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Far Cry 6 - Information Thread, update: reviews from OpenCritic posted


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I'm actually tempted to get this. I'll read reviews and keep reading impressions here. I'm in the mood for an open world crazy affair. I understand this formula is getting very stale but I'm in the mood to jump in and have some mindless fun.

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On 10/7/2021 at 6:59 PM, Bacon said:

Never played a FC game until 5 which I thought was mediocre and I was let down how basic the plot was despite the trailers. It was the first FC that actually seemed interesting but it was neutered watered down waste. The gunplay was nothing beyond basic and all combat encounters became a joke when using a silenced sniper. Despite never playing a FC game before, my overall reaction was "Yep, this is a far cry game." I had seen 3 and 4 played and I was surprised by how much just watching those gave me the feeling of play FC before when I got to FC5. 


All of that was to say, I came ITT to see if it wasn't just another FC game. Giancarlo Esposito gave me some hype when the trailers and such came out. It's a shame that it's just another FC game. If FC games were great by default I wouldn't mind if t was just another FC game. I generally don't like it when great franchises change things up. FC has never been bad, but never great. It could be great, but it isn't. 


Just want to point out, until this point I didn't even see the reviews or the score. Just read some of the thread. So I went back and read some of the opencritic blurbs. It is hilarious how so many of them start out by saying that it's definitely another Far Cry game. 

I’m not really sure why Far Cry 5 was the first game in the series that seemed interesting to you, but as a longtime fan of the series who has played every game in the series it’s the weakest in the series IMO. It has the weakest story, cast of characters, game world and missions of all the games in the series IMO. It’s also the only game in the series that features a silent main protagonist which just doesn’t work. Having voiced main protagonists has been a series norm since the very first game, so having a silent main protagonist in Far Cry 5 made absolutely no sense whatsoever.


Having not played Far Cry 6 yourself, I don’t know why you’re saying that it’s a shame that it’s just another Far Cry game especially since Far Cry 5 is the only game that you’ve played in the series. You also claim that Far Cry has never been great based again on only playing Far Cry 5. The series actually has been great in the past especially with Far Cry 2 and 3 which are a couple of my favorite first person shooters. Far Cry 4 wasn’t as great IMO, but it was still good.


You’re entitled to your opinion of the franchise, but you’re also making some bold claims about it based solely on playing Far Cry 5 which is the worst in the series IMO. You’re also coming to conclusions about Far Cry 6 as well without having played it. Sure some critics have been stating that it’s more of the same Far Cry gameplay formula, but they’ve also been saying that it’s the best game in the series as well.


What I’ve gotten from reviews is that if you like Far Cry then you’re going to like Far Cry 6, if you don’t like Far Cry then Far Cry 6 isn’t going to change your mind. I like Far Cry despite being disappointed with Far Cry 5, so I expect to like Far Cry 6 since it looks like a return to form. It might not revolutionize the series, but it still looks like a really good time nonetheless.

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52 minutes ago, Phaseknox said:

I’m not really sure why Far Cry 5 was the first game in the series that seemed interesting to you,

Story seemed interesting. Crazy Right Wing Religious Cult set in America while Trump was president. Also, I remember it being said that there was less crafting in Far Cry 5 and I hate the process of grinding mobs to gather mats to make gear. Hate crafting. Just let me kill a boss and get the loot. 


52 minutes ago, Phaseknox said:

Having not played Far Cry 6 yourself, I don’t know why you’re saying that it’s a shame that it’s just another Far Cry game

I mean, there are people ITT that are saying so. Multiple reviews say it's another Far Cry game. 


52 minutes ago, Phaseknox said:

Far Cry 5 is the only game that you’ve played in the series.

Yeah, and I've seen FC3 and 4 played including their endings. Having only seen those, when I went into FC5, it felt like I'd had played this game before. At least 2 times. 

52 minutes ago, Phaseknox said:

You also claim that Far Cry has never been great based again on only playing Far Cry 5.

and seeing FC3 and 4. 

52 minutes ago, Phaseknox said:

you’re also making some bold claims about it based solely on playing Far Cry 5

I'll refrain from repeating myself. 

52 minutes ago, Phaseknox said:

You’re also coming to conclusions about Far Cry 6 as well without having played it.

Yep. Based on reviews, twitch streams, this thread, my experience playing FC5, and the repeating part that I'm now repeating.


