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FFX on the Switch, lying in bed when I should be going to sleep. It’s silly but I didn’t play anything on my PS5 tonight because I felt vaguely tired and didn’t want to get caught up in Dead Space, to then do this instead. Also I spent too long finding out how to actually play Perfect Dark on my Switch.

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7 hours ago, CastlevaniaNut18 said:

This is gonna seem really weird, but I randomly decided to play Silent Hill Homecoming on PS3. First time the system has been booted up in I don’t know how many years.

A big complaint with the game was that the Y axis camera controls couldn’t be inverted. While I prefer inverted Y axis camera controls, I still got accustomed to them not being inverted back when I originally played the game. But I played it again somewhat recently, and I couldn’t get accustomed to them not being inverted this time. However, I still think that it’s a pretty good survival horror game that received a little more hate than it deserved.

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