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2 minutes ago, thedarkstark said:

Same, I was HR 300 or something on switch but I want to play sunbreak on PC so I started over, about to hit hr8. If you are playing on pc & need some help let me know

I’m on Switch. I have like 4 more seven star quests and then I’m finished. Looking forward to Sunbreak. Did you try the demo?

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51 minutes ago, Biggie said:

I’m on Switch. I have like 4 more seven star quests and then I’m finished. Looking forward to Sunbreak. Did you try the demo?

Nah Monster Hunter demos are never worth checking out they give you such trash gear in the demos.


You need to be an absolute god to solo hunt even the mid-tier monster with the bad gear and super low time limit, it's silly.

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Beat the Siege of Paris dlc today just in time before the weekend is over. I thought it was very good. The quests themselves, the area (Paris is probably the best city in the game), the story, the focus on assassinations, all just good stuff. All thriller no filler. 


Back in England now, just a bit more to finish up, crossed 100 hours today. 

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Played a few cases of Dead Rising 2 Off The Record on deck last night and it was so good. I think it’s time to finally play this one since DR2 is one of my favorites. I’m sure switch could run these okay, they should really port them there, they make great handheld games.

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3 minutes ago, best3444 said:


Quick thoughts on Psychonauts? :batting:


I've beaten the first casino level and started on the Ford Cruller stuff.  So far it's a more polished Psychonauts 1.  I stepped away from it for a while for some reason, played a bunch of other games instead.

Only wish they'd stop it with the floating platform mini-level bits.  Feeling a tad redundant at the moment.

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1 hour ago, Phaseknox said:

What are your thoughts on Dragon’s Dogma so far?


I've always been somewhat biased against generic fantasy in games.  It needs political intrigue/character development to drive things forward.  So a custom main protagonist + a bunch of interchangeable soulless party members is very bland to me on the surface.  And the way Dragon's Dogma tries to ground itself, like a text warning that a NPC hates it when you attack them, or the items you hold slowing your walk speed, feel pretty dumb.

Combat is the redeeming thing so far.  It feels like another game that I can't quite put my finger on.  It's fun, if not a little jank at times with the climbing.

I may drop it soon, I can't see myself finishing it before starting XB3.

56 minutes ago, Keyser_Soze said:


What are your thoughts on the game that is not Psychonauts 2 and Dragon's Dogma that you are playing?

Glad you mentioned it. :silly:

Luigi's Mansion: Dark Moon is way better than I expected it to be.  It's the game I pull out when I'm in the mood to play something portable.

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26 minutes ago, crispy4000 said:

I've always been somewhat biased against generic fantasy in games.  It needs political intrigue/character development to drive things forward.  So a custom main protagonist + a bunch of interchangeable soulless party members is very bland to me on the surface. 

Yeah, those are definitely some of its drawbacks IMO as well. I like the character creation, but the character is a silent protagonist which I’ve always disliked in games especially in RPGs where you’re constantly interacting with other characters. I like to play as voiced main protagonists with emotion, and personality. I also don’t really care for the pawn companions, because like you said they’re interchangeable and soulless. I prefer more colorful party members that you meet on your adventure, and that join your party along the way.


The story and characters are definitely the weakest aspects of the game which are a pretty big deal for an RPG, but the gameplay, combat and world are all appealing enough to keep me wanting to play. Or at least they were 10 years ago when I first played it, but I’m playing it again now and I’m not sure if they will be enough to keep me wanting to play this time because playing as a silent protagonist with pawn companions is turning me off a bit.

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I decided to play some PUBG because I always update the game and have not payed it in eons. Seems like now they force you to play 10 matches against the AI which was fun enough for me. They also have some premium faces of Asian women so I bought one because whatever twitch reward you get there is some currency that expires in a month so I HAD to use it. :p


Interesting that they added mortars and C4 to the game. Didn't get to use them though. Seems more useful for a squad type thing.

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Been playing a lot of random stuff on deck. Maneater seems like a great handheld game and looks solid on deck. Soul Calibur 6 is awesome on it. Castle of Illusion Remake looks great. Tried Supraland and it seems weirdly demanding but holds 30fps at low settings, it seems okay; might have to try it some more. Just Cause 4 and Final Fantasy 15 both look and run great on deck. 


