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What are you playing today?

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2 hours ago, EternallDarkness said:



just checked and its a little over 25 hours, though I have done plenty of exploring, now exploring even more, managed to find 3 skulls so far and I have one more locker to find but can't seem to figure out where it is. :( 


How do you see how long you played? What are you playing it on and what difficulty did you play on?

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I'm at that point where I don't have anything to play. I've been playing the dumpster fire that is New World, and I still sign onto it every day or so because I have nothing new to play. It's a lot like showing up at a party that ended the night before, realizing no one actually had a good time, all the alcohol is gone, and now people are just staring at me, wondering when I'm going to leave.


I really need something new that will consume my soul for long periods of time.

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I stopped playing Biomutant because it was failing to really engage me. It’s not bad, but it’s not great either. I’ll most likely play it again in the future when the mood strikes me, and after I’ve played other games that I have more of an interest in playing.


Speaking of which, I started playing Far Cry 6 and I’m really digging it so far. The graphics are some of the best that I’ve seen, and I’m playing it on PS4. It’s proof that blaming the previous gen consoles for Cyberpunk 2077 looking like ass on them is bullshit. CDPR just done fucked up the previous gen versions of the game, plain and simple.


Far Cry 6 feels like an improvement to the series in most areas. It’s definitely a lot better than Far Cry 4 and 5 IMO, but it’s too early for me to decide if it’s better than 3 yet which is my favorite in the series.

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6 hours ago, Phaseknox said:

I stopped playing Biomutant because it was failing to really engage me. It’s not bad, but it’s not great either. I’ll most likely play it again in the future when the mood strikes me, and after I’ve played other games that I have more of an interest in playing.


Speaking of which, I started playing Far Cry 6 and I’m really digging it so far. The graphics are some of the best that I’ve seen, and I’m playing it on PS4. It’s proof that blaming the previous gen consoles for Cyberpunk 2077 looking like ass on them is bullshit. CDPR just done fucked up the previous gen versions of the game, plain and simple.


Far Cry 6 feels like an improvement to the series in most areas. It’s definitely a lot better than Far Cry 4 and 5 IMO, but it’s too early for me to decide if it’s better than 3 yet which is my favorite in the series.


I have that on my XSX and will eventually get to it. I played a few hours and really enjoyed it. You're correct, the visuals are excellent. 

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16 hours ago, brucoe said:

I'm at that point where I don't have anything to play. I've been playing the dumpster fire that is New World, and I still sign onto it every day or so because I have nothing new to play. It's a lot like showing up at a party that ended the night before, realizing no one actually had a good time, all the alcohol is gone, and now people are just staring at me, wondering when I'm going to leave.


I really need something new that will consume my soul for long periods of time.

Havent been where I had nothing to play in over 25 years, that's even losing everything I owned in the 2018 camp fire....lol


"Nothing?.....nothing to play" WOW, JUST WOW! What a feeling that must be like, no steam account? Not a pc gamer It seems? No steam summer / winter sale backlog to slow you down huh?


What consoles do you own, play on?

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4 hours ago, CastlevaniaNut18 said:

Well, I spent about 4 hours with Far Cry 6. That my longest gaming session in quite a while. 

It’s mindless fun, I’ll probably stick with it. 


I played 10 hours then stopped but I'm planning on going back to it soon. Like you said, it's mindless fun and a beautiful environment to play in. 


I'm currently approximately 12 hours into Halo Infinite and hope I have another 10 or so hours left. Then I'm playing Guardians of the Galaxy. I'm playing these games on my XSX.

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23 hours ago, HardAct said:

Havent been where I had nothing to play in over 25 years, that's even losing everything I owned in the 2018 camp fire....lol


"Nothing?.....nothing to play" WOW, JUST WOW! What a feeling that must be like, no steam account? Not a pc gamer It seems? No steam summer / winter sale backlog to slow you down huh?


What consoles do you own, play on?

He’s a PC gamer if he’s playing New World. I don’t know how he can’t have anything to play. I have too much to play (600 games), and I only have a PS4.


19 hours ago, CastlevaniaNut18 said:

Well, I spent about 4 hours with Far Cry 6. That my longest gaming session in quite a while. 

