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Reports of Kathleen Kennedy's Demise have been Greatly Exagerrated... again

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1 hour ago, Jason said:

I didn't really like 8 either but anyhow I'd start at 3, not 1. 3 would actually be decent if you didn't have to first suffer through 1 and 2 to get to it.


In hindsight 1 is the best prequel. Jar Jar is... really bad and they didn’t give Jake Lloyd anything to work with. But of the prequels it’s the most coherent movie.

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1 hour ago, Kal-El814 said:


In hindsight 1 is the best prequel. Jar Jar is... really bad and they didn’t give Jake Lloyd anything to work with. But of the prequels it’s the most coherent movie.

It’s literally the only film in the PT that is an actual movie in any traditional sense of plot and narrative. 

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No, she's the retarded one. Wiping away all that existing content and calling it all just "Legends" instead of really utilizing it to create a new cinematic world to explore for all the fans that have been with Star Wars since its inception. Also, full retards believe TLJ is good. 

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3 hours ago, Kal-El814 said:


In hindsight 1 is the best prequel. Jar Jar is... really bad and they didn’t give Jake Lloyd anything to work with. But of the prequels it’s the most coherent movie.


1 hour ago, sblfilms said:

It’s literally the only film in the PT that is an actual movie in any traditional sense of plot and narrative. 


Yes, do not worry, there are many that in retrospect agree with you. Phantom is easily the most real of the three movies. It has the most practical effects, among other things, and feels the most like a George Lucas Star Wars movie of the prequel films. 100%.

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34 minutes ago, SoberChef said:

No, she's the retarded one. Wiping away all that existing content and calling it all just "Legends" instead of really utilizing it to create a new cinematic world to explore for all the fans that have been with Star Wars since its inception. Also, full retards believe TLJ is good. 

She didn't make that call and George Lucas himself  never regarded the Extended Universe stuff as canon. As far as he was concerned only the movies counted and he said so repeatedly. The hate this woman gets never ceases to amaze me. The executives who fucked up the DCCU not only don't get any hate, no one knows or cares who they are.

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4 hours ago, skillzdadirecta said:

She didn't make that call and George Lucas himself  never regarded the Extended Universe stuff as canon. As far as he was concerned only the movies counted and he said so repeatedly. The hate this woman gets never ceases to amaze me. The executives who fucked up the DCCU not only don't get any hate, no one knows or cares who they are.


People get over-protective over Star Wars. George Lucas "ruined" people's childhoods with the prequels. People on IGN were calling him "no-neck" Lucas. People will say that they literally hate Rian Johnson. The Nerrel video nails it:



A number of fans think Rogue One is the best thing Disney did Star Wars related (at least until Mandalorian). I watched it again recently and I still think it's good, but whether or not someone does, the reasons are usually fan-centric, as in, "Most badass Vader scene," "Felt like Star Wars," "Introduced new enemy types." So nothing quality-related. In fact, having watched it again, it has a hell of a lot of fan service (which I enjoyed). One that I've seen is, "Wow, the new trilogy didn't introduce a bunch of new enemies look at these new storm troopers in Rogue One at least this expanded the universe!" Maybe Rogue One isn't the time to introduce new enemies who weren't present in the original trilogy, yah?  Especially since the other parts of the movie have references to other movies, character cameos, seeing Vader again, which again, are fan service.


We all love Empire Strikes Back, but I don't feel as if it "expanded" the universe as much as, say, Return of the Jedi with its new species and world and a look at the entire rebel fleet. But it expanded the characters more and was infinitely more interesting because of it. And it feels nothing like ANH. 


Just watched ANH, actually, and it's easily the simplest of the films. I think other films make it more interesting because you see where a lot of the lore leads, but by itself, it's a pretty simple adventure with a totally different tone and direction than ESB. Even Phantom Menace feels much different than Attack of the Clones and Revenge of the Sith.


I guess I don't know what "feels like Star Wars" means, and I think when many in the fanbase has an expectation of what Star Wars is like, that they want something from it, what they want to feel when watching it, what they felt when watching it as a kid, an unhealthy obsession grows and you're left with No-Neck Lucas ruined my childhood, I hate Rian Johnson, fuck Abrams, and Kathleen Kennedy's a bitch.

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I don't particularly love TOR(mmo), but that is what Star Wars is to me. That is why I enjoy the prequels despite them being... not so good. That is why The Mandalorian is one of the best things to come out of Star Wars in general. Star Wars stopped being about the Skywalkers since I learned about the EU. 

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6 hours ago, SoberChef said:

No, she's the retarded one. Wiping away all that existing content and calling it all just "Legends" instead of really utilizing it to create a new cinematic world to explore for all the fans that have been with Star Wars since its inception. Also, full retards believe TLJ is good. 

This would be example A of what I was referring too. 


Long Live Kathleen Kennedy!!!!

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9 hours ago, sblfilms said:

It’s literally the only film in the PT that is an actual movie in any traditional sense of plot and narrative. 


