doing anything for me. 

just try the demo. This is not like past FF experiences, and the combat is much better than before from the two battles I fought against goblins. It requires paying attention, but its not punishing or frustrating like other modern action games can be. 
it might be a GoT style story, but everything about it looks and feels incredible 

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OK, I had a bunch typed out of my first impressions, and at that point I had only beaten the swamp area. I just now beat the demo. So, before I go a post all of that I just want to make this post.


LETS FUCKING GOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! OMG I fuckin' love it holy shit! I don't know what the future of the game holds, but if even half can live up to the fucking amazing intro this shit will be my GOTY despite some of the negatives I will post about. And, holy shit, this is basically a fuckin TV show. I was worried that i'd miss the classic Cutscenes of the 7-10 era but I don't yet. I am really fucking immersed and I love watching even more than I like playing.


It ain't perfect. Game has a very solid chance of ending in a way I dislike, but that demo, at least for me, sold me on the game. Of course, I already own it but still. I am in for a grand ol' time. Let's fuckin' go boys.


Next post (after I do the Eikonic Challenge) will be much more subdued and parts may seem odd after this post but whatever! The 22nd can't get here soon enough!

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  • There is a level of spectacle that is really enjoyable. The presentation of the second boss was very nice.
  • Cutscenes feel like I am watching a TV show. There is some really great direction going on here
  • I like how you can tell how some characters are related and don't just look totally random
  • Melee Combat is fun so far. The flashiness doesn't really get in the way like I thought I would. I don't exactly get how the parry happens, but I like how it just happens often enough if you are just playing aggressively. The FF14 mechanics are a nice touch.
  • Voice acting is good to me. Better than 14, and way better than the hack job of XBC2 who thought they could get away with using bad voice actors as long as they were British.
  • No real people faces. That shit is gross.
  • Music is fantastic and bombastic. I like Soken, but I have often considered him overrated and was worried that I'd just be getting the FF14 Soken. That isn't the case at all. It is still obviously Soken, but he really stepped up to the plate for 16. I mean, he has made some really fantastic tracks in 14 that I love, I didn't just want FF14-sounding music.
  • As always, love the Japanese take on the medieval fantasy Europe aesthetic.
  • Animal instinct. While not the first game to have something like this, thank god I know exactly the area I need to avoid so I don't accidentally progress the story. Happened a few times in FF4 and FF9 where I went the right direction on accident.


Minor Negatives:

  • I'm surprised by how many Japanese mannerisms (wordless exclamations, grunts, moans, etc.) they left in seeing as this is an English dub first game and that FF14 rarely has them. Feels a bit anime at times.
  • While I enjoy the combat, uh, am I really going spend to 60 hours with the same basic weapon and basic moveset(mashing R1)? Don't get me wrong, the abilities are cool and I overall enjoy the boss fights, but you are often just mashing R1. You don't even have a heavy attack.
  • I don't get why the basic projectile magic exists. I never used it.
  • The giant Slow Time Event circle is a bit much. I don't mind QTEs but such a large prompt is unwanted.
  • Hold R2 to open door
  • I DO NOT want an open-world game but I do miss the overworld. Sad I won't be sailing the skies while controlling an airship. It is a very FF thing and it is a shame it is gone. That said, I do prefer going from destination to destination rather than having a real open world. Overworld is not an open world and there is no point of an overworld if there are no random battles I suppose.


