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19 dead in Canadian shootings

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2 hours ago, CitizenVectron said:

Trudeau vows to push ahead with stronger gun control in wake of shooting (campaigned on during last election), including total ban on assault rifles. They've called them "military-style" assault rifles, but it's not know if that includes semi-auto rifles like the AR-15, etc.


What type of gun did the killer use?

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17 minutes ago, mclumber1 said:


Doesn't matter.  We will now ban AR-15s.


I only mentioned AR-15s because the Liberals had already pledged to ban assault rifles completely, and it wasn't clear if semi-auto rifles fell under their definition of "military-style" rifles.


Personally I believe all guns should be banned with the exception of bolt-action rifles and single-shot shotguns, and only farmers are allowed those.

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33 minutes ago, CitizenVectron said:


I only mentioned AR-15s because the Liberals had already pledged to ban assault rifles completely, and it wasn't clear if semi-auto rifles fell under their definition of "military-style" rifles.


Personally I believe all guns should be banned with the exception of bolt-action rifles and single-shot shotguns, and only farmers are allowed those.

Then you’ll have farmers coming to your home trying to rob and murder you. 

Didn’t think that through, did you? 

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Quote from ResetEra:



The new death toll is 23. That number may increase because of the way the terrorist quickly murdered people and drove away to murder more. There are currently 16 active crime scenes stretching from northern Nova Scotia to the central part of the province.


There is a man on CTV right now talking about his his final moments with wife who was killed. She was pregnant.


A big question that is being asked right now is why a provincial alert wasn't activated. The terrorist was on the loose for 12 hours.


It took 12 hours for the police to find him due to the area they had to cover, and the fact he was using a fake cop car. The RCMP is being questioned hard by reporters over why they didn't activate the mobile emergency alert system so that everyone in the area/province knew to stay indoors and keep an eye out/hide. The RCMP don't have a solid answer, only that they chose to use twitter instead, believing it was a faster method of communication. That of course is wrong, as only people who follow the police (and even use twitter) would get immediate messages (and only if they were checking twitter), compared with sending emergency mobile notifications to everyone with a cell phone. The system even takes over the radio and TV signals in the area.


Someone is going to lose their job over this, and deservedly so.

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6 hours ago, Brick said:

I would like to know what type of gun was used, and how he got it, whether it was already owned legally, recently bought legally, or if he got it illegally. 

Given that he apparently put a lot of forethought into this, I would bet they were legally purchased. Quite possibly an AR-15 because he wanted to pretend to be a LEO.  AR-15’s are in the restricted category which means you need a restricted license (not very hard to get), you can’t use for hunting and can only transport directly from your home to a licensed gun range (but if you’re going to go on a murder spree I doubt you care about that). 

Honestly, the best case scenario (for gun enthusiasts anyway) is that he DID use an AR-15 or similarly scary looking rifle. In that case, it’s possible the Liberals ban AR-15’s along with a few other similar rifles and stop there. But if the guy used, say a semi-auto shotgun (which are considered non-restricted — still require a possession license but not subject to the same restrictions, can be used for hunting etc) I could see us ending up with laws similar to Australia. 

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RCMP bungled the situation big time:


13 hours into the incident, the RCMP decided to issue a public emergency alert.



And even then, it didn't get done before he was killed because the process took hours:


They also didn't know he was using a fake police uniform and vehicle until the second day of the shootings (yes, he started on Saturday afternoon/evening, went to sleep [or hid], and then continued on Sunday morning):



It appears that he did not have any permits to own weapons, so they were likely acquired illegally.


So they tweeted out details on Saturday evening about a shooter on the loose, but took over 13 fucking hours to work the idea of a public emergency alert through the chain of command. The RCMP in Canada has a pretty bad reputation of being a dinosaur on most things, especially harassment against women officers, discrimination against minorities (Indigenous Canadians, mostly), and a culture of right-wing conservatism. Apparently they also can't do anything in emergencies.


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