Agreed. When I tell people this they often react in horror...but it's not like I'm saying it's a good movie, just that it's the least-stinky turd. It feels the most like Star Wars, for sure, especially the practical sets and miniatures. Honestly if they had toned down Jar Jar 50% and beefed up Obi-Wan to be the obvious main character, most of the movie could have stayed very close to what it was, and succeeded.


9 hours ago, SoberChef said:

So NOW she addresses the fact that decades worth of material exists, wow ffs someone smack that dumb B! 


Just imagine how awesome Thrawn would have been as the ST villain. Someone who challenges the ideas of order/peace vs freedom, knowing your enemies, managing to counter Jedi powers with research and technology, etc. But no, we get Palpatine.


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So let me make sure I'm understanding this right... The Phantom Menace is regarded as the most "Start Wars" of the prequel trilogy because it has actual real muppets in it? I mean the movie is TERRIBLY paced. Once Obi-Wan and Qui-Gon get down to the Naboo the movie grinds to a complete halt and becomes an RPG complete with convoluted fetch quests. The movie doesn't pick back up until the third act. It's a bloated MESS of a movie. Revenge of the Sith at least MOVES. It's not a good movie by any stretch... some of the dialogue is CRINGY as hell...but it's the one movie in the prequel trilogy where you felt some genuine emotional stakes. For me it's by far the most watchable of the PT movies. If I ever find myself watching The Phantom Menace I usually watch the first bit until they get to Naboo and then fast forward the movie to the end :lol:


I think we can all agree that Attack of the Clones is damn near unwatchable though.

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1 minute ago, Kal-El814 said:

I don’t think Phantom Menace is GOOD I just think it’s the best of the prequels. Clones is just... no. It doesn’t even make sense. Sith is basically the same way just with better action scenes.

Sith has an actual arc. Neither Menace or Clones have anything close to an arc, either character-wise or plot wise. Anakin's fall in Sith and the culmination of Palpatine's plans are what make Sith work for me from a story standpoint. to be clear, NONE of the PT movies are good movies, but I think by the time we got to Sith, Lucas realized he had to at least attempt to give us characters we cared about and not just show off the latest digital technology.


He STILL needed to stop writing his own dialogue though.

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1 hour ago, Massdriver said:

I take comfort in everyone in this thread  agreeing that Episode 2 is the worst Star Wars movie ever made. 


Yeah, it's . . . I only watch it for completeness' sake. It's not an enjoyable movie. There's potentially cool shit in there, but it's all squandered. The only good thing to come from it (the real scene but also this):



"You should hear it at full blast. I was holding back."


"I doubt that."


"You challenge me?"


"Your whip vs. mine."

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13 hours ago, skillzdadirecta said:

Sith has an actual arc. Neither Menace or Clones have anything close to an arc, either character-wise or plot wise. Anakin's fall in Sith and the culmination of Palpatine's plans are what make Sith work for me from a story standpoint. to be clear, NONE of the PT movies are good movies, but I think by the time we got to Sith, Lucas realized he had to at least attempt to give us characters we cared about and not just show off the latest digital technology.


He STILL needed to stop writing his own dialogue though.


This is why I only kind of get why people say TPM is the "best" of the prequels. I don't feel anyone really did anything in TPM. It's like they kind of did an Obi-Wan arc where he apologizes at the end without him doing anything to warrant saying he's sorry. They made up arbitrary rules at the end, having the Jedi not use their powers to help when they didn't hold back the rest of the movie. And I say that being aware that ROTS made up nonsensical rules as to what a Jedi consider to be a failure, but that's why I don't see TPM as being better :p. Just the same but with no arcs to anyone. 


ROTS had Anakin's arc and Palpatine's plan in motion. Really, they should have used him more in the previous movies, I think, since you never really got to see how Palpatine manipulated him prior to ROTS besides one scene in AOTC. 


2 hours ago, IdeaOfEvil said:

Isn't TLJ supposed to be the worst Star Wars of all time?


ellen degeneres disney GIF

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I'm trying to imagine a world where TROS, TPM, AOTC, or ROTS are better than any of the 4 - 8 episodes.


It's a dark cold world.  When kids go to school, each teacher teaches English differently, so there is no uniform language and no one knows what's going on at any time. Walking down the street are walking cacti that prick people walking by them. People driving are carjacked 60% of the time by Roman from GTA4 and then run over because Roman needs the money to meet Nico for bowling. All countries are at war with one another and the global superpower is Arkansas. 


Everyone's required to put anchovies in their cereal and Mitch Hedberg's one-liners never existed.


This world's not perfect, but I'll take it over evil cacti. 

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8 minutes ago, Keyser_Soze said:

I liked the prequels more because they at least had original alien and ship designs.


The new star warses just leaned way too heavily on nostalgia.


Everything about the prequels except the movies was awesome. Honestly, there is a solid argument that the music, worldbuilding, and overall design of the PT is superior to the OT. I'm not sure if I agree with that, but I consent that there is an argument. But the movies themselves were bad.