Far Cry 3 and 4 were mediocre viewing experiences and Far Cry 5 was a mediocre game that lured me in with an interesting premise. Saying FC6 is the best one yet when in the same review they say it is more of the same is a sign that I should avoid it. 


You also said this. 

On 9/1/2021 at 11:22 PM, Phaseknox said:

The series definitely peaked at Far Cry 3. Far Cry 4 and 5 were disappointing follow-ups IMO. However, Far Cry 6 looks better than those.


 If the series peaked in 2012 and everything after that were disappointing follow-ups, no reason to really give FC6 a shot. Yeah, you said it looked better, but being better while being more of the same isn't really what I'm looking for. 



But like hey, I hope you like FC6 and I hope it's the best one yet. I'll just wait until they BOTW'd it and see if I'll enjoy it then. Oh, and it totally proves literally nothing, but right now, FC5 has a higher Opencritic score than FC6. 

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Do you guys recommend this? I'm either buying Metroid Dread or this tomorrow. I love open world games and this looks cool enough. The reviews are kinda of a mix bag but I'm really in the mood to play this type of game.


Those that are playing it, how is it and is it worth buying? I'd be playing on the Xbox One X. 

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7 hours ago, Bacon said:

Story seemed interesting. Crazy Right Wing Religious Cult set in America while Trump was president. Also, I remember it being said that there was less crafting in Far Cry 5 and I hate the process of grinding mobs to gather mats to make gear. Hate crafting. Just let me kill a boss and get the loot.

The premise didn’t appeal to me too much for some reason, and didn’t really seem to fit with Far Cry IMO. I gave it a chance, but I didn’t care for it. I just found the story and characters to be dumb, and not in a dumb fun kind of way. Also, taking place in rural America felt a little off to me as well.


I’m not a big fan of collecting materials/resources and crafting in games either, but it was so simplified in Far Cry 3 and 4 that I didn’t really find it to be a hinderance.


7 hours ago, Bacon said:

I've seen FC3 and 4 played including their endings.


Far Cry 3 and 4 were mediocre viewing experiences

For me watching a game being played and playing it myself can be somewhat different experiences. While gameplay streams and videos can kind of give me an idea of what a game is, they’re still not quite the same as actually playing it myself. There have been times that I didn’t think that I would really like a game based on streams and videos of it, but I ended up liking it when I played it. 


7 hours ago, Bacon said:

If the series peaked in 2012 and everything after that were disappointing follow-ups, no reason to really give FC6 a shot. Yeah, you said it looked better, but being better while being more of the same isn't really what I'm looking for. 


But like hey, I hope you like FC6 and I hope it's the best one yet. I'll just wait until they BOTW'd it and see if I'll enjoy it then.

While Far Cry 4 was a somewhat disappointing follow-up to 3 IMO, it was still good and I liked it. But I also can’t deny that it felt very similar to 3 without being as good. Far Cry 5 felt a bit different from 3 and 4, but I just couldn’t get into its story and characters and rural America wasn’t a very appealing setting IMO. Far Cry 6 looks like the best in the series since 3 with a strong narrative, a likable cast of characters and an appealing setting. The core gameplay does admittedly look kind of the same, but it’s gameplay that I like and if the missions are varied then it should be a fun time. However, I totally get where you’re coming from and can understand why you want to see a bigger change in the formula before jumping back into the series again.

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40 minutes ago, best3444 said:

Do you guys recommend this? I'm either buying Metroid Dread or this tomorrow. I love open world games and this looks cool enough. The reviews are kinda of a mix bag but I'm really in the mood to play this type of game.


Those that are playing it, how is it and is it worth buying? I'd be playing on the Xbox One X. 


I would pick Metroid over this game. I haven't played either but from what I've seen from Metroid is it's a proper Metroid game.

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1 hour ago, Keyser_Soze said:


I would pick Metroid over this game. I haven't played either but from what I've seen from Metroid is it's a proper Metroid game.


I'm thinking about buying both now. It's a perfect combination of games to play because they're completely different. Thanks for your opinion 👍 

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On 10/9/2021 at 9:41 AM, Phaseknox said:

For me watching a game being played and playing it myself can be somewhat different experiences. While gameplay streams and videos can kind of give me an idea of what a game is, they’re still not quite the same as actually playing it myself. There have been times that I didn’t think that I would really like a game based on streams and videos of it, but I ended up liking it when I played it. 

