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Update: The Last of Us Part II "sold through" to end-consumers more than 4 million copies in three days, the fastest-selling Sony game on PS4


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15 minutes ago, BloodyHell said:

Nobody is saying the game can’t get bad reviews, but thousands of zeros are an obvious hatE campaign. Im perfectly fine with anyone not liking it. 


Within hours of its release despite being a 25 hour game, too.

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3 hours ago, BloodyHell said:

Nobody is saying the game can’t get bad reviews, but thousands of zeros are an obvious hatE campaign. Im perfectly fine with anyone not liking it. 

Right, except this isn't the first time we've seen review bombs for this kind of thing. It's been a common tactic for several years now. It is, however, the first time I've seen several paragraph long armchair psychologist theses on why the "haters" are all incels trying to destroy the game. Usually when idiots review bomb a game, people roll their eyes but generally don't care because who gives a fuck? It's user reviews on a metascore website. Hell, I wasn't even talking about the user reviews, I was talking about the absolutely asinine discourse I've seen about this game from forums, Youtube and Twitter.

21 hours ago, Greatoneshere said:

the technical aspects of the game are so top notch as to make the user rating on Metacritic seems laughable.

While I'm not trying to single out anyone here, because frankly this discussion is a lot more muted than the ones I've been reading, stuff like THIS is what's been making me think of overzealous defense. Apparently that invokes a "both sides are equal" argument which was never my point. Obviously the racists and sexist and transphobe shitbags are the worst of the bunch by a country mile here, followed, in my opinion, by this frankly bizarre smug satisfaction of a giant corporation selling a product successfully. But that doesn't mean I can't read stuff like this and think people are taking the defense of a video game's honor a little too seriously.

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Not that this should surprise anyone, but the notion that this game panders to "SJWs" is just... nonsense. The presence of LGBTQ people in a game does not mean that it's pandering to "SJWs" anymore than the presence of black people makes something woke. The take is just so fucking stupid.

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I've heard really compelling reasons for why people do, and don't like TLoU2.  I think everyone agrees on the quality of the graphics, voice acting and environmental design.  However, I have seen vastly differing opinions on the combat and story.


We do live in a world, where when people are "upset" they give it the lowest possible rating -- even if it deserves something higher.  You see it on Yelp and Amazon -- why wouldn't you see it on a Metacritic review.  I have no doubt that some of the review bombers are SJW-hating incels -- but after reading just a couple of the low reviews, it is pretty clear that at least some of them are very upset with the direction of the story.  And, given that many of the main plot points were spoiled weeks ago, its pretty easy to understand why those folks may have put in reviews before they had played much (or any of the game).  It is fairly easy to get games early in some places, there may have even been a group that played through the game as well.


However, the sentiment that "anyone who doesn't like the video game I like" is a racist, SJW-hating, Nazi incel is just comical.

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35 minutes ago, AbsolutSurgen said:

I've heard really compelling reasons for why people do, and don't like TLoU2.  I think everyone agrees on the quality of the graphics, voice acting and environmental design.  However, I have seen vastly differing opinions on the combat and story.


We do live in a world, where when people are "upset" they give it the lowest possible rating -- even if it deserves something higher.  You see it on Yelp and Amazon -- why wouldn't you see it on a Metacritic review.  I have no doubt that some of the review bombers are SJW-hating incels -- but after reading just a couple of the low reviews, it is pretty clear that at least some of them are very upset with the direction of the story.  And, given that many of the main plot points were spoiled weeks ago, its pretty easy to understand why those folks may have put in reviews before they had played much (or any of the game).  It is fairly easy to get games early in some places, there may have even been a group that played through the game as well.


However, the sentiment that "anyone who doesn't like the video game I like" is a racist, SJW-hating, Nazi incel is just comical.

Yes, but its been targeted for some games and movies. There were thousands of zeros Friday morning. Thats not giving it a lower score than it should. Its targeted. And 6/10 mention “lgtb bullshit” or “sjw narrative”. Its clear they never played the game, because the game is not focused on her being gay at all, its just who she is. No part of the driving force of this game has to do with her sexuality. So yes, a very large percentage are open bigots, and many others hide behind pc terms to pretend they aren’t bigots. No zero review is a well thought out review worth reading, at all, or worth keeping on your aggregate site.

