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How are you surviving the Plague 2020?


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Besides missing the gym one of the hard parts is what to do with clothes that have been outside. It's just not practical to follow the advice to toss outside clothes in the washing machine as soon as you come inside when you only have communal coin-op laundry. I'm resorting to designated outside/shopping clothes that only get put on for going outside and which live by the front door otherwise.


And on a directly related note, I'm trying to figure out what to do with laundry since shared laundry doesn't seem so great right now. Stuff that goes in the dryer seems like it should be fine since the virus should apparently be susceptible to low heat, but I hang my shirts to dry so I'm thinking maybe I should wash them in the sink for the time being.

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I'm trying to finish my master's thesis so I'm spending a lot of time inside anyway. Otherwise the biggest annoyance has just been not being able to go out hiking since Oregon shut down most of its parks, but in the grand scheme of things, I'm doing great. :mdancing:

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It’s been pretty uneventful. Girlfriend is sheltering here and we both work from home; grocery runs when we need to; a lot of takeout and delivery. Anything that comes inside gets wiped down. Other than that, we get stoned and drink and play Animal Crossing or read. Not like we’re living through the fucking Blitz. 

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Income is going to become a concern for me by the end of April so today I've just been stressing about everything. A few weeks ago ago I thought we would be through a lot of this but it seems it's really only beginning. Seriously, at the rate things are slowly getting worse I don't feel like people will be back to work until May/June if we're lucky. 

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6 minutes ago, Rachel said:

Going pretty fucking stir crazy. I try to leave the house at least once per day. Usually to check the grocery store for eggs and toilet paper. Or I go for even a drive and sit in a parking lot and feel the sunshine. Pretty worried about work and money. Other than that I spend 98% of my time indoors watching Netflix, playing video games, or practicing guitar.


I hate this. I want the world to go back to normal. 

My grocery store fucking tripled the price of eggs from this time last week. For months it was $0.99 for a dozen eggs. Now it's $2.99.

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I'm still working my normal shifts, so not a lot has changed for me.

I do cook a lot more, being nightshift everything in Utah closes early and opens late including fast food so I'm pretty much limited to cooking at home. 

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Its been pretty peaceful for me. I work remotely now on my projects as there are still several months until the construction phase for any of my projects, so its all design and contract meetings via phone or zoom currently. I have a home gym and a pantry packed with food. We've always cooked our own meals, so nothings changed there. My wife and kids have enjoyed the time off so far and we've been able to do things as a family more often than our usual weeks tend to allow.


The day before last, I put my son on a bicycle for the first time. It went predictably poorly, and we had a great time all the same! My wife made a bird feeder with my son and set it up in the yard. Today I finally got my dog "Izzy", who is well known as the world's worst golden retriever, to actually, you know, retrieve a stick! It only took 5 years and a global pandemic, but I think she gets it now! That's what the last two weeks have been, just lots of little, nice moments with my family and mental "different" pet. It has been odd trying to emotionally reconcile that things for me and mine are so nice, quiet, and convenient while others beyond our life are suffering. Earth is an odd experience,  full of sharp juxtapositions, this much I know! All the same, that knowledge just sits there like a heavy low rain cloud, a little ways off, but always there and threatening to pour. 

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2 hours ago, Rachel said:

Going pretty fucking stir crazy. I try to leave the house at least once per day. Usually to check the grocery store for eggs and toilet paper. Or I go for even a drive and sit in a parking lot and feel the sunshine. Pretty worried about work and money. Other than that I spend 98% of my time indoors watching Netflix, playing video games, or practicing guitar.


I hate this. I want the world to go back to normal. 

That's cool, I didn't know you played guitar. What kinds of songs do you like to play?

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1 hour ago, Mr.Vic20 said:

Its been pretty peaceful for me. I work remotely now on my projects as there are still several months until the construction phase for any of my projects, so its all design and contract meetings via phone or zoom currently. I have a home gym and a pantry packed with food. We've always cooked our own meals, so nothings changed there. My wife and kids have enjoyed the time off so far and we've been able to do things as a family more often than our usual weeks tend to allow.