Agreed. I never understood when people would say that they tell how a game played by watching others play it. I mean you can get a basic idea of the gameplay and story and graphics sure... but you can't get the "feel" of a game until you've actually played it yourself. Videogames are not passive activities in my opinion. That's the difference between impressions and reviews or at least it should be. To me saying you can judge a game by watching someone play it is like saying you can tell how food tastes by watching someone else eat it. Or saying you had sex because you watched some porn. Not the same thing.

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10 hours ago, skillzdadirecta said:

I never understood when people would say that they tell how a game played by watching others play it. I mean you can get a basic idea of the gameplay and story and graphics sure... but you can't get the "feel" of a game until you've actually played it yourself. Videogames are not passive activities in my opinion. That's the difference between impressions and reviews or at least it should be. To me saying you can judge a game by watching someone play it is like saying you can tell how food tastes by watching someone else eat it. Or saying you had sex because you watched some porn. Not the same thing.

I agree, especially that video games are not a passive activity and pretty much need to be played to get a true understanding of what they’re like.

10 hours ago, skillzdadirecta said:

And how come nobody talks about Far Cry Primal?

Probably because it’s a side game to the numbered games in the series, and is pretty different from them. I kind of liked the little of it that I played, but it failed to really pull me in the same way that the main games in the series do. Far Cry for me is a first person shooter adventure series that takes place in somewhat exotic locations, and Primal was a little too far removed from that for me.

7 hours ago, best3444 said:

I read reviews and watched a few video reviews and I'm buying this tomorrow on my day off. I'm pretty positive it will be very fun and entertaining. 

I look forward to your impressions.


4 hours ago, Remarkableriots said:

They also forgot Far Cry New Dawn.

I didn’t play New Dawn since it’s a continuation to Far Cry 5 which I didn’t like very much.

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15 hours ago, skillzdadirecta said:

Agreed. I never understood when people would say that they tell how a game played by watching others play it. I mean you can get a basic idea of the gameplay and story and graphics sure... but you can't get the "feel" of a game until you've actually played it yourself.

I can't even think of a single game I haven't been able to get a feel for just by watching some gameplay footage and hearing some basic commentary about the controls. Usually if I can't get a feel for it it means it's bad in some way, like unresponsive controls.


I think there's a lot of subtle tells that if you play a lot of games, you'll pick up on without even realizing it. Like an experienced playing turning really slowly and bumping into shit constantly (RDR2) tells you the controls have a long delay. An FPS being played by a decent player with real slow and smooth looking aiming is gonna feel swimmy as shit, etc.

It's not an exact science, but paired with a little commentary it's far more than you need to understand whether you'll like the feel or not. At least that's how it's been for me for years.


Anyway, this game has been pretty fun so far. Cast is fun and interesting, story can be a little wacky but is taking itself seriously and has real stakes. Even "re-used" ideas like burning crops with a flamethrower have a completely different context and feel. It even has the "do what you said you wanted to do" ending that I always enjoy being added, got mine earlier and was surprised it was there and was glad to see the tradition kept alive, because I think in some way it makes the game feel bigger than it really is and shows a little more care and thought put into it.


It's definitely a Far Cry game, but in one way it's better than the previous ones: It runs far better. Even at 4k with everything cranked up it runs very smooth. Still get a little stutter while driving, but that issue is present on all platforms. Shame about the ray traced reflections and shadows kind of looking like shit. At quarter res (lol AMD) they're kinda chunky, especially the reflections. They don't even put reflections on large bodies of water (LOL AMD) so that's dumb as hell. It uses that weird haloing ambient occlusion (where if you look around foreground objects as they pass in front of background objects, they create a weird shadow halo with small cutoff points, looks awful) instead of ray traced ambient occlusion.

AMD basically paid to make the game's biggest new additions look awful and barely be present, while we only get AMD's super shitty resolution blur filter instead of some nice DLSS. AMD is really reminding me of old nvidia (and I guess kinda current nvidia?) where they'd shoehorn in some bullshit like PhysX that usually looked kinda cool but ran like ass, except now it runs smooth but looks like ass.

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21 minutes ago, best3444 said:

@Phaseknox I just downloaded it and I'm about to sit down to play. I'll post impressions later. I'm like you, I enjoyed most Far Cry games minus part 5. I litteraly stopped playing it a few hours in. I hope this holds up through it's 30 hour campaign. :s


Just wander around and kill shit for 30 hours even if you don’t like the story, that’s the main point! I’m gonna play some more today when I get back from the hospital, I wanna get the wing suit.