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11 minutes ago, BloodyHell said:

Yes, but its been targeted for some games and movies. There were thousands of zeros Friday morning. Thats not giving it a lower score than it should. Its targeted. And 6/10 mention “lgtb bullshit” or “sjw narrative”. Its clear they never played the game, because the game is not focused on her being gay at all, its just who she is. No part of the driving force of this game has to do with her sexuality. So yes, a very large percentage are open bigots, and many others hide behind pc terms to pretend they aren’t bigots. No zero review is a well thought out review worth reading, at all, or worth keeping on your aggregate site.

People often given "0" reviews when they are angry about something.  Which is why user ratings can be very deceptive.  Almost no user review is worth reading, or is well thought out -- why would the "0" reviews be any better?

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6 minutes ago, AbsolutSurgen said:

People often given "0" reviews when they are angry about something.  Which is why user ratings can be very deceptive.  Almost no user review is worth reading, or is well thought out -- why would the "0" reviews be any better?

Valid point, but you’re still ignoring the part about people attacking it for having lesbian characters. And its not a small number doing it.

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There's really no debate that the 10k review bomb or however many it was within hours of its release are likely from right-wingers, incels, or social conservatives, and I'm sure a bunch of them coordinated it through FB groups or Twitter.


The minute that E3 2018 trailer hit, videos were getting lots of views talking about Naughty Dog's "agenda." They lost the Don't Ask Don't Tell battle, they lost the gay marriage battle in the US and in many first world countries, so they try to water it down by talking about "agendas" (and in the US it's "religious freedom"). They used to just call it the homosexual agenda when it was easier to dismiss gay people entirely. Similar to how racists started talking about "busing." 


Nobody beat the game in a few hours. And I'm willing to bet hardly anyone played for five hours and decided to hit 0. User reviews that complain about the story are likely people who actually beat it since it's been out for several days. I've seen those reactions on ResetEra, which is mostly the "SJW" board those SJW reviews complain about (and plenty of fakers on there). I don't care about that. I haven't finished it and have no opinion on their reactions, but they played the game and formed an opinion.


And when you have LGBTQ+, including on this board, who have felt suicidal, it's easy when you're some regular dude to say, "Hey, just ignore it."

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3 hours ago, Xbob42 said:

Right, except this isn't the first time we've seen review bombs for this kind of thing. It's been a common tactic for several years now. It is, however, the first time I've seen several paragraph long armchair psychologist theses on why the "haters" are all incels trying to destroy the game. Usually when idiots review bomb a game, people roll their eyes but generally don't care because who gives a fuck? It's user reviews on a metascore website. Hell, I wasn't even talking about the user reviews, I was talking about the absolutely asinine discourse I've seen about this game from forums, Youtube and Twitter.


While I'm not trying to single out anyone here, because frankly this discussion is a lot more muted than the ones I've been reading, stuff like THIS is what's been making me think of overzealous defense. Apparently that invokes a "both sides are equal" argument which was never my point. Obviously the racists and sexist and transphobe shitbags are the worst of the bunch by a country mile here, followed, in my opinion, by this frankly bizarre smug satisfaction of a giant corporation selling a product successfully. But that doesn't mean I can't read stuff like this and think people are taking the defense of a video game's honor a little too seriously.


But I'm not coming to its defense at all. I'm simply saying that if I were a reviewer, a critic, that I couldn't possibly score The Last of Us Part II a 3/10 on technical merits alone. Even if I didn't like the movies Dunkirk or 1917, let's say, I'd still review them very highly because they are literally the best in every category (cinematography, music, directing, acting, etc. regardless of story and characters). That's it, I'm not sure how that's an overzealous defense. If you're seeing it elsewhere, I haven't run into it myself. And on the movie board we follow review bombing all the time, this isn't the first time I've commented on this at length for paragraphs and again, I am not lumping legit criticism of something in with the user review bombers. However, many who dislike the game do overlap with the same group that hates everything else I pointed out earlier. If this is the first time you've read several paragraph long "armchair psycholgist thesis" on it (condescending to describe my mere message board post that took me 5 minutes to type up with such rude hyperbole) then I'd say frequent the movie or politics board here or elsewhere, we discuss it often. 


