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Update: The Last of Us Part II "sold through" to end-consumers more than 4 million copies in three days, the fastest-selling Sony game on PS4


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54 minutes ago, AbsolutSurgen said:

@Greatoneshere @SaysWho?

Did you even read the Kotaku and Forbes articles I linked to?


Yep (I read Vox, Polygon, and Kotaku anyway). Did you read my posts? Again: there could be legit reasons to dislike part(s) of the game. There are reasons one could criticize even the best movies ever made. But we're talking about the user reviews. You get that, right? I already said way back in this thread I have no problem with Vox's or Polygon's or Kotaku's reviews, even though with a 95 metacritic they are clearly in the very clear extreme minority viewpoint. But again, USER REVIEWS.


You're trying to dodge our posts and not address them directly, I think. A poor tactic.

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Just now, AbsolutSurgen said:

So you didn't even read most of my post then.


I did, probably more than you actually are reading anyone's posts. You can either talk to us, or you can continue to make a straw man and an ass out of yourself. 

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Just now, AbsolutSurgen said:

The part where I talked about it being review bombed by two groups of people?


Correct. Notice how everyone responding to you is saying the same thing I am about your inability to talk to people here.


Right now, you're transparently trying to turn it around and say others aren't reading your posts. Please don't waste my time with that.

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6 minutes ago, AbsolutSurgen said:

So you didn't even read most of my post then.

You are literally spewing bullshit that has nothing to do with what we are talking about. This is not about professional reviewers having problems wiyh the game, nobody said that being critical about it makes you racist or sexist. Seriously, what is your problem? 

this is about thousands of user scores who literally attacked the game for having lgbt characters. Its absurd you keep coming back with “but kotaku! But Forbes”. This is not about valid criticism. Frankly, your denial, and refusal to debate the actual points we are making is a bit disgusting. All of your arguments have been in bad faith, because none of us have attacked those outlets for having valid criticism.

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3 minutes ago, BloodyHell said:

You are literally spewing bullshit that has nothing to do with what we are talking about. This is not about professional reviewers having problems wiyh the game, nobody said that being critical about it makes you racist or sexist. Seriously, what is your problem? 

this is about thousands of user scores who literally attacked the game for having lgbt characters. Its absurd you keep coming back with “but kotaku! But Forbes”. This is not about valid criticism. Frankly, your denial, and refusal to debate the actual points we are making is a bit disgusting. All of your arguments have been in bad faith, because none of us have attacked those outlets for having valid criticism.

This isn't ResetERA, relax. There's a relatively small active poster count on here and everyone is respectful to each other even if they blatantly disagree or ague and that's why this board is actually fun to come to. 

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Let's make it easy. No fair-minded person should be confused about this:


On 6/23/2020 at 8:11 PM, AbsolutSurgen said:

1)  It is easy to assume that everyone that doesn't like the game is a an incel neo-Nazi facist small-dicked asshole.  And a number of them are.


Nobody here said this.


On 6/23/2020 at 8:11 PM, AbsolutSurgen said:

Is it so hard to recognize that everyone who is upset with this game is not a homogenous mass of assholism?


Nobody here said that.


On the other hand, people were already shitting on the lesbian characters years ago, masking it with "agenda" because that's what sexists, racists, and homophobes do nowadays:




I'm sure these people, desperate for relevance in a world passing them by, didn't review bomb it en masse.


I'm sure the game is legitimately is getting a 3.0 average and that the people who posted immediately after you could make reviews played the game and had well-thought out things to say.


And non-sarcastically, I'm pretty sure everyone ITT who has responded to you doesn't think lowly of someone who played the game and wrote a mediocre or bad review because of things they didn't like about the gameplay (though I'd say on technical merits alone, it's probably nearly impossible to give it a 3, which is a different argument and conversation).

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8 minutes ago, Bloodporne said:

This isn't ResetERA, relax. There's a relatively small active poster count on here and everyone is respectful to each other even if they blatantly disagree or ague and that's why this board is actually fun to come to. 

Thats fine, but he is arguing that this isn’t a targeted hate campaign by users, because some legitimate reviewers didn’t like it, and it is completely disingenuous. 

Its been said a hundred times, this is not about valid criticism. He keeps ignoring it and is basically saying that that hate towards a vulnerable group is justified because polygon and forbes don’t like it. 

also, ive never been to reset era, so I have no idea what you are talking about.

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13 minutes ago, BloodyHell said:

You are literally spewing bullshit that has nothing to do with what we are talking about. This is not about professional reviewers having problems wiyh the game, nobody said that being critical about it makes you racist or sexist. Seriously, what is your problem? 

this is about thousands of user scores who literally attacked the game for having lgbt characters. Its absurd you keep coming back with “but kotaku! But Forbes”. This is not about valid criticism. Frankly, your denial, and refusal to debate the actual points we are making is a bit disgusting. All of your arguments have been in bad faith, because none of us have attacked those outlets for having valid criticism.

