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Using tags on your threads will let you filter things down from everything to just a single platform.


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Since all gaming is consolidated under one forum now I've created suggested Microsoft, Sony, Nintendo, PC, Consoles, and General tags. Unfortunately there's no way to limit those suggested tags to just showing here, so for the sake of the other boards I didn't want to go crazy on the list of suggestions. Also unfortunately, there's no way to limit forcing people to choose from a pre-defined list on just this board—it was either on every single board or nowhere.


But I thought it was worth a shot anyhow. I've upped the tags limit to 4 so that if something applies to all 4 of those you can set them accordingly. The idea is that the tags provide a way to filter down to just Nintendo or Sony or whatever without having to have separate boards. To give it a shot to see what it looks like looking through the board this way, click on the Nintendo tag on this thread for instance, there's already another thread with a Nintendo tag.

  • stepee 1
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  • Jason changed the title to Using tags on your threads will let you filter things down from everything to just a single platform.
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1 hour ago, Emblazon said:

Then, if we get the color tag plug-in, we'll be able to see the subject/category at initial glance. :sun:


After what just happened I'm reticent to start piling on a bunch of dependencies.

  • Haha 1
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