The day before last, I put my son on a bicycle for the first time. It went predictably poorly, and we had a great time all the same! My wife made a bird feeder with my son and set it up in the yard. Today I finally got my dog "Izzy", who is well known as the world's worst golden retriever, to actually, you know, retrieve a stick! It only took 5 years and a global pandemic, but I think she gets it now! That's what the last two weeks have been, just lots of little, nice moments with my family and mental "different" pet. It has been odd trying to emotionally reconcile that things for me and mine are so nice, quiet, and convenient while others beyond our life are suffering. Earth is an odd experience,  full of sharp juxtapositions, this much I know! All the same, that knowledge just sits there like a heavy low rain cloud, a little ways off, but always there and threatening to pour. 


Life is good on @Mr.Vic20's private island!

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I still go to work, go over to my sister’s house at least once a week for dinner and a movie, go on walks, most of the stuff I did before. Biggest changes are no more hanging out in coffee shops, and I only do one shopping trip a week. It’s a little frustrating, because my therapist has been encouraging me to get and out and be among people more often, which is now the number one no-no!

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I worked in school two days last week, which was mainly child-care with a bit of teaching and now we have a two week end of term break. I've got some assignments to work through and my end of placement meeting (online) on Monday to show my experience file (stuff you collect each school placement that shows the work that you have completed) and then as we're only really allowed out once a day, I've been running/walking the dog, spending time with my wife, playing video games, playing a lot of guitar, gardening, tidying/cleaning the house and sorting things out.


EDIT: I've also got to apply for a teaching position to start in September, so I also need to write an letter of application that can be adapted that isn't terrible. I also looked through one of my assignments and it's very full on so I'll start on that from Monday and make sure I write something worthwhile (I just had the results back from a previous assignment and I passed but it wasn't a good pass and it just shows me that I need to really up my game with my academic writing if I want to think about a Masters in the future). 

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13 hours ago, DarkStar189 said:

My grocery store fucking tripled the price of eggs from this time last week. For months it was $0.99 for a dozen eggs. Now it's $2.99.

You’re in PA, right? Call or email the AG’s office, because I’m pretty sure that constitutes price gouging. 

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Home workouts, working from home full time, and a good wine stash, doing more gaming.


Only going out for groceries; haven't put gas in my truck in two weeks.  As much as I love Tundras(what I own), they are notorious for bad gas mileage, so this has been a good thing from that standpoint.

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I'm pretty fortunate, so it hasn't been a big deal for me. Before the quarantine my days consisted of sitting at a computer in the office Monday to Friday, then sitting at my computer at home on Saturdays to do an online class. So working from home hasn't been an issue, and my wife has worked from home for years. We haven't really been low on necessities, and eggs are the biggest thing we've had trouble getting. We already subscribed to a Blue Apron type of meal delivery service, and they haven't been having any trouble, so our normal eating habits haven't really changed.


I'm actually glad to be working at home in many ways. I have a nice home office, but I haven't used it much. Now I'm in there a bit too much, but I'm glad I'd carved out a nice space and new PC to work at.



Even though I'm in a good position myself, I do have to admit to falling prey to a general anxiety. I have few specific issues, but I'm concerned about how bad this will get and what the long term implications will be, etc. I've unfortunately used that as an excuse to drink more and exercise less. This last week I cut down on the alcohol a bit, and my goal for this week is to get back into regular exercise.


I've also been trying to get a good photo of the hummingbirds that frequent our new feeder and have yet to get anything satisfactory.




Thankfully, they keep giving me more opportunities. It's nice to go downstairs for a snack and see one out there. I've got my camera on a tripod inside, so I just slowly walk over there and see if I can get anything good. I might need to move it somewhere with better light.


