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Played 3 hours more of Kena. So I'm roughly 5 hours in meaning I'm about halfway through. 


@Phaseknox Like a big wimp I put the difficulty to the lowest possible. I just want to enjoy my time with the game and not die multiple times. The game doesn't really explain what exactly you're supposed to do at times. So there is puzzles and discovery to be had.


You're going to really enjoy this game. It's so charming and has a kinda old school feel to it. If I were you, I'd bite and buy it. 

  • Halal 1
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4 hours ago, best3444 said:

Played 3 hours more of Kena. So I'm roughly 5 hours in meaning I'm about halfway through.

It’s only 10 hours long?

4 hours ago, best3444 said:

@Phaseknox Like a big wimp I put the difficulty to the lowest possible. I just want to enjoy my time with the game and not die multiple times.

Playing a game on an easier difficulty setting because you just want to have fun without being aggravated and frustrated doesn’t make you a big wimp, games are meant to be enjoyed and if you’re not enjoying them because their difficulty is too high then what’s the point of playing them? Of course a game being too easy without presenting any sort of a challenge whatsoever isn’t really fun to play, either. I personally like a happy medium, I like to be challenged enough where I have to put forth some decent effort but not to the point where I get aggravated, angry and frustrated wanting to throw my controller through my TV screen. That’s when a game is no longer fun IMO.


4 hours ago, best3444 said:

You're going to really enjoy this game. It's so charming and has a kinda old school feel to it. If I were you, I'd bite and buy it. 

Saying that it has a kinda old school feel to it is a positive IMO. I really have no doubt that I’m going to enjoy it, and I definitely plan on buying it soon.

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I started over this morning because when I initially played I wasn't focused or in the mood to game.


I took off work and woke up at 5am to play this. I just finished now so that's roughly 5 hours into this game.


I'm so fucking impressed with the production values, voice acting, and visuals. The combat is perfectly fine to me. You have quite the arsenal of actions to use and it's very similar to any combat in these types of games. Level up and improve. 


I can't get over how cute the little kids are and the rot are adorable. The puzzles have been just enough of a challenge for me. I wish this game wasn't so short because I'm having so much fun with it. 


This is my style of game mainly because it's ideas came from games like Zelda. 


I also don't mind it's not open world but rather just large sections to discover.


The visuals are so beautiful for this genre and I usually stop while playing to just admire the world.


As of now, this is an 8.5/10 game. Anyone who skipped this...do your yourself a favor and play this. 


@stepee was the one encouraging me to play this. You were absolutely correct that the game is dope af. 

  • stepee 1
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15 minutes ago, best3444 said:

I started over this morning because when I initially played I wasn't focused or in the mood to game.


I took off work and woke up at 5am to play this. I just finished now so that's roughly 5 hours into this game.


I'm so fucking impressed with the production values, voice acting, and visuals. The combat is perfectly fine to me. You have quite the arsenal of actions to use and it's very similar to any combat in these types of games. Level up and improve. 


I can't get over how cute the little kids are and the rot are adorable. The puzzles have been just enough of a challenge for me. I wish this game wasn't so short because I'm having so much fun with it. 


This is my style of game mainly because it's ideas came from games like Zelda. 


I also don't mind it's not open world but rather just large sections to discover.


The visuals are so beautiful for this genre and I usually stop while playing to just admire the world.


As of now, this is an 8.5/10 game. Anyone who skipped this...do your yourself a favor and play this. 


@stepee was the one encouraging me to play this. You were absolutely correct that the game is dope af. 


Yeah it’s a fantastic game and stunning looking. Everyone should definitely remember to play it if they skipped it on launch. I would so love to see more similar scoped games of its level. I think we will this gen too, as tools are getting more robust, smaller teams should shave more impressive games like it. Stray up next for this sorta impressive looking AA release thing!

  • Halal 1
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Lol, I took a break and was like....fuck this I want to play more! So now I'm 7 hours in.


There was a puzzle I struggled with and had to look it up. I was actually very close to getting it right. I love the bow in this. 


I ended where I was stuck on a cliff and I'm not entirely sure what to do. I'll figure it out tomorrow. 

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Played about 2 hours and my impressions have changed just a little. Not to go into some of the game faults but one thing that is pointless is collecting "currency" to buy hats for the rot. Wtf is the point of that. 😆 


I enjoy the puzzles and I think the combat is very solid. I think that aspect got negative attention in reviews. 