Kotaku: The Last of Us Part 2’s Metacritic Page Shows How Broken Numerical Scores Are


User reviews on Metacritic began pouring in almost as soon as the game launched. Much of this was likely review bombing, a practice in which people intentionally flood a game with negative reviews. Forbes noted that the game had over 5,000 user reviews only a half-day into release, suggesting “unless people are doing blitzing speed runs and then immediately going to Metacritic to post angry 0/10 reviews...something fishy is clearly going on.” The game hasn’t even been out for two full days in the US; running at 25-30 hours, it’s unlikely many of these negative reviews, even taking into account regions where the game launched sooner, are from people who’ve finished it. A vocal contingent of players has been set against The Last of Us Part 2 since its 2018 E3 trailer showed lead character Ellie in a lesbian relationship, and even more joined the fray following April’s leaks. On Metacritic, a large portion of reviews reflect this, calling director Neil Druckmann “Cuckman” and railing against the game’s “SJW propaganda.” “This is a political statement, not a video game,” wrote one user.

Other negative reviews are more reasoned, taking complaints with the game’s story, citing plotholes and unlikeable characters. “Unfortunately, this sequel destroys the remarkable achievements of the first game,” wrote one reviewer. “Once you’ve finished it it literally has been for nothing!” wrote another. Many players disliked what the game does to some of its beloved characters, with one writing that a character’s story was “a complete insult to the character.”

Screen Rant: Gamers Are Now Review Bombing The Last of Us 2


Following its launch today, The Last of Us Part 2 has been review-bombed by a large number of users on Metacritic. The game is the long-awaited sequel to The Last of Us, which originally launched in 2013, and a direct continuation of the story from that title. The plot follows the lives of Ellie and Joel as they have grown older, digging into the consequences of their actions as they travelled across the U.S. to try to survive the outbreak of a deadly fungus.

Despite concerns over the working conditions at Naughty Dog and a number of high profile leaks, The Last of Us 2 has been one of the most eagerly anticipated games of recent times. It has already received widespread praise from critics and was awarded the highest score of five stars in Screen Rant's own review of the game.

According to a report at VG24/7, a large group of users have review bombed The Last of Us 2 on Metacritic. While the average rating from official reviews currently sits at an impressive 95, the score from users is at a much lower 3.4 out of a possible 10. The most common complaints seem to be focused on the story and character development, with many user reviews citing the controversial storyline revolving around Joel, Ellie, and Abby. These were the same issues that caused the most uproar when parts of the game's story leaked earlier in the year.

Review bombing has become an increasingly common problem in recent times. It is not uncommon for games to receive widespread critical acclaim but also face a barrage of negative reviews from users of sites such as Metacritic. Typically, review bombing is part of an effort by a group of fans who are upset about a particular feature in a game. In other cases, though, it can be a form of protest used to demonstrate displeasure about certain actions taken by developers and publishers.

Recent games such as Warcraft 3: Reforged have been review bombed and the same technique is often also used against films and television shows. It has become a frequent way for some people to try to attack content creators for taking a political or controversial stance. In the case of The Last of Us Part 2, it is unlikely to affect sales or pose much of a problem for Naughty Dog. The game has been so highly anticipated for such a long time that most fans will likely purchase the game regardless of the negative user reviews.


Again, IMHO, this game appears to be being review-bombed by two groups, not just 1 as had been suggested:

1)  The typical gamer-gate crowd

2) The group who are upset about the storyline 


And again.  We don't live in a world where users give "reasonable scores".  We live in a world where people give user-reviews on the products they like on Amazon "5-stars", and Metro Exodus 0-stars because it is an EGS exclusive.  User reviews are frequently not based on rational assessment of the "technical merits" of the game, they are often based on one (or more) issues -- "I hate that this game is only on EGS", "I hate that this game shows Russia in a bad light", "I hate that LGBTQ characters are shown in a positive light" and "I hate what happened to Joel, and how he was portrayed".


IMHO, aggregated user review scores should be ignored by almost everyone (on Metacritic, Yelp, etc.)  The problems in them are fundamental, and cannot be fixed.




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23 minutes ago, BloodyHell said:

Thats fine, but he is arguing that this isn’t a targeted hate campaign by users, because some legitimate reviewers didn’t like it, and it is completely disingenuous. 

Its been said a hundred times, this is not about valid criticism. He keeps ignoring it and is basically saying that that hate towards a vulnerable group is justified because polygon and forbes don’t like it. 

also, ive never been to reset era, so I have no idea what you are talking about.

