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Kanye West is not running for president. UPDATE: He's reportedly dropping out. UPDATE: Looks like he's running

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7 minutes ago, ort said:


Have I though? I know my over-the-top hyperbolic trump rants can seem a little bonkers... but it's more of a form of release for me. In real life, I'm about as mild mannered and even keeled as they come. I use various online message boards as a form of anger release. That said, I also challenge you to find anything that even amounts to 1% of saying that American slaves were slaves by choice. Calling Trump followers evil idiots? You know, I stand by that. I could write a book defending my position on that one. What else have you got?


If I say something you think is wrong, please call me out on it. Challenge me. I love it... I really truly do. Call me out. We're all better people when we listen (and really listen) to other opinions. I want to be called out for my shit. I don;'t want to live in a bubble. If what I say is fucked up or wrong, say so.


I actually like Kanye's music... well, some of it... the earlier stuff... I own like 3 or 4 of his album... but I've always found pretty much everything about his persona to be abhorrent and gross. I also suffer from mental health problems (the 'ol depression/anxiety combo attack — shocker I know) and it's fucked my life all up, trust me... but I am in therapy and I'm trying to work on my shit and I would never use it as an excuse to say anything even remotely close to saying the sort of ignorant crap Kanye has.




Kanye deleted that tweet btw. He was trying to make some weird point that in his head made sense at the time, but he did not explicitly say slavery was a choice. I'm really sorry that you suffer from mental illness. I do as well to a certain extent. I wish you would be more understanding.

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4 hours ago, ort said:

Meh, I stand by what I said.


Being BiPolar doesn't make you think slavery is a choice. Being bipolar doesn't make you say stupid crap about Harriet Tubman.


He had a flipping public event and invited everyone to come hear him speak, stood up on a soap box and said a bunch of stupid crap.


We have every right in the world to listen to his words and react to them as we wish. He invited it on himself.

I know someone with bipolar disorder who had audio command hallucinations from Jean-Luc Picard when they were manic. I know someone else who thought it was a good idea to cash out the 401k they’d invested in for 15+ years and lose it all in a weekend at a roulette table when they were manic. I know someone else who told her brother she’d always been sexually attracted to them and tried to talk him into sex when she was manic. I could go on. 


Kanye may be an ass and his wife might have leaned into the wrong aspect of his shit. But mania makes people do and say shit they never would have otherwise, including things they don’t want to do and things they don’t believe. 

Sympathize or not, do whatever feels good. I wouldn’t pretend to know Kanye well enough to discriminate between what he believes vs. what’s an episode (FWIW I also think it’s odd that so many people who do not know him feel comfortable saying he’s definitely having a manic episode; armchair diagnosis is weird). But mania, depression, bipolar disorder... they absolutely can make you say and believe things you do not otherwise believe or would not otherwise say. 

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7 minutes ago, Kal-El814 said:

I know someone with bipolar disorder who had audio command hallucinations from Jean-Luc Picard when they were manic. I know someone else who thought it was a good idea to cash out the 401k they’d invested in for 15+ years and lose it all in a weekend at a roulette table when they were manic. I know someone else who told her brother she’d always been sexually attracted to them and tried to talk him into sex when she was manic. I could go on. 


Kanye may be an ass and his wife might have leaned into the wrong aspect of his shit. But mania makes people do and say shit they never would have otherwise, including things they don’t want to do and things they don’t believe. 

Sympathize or not, do whatever feels good. I wouldn’t pretend to know Kanye well enough to discriminate between what he believes vs. what’s an episode (FWIW I also think it’s odd that so many people who do not know him feel comfortable saying he’s definitely having a manic episode; armchair diagnosis is weird). But mania, depression, bipolar disorder... they absolutely can make you say and believe things you do not otherwise believe or would not otherwise say. 


Kim definitely implied that he's manic right now. Might not be! I'd still give the dude the benefit of the doubt. Trump says crazier shit while lucid.

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Bipolar or not, Kayne has said some ridiculous shit over the years. I don't think he was manic every time he said or did something dumb, nuts, or egotistical. His disorder doesn't make him say dumb shit all the time. He does enough of that on his own.


I just don't pay him much attention. I don't know or care about his music, he's just another celebrity who has no bearing on my life and has done nothing I care about. I'm not overly worried about this charade of a campaign, but nothing seems too farfetched these days. I laughed at Trump when he first started his campaign, too. We live in strange times.

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Having a lot of money isn't going to help him if he isn't going to take his medication. They can't force him to take his medication, he's in a bad mental state, he's not a smart guy, he was already egotistical before he had these problems and he's got trust issues.

Getting angry at him for not doing what a sane person would do isn't going to help out his situation.

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13 minutes ago, b_m_b_m_b_m said:

I'm glad he has the resources to get better, if he is willing to. 

I work with this lady in her 70s. She's a PCT, so they don't make much money. She's single and has a son in his 30s with severe schizophrenia and bipolar disorder. She's had lawyers screw her over, trying to get him committed. He's broken down her door, came at her with baseball bats and knives, jumped in the Arkansas River during the massive flooding we had last year, gone on rampages, thinking ISIS was after him, thought he was the son of god, the list is endless. Poor woman is worn down from him and has no help. The system has failed her and her son. They have no resources.

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The pendulum has unfortunately swung too far the opposite direction of the early to mid 1900s “commit’em and forget’em” view of mental health care to a system in which it is basically impossible to get psychiatric care without a fully willing participant. There needs to be a balance struck between those extremes.

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Just now, CastlevaniaNut18 said:

I work with this lady in her 70s. She's a PCT, so they don't make much money. She's single and has a son in his 30s with severe schizophrenia and bipolar disorder. She's had lawyers screw her over, trying to get him committed. He's broken down her door, came at her with baseball bats and knives, jumped in the Arkansas River during the massive flooding we had last year, gone on rampages, thinking ISIS was after him, thought he was the son of god, the list is endless. Poor woman is worn down from him and has no help. The system has failed her and her son. They have no resources.

My brother is the same way. Has been in/voluntarily committed a few times, on and off meds, said the CIA was spying on him at work, when he worked in a restaurant kitchen. He didn't believe that our grandfather died while we were at his funeral, threatened suicide many, many times, spent some time homeless. Hallucinated experiences and conversations with family members. It's exhausting. He lived with me for a little bit, but I had to kick him out when he lived with me when my wife was due because of his violent tendencies. This shit is rough and I wouldn't wish it on anyone, even a guy as immensely wealthy as him.

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My Uncle is a paranoid schizophrenic and he's gone on several Facebook rants accusing his neighbors of building a machine to read his thoughts. He even put their address online.  My father and grandmother have basically given up trying to reason with him and just wait for him to calm down and start taking his meds again.

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12 hours ago, skillzdadirecta said:

My Uncle is a paranoid schizophrenic and he's gone on several Facebook rants accusing his neighbors of building a machine to read his thoughts. He even put their address online.  My father and grandmother have basically given up trying to reason with him and just wait for him to calm down and start taking his meds again.

It’s the only thing you can do. Try and play along with the delusions until they right the ship a bit. It’s the saddest thing to see, man.

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This isn’t the first time he missed the intended release date. He either prematurely announces it or he has it done but changes his mind and wants to change stuff. Shit, after the life of Pablo released he changed things on a few of his songs and reuploaded them on streaming services lol. Rip in pieces the original ‘feedback’.

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