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Have you, or has someone you know, contracted COVID-19?

Have you, or has someone you know, contracted COVID-19?  

55 members have voted

  1. 1. Have you contracted COVID-19?

    • Yes
    • No
    • Hell if I know
  2. 2. Have you been tested?

    • Yes
    • No
  3. 3. Do you know someone who has contracted COVID-19?

    • Yes
    • No

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My wife was tested when she was really sick for a month back in March and April.  Test came back negative.  We both did the antibody test a few weeks ago and we were both negative for the antibodies.  I wish the antibody test came back positive, as we wouldn't have to be super anal about social distancing and everything else. 

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Not been tested so no to knowing if I've had it. I've got a sore throat right now so hopefully it's nothing, still going to self quarantine though.


Had a nurse friend get it a while ago. She's maybe 30 years old and had breathing issues so bad that she couldn't really eat without getting exhausted. I'll have to ask and see how she's doing now though.

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One of my uncles got it. Spent 2 months in the hospital in ICU and since he is diabetic he developed gangreen. Lost part of his foot. 


People at my mom's job have gotten it but she hasnt caught it and by extension I should be good.


My other uncle's wife's sister got it. Her whole immediate family had it actually but they recovered at home.

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No one in my family or social circle has gotten it.


I know of a lot of random distant acquaintances and friends of friends who have. (girlfriend of co-worker, my wife's ex-boyfriends current wife, sister-in-laws friend, my friends co-workers.. woman who worked at our old daycare... etc...) At least 25 of those, but none truly close to me.

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47 minutes ago, GeneticBlueprint said:

My sister is a nurse in the greater Seattle area. She has contracted it twice.


I was tested but have not contracted as of yet.


I'm curious about this. So she contracted it and got sick, and the later on believes to have contracted it a second time (after recovering?).

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I don’t know, really. My dad and step mom were sick with symptoms similar to Covid back in November. And now medical professionals are estimating the virus has been in the US since October, so timing fits. Their Dr said it is possible they had it. But it’s been so long since they may or may not have had it that no test they have would detect it or antibodies in their system. 

I could have gotten it. I’ve not have full blown Covid symptoms, but I could have had a mild case, or been asymptomatic. I had what felt like a combination sinus infection and cold in December at the same time my Dad and step mom were feeling very sick. But for me it wasn’t even 24 hours. 

I occasionally feel run down, but I can’t always fall asleep. Most nights I don’t get comfortable and fall asleep until 1-2 am, and I wake up at 5-5:30. So it’s likely just a lack of rest. But after a long nights sleep on a day off and I feel great. So probably not Covid. 

I haven’t been tested, so I don’t know. 

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I have not and have not been tested. My wife was exposed, was tested, but came back negative. I have four family members and one friend of the family that has or had COVID-19. Only an older uncle of mine in his 60s wound up being hospitalized for it. One of his daughters wound up bed ridden for a month, but never in need of intensive care.

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45 minutes ago, osxmatt said:

I have not contracted COVID-19.

I have never been tested.


My sister-in-law's father contracted COVID-19 back in early April. Thankfully he was able to self-quarantine at home and treat with over the counter cold and flu medication.


Hey funny enough, I just got an email from my company saying they're going to be sending me an at-home COVID-19 test every 7 days for the foreseeable future.


Will report back results.

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1. I don’t know if Yes or No, but I picked NO

2. Yes, and negative

3. know of at least 5 that probably had it, 4 in my household. Symptoms all starting around March 27th
- Lost an Aunt to it (didn’t live with us)

-Mom still has not regain full tastebuds or smell

-cousin who lost her mom still lacks energy and still has breathing issues every now/then

-her husband got it bad and only officially confirmed case in my household. Still gets shortness of breath from simple walks, new x-rays show 25% of his left lung collapsed in on itself and hasn’t returned to work yet. Lung now might not recover with latest Covid info coming out

-sister I’m pretty sure had it. No taste buds and smell for 2-3 weeks but tested negative with me at the end of April

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<Shrugs shoulders>, no, yes.

My neighbor and her son. He’s 22, believes he got it “hanging out,” gave it to her (probably mid 50s). He was ill for about four days, she was ill for two weeks. Neither was hospitalized. 

Wouldn’t surprise me if I had it though; whatever I had when I got back from Japan was so crucial, the International Clinic had no idea what it was, said it’s probably from the cigarette smoke inhalation. Had all the signs of Covid, but doesn’t fit the time line.

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I don’t think I’ve had it, but I haven’t been tested. We are up to 22 total confirmed cases at work, which is something like 8% of our employees. 

An aunt and uncle that I never really see both got it, and it was pretty serious for both of them (in their 70’s), but they’ve both recovered. 

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I won't vote yet, because my wife and I got tested yesterday afternoon. She got her results overnight (from Kaiser) and luckily it came back negative, or more precisely, "not detected." I still haven't received my results yet... :cry:


Friends of the family tested positive, and my family of course is irresponsible and came into contact with them after inviting them to a fucking party. I didn't know about this and I stopped by mom's later on to help my brother with a fuse issue in his car. I found out about it later that night.

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No, No & No.


Me, wife and in-laws have been very cautious since me/wife live in a building with lots of 60+ residents (Probably half the building is) and my father in law is type 2 diabetic. So I’m deathly fearful of getting something that can get them sick.

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No, and No.  Have a couple of acquaintances I knew who contracted COVID.  Grandfather's dead because of COVID.  Right on the last month before graduation.

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