I'm leaning toward a score of 7.5 right now. It kinda slowed down in pace atm.

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16 hours ago, best3444 said:

Played about 2 hours and my impressions have changed just a little. Not to go into some of the game faults but one thing that is pointless is collecting "currency" to buy hats for the rot. Wtf is the point of that. 😆 


I enjoy the puzzles and I think the combat is very solid. I think that aspect got negative attention in reviews. 


I'm leaning toward a score of 7.5 right now. It kinda slowed down in pace atm.

Oh, the game definitely has problems. Wierd collision problems with invisible walls and other things. I agree, id say its a 7.5-8. Absolutely a great, fun game to play, but its definitely flawed. But if it gets a sequel, I think they can fix a lot.

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2 hours ago, BloodyHell said:

Oh, the game definitely has problems. Wierd collision problems with invisible walls and other things. I agree, id say its a 7.5-8. Absolutely a great, fun game to play, but its definitely flawed. But if it gets a sequel, I think they can fix a lot.


Yea, it's charm is what's keeping me playing. I'll definitely beat it and keep an eye out for a sequel.

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20 hours ago, best3444 said:

Played about 2 hours and my impressions have changed just a little. Not to go into some of the game faults but one thing that is pointless is collecting "currency" to buy hats for the rot. Wtf is the point of that. 😆 


I enjoy the puzzles and I think the combat is very solid. I think that aspect got negative attention in reviews. 


I'm leaning toward a score of 7.5 right now. It kinda slowed down in pace atm.


hey come on there are some cute hats :P

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3 hours ago, stepee said:


hey come on there are some cute hats :P


It's really dumb but I'm over it. :p


I thought I'd beat it this afternoon but I'm still not there. The visuals are just a real treat to behold. I bet it pops on the ps5. 

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O ya last night was mostly 3ds on deck stuff 3d Land, Zelda Link Between (probably will actually play this one at some point), and Warioware Gold. Then played some system32 sega arcade games and then walt disney world racing for dreamcast whatever lol I like that game. 

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I'm playing Gundam Gihren's Greed on my Aya Neo. Watched 08th MS Team for the first time in YEARS and I wanted to pwn space Nazis.


Took a bit to adjust to the latest versions changes but Zeon is getting pwned. A few more territories and Terra will be liberated and I can wait for a bit tech up get money and build up for taking the fight to Zeon territory.

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Hitting that point of the year where finding time to do anything is tricky, especially with playing guitar a lot more. I’m going to consciously sit down and finish Kirby and then the Forest Temple (to restart my families summer of Zelda). Then, I’ll be buying new games - either going down the Indie route and play a few, or a longer game.

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I started playing Grey Skies: A War of the Worlds Story, and it had the potential to be a good survival horror game like classic Resident Evil and Silent Hill but the developer ruined it by not including any type of combat whatsoever. It’s a third person adventure stealth game with an appealing dark atmosphere, slight exploration and key puzzles. It looks and feels like a classic survival horror game, but is missing one key component... combat. Instead you have to sneak past enemies stealthily without any way of killing them. There’s not even an option to stealth takedown them in any way which ruins it as a stealth game as well. You can use things like rocks and bottles to throw to distract them, but that’s about the extent of it. A game like this needs combat or stealth takedowns of some kind, because just sneaking past enemies without being able to engage them in any way is boring.

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1 hour ago, Phaseknox said:

I started playing Grey Skies: A War of the Worlds Story, and it had the potential to be a good survival horror game like classic Resident Evil and Silent Hill but the developer ruined it by not including any type of combat whatsoever. It’s a third person adventure stealth game with an appealing dark atmosphere, slight exploration and key puzzles. It looks and feels like a classic survival horror game, but is missing one key component... combat. Instead you have to sneak past enemies stealthily without any way of killing them. There’s not even an option to stealth takedown them in any way which ruins it as a stealth game as well. You can use things like rocks and bottles to throw to distract them, but that’s about the extent of it. A game like this needs combat or stealth takedowns of some kind, because just sneaking past enemies without being able to engage them in any way is boring.


yeah Im not a fan of the “hide only” brand of horror gaming either 

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I have decided to sample a bunch of Game Pass games until one clicked.