The Last of Us Part II is the latest in a long line of art that's been under fire from a very specific group and we've been having this debate for years now. Your suggestion that my post is some inaccurate armchair hot take when there's years of evidence now backing up that yes, certain art at a certain level earns derision by default regardless of how good the actual art is or isn't has been happening. This applies to as follows, things like: The Last Jedi, Wonder Woman, Captain Marvel, Birds of Prey, Widows, Hustlers, FF7R, The Last of Us Part II, and many, many more. Now, are each of these things good or bad? A discussion worth having. But, again, it's hard to have when if you don't like one of these things, you are accidentally part of a group that also dislikes that thing for separate, toxic reasons and that's why I'm saying it's hard to have a proper discussion. Don't you think it's weird the same reasons come up for why these films, etc. get heat from a certain group? That group is incels, etc. as you said. But nowhere did I say "the haters" are all incels. I'm suggesting that most people who are currently review bombing the game (which is over 12,000 users now) are. 

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2 hours ago, AbsolutSurgen said:

People often given "0" reviews when they are angry about something.  Which is why user ratings can be very deceptive.  Almost no user review is worth reading, or is well thought out -- why would the "0" reviews be any better?




38 minutes ago, SaysWho? said:

There's really no debate that the 10k review bomb or however many it was within hours of its release are likely from right-wingers, incels, or social conservatives, and I'm sure a bunch of them coordinated it through FB groups or Twitter.




It's almost shocking some people can't see that it's not just a bunch of genuine, random people (I truly wish it was) just giving a really well made game a 0/10 because they didn't like the direction the story took when the reviews came in based on online spoilers and not even playing the game itself. It's disingenuous. I am telling @AbsolutSurgen, I have named numerous examples where this has already happened in the past. Why continue to deny it's existence? It's really there. Here's an example of how The Last Jedi was targeted on RottenTomatoes.




So no, it's not just a bunch of genuine users and some "bad apples". That's the same terrible argument people use for the police. It's systemic - there's a large group online that targets shows, movies, games, etc. that express certain themes or represent certain groups that they want kept down, bullied and downtrodden. Does that mean TLOU Part II is objectively perfect? No. Does that mean anyone who disliked it is an incel or racist? No. But the users review bombing it for the most part yes, are indeed some variation on that sliding scale of a group. They may couch their issues and criticisms in what sound like "real" things ("I didn't like the direction of the story" or "I didn't want to play it with this character") is codeIt's subtext, they are talking like a politician to hide their real feelings: those 0/10 user reviews are really saying: "I didn't like the themes of violence begets violence" and "I hate the vulnerability of the characters in the story" or "I'm a guy and so I can't play as a girl". It's almost naive to assume the best of intentions with consistent review bombing of only certain kinds of art. Hmmmm. I mean, why are user scores generally similar to critics scores with most other things, and why are users 90% of the time pretty reliable (they usually have parity even with the critical score)? Hmmm. Weird it's only off-base with certain kinds of art. And always the same kinds of art. Strange. Hmmm. Weird. Only happens with stuff like The Last Jedi and Wonder Woman and The Last of Us Part II. Weird how it only keeps happening in such circumstances and never in any other situation.

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7 minutes ago, Greatoneshere said:







It's almost shocking some people can't see that it's not just a bunch of genuine, random people just giving a really well made game a 0/10 because they didn't like the direction the story took when the reviews came in based on online spoilers and not even playing the game itself. It's disingenuous. I am telling @AbsolutSurgen, I have named numerous examples where this has already happened in the past. Why continue to deny it's existence? It's really there. Here's an example of how The Last Jedi was targeted on RottenTomatoes.




