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Far Cry 6 - Information Thread, update: reviews from OpenCritic posted


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On 10/13/2021 at 7:24 PM, skillzdadirecta said:

Damn I'm trying to wait to buy this as I just started playing Far Cry 5 but this seems like it's pretty well done. I'm gonna give it a month to see if it drops in price... Ubisoft games tend to drop pretty quickly.

I plan on waiting for the GOTY Edition because I haven't had any extra cash lately.

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11 hours ago, ManUtdRedDevils said:

The “pick the right tool for the right job” mechanic has not amounted to much yet for me. I have yet to bother changing my gear before a mission and don’t feel like I am being punished for not doing so. 


I've stuck with two main guns for the first 10+ hours I've played. I obviously upgraded them but like you said, I'm not being punished in going this route. I might get myself an AK47 soon. I didn't feel like wasting money on that yet.

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9 hours ago, stepee said:


True point about the opening, it was quick though at least. And I’m over half way through now probably and I didn’t even know it had a “pick the right fool for the right job” mechanic lol.

I am still on the starter island. So far, everything mission starts with a go here, find a high vantage point, use your phone’s social media app to figure out what guns they like and bullets they hate, go to the workbench to adjust your gear then fight. I haven’t bothered to change ammo types. I put armor piercing rounds in my guns or use the unique weapons. 

I normally don’t use the NPC companions in FC games but decided a 🐊 wearing a shirt can vibe with me for a little bit. I do like how when you sneak with Guapo, the enemies do recognize it and are like “WTF” but don’t go crazy and start shooting. 

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6 hours ago, best3444 said:


I've stuck with two main guns for the first 10+ hours I've played. I obviously upgraded them but like you said, I'm not being punished in going this route. I might get myself an AK47 soon. I didn't feel like wasting money on that yet.

You don’t use the unique weapons? I have mainly stuck to them

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On 10/18/2021 at 7:26 AM, ManUtdRedDevils said:

I am still on the starter island. So far, everything mission starts with a go here, find a high vantage point, use your phone’s social media app to figure out what guns they like and bullets they hate, go to the workbench to adjust your gear then fight. I haven’t bothered to change ammo types. I put armor piercing rounds in my guns or use the unique weapons. 

I normally don’t use the NPC companions in FC games but decided a 🐊 wearing a shirt can vibe with me for a little bit. I do like how when you sneak with Guapo, the enemies do recognize it and are like “WTF” but don’t go crazy and start shooting. 


That must have all been info I skipped over lol. I skip over most everything unless it’s related to a main plot thread really, most of the sub system stuff I don’t mess with as much as possible. I literally do every fight the same way, run in with whatever guns I’m using at the moment and start frantically shooting at everyone.


Agreed on Guapo! <3 I tried out some dogs I got which normally would be my thing but na I went right back to Guapo, he’s good boy. 


I’m pretty far in so I’ll probably just beat it now, wasn’t the plan!


I got the double jump now, I wish I had gotten that earlier, I just wasn’t getting the dumb currency you need to do the backpack upgrades doing regular missions I guess. It’s fun.


I really love some of the simple joys here, like sliding down a huge hill is super fun. But what I’ve really realized is just fantastic here recently is the water. I think it looks and moves great and your character interaction in the water has a playful feeling to it. Going down rapids is just a blast, there’s a great oomph when you hit the water, love it. Would absolutely love this in vr.




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99% of my deaths have been from using the parachute and bumping into minor things. I jumped off a watch tower, popped the parachute, bumped into a canopy and died. The death screen made it seem like I got crushed to death by a piece of cloth. It’s bonkers. 

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I restarted the game and a bum rush to get a couple “op” unique weapons early and I’m having a lot more fun, because this game has some massive balance issues. Specifically the Supercharger and Urushi if you’re curious. I hated that weapon/enemy rank shit in New Dawn and I hate it here. When I shoot someone  in the head with a shotgun or sniper they need to be fucking dead unless it’s a special kind of enemy or something. So I fixed the problem and the game is way more enjoyable.

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This one mission Im on fucking sucks. it’s near the end and it’s this big battle but the scripting sucks and it has infinite spawning enemies and unclear objectives so I spent like 30 minutes at one point just killing enemies I guess for no reason because I couldn’t tell if I was supposed to be clearing them out or if I needed to do something else. 

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11 hours ago, stepee said:

This one mission Im on fucking sucks. it’s near the end and it’s this big battle but the scripting sucks and it has infinite spawning enemies and unclear objectives so I spent like 30 minutes at one point just killing enemies I guess for no reason because I couldn’t tell if I was supposed to be clearing them out or if I needed to do something else. 


I ran into a mission like that. I did what you did, hid and killed every possible enemy. I was eventually successful but I'm sure I didn't have to do HALF of the shit I did to beat the mission. Wasted roughly 30 mins too.


With that being said....I received a GIGANTIC urge to play TLOU2! I don't want to drop FC6 just like that but if I'm in the mood to play TLOU2 is that a problem? 


I dispise jumping off a game I'm roughly 15 hours into but I really want to play TLOU2. I only played and beat it once at release.