Where is he saying that the hate towards a vulnerable group is justified? He is, for some reason I don't get, digging his heels in about a fact everyone agrees on, that not all bad reviews equal anti-gay, anti-SJW agenda bombing. Everyone agrees with this already, so I'm not sure what the deal is. Nowhere is he saying the LGBTQ community deserves the review bombers' hate however and your previous post's tone was obnoxious, that's why I said what I said. 


And dude @AbsolutSurgen, nobody said everyone who shits on the game is part of the very transparent review bombing. I think you kind of interpreted it that way and ran away with it and for some reason aren't just saying ah yeah, you know what, we're basically saying the same shit to varying degrees because it seems that way to me. 


Also, why the hell am I even arguing along with this...I haven't even played the game yet. :derp:


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18 minutes ago, Bloodporne said:

Where is he saying that the hate towards a vulnerable group is justified? He is, for some reason I don't get, digging his heels in about a fact everyone agrees on, that not all bad reviews equal anti-gay, anti-SJW agenda bombing. Everyone agrees with this already, so I'm not sure what the deal is. Nowhere is he saying the LGBTQ community deserves the review bombers' hate however and your previous post's tone was obnoxious, that's why I said what I said. 


And dude @AbsolutSurgen, nobody said everyone who shits on the game is part of the very transparent review bombing. I think you kind of interpreted it that way and ran away with it and for some reason aren't just saying ah yeah, you know what, we're basically saying the same shit to varying degrees because it seems that way to me. 


Also, why the hell am I even arguing along with this...I haven't even played the game yet. :derp:


Look at you trying to clean up this thread


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55 minutes ago, AbsolutSurgen said:

Again, IMHO, this game appears to be being review-bombed by two groups, not just 1 as had been suggested:

1)  The typical gamer-gate crowd

2) The group who are upset about the storyline 


And again.  We don't live in a world where users give "reasonable scores".  We live in a world where people give user-reviews on the products they like on Amazon "5-stars", and Metro Exodus 0-stars because it is an EGS exclusive.  User reviews are frequently not based on rational assessment of the "technical merits" of the game, they are often based on one (or more) issues -- "I hate that this game is only on EGS", "I hate that this game shows Russia in a bad light", "I hate that LGBTQ characters are shown in a positive light" and "I hate what happened to Joel, and how he was portrayed".


IMHO, aggregated user review scores should be ignored by almost everyone (on Metacritic, Yelp, etc.)  The problems in them are fundamental, and cannot be fixed.


What's your point? The ones upset about the storyline to the degree that they review bomb a game they haven't played have ostensibly put themselves in group 1, whether they know it themselves or not there's something irrational to the hatred of being upset by a storyline you haven't even experienced yet. Even if you divest the group 2 from group 1 as you suggest their reasons for being upset are suspect at best so whatever distinction your making is a distinction without a difference.


Like, your argument is silly. "There's two groups who hate The Last Jedi, the typical gamer-gate type crowd and those who are upset about the storyline!" No shit. We're talking about the recurrent group that is consistently upset by the same or similar themes and ideas in the storylines and why similar content keeps getting review bombed over and over again for similar reasons and you think TLOU Part II is any different? It's the same in a long line of examples for the same reasons by both groups. There's significant overlap if you find yourself constantly thinking you are in group 2 every time a new The Last Jedi or Wonder Woman releases. You just happen to keep disagreeing with the storytelling choices of all of these things? Doesn't make sense. And I've already granted there's of course always a group that just have genuine criticisms and issues. They aren't the ones user review bombing, almost at all.

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From Neil Druckmann:



We are so immensely grateful to the millions of fans around the world that have played The Last of Us Part II and shared their experiences with us over the last week. We set out to tell a new kind of story, one that deals with difficult themes and would challenge you in unexpected ways. Hearing how the experience has resonated with so many of you and witnessing the type of thoughtful discussions it has sparked has been so incredible. We’ve also been so inspired by your creativity — whether it’s your gorgeous Photo Mode shots, jaw-dropping gameplay GIFs, or the songs you’ve recorded using Ellie’s guitar.


The Last of Us Part II was made possible thanks to the efforts of the hundreds of talented and passionate developers here at Naughty Dog. We can imagine no greater honor than seeing that same passion mirrored by the people playing it. Thank you for helping us reach this amazing milestone.


As a comparison:


Horizon Zero Dawn - 2.6M in 3 days

Uncharted 4 - 2.7M in 3 days

God of War - 3.1M in 3 days
Spider-man - 3.3M in 3 days

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1 hour ago, Keyser_Soze said:

I'm sure those employees they made work 24 hour work days are ecstatic about the sales!

I actually do hope Schreier asks Druckmann what Naughty Dog's bonus structure is like in light of these sales. Maybe those employees can win back their families now by installing an above-ground pool!?


And a big fucking LOL to the review bombing drama queens.

  • Haha 1
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