So no, it's not just a bunch of genuine users and some "bad apples". That's the same terrible argument people use for the police. It's systemic - there's a large group online that targets shows, movies, games, etc. that express certain themes or represent certain groups that they want kept down, bullied and downtrodden. Does that mean TLOU Part II is objectively perfect? No. Does that mean anyone who disliked it is an incel or racist? No. But the users review bombing it for the most part yes, are indeed some variation on that sliding scale of a group. They may couch their issues and criticisms in what sound like "real" things ("I didn't like the direction of the story" or "I didn't want to play it with this character") is codeIt's subtext, they are talking like a politician to hide their real feelings: those 0/10 user reviews are really saying: "I didn't like the themes of violence begets violence" and "I hate the vulnerability of the characters in the story" or "I'm a guy and so I can't play as a girl". It's almost naive to assume the best of intentions with consistent review bombing of only certain kinds of art. Hmmmm. I mean, why are user scores generally similar to critics scores elsewhere, and are 90% of the time pretty reliable? Hmmm. Weird it's only off-base with certain kinds of art. And always the same kinds of art. Strange. Hmmm. Weird.

Yup, female leads and prominent gay characters will 100% cause your game to be review bombed. 

even FF7R, which was not review bombed, but had many user reviews criticize the game for treating the Honey Bee Inn scene as though transgenderism is not a mental disorder that should require a person to be shunned. People literally mad that thry treated a vulnerable community with respect. 

A large majority of people are terrible, thats all there is to it. And their anger pervades every facet of their life. They are so miserable they want to ensure that certain groups will always be lesser, so as to believe they are superior to someone.

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Was Mass Effect 3 review bombed because it had LGBT characters?


While I am sure there is a group of people that were very angry when they read the plot spoilers.  [Plot spoilers for the first few hours of the game follow:]


TLoU is held up by a group of gamers, as a symbol of great storytelling.  As part of this mythos, Joel redeemed himself in the end and saved his adopted daughter, at the expense of saving humanity.

Killing Joel, and casting him as a villain pissed a lot of people off. And this happens a few hours in.

Forbes: The Last Of Us Part 2: What’s The Problem Here, Exactly?


One impetus for anger in these early reviews is a plot point that I am willing to say that many players have probably reached (I am less convinced these many thousands of people have all reached the end in the first game, so if they experienced the ending, it was just through a leaked cutscene).

I am talking, of course, about Joel’s brutal murder at the hands of Abby and her WLF/former Firefly contingent, where he’s captured and beaten to death right in front of Ellie.

It is, of course, a shocking moment. It is also not terribly surprising, if you ask me.

Yes, I heard the leaks, but well, well before that ever happened, the very first trailer showcased that Ellie was on the warpath, out to get revenge. From that first moment, it seemed pretty clear to me that it was likely that some group had killed Joel, and even if Joel did appear in some spots later on, I figured those were either flashbacks or “imagined” appearances. I was half right, at least.

Kotaku: The Last of Us Part 2’s Metacritic Page Shows How Broken Numerical Scores Are


Other negative reviews are more reasoned, taking complaints with the game’s story, citing plotholes and unlikeable characters. “Unfortunately, this sequel destroys the remarkable achievements of the first game,” wrote one reviewer. “Once you’ve finished it it literally has been for nothing!” wrote another. Many players disliked what the game does to some of its beloved characters, with one writing that a character’s story was “a complete insult to the character.”



I only got a lot bit into this video from Alana Pearce (sp?)  (I only watched because Jeff Cannata was in it), but Jess seemed to be infuriated at how the character referenced in the spoilers above was treated.

The whole "if you don't like my video game, you are a racist, neo-Nazi incel bigot" is kind of myopic, because there is a whole group of gamers who are raging for a very different stupid reason.

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Mass Effect 3's LGBT relationships could be avoided.


This one can't on the nature of the main character alone.


Not that ME3 matters to this conversation. Or that video tbh: nobody here is complaining about someone who played through the game and has critiques. We've legitimately figured out review bombs and some web sites have changed their policies on user reviews. The only defense for reviews clearly made by incels and right-wing losers whose penises get smaller when women star in a game and are gay should be coming from straight people who are blissfully unaware of LGBTQ+ issues.

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5 hours ago, Kal-El814 said:

Not that this should surprise anyone, but the notion that this game panders to "SJWs" is just... nonsense. The presence of LGBTQ people in a game does not mean that it's pandering to "SJWs" anymore than the presence of black people makes something woke. The take is just so fucking stupid.