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2 hours ago, stepee said:

I’d just wait until you can get a ps5 next year or whatever, but it’s your choice lol. You can also play multiple games at once, play a couple hours of one then of the other.


Other than 60fps what does the ps5 version offer over the Pro?

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9 hours ago, best3444 said:


I ran into a mission like that. I did what you did, hid and killed every possible enemy. I was eventually successful but I'm sure I didn't have to do HALF of the shit I did to beat the mission. Wasted roughly 30 mins too.


With that being said....I received a GIGANTIC urge to play TLOU2! I don't want to drop FC6 just like that but if I'm in the mood to play TLOU2 is that a problem? 


I dispise jumping off a game I'm roughly 15 hours into but I really want to play TLOU2. I only played and beat it once at release.

I play mutliple games all the time. Prevents me from burning out on one. Feel free to start another one.

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   Holy hell the difficulty has ramped up x10 fold lately. Only takes a few minutes before special forces are hunting me now, and tanks and multiple helis are involved. I was severely under armed too for these vehicles but have now unlocked far more special weapons and finally pulled the trigger on more advanced shuff from the shop keeper: Like a rocket launch, and 2 new special weapons like the sticky grenade launcher and the EMP type one that can neutralize a tank even though it's only for a few minutes. I played the first 12-15 hours now using the same lvl 1 shotgun, rifle, and sniper. I have had plenty on gun powder though, doing the air drop missions gives it always and it's really plentiful actually. I was in need of something to TAKE OUT AIR ENEMIES though badly. I'm just about to turn lvl 10 and really get swarmed now in a good way. It's still about headshots stealth until it all goes haywire and it's on!! Love it, I have way more vehicles at my disposal and I'm really liking the game so much. Running a fully beefed up lvl 4 sniper, and a M60 with bullets to take down road vehicles when needed. Note: I have not needed to use any of the special main weapons but it really helped to spend some uranium? on the sticky grenade launcher thingy and the EMP. I've also only ever used the same backpack weapon {forgot the name} thats first on the list because it takes out any helicopter at least so far, it's first in th list when you begin the game. Happy hunting gamers!


   Also Again it's still running wonderfully not a single crash yet, well 2 times it crashed kinda while exiting the game, but not in game. My temp are CPU MAX 77, and GPU MAX 73 and I have seen a few dips now under 70fps like 63-67, nothing ever below 60 though, so it's all great... 

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17 hours ago, stepee said:

I’d just wait until you can get a ps5 next year or whatever, but it’s your choice lol. You can also play multiple games at once, play a couple hours of one then of the other.


I can't focus on two games at a time and need YOU to tell me what to do! Drop FC6 for play TLOU2? 


14 hours ago, skillzdadirecta said:

I play mutliple games all the time. Prevents me from burning out on one. Feel free to start another one.


I can't play two at a time. I'm not built that way. Help me, sir. :s

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3 hours ago, best3444 said:


I can't focus on two games at a time and need YOU to tell me what to do! Drop FC6 for play TLOU2? 



I can't play two at a time. I'm not built that way. Help me, sir. :s


Fine then na stick through far cry 6, if I have to beat it you do too. TLOU2 is much better at 60fps and you already beat it, might as well play anything you haven’t played instead imo, since 60fps isn’t just looks it’s how good it feels to play too.

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30 minutes ago, stepee said:


Fine then na stick through far cry 6, if I have to beat it you do too. TLOU2 is much better at 60fps and you already beat it, might as well play anything you haven’t played instead imo, since 60fps isn’t just looks it’s how good it feels to play too.


But I forget like 80% of TLOU2. My memory is a joke. Plus 60fps means nothing to me at this point. I appreciate your response. I'll choose later today. Most likely will jump to TLOU2 because I'm depressed and want a new high. I'm weird I know.

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Welp, for what it’s worth that’s the first far cry game I liked enough to actually beat, so there’s that! It was a lot of fun for most of it, greatest hits is probably what I wanted in one right now and the island is gorgeous and story much much better than 5 at the least. REALLY good photo mode. Great performance throughout.


By the end I was definitely ready for it to finish and to move on to other games, not that I had to force myself to play, but it was time. 

Right now I’m thinking I can’t bother with another far cry exactly like this again, but maybe in 3 years or whatever I’ll want to do this shit again for another 25 hours or so!


Regarding the ending:


fucking brutal. I didn’t expect that so have to admit. They should have ended it very soon after that moment I feel, and kept it dark, instead of making light of the “fun adventures” tone they eventually close out on.

