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Returnal - Information Thread, update: Digital Foundry PC Port Review - "It's Good, But Could Be Great"


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1 hour ago, Joe said:

So what is with the complaining about the lack of save if you can portal to the new biome after you die? Is it that if you close the game, it doesn’t save that info and you literally have to start from the beginning?

If you have to stop mid run in a biome you have to pause and suspend, thats it. If you die mid run . you start the biome over again. The portal is honestly more then some roguelites give. Risk of Rain 2 has no save state for a run and has no upgrades to carry over, last week I had an hour and half run tank in the blink of an eye :epilepsy:

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I can understand calling it the first "true" PS5 game. Demon Souls is a remake, and unless I misunderstood something about that game, it's very much the same game that came out 11 years ago but with very modern graphics. I feel like Miles Morales has a slightly better claim, but length aside it never felt terribly "next gen" compared to playing Spider-Man on the PS5.


At this point I don't think that there's a bright line for whatever a "true" next gen game is, but something like Returnal that is a new experience, only available on the new platform, leveraging the new tech to some degree feels like as good a definition as any.



As to the game itself, I'm slightly concerned with the idea that a single run can be ~90 minutes. Still, I don't really do anything else with my PS5, no media or anything, so I imagine I could pause it, put the PS5 in rest, and resume the game whenever if I really need to stop mid run.

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After reading a lot of reviews, yes, I would be intimidated playing this. But if it's as good as they say, I'd be up for the challenge and learn to "git gud". I can eventually master a difficult game after a while but the game has to captivate me in order for me to keep pushing through the challenge. Returnal seems like it's good enough to fight through the challenge and fully enjoy the entire experience in brings.


Don't be a bunch of pussies and pass on this game at launch. Cowboy the fuck up!



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28 minutes ago, johnny said:

some thread on reddit said the countdown clock was off. but if it’s playable at a decent time tonight that’d be amazing. idk why they don’t let us play around 8pm anyway 

Yeah mine showed 8PM MST, but as far as I knew it was unlocking at 10PM

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Played the "Intro" and attempted my first run before going to bed now.


I felt I was doing pretty damn well, was finding what felt like some secrets, flying through fights, upgrading shit I guess ( I really had no clue what I was picking up most of the time or what anything was doing).  Then I got a little lost and was running around for like 20 minutes just looking for where to go next, no enemies or anything to fight.  Finally figured out where to go, and got into a fight with some new bigger creature, and while I was dashing around dodging, fell off a ledge I didn't know was there. As soon as it respawned me after taking a sizable chunk of health, I took a literally step to my left immediately and fell right back off, and died.  


It was a pretty anti-climactic way to die.  Especially after going like the 20 minutes walking around trying to find some action.  I did take some hits from this new enemy, and had a malfunction that lowered my health bar, so I was a little weakened.  It did feel like a pretty cheap death as the ledge was definitely damn near impossible to see with how zoomed in your character is and how fast combat moves.  Then to be spawned literally 1 step away from the ledge where you still can't really see shit, and fall right back in.  I will have to be much more aware of potential ledges going forward I guess.



Still very interested in learning more though, as I really had little clue what I was doing.  I will say, I have almost no idea what really carried over from my playthrough.  I know there is some Currency that carries over, not sure what else.  Looking forward to diving in more tomorrow.

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I watched a friend of mine play it last night after the unlock for a bit and about 50 minutes into his run, the game had the 'can't interact with anything' bug and he had to quit despite doing well. Apparently it also currently suffers from hard crashes and that bug is widespread. The runs also seem way too long for the lack of mid-run saving combined with current potential bugs and crashes. Still love the way it looks but I'll wait for patches, sale and GreatOne's impressions first I think.



It was a pretty anti-climactic way to die.  Especially after going like the 20 minutes walking around trying to find some action.  I did take some hits from this new enemy, and had a malfunction that lowered my health bar, so I was a little weakened.  It did feel like a pretty cheap death as the ledge was definitely damn near impossible to see with how zoomed in your character is and how fast combat moves.  Then to be spawned literally 1 step away from the ledge where you still can't really see shit, and fall right back in.  I will have to be much more aware of potential ledges going forward I guess.