It’s mindless fun, I’ll probably stick with it. 

I’m glad that you seem to be enjoying it. I am too, it’s mindless fun like you said with a fairly entertaining story and cast of characters. I know that not everyone likes them, but I’m personally a sucker for these types of Ubisoft open world games with an overwhelming amount of stuff to do scattered all over a giant map.

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played some FH5, mostly just doing the daily challenge and screwing around to get more FP points so I can buy everything in the shop tomorrow when the new season starts. Also played the opening level of Guardians of the Galaxy. Not sure how I feel about that one yet. Combat seems quite simplistic but perhaps that is because I have no real upgrades yet. Also after watching the Guardian movies so many times the look and sound of the characters feels wrong :p 

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13 hours ago, Phaseknox said:


I’m glad that you seem to be enjoying it. I am too, it’s mindless fun like you said with a fairly entertaining story and cast of characters. I know that not everyone likes them, but I’m personally a sucker for these types of Ubisoft open world games with an overwhelming amount of stuff to do scattered all over a giant map.

Yeah, last big game I finished was Dragon Quest VIII back in September, so I needed something to throw myself into. I got it free since my husband got it with something he bought and wasn’t interested. 

I haven’t played an open world action game since I finished AC Valhalla early this year. So this is fun. 

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Last world Sonic Lost World is kind of a bummer after the rest of it being quite fun. Starts with a boss tourney, then an on rails mine cart level, and then a difficult level with where you fight two bosses in between automated vertical scrolling lava sections..before you fight the main guy and then a section that ends with needing to do something it doesn’t explain at all. It’s kind of a nightmare and not in a good way like the NiGHTS level.

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At my parents with my daughter (flying solo) so if there’s any gaming it’ll either be a random game from my childhood bedroom shelf or Chinatown Wats as I found it in a drawer and thought, why not.


Tuesday though, after some DIY I’ll be playing a fair few things as it’s my one day left to it in the foreseeable future.

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Finally beat Sonic Lost World. When I got to the last world I was kinda bummed it was almost over but by the end of the last world I was so happy it finally ended so it had that going for it. Sega does really dumb difficulty spikes at the end of otherwise pleasant to play games. The last world had about 2 minutes of what makes the rest of the game fun and then it’s just an hour of boredom and frustration. Overall it had some interesting ideas and it does feel like some kind of bizarro what if Sonic Xtreme happened on Saturn thing which I dig. Definitely better than Forces but not as good as something like Generations. Solid 6.5/10 would say 7/10 if it wasn’t for the last world.


Its $5 on pc and if you are a Sonic fan it’s definitely worth it if only to check out a strange note in the main series history.


Got Colors Ultimate on pc yesterday and I’ve never played Colors so I’m pretty excited for that. I’ll admit it probably made the last world even worse because it not ending was just preventing me from playing that instead.

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Accidentally posted this in the Halo Infinite thread.  Anyhow...


Bombslinger - If Bomberman was a rogue-like.  Sounds amazing on the surface.  In practice, waiting for the ability to lay more bombs, more powerful bombs, and move not slow as shit is frustrating after you die.  But this might be okay if I can overlook it.


Furi - I beat the first boss, tried a bit of the second.  It’s the kind of indie game where the jank really shows in cutscenes.  But overall, it’s a fun game.  I’ll probably return to it.


Project Wingman - First thing I wanted was a boost button, but nope.  I used to love flight combat games, but maybe this isn’t arcadey enough for me.  Bombslinger’s slow start already shot my patience for the night.

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Also played a variety today after I beat Lost World since I hit up the egs sale. 


Sonic Colors Ultimate seems good so far if uninspiring compared to Lost World. But it looks a million times better actually and even is the first Sonic to run without issues at 120fps and it looks smooooth. Going to play more of this in the morning but have a good feeling about it.


Alan Wake Remastered seems good enough I guess. Its just so disappointing coming from Remedy how bare bones it is lol. If it was someone else I’d say they did a good job because it’s at least up to last gen standards now which is better than what some remasters do and it’s not a remake. But I’d rather it didn’t exist still so that it could happen in the future with ray tracing. But it’s definitely nicer looking now and a better way to play one of my favorites. Oh and no American Nightmare Remasted unless it’s coming as dlc is suppppper disappointing though.