Just got Horizon ZD and Days Gone for some of that modern handheld Sony action, $28 for both of them combined at cdkeys.

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Oh yeah and still going through Valhalla. I finished up the Asgard saga, I must admit the setup for the expansion has me interested. I’d probably end up just playing that too if it wasn’t for GOW2 on the horizon. I enjoyed the arc that’s here for sure.


Going to proceed now back to the main story I think I did most of the main side stuff now (asgard, both expansions, scotland, vinland). I just need a tiny boost to hit level 6 on my village though.


Hope it ends strong! I’ve been away from the main story progression for a bit so I kinda forgot I have to deal with my


lunatic brother

now. I think I’ll wrap it up this weekend then I’ll have to decide on a new main game. Maybe Days Gone?

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I played Children of Morta, it’s a top-down view 2D pixel art procedurally generated dungeon crawler. The pixel art is quite good, it’s a more modern style instead of trying to mimic the look of 8-bit/16-bit games. The game itself has an interesting story told by a fable-like narration. There’s a bit of a Diablo vibe to the game, you make your way through dungeons killing enemies, collecting loot and reaching a boss.


It’s designed where you have to complete a dungeon and defeat its boss in one run. There are no checkpoints or saves in the dungeons, or before the bosses. When you die you keep whatever gold that you’ve collected in a dungeon, and you use it to pay for upgrades like more health, stronger attacks and faster movement speed. The dungeons are procedurally generated, so their layouts are different for each run.


I was somewhat enjoying its design structure at first, but of course after several times reaching the dungeon boss, dying and restarting the dungeon again from the very beginning started to get a little repetitive. I finally beat the first dungeon boss after several runs, and it felt satisfying. I was looking forward to playing a new dungeon after playing through the first one so many times, but the second one looked almost identical with basically just a different color scheme so it didn’t really seem like a new dungeon. And they more than doubled the amount of enemies in it which proved to be too much for me to handle, so I stopped playing.


I like the story, the pixel art graphics, the gameplay and even the design structure of having to do multiple runs through the dungeons, but the dungeons looking similar and having a ridiculous amount of enemies to have to contend with when you make it further in the game are unfortunately dealbreakers for me.

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2 hours ago, stepee said:

Tried Supraland and it seems weirdly demanding but holds 30fps at low settings, it seems okay; might have to try it some more.


Played okay with my 1060, I think?  Although I seem to remember that optimization isn’t its strong suit.


The game itself is fantastic though.

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18 minutes ago, crispy4000 said:


Played okay with my 1060, I think?  Although I seem to remember that optimization isn’t its strong suit.


The game itself is fantastic though.


Something about it the deck doesn’t like, could simply be proton slowing it down though. Still looks nice and is totally playable just weird that I need lower settings than say Valhalla.

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I’ve been playing some of my indies since I have hundreds of them. :p I got in a beat ‘em up mood, and have been playing Bloody Zombies, Clan N and Itadaki Smash.


Bloody Zombies is an arcade style beat ‘em up that takes place in England, and has a somewhat odd art style especially for the characters that sort of look and animate like puppets. The backgrounds look fairly normal. The game plays like your standard beat ‘em up with punches, kicks and occasional weapons to pick up and use. You fight zombies which the title of the game gives away. It’s cartoonish, comical and decently fun for the most part.


Clan N is a top-down view pixel art hack ‘n slash game with the camera panned out far from the action, and the graphics are extremely pixelated. There’s some charm to how they created the characters and environments with a limited amount of pixels, but I would have preferred more detailed pixel art myself as it leaves a little too much to the imagination. The gameplay itself is kind of fun with button mashing attack combos against groups of enemies, and a little platforming at times as well.


Itadaki Smash is an arcade style beat ‘em up somewhat similar to Bloody Zombies. It also has a bit of an odd art style where the characters almost look like claymation. It’s cartoonish and comical with a crazy nonsensical story, and weird cast of characters. It seems like a game that would have come out for the Sega Saturn back in the day. It plays a little clunky and heavy, but it’s kind of fun.


I also started playing a cute and colorful 2D Metroidvania called YesterMorrow, and I’ve been enjoying it. It has good level designs with appealing graphics, and some challenging platforming. My only real complaint is that it lacks combat, it’s almost all traversal and platforming. Being able to fight the enemies instead of always having to avoid them would have made the game more fun.

