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RIP in Peace, Mixer

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Just now, TwinIon said:

Wow. I didn't think it was going well, but I guess paying for Ninja and Shroud really was a hail Mary that didn't convert.


I'd love some competition for Twitch, but when YouTube and Microsoft can't do it, it's hard to see how that happens.

Don't more people watch games on Youtube?

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9 minutes ago, Zaku3 said:

Don't more people watch games on Youtube?

I know YouTube closed down their separate gaming app after four years, and I think they've been struggling to get their live streaming numbers up, despite a number of high profile efforts like bringing over the Overwatch League. There is a ton of gaming content on Youtube, as it's still by far the best way to monetize videos, but I think it's fair to say they've struggled to compete against Twitch, despite having a far larger overall platform.

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21 minutes ago, TwinIon said:

I know YouTube closed down their separate gaming app after four years, and I think they've been struggling to get their live streaming numbers up, despite a number of high profile efforts like bringing over the Overwatch League. There is a ton of gaming content on Youtube, as it's still by far the best way to monetize videos, but I think it's fair to say they've struggled to compete against Twitch, despite having a far larger overall platform.

That makes sense. I enjoy streaming alot. I tend to find people via youtube though then migrate to follow on Twitch. They all mainly stream there some will start on youtube then migrate to twitch. 


I used to watch VulcanHD gaming because he would stream Steel Division but he has dropped youtube for twitch. He still has videos on youtube and puts out new content but his streams are solely on twitch.


I wish I could stream but I tend to rage quit at time. Nothing like losing Settra to a 3 stack of savage orcs.

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I almost never watch a live stream, too much dead time and bs. I pretty much just watch YouTube uploads of streams so I can pause when I want and skip the bs.


Twitch and YouTube being more or less monopolies is rather annoying though.

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Whats being lost, is this is also part of a bigger initiative between Xbox and Facebook, and xCloud.


Now instead of all the Moms and Dads playing Candy Crush, they can get Game Pass Subscriptions and play Halo on Facebook.


This is how they potentially scale up Game Pass subscriptions, being integrated with Facebook gaming.


At least I think that would be the plan.

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38 minutes ago, DarkStar189 said:

Feels like a real Google move. Shits not working out, pull the plug. 


This is quite different than Google in one very significant respect:  MS is selling the operation instead of just killing it outright which is what Google would do (I'm looking at you, Stadia!)

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3 hours ago, JPDunks4 said:

Whats being lost, is this is also part of a bigger initiative between Xbox and Facebook, and xCloud.


Now instead of all the Moms and Dads playing Candy Crush, they can get Game Pass Subscriptions and play Halo on Facebook.


This is how they potentially scale up Game Pass subscriptions, being integrated with Facebook gaming.


At least I think that would be the plan.


Yup.  Stadia integrates with Youtube, Microsoft was probably looking for an alternative hub.


Facebook probably needs it as much as Microsoft, to stay relevant with younger audiences.

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2 hours ago, Emperor Diocletian II said:


This is quite different than Google in one very significant respect:  MS is selling the operation instead of just killing it outright which is what Google would do (I'm looking at you, Stadia!)

Google will probably roll Stadia into a GCP offering before straight up killing it.

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15 minutes ago, SoberChef said:

I'll never understand the how & why of people logging into a site to watch OTHER people play the games they themselves enjoy. JUST PLAY YOUR GAMES PEOPLE!! 

Its nice background noise

I'll never put in the time to be as good as pro players / speedrunners

Some people are genuinely fun to watch because of their personalities

I only do this rarely, but to watch gameplay of games I'm thinking about buying.

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1 hour ago, SoberChef said:

I'll never understand the how & why of people logging into a site to watch OTHER people play the games they themselves enjoy. JUST PLAY YOUR GAMES PEOPLE!! 

Because I enjoy watching people play at a level that 99% will never achieve.

I like playing Tekken 7 but also like to watch a couple of SK gods go toe to toe and do shit that would take me years to learn.

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1 hour ago, SoberChef said:

I'll never understand the how & why of people logging into a site to watch OTHER people play the games they themselves enjoy. JUST PLAY YOUR GAMES PEOPLE!! 

Alright, you know how you can talk, but people still watch talk shows? It's like that. People watch for personalities. I don't know how we're here almost a decade later with people thinking it's just people "watching other people play games." You know what entertainment is, right? A game is often a backdrop or a topic of conversation rather than it just being some dude silently sitting there playing so the audience can watch the game.

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4 hours ago, SoberChef said:

I'll never understand the how & why of people logging into a site to watch OTHER people play the games they themselves enjoy. JUST PLAY YOUR GAMES PEOPLE!! 


Guess you've never been to an arcade where you could play some games and then watch some badasses go at it playing Mortal Kombat 2.

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1 hour ago, Keyser_Soze said:


Guess you've never been to an arcade where you could play some games and then watch some badasses go at it playing Mortal Kombat 2.

I had next with my quarters by the screen, I wasn't just going to walk away from my hard earned allowance! 

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7 hours ago, SoberChef said:

I'll never understand the how & why of people logging into a site to watch OTHER people play the games they themselves enjoy. JUST PLAY YOUR GAMES PEOPLE!! 

I feel the same, but I realize that literally millions of people love it, so it's just something that I don't understand. It's okay for people to like stuff that I don't. Fortunately no one is forcing me to watch. 

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It's unfortunate, i liked the early days of Mixer. MS fucked it up by doing all that Mixer Partner bullshit and only featuring the same relative handful of people on the front page. Then they removed the ability to even leave the first page.


Then they removed the ability to browse random streamers. The only way to find someone was to search for their username or just search by game. If someone was playing an obscure game and had few to no followers, the chances of being discovered by anyone were astronomically small.


People moved from Twitch to Mixer to have a better chance of gaining a following, and then MS slowly started removing all of the avenues they had to gain viewers. If you weren't a mixer partner by the time they started narrowing their focus, you weren't gonna be.


The money they spent on Shroud and Ninja could've been invested in up-and-coming streamers, but instead was kind of an extra 'fuck you' to the people that had been there from the start. It's no wonder the service failed.

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