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On 10/24/2021 at 3:28 PM, HardAct said:

   Holy hell the difficulty has ramped up x10 fold lately. Only takes a few minutes before special forces are hunting me now, and tanks and multiple helis are involved. I was severely under armed too for these vehicles but have now unlocked far more special weapons and finally pulled the trigger on more advanced shuff from the shop keeper: Like a rocket launch, and 2 new special weapons like the sticky grenade launcher and the EMP type one that can neutralize a tank even though it's only for a few minutes. I played the first 12-15 hours now using the same lvl 1 shotgun, rifle, and sniper. I have had plenty on gun powder though, doing the air drop missions gives it always and it's really plentiful actually. I was in need of something to TAKE OUT AIR ENEMIES though badly. I'm just about to turn lvl 10 and really get swarmed now in a good way. It's still about headshots stealth until it all goes haywire and it's on!! Love it, I have way more vehicles at my disposal and I'm really liking the game so much. Running a fully beefed up lvl 4 sniper, and a M60 with bullets to take down road vehicles when needed. Note: I have not needed to use any of the special main weapons but it really helped to spend some uranium? on the sticky grenade launcher thingy and the EMP. I've also only ever used the same backpack weapon {forgot the name} thats first on the list because it takes out any helicopter at least so far, it's first in th list when you begin the game. Happy hunting gamers!


   Also Again it's still running wonderfully not a single crash yet, well 2 times it crashed kinda while exiting the game, but not in game. My temp are CPU MAX 77, and GPU MAX 73 and I have seen a few dips now under 70fps like 63-67, nothing ever below 60 though, so it's all great... 


Yeah it hits a point near the end when even on easy enemies take like fucking multiple rocket launchers to the face and shrug it off. It’s dumb as fuck lol. I guess it’s because I’m not playing whatever crafting/equipment management/weapon modding sim stuff it tried to push down my throat, I can’t imagine that’s intended lol. You get so much life on easy though, you just need to keep moving and it’s fine.

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On 10/19/2021 at 9:46 PM, Hand76 said:

Anyone else beat the game? 


I did tonight and my game completion percentage was at 97% before the last mission. And after beating it and doing a few things after the credits it now displays 1% on Uplay


That's not sitting right with my ocd


I looked on ubi and it’s 100%, I tried to look in game but idk where you even see that?

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14 minutes ago, stepee said:


Yeah it hits a point near the end when even on easy enemies take like fucking multiple rocket launchers to the face and shrug it off. It’s dumb as fuck lol. I guess it’s because I’m not playing whatever crafting/equipment management/weapon modding sim stuff it tried to push down my throat, I can’t imagine that’s intended lol. You get so much life on easy though, you just need to keep moving and it’s fine.

Adding levels to guns was an all-time bad decision. In New Dawn, I couldn’t defeat the last boss because my guns were not leveled enough. I uninstalled after finally given up that boss fight was not winnable 

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2 minutes ago, ManUtdRedDevils said:

Adding levels to guns was an all-time bad decision. In New Dawn, I couldn’t defeat the last boss because my guns were not leveled enough. I uninstalled after finally given up that boss fight was not winnable 


Yeah, its the last thing I want in my big dumb action game. That’s the first thing to change for the eventual 7. 

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9 hours ago, stepee said:

Welp, for what it’s worth that’s the first far cry game I liked enough to actually beat, so there’s that! It was a lot of fun for most of it, greatest hits is probably what I wanted in one right now and the island is gorgeous and story much much better than 5 at the least. REALLY good photo mode. Great performance throughout.


By the end I was definitely ready for it to finish and to move on to other games, not that I had to force myself to play, but it was time. 

Right now I’m thinking I can’t bother with another far cry exactly like this again, but maybe in 3 years or whatever I’ll want to do this shit again for another 25 hours or so!


Regarding the ending:



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Ok. It doesn't look like I'm missing out on much for me to jump from this to TLOU2. Thanks for your impressions. I'll look to beat this down the road sometime. 

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  • Commissar SFLUFAN changed the title to Far Cry 6 - Information Thread, update: reviews from OpenCritic posted

Far Cry 6 is sending emails to players who drop out of the game written in the voice of Giancarlo Esposito's character , Antón Castillo. While Ubisoft says it's a fun and clever way to get players back to Yara, it has spurred discussion over attempts to produce engagement at all costs.


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Kudos to Ubisoft for the great effort put in to the game's accessibility options :thumbup::clap:



Despite stagnant open-world tropes, Far Cry continues to improve its accessibility options




The Far Cry games promise a reliable story — a war, a sadistic villain, and a swath of dead bodies strewn across a sprawling world. They can be written via Mad Libs at this point. But as a legally blind player with a strong visual disability, I’m less concerned about the who, why, or where than I am about the how of it all: How does the gunplay feel, and how effective will I be in the fight? In Ubisoft’s Far Cry 6, guerrilla fighters say that democracy is their true freedom, but for me, it’s an accessibility menu that allows me to improve as a soldier while I explore the vast world of Yara.


Like an increasing number of games these days, Far Cry 6 begins with voice narration activated, a welcome inclusion for those who may not be able to see the opening menu. The series has been trying to improve its stance on accessibility since Far Cry 5 released with somewhat middling options, and this menu narration is as strong a start as any.


Then came a legitimate surprise: While sifting through the mass of audio and interface options, I was taken aback by being able to actually see what these changes would do in real time on a small in-game screen. This might sound like an innocuous feature, but it isn’t often available, and the ability to clearly see how these changes will affect my adventure saves me a ton of time and menu hopping once gameplay begins.



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