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Finished Mega Man 6 and the first Challenge and then it crashed and after that the Legacy Collection would crash every time I tried to start it. Luckily Steam users are more competent than Capcom and found an easy fix. The post with the fix is over 3 years old and Capcom still hasn't fixed the issue.

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I picked up xeno 2 tora yesterday because i’ll be stuck on a 5h flight + week long business trip. This trip i’m exclusively switch, last one was exclusively 3ds. So mostly a mix of xeno, capcom beatemup collection and possibly a bit of Zelda (never got around to beating it).

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Just finished DQXI. 112 hours going by the game clock.  That's the full game, not the 'main' part, which can be reached 30-40 hours sooner.  Plus every major post-game thing except for the combat arena.


Very impressive game overall.  The production values are excellent, battles stayed engaging, and the localization is superb.  There's only a few parts I'd consider less than stellar: mainly the dungeons and a few of the optional post game quests.  The latter wouldn't be a problem in most games, but with the way DQXI sets it up, it's disappointing to see some of it half-baked.  Some sections, like Octogonia, do feel like they got proper justice.

The story also feels like it's own thing in spite of JRPG tropes.  DQXI's application of them feels a fresh, which is more important IMO.  Some really great foreshadowing too.  It doesn't beat you over the head with it, which is nice.


It's a shame there's a few too many plot holes.  I haven't seen the internet bring this one up yet:



She never returns.

Also, what they did to the lanalulu arc is lame.

I'd still put Xenoblade 2 over it for my favorite JRPG this gen.  It takes about as long to see through to the end, but the payoff is better.  DQXI has a fun cast though, and better pacing on the whole.  You could stop at hour 70-80 and still feel like you played a classic.  Then get to play through a massive, story-critical expansion to it for free.

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6 minutes ago, Biggie said:

Tecmo Super Bowl 3 Final Edition 


Played last night @Slug works perfectly. Do you or your son play Tecmo? 

Glad to hear it!


I did, not so much anymore though.


Definitely not my sons.  My great failure as a father is that I've failed at passing on my love of the classics.  As far as video games go, my kids are firmly planted in the "filthy casuals" demographic.

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13 minutes ago, Bloodporne said:

Why did nobody alert me to the fact that Metal Gear Rising: Revengeance is one of the best Character Action games of all time? 


D1P, you have failed me. 



It’s a five year old game. We orgasmed all over it back then. Nothing but dust is left. 

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11 minutes ago, Keyser_Soze said:


There was plenty of this on the boards before the wipe. :p


11 minutes ago, ManUtdRedDevils said:

It’s a five year old game. We orgasmed all over it back then. Nothing but dust is left. 

Head-chopping GIF retracted. 


I'm legitimately shocked by how great this game is after spending some time properly 'training' its move set. Somehow totally went under my radar. I can see myself playing through this like once a year going forward. 

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On 10/22/2018 at 6:17 AM, Biggie said:

StarLink : Battle for Atlas - Switch

How is it? Been thinking about getting it but I've heard it's a lot like No Man's Sky? And is there a focus on toys? I could care less about being forced to buy toys to progress through the game.

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30 minutes ago, nublood said:

How is it? Been thinking about getting it but I've heard it's a lot like No Man's Sky? And is there a focus on toys? I could care less about being forced to buy toys to progress through the game.

The digital deluxe version for the Switch comes with everything without requiring any of the toys. It also has all the Star Fox content so it’s the version to get if you want to play with Fox McCloud. 

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2 hours ago, Bloodporne said:

Why did nobody alert me to the fact that Metal Gear Rising: Revengeance is one of the best Character Action games of all time? 


D1P, you have failed me. 



Dad, tell us about the wonders of Nanomachines.

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2 minutes ago, Chris- said:


Bitch did you even finish The Witcher 3


Still going through that too. I've done a good chunk of Skellige. Think I'm level 24. So yeah I have to get through that, and the DLC too. I tell myself I'll replay it on Death March to not be a little bitch, but I don't think I'll ever really have the time to do a second play through. 

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