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Those are really cool pictures, nice work @TwinIon


In a weird way, the quarantine has been good for me. It pretty much forces me to sit inside and work on my thesis, only going out for an occasional run and grocery shopping. I only just moved to Portland about 4 months ago and barely know anyone here, and my girlfriend  and I broke up last week too after being together about 8 months, so I really have nowhere else to go. No excuse not to work on my thesis now. :p 

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15 minutes ago, Nokra said:

Those are really cool pictures, nice work @TwinIon


In a weird way, the quarantine has been good for me. It pretty much forces me to sit inside and work on my thesis, only going out for an occasional run and grocery shopping. I only just moved to Portland about 4 months ago and barely know anyone here, and my girlfriend  and I broke up last week too after being together about 8 months, so I really have nowhere else to go. No excuse not to work on my thesis now. :p 


Was the breakup prompted by "are we sure we want to quarantine together for at least a month?"

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17 minutes ago, Jason said:


Was the breakup prompted by "are we sure we want to quarantine together for at least a month?"

Ha no, it was more a case of just not communicating, I guess. She kept breaking up with me rather than discussing it when we had a silly argument or difference of opinion and then a few days later would come back to me and say "let's try again" (but never apologizing for breaking it off), and after four times of that shit and her being unwilling to try to learn to deal with disagreements another way, I'd had enough. Kind of sucks, because I really care about her and we are generally very compatible, but if you can't disagree well with your partner, it can't last, and in the meantime the emotional rollercoaster was awful. :/ 

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7 minutes ago, Nokra said:

Ha no, it was more a case of just not communicating, I guess. She kept breaking up with me rather than discussing it when we had a silly argument or difference of opinion and then a few days later would come back to me and say "let's try again" (but never apologizing for breaking it off), and after four times of that shit and her being unwilling to try to learn to deal with disagreements another way, I'd had enough. Kind of sucks, because I really care about her and we are generally very compatible, but if you can't disagree well with your partner, it can't last, and in the meantime the emotional rollercoaster was awful. :/ 


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I still go to work, since I'm in just about the most essential of jobs during this. Work is definitely different now. I don't go out a ton anyway, though I did have to cancel a dinner with a friend we'd planned for a while. Can do my usual online grocery order, since everything is out of stock, so we have to go to a couple different stores in person to get what we need. Can't go the the gym every morning after work as usual. Still been keeping up with my outdoor jogging/walking when the weather permits.


Otherwise, I've been at home, reading and playing Animal Crossing, which I'd be doing anyway.

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I finally started working from home fully on Thursday. The drama to reach that point was comical but yeah, I'm finally there.


The biggest issue thus far has been dealing with my girlfriend currently living in Montreal and me in NY. Usually we've been seeing each other once a month for a 4-day weekend, taking turns, but obviously with the border situation we have no idea when we'll see each other next. It's not so much the time elapsed but the uncertainty combined with the obvious factors of potential loss of income and so forth. Of course this shit isn't cheap. Then again, I am glad that she is Canadian and not sitting through the farce that is the US response to this, so there's that as a positive I suppose.


Besides that, I've only gone on two shopping trips in the past three weeks and both have been with masks, gloves etc...unfortunately I'm not the brightest and the whole leaving your clothes for the wash did not occur to me and I just went with washing my hands and all that basic stuff. I have my own washer & dryer so I've been good on that front as well.


Been working on my car to pass the time.

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2 hours ago, Bloodporne said:

The biggest issue thus far has been dealing with my girlfriend currently living in Montreal and me in NY. Usually we've been seeing each other once a month for a 4-day weekend, taking turns, but obviously with the border situation we have no idea when we'll see each other next. It's not so much the time elapsed but the uncertainty combined with the obvious factors of potential loss of income and so forth. Of course this shit isn't cheap. Then again, I am glad that she is Canadian and not sitting through the farce that is the US response to this, so there's that as a positive I suppose.


Time for a matrilineal marriage!

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