If you took the overall story (Bureaucratic mess engineered by a Sith Lord allows said Sith Lord to pit the Republic against itself, sowing doubt in the Jedi Order's ability to defend it) and gave it to a good writer and director, then the PT could have been great (especially with John Williams at his prime, etc).

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7 minutes ago, Keyser_Soze said:

I liked the prequels more because they at least had original alien and ship designs.


The new star warses just leaned way too heavily on nostalgia.


The only one I really felt leaned into nostalgia was TFA. TLJ was a refreshingly new experience, while TROS was an un-refreshingly new experience (like weirdass anime crazy shit and a pace so quick that TFA seems like it has 1960s pacing sensibilities).


In regards to alien design, this is kind of what I was talking about with Rogue One:


On 8/25/2020 at 7:25 AM, SaysWho? said:

A number of fans think Rogue One is the best thing Disney did Star Wars related (at least until Mandalorian). I watched it again recently and I still think it's good, but whether or not someone does, the reasons are usually fan-centric, as in, "Most badass Vader scene," "Felt like Star Wars," "Introduced new enemy types."


New enemy types/designs aren't indicative of quality (not that the new one lacked new alien designs, but it was less species and more individual characters). Something like TPM lacks character arcs. Something like AOTC lacks any sort of enjoyable dialogue or compelling characters. Yeah, it introduced Dexter Jexter in the 50s diner, but eh? Crait was a more memorable world and even tied into TLJ's story in a way no world in the prequels did, you know?


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5 minutes ago, CitizenVectron said:


Everything about the prequels except the movies was awesome. Honestly, there is a solid argument that the music, worldbuilding, and overall design of the PT is superior to the OT. I'm not sure if I agree with that, but I consent that there is an argument. But the movies themselves were bad.


If you took the overall story (Bureaucratic mess engineered by a Sith Lord allows said Sith Lord to pit the Republic against itself, sowing doubt in the Jedi Order's ability to defend it) and gave it to a good writer and director, then the PT could have been great (especially with John Williams at his prime, etc).


I think the prequels could have been the best with a good writer at the helm. I know people hated the politics, and "taxation of trade routes" was the weirdest thing in a crawl into "THE DEAD SPEAK!" But concocting turmoil so you can take advantage of the Senate and gain permanent power that you'll use to destroy your enemies (one of whom you'll corrupt) is a REALLY fucking good story.


An example of, "You have a lot of plot but no characters to make it compelling." Gah, why couldn't they make Jedi Anakin a character I cared about like Finn or Rey? It would have made the downfall so much better past just knowing that he's supposed to turn.

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26 minutes ago, SaysWho? said:


I think the prequels could have been the best with a good writer at the helm. I know people hated the politics, and "taxation of trade routes" was the weirdest thing in a crawl into "THE DEAD SPEAK!" But concocting turmoil so you can take advantage of the Senate and gain permanent power that you'll use to destroy your enemies (one of whom you'll corrupt) is a REALLY fucking good story.


An example of, "You have a lot of plot but no characters to make it compelling." Gah, why couldn't they make Jedi Anakin a character I cared about like Finn or Rey? It would have made the downfall so much better past just knowing that he's supposed to turn.


Exactly. Start with him as the best of the Jedi, morally, and end it with him being corrupted and responsible for the fall of the Republic. The real tragedy would be Obi-Wan, however, who should have seen it but always made excuses because Anakin was a friend.

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1 hour ago, CitizenVectron said:


Exactly. Start with him as the best of the Jedi, morally, and end it with him being corrupted and responsible for the fall of the Republic. The real tragedy would be Obi-Wan, however, who should have seen it but always made excuses because Anakin was a friend.


Like Harvey Dent in TDK. He was someone who believed in justice, effective at what he did and ambitious at what he wanted to do. You saw plenty of good in him, but seeds were planted that showed you Dent's darker side and his tension with Gordon and distrust of his men. 

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3 hours ago, CitizenVectron said:


Everything about the prequels except the movies was awesome. Honestly, there is a solid argument that the music, worldbuilding, and overall design of the PT is superior to the OT. I'm not sure if I agree with that, but I consent that there is an argument. But the movies themselves were bad.


If you took the overall story (Bureaucratic mess engineered by a Sith Lord allows said Sith Lord to pit the Republic against itself, sowing doubt in the Jedi Order's ability to defend it) and gave it to a good writer and director, then the PT could have been great (especially with John Williams at his prime, etc).


I think the core issue with the Republic was just the natural deterioration of a system that lasts for so long. Palpatine saw it as an opportunity to subvert and eventually replace the Republic. 


Instead of the usual Sith thing of going to war with the Republic thus rallying it to it's own defense. The Clone Wars also had the side benefit of exposing planets and factions that would oppose a more corrupted Republic to be defeated in mass.

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Phantom Menace is the only prequel to be shot on film. When fans say that is the prequel that most “feels like Star Wars”, this is something they are taking into account, whether consciously or subconsciously. If you watch all three within a short period, the film format really makes it stand out from the other two. There are other elements that make it feel more like traditional Star Wars in my mind, but the celluloid definitely plays a significant part.

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