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1 hour ago, gamer.tv said:

Just at Del Lago in RE4. I love this game so much but it had hit the point where a full remaster would take it to god tier gaming. Also, not one part of the game has scared me, but I’ve jumped twice because of snakes in crates.

I dunno, there is way too many remadters already. Id rather see yhd manpower working on something new.

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I found a PSVR setup for half price at a shop that just wanted it out yesterday, so last night the wife and messed around with astro, it was the first time I've seen her excited about a game.  After we were done, I bought Beat Saber to try because I heard good things. 

My ps4 pro seems to no longer mine. I’ve been relegated to my regular ps4. She’s a foaming sweat. I might have list my wife to Beat Saber.

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On 8/17/2020 at 10:30 AM, BloodyHell said:

I found a PSVR setup for half price at a shop that just wanted it out yesterday, so last night the wife and messed around with astro, it was the first time I've seen her excited about a game.  After we were done, I bought Beat Saber to try because I heard good things. 

My ps4 pro seems to no longer mine. I’ve been relegated to my regular ps4. She’s a foaming sweat. I might have list my wife to Beat Saber.

Yup, I’ve pretty much had my ps4 pro commandeered. My wife loves beat saber more than me. And she likes to run, so her stamina is pretty high. If ps5 wasn’t around the corner, I would need to buy a second.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Still ticking over with RE4. It may just be the era that the game was made in, but it's a game so well suited to short burst gameplay. Each save area is spaced about 10-15 minutes apart, chapters don't take a huge amount of time and the game generally has good pacing - with a few weird moments of wandering around abandoned areas. Weirdly, despite owning this game on the Gamecube, Wii, and now the PS4, this is my first ever playthrough on normal. It's a good experience of challenge being fun, rarely frustrating, with really good checkpointing for the era. I've just started Chapter 3 and I'm really enjoying myself.


UPDATE: I forgot to mention, alongside my small love affair with the PS Plus free trial, I tried out Dead Cells. I only completed a single run, with this actually being my first experience of this type of game and I enjoyed it. I'm hopefully getting a Switch in a few months, so if that comes to pass, I will buy this to enjoy in handheld mode. I do really like the idea of a fresh challenge, so I may dip into the Rogue-like genre a bit more and see what it's about. 

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Playing through Arkham Knight again... a damn shame the batmobile gameplay drew so much attention away from all the great things this game offers. Its such a thorough product with plenty of tools to attack situations, great characters, and moments that have been pretty much forgotten.

some of my highlights:

-the ridiculous amount of moves and tools at your disposal

-ivy sacrifice
-the infected jokers
-how punchable mad hatter is in every Arkham game
-batman never “acknowledging” the joker despite the nonstop pestering
-the man-bat and joker scares
-the way u can see your progression by the filled up GCPD

-the random way the joker manifests in the environment

-how disturbing professor pyg is to everyone 

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I've been playing Witcher3 -- just finished the campaign and am playing through the DLC.


This game probably has the best story of any game I have ever played.  It constantly introduces (and re-introduces from the first 2 games) interesting characters, and puts them in novel situations.  It is continually giving you moral choices, that both cause characters to react differently to you, and quests to resolve differently.  

Gwent is also probably the best mini-game I have played, and a significant improvement over the terrible poker dice from previous games.

This game also has the best use of the Witcher signs -- I find myself using all 5 signs at regular intervals.


I really wish the combat was better -- 80% of the combat situations can be easily beaten by following the same pattern, two light attacks, dodge backwards, cast Quen sign, repeat.  Traversal is also disappointing -- I am constantly frustrated with Roach (and the racing mini-games, while not hard, are TERRIBLE) and travel by boat.  Similarly, a lot of the quality of life (for lack of a better word) aspects are pretty disappointing -- nothing to let you know when you are close to an inactive quest, the encumbrance and weapon degradation systems are annoying, the loot is largely a waste of time, etc.  Finally -- the technical issues, multiple crashes to desktop, occasionally not being able to dive underwater (fixed by exiting/re-entering the game), crashing during the Eredin battle unless I reduced my resolution to 1080p, more clipping than in any game I can recall.


The good far outweighs the bad, and I am enjoying the game -- it is a really good experience.  Based on my tastes, this is a game I should love -- and I wish I did -- perhaps my anticipation for playing it was just too high based on the "best game ever" hype.

On 8/11/2020 at 10:03 PM, gamer.tv said:

I've been bouncing off the Witcher 3 after short playthroughs and I think the issue may be that it isn't a directed game. After The Last of Us 2 and the investment that took, I think I need a game that follows a linear path. Looking at the games on sale and following recent board conversations, I've bought RE4 on the PS4 to both finish for the first time ever, along with providing me with that set experience. I'll not give up on the Witcher 3 (or Hitman) but I think they'll be more Autumnal games for me.

If you stick to the Main and Secondary quests, it can actually be a fairly directed game (ignoring most of the "?" on the map, unless you need them for a quest is probably a good way to play the game).  I kept trying to play it like a Sony or Ubi open world game, and I think that was a mistake on my part - I enjoyed it more when I stopped trying to go to all of the waste-of-time copy/paste locations. The game really picks up at around the 7-hour mark, when you get to Velen.

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Virgo vs The Zodiac.

It reminds me a lot of Super Mario RPG. Combat plays very similar with pressing A during an attack for a crit and A again during defending to take less damage. It also has a counter function and combat triangle. It has a banging soundtrack so far


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Up to Chapter 4:1 on RE4. It’s such a fun game that just becomes more entertaining as you improve your weapon set. In the flip side, my wife hates it and think it looks dreadful (which apart from the character models, it does). I look forward to finishing it for the first time then picking up Tony Hawks and looking at my PS+ library for something else as well.

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1 hour ago, gamer.tv said:

Up to Chapter 4:1 on RE4. It’s such a fun game that just becomes more entertaining as you improve your weapon set. In the flip side, my wife hates it and think it looks dreadful (which apart from the character models, it does). I look forward to finishing it for the first time then picking up Tony Hawks and looking at my PS+ library for something else as well.


You'll never finish it. You'll be taking care of a baby forever now.

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Took a break from FF7 remake to play Code Vein. Man, the dialogue and NPC animation in FF7 is soooo bad. I mean, what in the heck was Square thinking. It’s a good game at it’s core. But they really need to outsource their voice acting at least. But I’ll admit, FF7 is my first time playing a FF game since FFIV on the DS, which was amazing btw. So maybe FF has always had supremely cheesy diolag and I’ve just forgotten. lol


And I knew nothing about Code Vein going in so I’m enjoying it so far. It’s scratching my Souls itch until Demon Souls remake. 

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