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9 minutes ago, Phaseknox said:

I’ve been playing some of my indies since I have hundreds of them. :p I got in a beat ‘em up mood, and have been playing Bloody Zombies, Clan N and Itadaki Smash.


Bloody Zombies is an arcade style beat ‘em up that takes place in England, and has a somewhat odd art style especially for the characters that sort of look and animate like puppets. The backgrounds look fairly normal. The game plays like your standard beat ‘em up with punches, kicks and occasional weapons to pick up and use. You fight zombies which the title of the game gives away. It’s cartoonish, comical and decently fun for the most part.


Clan N is a top-down view pixel art hack ‘n slash game with the camera panned out far from the action, and the graphics are extremely pixelated. There’s some charm to how they created the characters and environments with a limited amount of pixels, but I would have preferred more detailed pixel art myself as it leaves a little too much to the imagination. The gameplay itself is kind of fun with button mashing attack combos against groups of enemies, and a little platforming at times as well.


Itadaki Smash is an arcade style beat ‘em up somewhat similar to Bloody Zombies. It also has a bit of an odd art style where the characters almost look like claymation. It’s cartoonish and comical with a crazy nonsensical story, and weird cast of characters. It seems like a game that would have come out for the Sega Saturn back in the day. It plays a little clunky and heavy, but it’s kind of fun.


I also started playing a cute and colorful 2D Metroidvania called YesterMorrow, and I’ve been enjoying it. It has good level designs with appealing graphics, and some challenging platforming. My only real complaint is that it lacks combat, it’s almost all traversal and platforming. Being able to fight the enemies instead of always having to avoid them would have made the game more fun.


Bloody Zombies looked fun and saw it was only $3.70 on steam sale, so picked that up! Weirdly, it has a VR mode??

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2 hours ago, Phaseknox said:

Do you have VR?


I do, and I guess I’ll check it out there because it doesn’t work on the steam deck, which is where I wanted to try it lolz. I didn’t check beforehand if it was or not, got too confident after everything has been running on it, gotta remember to check when Im buying a game with the intent to play on deck!

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Getting ready to likely finish Valhalla this weekend :o 


Bedtime gaming on deck is still all over the place just trying out a lot of different games and seeing how they run etc. Way too many options, lots of stuff I’m excited to dive into there. Playing a lot of fighting games because they rule on it.


After Valhalla I’m thinking maybe finish up Hitman 3 then on to Days Gone.

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3 hours ago, Phaseknox said:

Why don’t you have the urge to finish it, I thought that you were enjoying it.


Well I was really enjoying it but then I get into "funks". So I stop playing and then for me to get back into it I usually need a new game high to get me back into a rhythm.


I'll beat Cyberpunk because I did put 35 hours in but I'm also a little curious in how the game ends.


Also, yes I'm strange. 

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57 minutes ago, best3444 said:


Well I was really enjoying it but then I get into "funks". So I stop playing and then for me to get back into it I usually need a new game high to get me back into a rhythm.


I'll beat Cyberpunk because I did put 35 hours in but I'm also a little curious in how the game ends.


Also, yes I'm strange. 

I started up Cyperpunk 2077. Don’t worry I’ll finish it for you bud. 

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I hit a point with Cyberpunk where I only had one story mission left, so I went around and did a bunch of side stuff. A lot that felt like filler that didn't really interest me. There are some really good side quest lines with fun characters and interesting stories, but doing a bunch of those in a row got a little boring because there wasn't a lot of the gameplay opportunities that hooked me initially - the game really pops for me when you have a wide hostile area, and you have to stealth/fight your way through it. So I hit this point where my main motivation to do side stuff was to level up to unlock new combat/hacking abilities, but I wasn't really getting a lot of opportunities to use those unlocks, so I sort of lost my motivation to play more. Also, I got a monowire that is really satisfying to use, but it almost trivializes combat. Like 80% of dudes, if I get a sneak attack on them, I just take their head off with one hit. 

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1 hour ago, ManUtdRedDevils said:

I started up Cyperpunk 2077. Don’t worry I’ll finish it for you bud. 


It's a very solid game and worthy of your time. I'm going to focus on the main story tomorrow and beat it. I want to move on to Forbidden West. 

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