Major Negatives:

  • The awful control schemes. Why is R1 dodge? Why is there no control scheme that puts circle as dodge, and R1 as attack, but lets you keep R2 as your Ekion abilities? I don't hate square as attack, but R1 as fucking dodge? WTF bro? Dodge goes on circle. That's just a fuckin' fact. AND fuck does holding square for the Ekion abilities suck dick too. I constantly fuck up the button presses because it feels very wrong to hold square and then press R1.
  • AND WHY does lock-on get a fucking shoulder button placement? That is absurd. After I had beaten the demo, I realized that I had never actually locked on to anything because I kept pressing R3 like a normal human being.  And because of my normal human being status, I use type B  controls which also requires you to press R1+R2 for specific attacks. And like, you are forcing users to either have Torgal access or item access? I only used the dog once because of that. I really want to know the logic behind some of their decisions. None of this would have been an issue if they just had dodge on circle by default. I would be fine with your Ekion special action being on R1. How is there only one control scheme that puts dodge on circle? It is unfathomable to me.
  • Frame rate. It shifts a lot. Does not hold a solid 60 and I swear graphics mode is less than 30. It feels so bad when compared to frame rate mode at its worst.
  • No option to turn off motion blur :sick: It is very aggressive and bad. I suppose it could be an option in the full release. I have disabled motion blur on every title I can and I don't think I have played a game in the past 10 years with motion blur on.
  • Game is blurry. Is it even in 1440p on performance? I'm considering trying an old 1080p tv to see if it looks better.


I'm going to replay the demo so I can try learning type A cuz type B really isn't good. It's just, you know, Since 2009 I have been pressing B/O to dodge and R1 to attack. Really wish that made a better control scheme for soul-like controls. Type B is so half-assed.


That said, overall, a very good game so far! The technical issues I cannot ignore and will keep this game from reaching a 10/10, but man the main reasons I'm playing the game are top fucking notch. I'll gladly suffer through the major negatives for more. Can't wait for the 22!

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People have stated before this demo, not really here, that FF16 isn't a real FF. And I actually agree with them, but I don't agree that it is a bad thing. At least not yet. Oh, yes, this has many FF themes. You could even say that this is a Final Fantasy-themed game rather than a true Final Fantasy. I would say it feels more like I am playing a Spin-off rather than a flagship title, just like MGS: Revengeance is not a flagship MGS game. Part of me feels like this could have been a rebranded Crystal Chronicles game. Hell, it feels as mainline FF as SoP:FFO.


None of that really matters tho. I not saying the game is lesser because it feels like an FF-themed game rather than an FF game. I'm just saying it really does feel unlike the rest of the series, maybe minus FF15. It was just something that was on my mind so I brought it up.

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5 minutes ago, Bacon said:

I think GoWR looks better personally and has far better performance. After GoWR's rock solid 1440p/60fps, I was expecting something comparable in other large titles.

I use the 4k 40fps mode for both games. It looks better than Ragnarok IMO.

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Just now, Spork3245 said:

I use the 4k 40fps mode for both games. It looks better than Ragnarok IMO.

Ah. Yeah, I'm just using the performance mode since I only got a 1440p monitor. At least in this setting, I feel GoWR shines brighter than FF16.

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5 minutes ago, Spork3245 said:

it’s like watching a CG movie

I was thinking earlier, "Finally, I'm getting the Final Fantasy movie I have always wanted." Crazy that the FF movie I have always wanted a game in the form of a videogame but hell, that's all right.

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17 hours ago, jaethos said:

If the demo is of the beginning of the game and it carries over I might try it, otherwise I'm good. The trailers have already spoiled massive amounts of the story, I don't need something from mid game.

The trailers have rarely spoiled anything that isn’t in the demo, so first couple of hours of the game.  I watched them after I finished the demo this afternoon, and ~80% is from there.

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Ah. Well, anyway, I really haven't. You are just cherry-picking if you actually think I've only been negative. And as I have said many times, it's better that I am negative now than before the game comes out. Think how negative I would have been if went into this without knowing there could be a possibility of frame rate issues. All of that has already been said and I can focus more on enjoying what I like. It's why my biggest bullet points in the major negatives are about the controls as that wasn't something I was expecting.


My bullet points are mostly just everything I have already been saying. Hardly any new negatives and all the positives are all the things I was looking forward to, which are story and presentation. They really nailed the things I wanted most, so far.

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