@JPDunks4 Granted I'm not playing the game obviously but based on footage I've watched, that seems rather bullshit-y considering that first biome looks super dark and your eyes are glued to bright neon projectiles and enemies. I did see the same thing happen in some gameplay footage where I actually didn't know at first why the person fell and lost health, I had to actually focus on the screen to notice there was a pit because the entire stage was varying degrees of dark and darker colors. 

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7 minutes ago, Bloodporne said:


@JPDunks4 Granted I'm not playing the game obviously but based on footage I've watched, that seems rather bullshit-y considering that first biome looks super dark and your eyes are glued to bright neon projectiles and enemies. I did see the same thing happen in some gameplay footage where I actually didn't know at first why the person fell and lost health, I had to actually focus on the screen to notice there was a pit because the entire stage was varying degrees of dark and darker colors. 


Yeah, I understand you will die a lot in these games, so it's whatever. But with how dark the world is and how quickly things move, along with the limited visibility, just was a gut punch to die so quickly like that.  Especially when I wanted to keep exploring and see what was next as I was about an hour into playing and up to that point, felt like I was doing well.  I don't know how prevalent these ledges will be and if other areas will be similar, but other than looking at the map at the bottom right of the screen which I hardly noticed at all while playing, there was damn near no way to even know there was a spot on the map to fall off of there.


It's very early because I've only done one run, but after 1 run in Hades, I felt how special it was as a game.  It all clicked and I knew I was gonna love it.  Can't say the same thing here just yet, as I didn't really know what all I was picking up a lot of the time or what it's purpose was.  Also don't really know what carried over with me upon death.  


I have seen people posting about the game crashing, even after the Day 1 Patch yesterday more frequently than might be comfortable for a game like this.  Hopefully that gets worked out because while I am patient with most bugs and issues a game might have, I hate having my time be wasted due to game crashes after sinking a large amount of time into something.  

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If there really is a crashing issue as bad as ars made it sound, really hope that gets sorted out like in a few days, that could be incredibly painful and make me just quit if it happened more than once on a long run.


But anyway, is it pretty guys

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Sucks hearing about the game crashing. Also, falling off ledges that aren't easily seen due to the camera sounds shitty. 


I hope to read more impressions in here after you guys put in quality time with it. Off to a rough start.

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This is the first PS5 game that makes me really want the console, even though I detest rogue-likes.  But still, Housemarque!


Speaking of which, most of the Housemarque games are on sale at the moment.  I bought Resogun, Matterfall, Dead Nation, and Super Stardust on PS4 so I can get my arcade shooter fix.


Hope everybody is enjoying this cracking game!

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15 minutes ago, ManUtdRedDevils said:



Game runs at 1080p*, total trash.














*1080p taa upscale to 1440p then checkerboard to 4k, with a shit ton of post processing and particles so it probably looks more than fine IQ wise




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17 minutes ago, skillzdadirecta said:

There was a 10gb Patch last night when the game went live so hopefully that helps with the crashes.


Unfortunately the report from ars and some others were after the patch. :(


If it’s really a big problem I have no doubt Sony will get it fixed for something like this though so I’m sure it’ll be soon. I’ll just play and if I get more than one crash I’ll wait a bit to resume.

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1 hour ago, ShreddieMercuryRising said:

This is the first PS5 game that makes me really want the console, even though I detest rogue-likes.  But still, Housemarque!


Speaking of which, most of the Housemarque games are on sale at the moment.  I bought Resogun, Matterfall, Dead Nation, and Super Stardust on PS4 so I can get my arcade shooter fix.


Hope everybody is enjoying this cracking game!


I own all of that, but that's REALLY good to know. You said you bought them, but you have a familiarity with the dev; what games of theirs have you played?

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