Crysis 2 holy FUCK they did a hell of a job with this one. I kinda knew that going in watching DF’s video but playing it in person it’s like a current gen game now hot damn. The lighting is fucking killer. This is also one of the best first person shooters ever I don’t give a fuck what anyone says. It’s so much better than the first Crysis. There I admit it.


The Crysis Remastered as a whole is a weird package. Crysis 1 does look nice with the RT and crazy LOD but it’s still based on a core that has trouble with 60fps locked to this day. Crysis 2 is amazing. And Crysis 3 is pretty much just adding dlss and rt reflections to the pc version but it’s kinda fine because it was further ahead of its time than people realized.



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Play as a gorgeous female wanted-criminal Faye. Utilize her grappling hook and acrobatics to fight enemies and traverse the ocean-engulfed planet Bluestar! (This game has steep learning curve, play with caution)


I played this game earlier for about an hour and a half. It looks like a combat focused action game but really it's more like a puzzle game. I think it was only developed by one guy (or like a handful of people) I like the idea of the game but the control is a bit weird. Biggest problem is it gave me some real bad motion sickness I think. I'll probably go back to it though.

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Oh anyway then I played Mafia Remastered and this is my favorite of the bunch so i’ll probably keep at it. I really loved Mafia 2 and 3 and this seems like the exact same thing.


Its just amazing in this game the absurd amount of detail that is put into this city that hardly has any purpose or often even opportunity in being explored. The other two are the same, I actually thought the first one was different all this time because I thought people acted like that facet was a downgrade   when Mafia 2 released. It’s the same kind of almost interactive movie with a city that is there to explore if you reallllly wannnnnna. I mean, I am, because it’s a gorgeous depiction of the era.


But there are unique assets everywhere for the stores and signs and everything, it’s all so bespoke and makes it feel alive. It’s just funny how much detail there is and most people probably just fly by and see none of it but then a game where you really live in the city like SpiderMan it’s all pretty cool and paste still.

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Tried Enter the Gungeon after deciding I want a new rogue like.  It’s not bad, but I feel spoiled with Hades.  That game just feels so good from the very first hit of a run.  Gungeon equips you with a pea shooter.  It can’t compare to the choices Hades gives you from room to room either.


I’ll still give it a go again later.


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36 minutes ago, crispy4000 said:

Tried Enter the Gungeon after deciding I want a new rogue like.  It’s not bad, but I feel spoiled with Hades.  That game just feels so good from the very first hit of a run.  Gungeon equips you with a pea shooter.  It can’t compare to the choices Hades gives you from room to room either.


I’ll still give it a go again later.


I just started Rogue Legacy 2 because I also wanted a new rogue like. Hades really did spoil us. Hades is a great game from the start and just adds to it every step of the way. RL2 as an example is just a mediocre/terrible game from the start and takes a few runs to start unlocking stuff, for Christ sake you cant even attack above or bellow you until you unlock the right class and its still locked to that class. So many rogue likes have good ideas and shit ways of implementing them .

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Sonic Colors kind of makes me beat it into submission at the start to get it to not lock at 24fps instead of 120fps idk what it is. Once it loads up correctly it’s fine the whole time but it’s annoying. Beyond that my impression of it is up today after seeing how you unlock wisp powers in levels you beat previously as you go on. There were some super super short levels that I didn’t even understand why they were there in the first world but now they work when going back and picking up stuff.

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17 hours ago, Keyser_Soze said:

Play as a gorgeous female wanted-criminal Faye. Utilize her grappling hook and acrobatics to fight enemies and traverse the ocean-engulfed planet Bluestar! (This game has steep learning curve, play with caution)


I played this game earlier for about an hour and a half. It looks like a combat focused action game but really it's more like a puzzle game. I think it was only developed by one guy, USING ONLY ONE HAND (or like a handful of people) I like the idea of the game but the control is a bit weird. Biggest problem is it gave me some real bad motion sickness I think. I'll probably go back to it though.

Edited for factual accuracy. 

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