The vast majority of takes complaining about pandering to SJWs are stupid. The term SJW itself is stupid. 

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1 hour ago, SaysWho? said:

Mass Effect 3's LGBT relationships could be avoided.

Mass Effect didn't get negative reviews because of LGBT relationships.  It got negative reviews because people hated the ending.  That was my point.

1 hour ago, SaysWho? said:

Mass Effect 3's LGBT relationships could be avoided.


This one can't on the nature of the main character alone.


Not that ME3 matters to this conversation. Or that video tbh: nobody here is complaining about someone who played through the game and has critiques. We've legitimately figured out review bombs and some web sites have changed their policies on user reviews. The only defense for reviews clearly made by incels and right-wing losers whose penises get smaller when women star in a game and are gay should be coming from straight people who are blissfully unaware of LGBTQ+ issues.

1)  It is easy to assume that everyone that doesn't like the game is a an incel neo-Nazi facist small-dicked asshole.  And a number of them are.

2)  There are also a lot of people who have an irrational attachment to a certain character, are pissed about what happens to them and are willing to review bomb.  (Read the resetera spoiler thread if you don't believe me.)  This is what the kids do nowadays.  "I don't like something.  Post negative review/post on social media."

Is it so hard to recognize that everyone who is upset with this game is not a homogenous mass of assholism?

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17 hours ago, AbsolutSurgen said:

The whole "if you don't like my video game, you are a racist, neo-Nazi incel bigot" is kind of myopic, because there is a whole group of gamers who are raging for a very different stupid reason.


I gotta ask, are you intentionally being dense? NO ONE IS SAYING THIS. We are saying it happens in certain, highly unique circumstances and situations, and even then, no one is saying that it is true per se that if you don't like so-and-so game, you are a racist, neo-Nazi incel bigot. What we're saying is if you went out of your way to user review bomb a game you didn't play based on spoilers you read and felt so hurt you gave the game a 0/10 disingenuously based on nothing but potential spoilers then yes, you are on that sliding scale and some self-reflection may be required. That is all any one of us is saying. What's so hard to understand about this? User review bombing is the equivalent of being like: "I'm not a racist, BUT . . ." Which usually means you are.

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15 hours ago, AbsolutSurgen said:

1)  It is easy to assume that everyone that doesn't like the game is a an incel neo-Nazi facist small-dicked asshole.  And a number of them are.

2)  There are also a lot of people who have an irrational attachment to a certain character, are pissed about what happens to them and are willing to review bomb.  (Read the resetera spoiler thread if you don't believe me.)  This is what the kids do nowadays.  "I don't like something.  Post negative review/post on social media."

Is it so hard to recognize that everyone who is upset with this game is not a homogenous mass of assholism?


You're not listening to a word anyone is saying. Either that, or you'd like to talk to us as if we're "a number of them" because it's easier to do that.



Just now, Greatoneshere said:


I gotta ask, are you intentionally being dense? NO ONE IS SAYING THIS. 


I'm seriously befuddled how a seemingly intelligent person can infer those conclusions from this conversation  unless he's posting from the Twilight Zone and our posts are actually saying different things in that dimension.

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5 minutes ago, SaysWho? said:


You're not listening to a word anyone is saying. Either that, or you'd like to talk to us as if we're "a number of them."


It's like he's really not reading all our posts. It's bizarre. I feel this happens all the time, when people try to put us into the argument or side of the debate they think we're in, which is us characterizing everyone who dislikes something as some incel nazi racist, which just isn't the case. We're talking about review bombing a game. We're talking about a large minority online with a loud voice that is extremely toxic that comes back again and again, after TLJ, Death Stranding, Wonder Woman, and so on. This is like, basic facts and evidence after 4 years of Trump. And now they've come back to do it again with TLOU Part II, for the same and similar reasons. And yet here come people trying to say: "there are legit reasons to not like the game!" Okay, of course there are. We're not talking about that, so stop trying to make that argument?

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39 minutes ago, Bloodporne said:

Bottom line is this game is outselling the shit out of everything else and this screeching minority's review bombing campaign will be all but forgotten within a week. None of these internet new release dramas ever seem to actually amount to anything. 