Garden Story - 2d Zelda type game.  I believe I was a grape. Grapes are cool but not this game. Skip


Omori - weird but interesting. Unfortunately it was too slow and I wanted something more engaging. Skip


Boyfriend Dungeon - dungeon crawler with I guess a dating sim aspect. Too much talking and not enough action. Skip


Lost in Random - Tim Burton inspired action game with a card system. Fucking Bingo.  

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17 hours ago, stepee said:

yeah Im not a fan of the “hide only” brand of horror gaming either 

I’m not really a fan of any game that lacks combat except for maybe point-and-click adventure games, and walking simulators.


I was playing YesterMorrow recently which is a sIde scrolling 2D platform puzzle game with a lot of enemies in the levels, but you can’t fight them you have to avoid them. I kept wanting to fight them, so it was annoying and frustrating to constantly have to avoid them. It ruined the game for me despite liking everything else about it, because it was aggravating that the game was designed like an action platformer but completely lacked action.


And that’s the same problem that I had with Grey Skies: A War of the Worlds Story as well, it’s designed like a classic survival horror game but doesn’t let you fight the enemies in it. I kept wanting to find a weapon of some kind to fight them, but instead whenever I encountered an enemy I had to stop in my tracks and slowly sneak past them not even being able to stealth takedown them. This was aggravating, boring and tedious. Games like this need action of some kind in them to make them more engaging, and fun to play IMO.


Combat is featured in most games with enemies for a reason, because without it you feel completely powerless and vulnerable against your adversaries which doesn’t make for a very fun gameplay experience. I know that there are some “hide only” (as you put it) horror games out there that are designed around the concept of making you feel powerless and vulnerable in them to enhance the terror, and perhaps it works for them since that’s what they’re all about. I don’t know, because I haven’t played any of them. But I do know that in games designed in a way where combat feels like it should be included, being forced to constantly avoid your enemies isn’t fun and feels like a major gameplay component is missing.

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11 minutes ago, best3444 said:

I was planning on beating Kena but I'm still in a funk of sorts. I can't consistently play a game long enough to beat them it seems. Oh well. 

Do you know what causes your funks, is it depression? That’s what causes my funks, and makes me not want to do anything. I just mope around, and can’t get motivated to do anything.

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Just now, Phaseknox said:

Do you know what causes your funks, is it depression? That’s what causes my funks, and makes me not want to do anything. I just mope around, and can’t get motivated to do anything.


Oh, it's 1000% depression. This might be the lowest point in my life right now. A few things happened personally over the last week and I've been struggling really bad. 


I need more therapy etc. I lost my identical twin brother to cancer. I've never been the same since. 

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7 hours ago, EternallDarkness said:

hit hour 50 on Monster Hunter Rise :lol: think I've reached the last mandatory rampage thingie and saw that Blue Dragon was 5 bucks on XBL so even though I have the disc version around here somewhere I picked it and played through the first hour or so. 

I’ve been pretty good lately about not buying games just because they’re cheap (a bad habit that can add up quickly), but I also bought this a little while ago. Why? Because I’ve been playing the early FF games and that’s kinda rekindled my enjoyment of JRPGs? Cool, but I’m never gonna play more than a couple hours of that game, I just know it. :lol::lol:

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59 minutes ago, best3444 said:

Oh, it's 1000% depression. This might be the lowest point in my life right now. A few things happened personally over the last week and I've been struggling really bad. 


I need more therapy etc. I lost my identical twin brother to cancer. I've never been the same since. 

I’m sorry. :( Stay strong, get the help that you need and hopefully you’ll be out of your funk soon.

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1 hour ago, TheLeon said:

I’ve been pretty good lately about not buying games just because they’re cheap (a bad habit that can add up quickly)

I know all too well how buying games just because they’re cheap is a bad habit that can add up quickly. I currently have around 700 PS4 games for this very reason.




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7 minutes ago, TheLeon said:

Back when I was really into Steam sales, somewhere around $7-8 was my “fuck it, why not” price. That’s why I have hundreds of Steam I’ll never touch. 

The bulk of my PS4 games are digital games/indies due to the constant PS Store sales. I have around 200 physical games, and around 500 digital games.

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I just finished reading ‘The Body Scout’ by Lincoln Michel, which is a colorful cyberpunk novel about a baseball scout, and it got me in the mood to finally get to Cyberpunk 2077. Gonna be awhile though since it needs to download to the console (I’m basically all digital at this point but I grabbed a physical copy for super cheap), then I need to download the PS5 version. 

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