Anyone know if there is a rocket pack like you can fly with in this or is it just rocket launched missles?

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I just restarted Far Cry 5 and realized that the first time I started it, I didn't even really get pass the intro. There's some... interesting design decisions in this one. Were they more focused on making this co-op this time? This one just feels weird and I actually don't mind the setting and the premise. I thought the opening was pretty well done in a creepy, eerie way.

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On 10/10/2021 at 9:05 AM, best3444 said:


How far along are you? Is it worth buying? 


Im not super far in yet. Game is fun but it has some balance problems. But like most these games you’ll eventually get ridiculous weapons and it just becomes a matter of how you want to kill everyone. It’s worth buying if you like the previous games but I’m finding the formula is starting to get old for me. Ubisoft seems to love making games resource grinds now so they can sell you resource packs micro transactions to speed things up and I’m getting tired of it. It’s still a fun game though with traditional Far Cry wackiness. But Ubisoft’s shit is getting old.

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2 hours in and I already enjoy it more than 5. The environment and characters are already more appealing to me. The visuals are pretty damn slick. I'm playing on the One X and it looks and runs extremely well. The premise is more of the same shit but this reminds me more of the older FC games which is a good thing. It's already much better than part 5. I'm pleased so far and anyone wanting some good ole Far Cry to play this is worth it. I'm just taking a small break and going back at it.

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1 hour ago, Xbob42 said:

No one else liked the setting of 5? I really liked the concept of some rural American backwater. Always kind of wished they had more town and less fields, though.


I liked the idea and setting itself except I didn’t think they did a good job with it and should have really went in with some small town far right religious terror. Also ya more town. I’d like to see someone try again and do a better job.


Also glad you mentioned how well it runs as that’s been my experience but on resetera seems everyone with 3080s having issues.

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Played 6 hours straight! It's good ole fashion FC fun and it has a beautiful environment to play in. The enemies are way too accurate and I'm surprised I died a few times actually. It's a bit rough around the edges but it's been solid so far. I'll definitely beat this where as part 5 I already dropped in with the amount of hours I've already put in 6. 


Anyone of the fence on this, I recommend you buy it. It's pretty damn good.  👍 

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2 hours ago, stepee said:


I liked the idea and setting itself except I didn’t think they did a good job with it and should have really went in with some small town far right religious terror. Also ya more town. I’d like to see someone try again and do a better job.


Also glad you mentioned how well it runs as that’s been my experience but on resetera seems everyone with 3080s having issues.

I'm on a 3080 and it runs fine for me, weird. If you enable the HD texture pack the textures will load in wonky because it only has 10 GB of VRAM... at least that's the alleged excuse, despite the fact that enabling it only uses like 400MB more than disabling it, never going over 8GB used. So it might just be some janky bullshit.


37 minutes ago, best3444 said:

@Xbob42 Question about the sniper rifle early on. When I aim through the scope a big red X is displayed? It doesn't seem to allow me to use the weapon? Am I missing something? I shot the rifle with the big red X in the way and it wouldn't harm the enemy. Wtf am I doing wrong?

Assuming you have ammo, might be a bug? I only used my sniper a few times but I don't recall any issues with it.

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29 minutes ago, Xbob42 said:

I'm on a 3080 and it runs fine for me, weird. If you enable the HD texture pack the textures will load in wonky because it only has 10 GB of VRAM... at least that's the alleged excuse, despite the fact that enabling it only uses like 400MB more than disabling it, never going over 8GB used. So it might just be some janky bullshit.


Assuming you have ammo, might be a bug? I only used my sniper a few times but I don't recall any issues with it.


Yeah it runs great for me too, I just meant people over there were complaining. Yeah the vram thing is some amd bullshit since their cards have a bunch of usually useless vram to cover up from what it’s lacking and pretend it’s a trade off.  I believe ubi said they are going to work on it. It seems to affect people differently, overall it seems to be working with a 90% scale over here. The vram counter is wrong.

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Far Cry 5 is the only Far Cry I didn’t finish. I bailed after the first boss. 


I shot down the first boss in the plane over a restricted area so I couldn’t kill him.  It was enough for me to give up  


Technically, I didn’t finish New Dawn but I got to the end. Due to the RPG system, my guns weren’t leveled high enough to kill the bosses so I decided to move on to other games. 

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