I still remember when they thought their "boycott" of Rogue One was successful. Or their review bombs of Captain Marvel. 


The "silent majority" is a loud minority.

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Just now, SaysWho? said:


I still remember when they thought their "boycott" of Rogue One was successful. Or their review bombs of Captain Marvel. 


The "silent majority" is a loud minority.


Hilarious since as you typed "loud minority" I put the same into my post above yours just now too. It's pretty obvious what group we're talking about.

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18 minutes ago, Greatoneshere said:


Hilarious since as you typed "loud minority" I put the same into my post above yours just now too. It's pretty obvious what group we're talking about.

Hey, I typed SCREECHING minority first, I win!


...which sounds not so good out of context :ana:

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And for the record, obviously I don't believe anyone who thinks The Last Of Us II is a piece of shit has some sort of gay-hating, Hitler-heiling agenda, I just think these actual review bombings themselves are transparent as fuck is all. The vast majority of 70,000+ reviews between 0/10s and 3/10s seem to have been posted on launch day or within two days of it...come on now. People must've had these things ready to copy/paste after making up their minds based on the story leaks in this particular instance and I would imagine the same goes for any other thing deemed an infraction on whatever other product.


I mainly mocked the game because I think Druckmann was practically gravity-bong-hitting his own farts with how just how deep his game is. I don't actually hold that against him though but still think it's funny. I'd rather have pretentious auteur shit like this and Death Stranding any day over depressing Ubisoft assembly line games.

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Also, I will announce it here first...I now consider myself an official fan of my first Naughty Dog game! I'm on my second playthrough of The Last Of Us right after finished both the main game and Left Behind and I'm playing multiplayer and I hate multiplayer. 




Yum yum, tasting good!

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1 hour ago, Greatoneshere said:


It's like he's really not reading all our posts. It's bizarre. I feel this happens all the time, when people try to put us into the argument or side of the debate they think we're in, which is us characterizing everyone who dislikes something as some incel nazi racist, which just isn't the case. We're talking about review bombing a game. We're talking about a large minority online with a loud voice that is extremely toxic that comes back again and again, after TLJ, Death Stranding, Wonder Woman, and so on. This is like, basic facts and evidence after 4 years of Trump. And now they've come back to do it again with TLOU Part II, for the same and similar reasons. And yet here come people trying to say: "there are legit reasons to not like the game!" Okay, of course there are. We're not talking about that, so stop trying to make that argument?

He has literally ignored that part in every one of our posts. Pretty convenient 

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27 minutes ago, Bloodporne said:

Also, I will announce it here first...I now consider myself an official fan of my first Naughty Dog game! I'm on my second playthrough of The Last Of Us right after finished both the main game and Left Behind and I'm playing multiplayer and I hate multiplayer. 




Yum yum, tasting good!


Next time I eat crow, I have to do it like this. Also I'm glad you like the first one!

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2 minutes ago, SaysWho? said:


Next time I eat crow, I have to do it like this. Also I'm glad you like the first one!

I was going to buy this one right after, then decided I needed a cute palette cleanser so I bought Okami HD, now I'm bored with that so I started playing TLoU on a higher difficulty on NG+ or whatever it's called again  :dab2:

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9 hours ago, Bloodporne said:

I was going to buy this one right after, then decided I needed a cute palette cleanser so I bought Okami HD, now I'm bored with that so I started playing TLoU on a higher difficulty on NG+ or whatever it's called again  :dab2:

Part II is so amazing that it makes me want to go back and play through Part I again, which I just did last week.  I also loved playing The Last of Us and am incredibly invested in the story despite complaining about how I hated it for years.  So I'm with you, and I don't know what's happening to me.

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16 minutes ago, ShreddieMercuryRising said:

Part II is so amazing that it makes me want to go back and play through Part I again, which I just did last week.  I also loved playing The Last of Us and am incredibly invested in the story despite complaining about how I hated it for years.  So I'm with you, and I don't know what's happening to me.

I blame this fucking forum for making me more...openminded or whatever these hippies call it.


andy richter this is conan GIF by Team Coco

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