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I'm trying really hard with Nier: Automata since I blew my personal "video game allowance" on it. I bought it based on the demo, which I thought was great, and the great reviews/ratings and I'm currently at 15 hours and can barely get myself to fire it up anymore. The combat is fun enough but it's hard for me to find anything redeeming about it outside of that and the soundtrack.

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I tired, but I think I've decided that From Software games just aren't for me. I love the idea, but the reality of having to replay and really learn a game goes against my idea of a fun time (although I have to say, when you get past a part, you do feel amazing) and so I've started up Assassin's Creed: Origins, which has a similar combat system which is nice. I mentioned in another thread about REmake and I've since downloaded that, so I think on Sunday, I might fire it up, have a go and see how terrible I am at dodging/item management. 

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I'm towards the end of Shadow of the Tomb Raider and it's been a really pleasant surprise.  I held off after the lukewarm reception at launch, and just got it recently on sale.  I have to say, I'm confused by this game's reception - not only is it the strongest of the recent reboot trilogy, it might be the best of this type of game (cinematic swashbuckler?) that I've played this gen.  The tombs and puzzles require some legitimate freeform platforming, and while the combat is still the weakest part, the stealth sections are really fun and the game gives you a ton of interesting skills and tools that make it feel open ended.  The graphics are excellent, and the soundtrack is fantastic.  I have felt compelled to explore almost everything the game has to offer, which I almost never do in these types of semi-open world games.  The story isn't great, but the premise is interesting and it never gets in the way.  It bums me out that people (including myself) seem to have overlooked this game, as I think it's pretty underrated.

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19 minutes ago, ShreddieMercuryRising said:

I'm towards the end of Shadow of the Tomb Raider...


I wonder if it was due to Rise of the Tomb Raider being a Microsoft exclusive (at a time when no one was feeling the Xbox One) and then this release just didn't find it's market/people had lost interest in the IP.




Playing about two hours of Assassin's Creed: Origins and I honestly couldn't tell you if I like it or not. I like the setting, the story is good, combat will do...but then there's the the endless ? that pop up every where and it seems a little bit..full? I'm also interested in Spiderman, which I know has those issues, but is also a setting and character I love, which means I can be more forgiving. 


Either way, I feel like i'll finish the game, but spend most of my time with it listening to a podcast at the same time. 

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2 hours ago, gamer.tv said:


I wonder if it was due to Rise of the Tomb Raider being a Microsoft exclusive (at a time when no one was feeling the Xbox One) and then this release just didn't find it's market/people had lost interest in the IP.




Playing about two hours of Assassin's Creed: Origins and I honestly couldn't tell you if I like it or not. I like the setting, the story is good, combat will do...but then there's the the endless ? that pop up every where and it seems a little bit..full? I'm also interested in Spiderman, which I know has those issues, but is also a setting and character I love, which means I can be more forgiving. 


Either way, I feel like i'll finish the game, but spend most of my time with it listening to a podcast at the same time. 

Having played both, I can tell you that Spider-Man is much more manageable than Ass. Origins regarding pop ups and collectibles. I loved both games but Origins was definitely the bigger game. Odyssey is even bigger than that. 

As far as what I’m playing, I just finished Claire’s campaign in RE 2 REMAKE. I’m currently playing Deus Ex Mankind Divided and going back to get all of the collectibles in Doom Eternal. I also started Sekiro over in order to retrain myself in the game and I’m gonna start Evil Within 2.

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2 hours ago, gamer.tv said:


I wonder if it was due to Rise of the Tomb Raider being a Microsoft exclusive (at a time when no one was feeling the Xbox One) and then this release just didn't find it's market/people had lost interest in the IP.




Playing about two hours of Assassin's Creed: Origins and I honestly couldn't tell you if I like it or not. I like the setting, the story is good, combat will do...but then there's the the endless ? that pop up every where and it seems a little bit..full? I'm also interested in Spiderman, which I know has those issues, but is also a setting and character I love, which means I can be more forgiving. 


Either way, I feel like i'll finish the game, but spend most of my time with it listening to a podcast at the same time. 

You can ignore a lot of the white "?", there really is no need to go after them all.  However, the gold "?" are the ones you want..

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Still playing a lot of Final Fantasy XIV. I finished getting my lvl 80 crafting equipment and just need to overmeld it. I started getting my lvl 80 gathering equipment and overmelded what I already have. I set my retainers up with 80 equipment so I'm set until the next expansion for those.

Lots of side stuff to do before the next update with all the new relic weapons, gathering relics and crafting relics recently added. 


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I just finished Jedi: Fallen Order.  I guess I would call it a metroidvania, with Uncharted traversal (with a little Titan fall 2 thrown in), and a Souls-lite combat system.  A solid 7.5/10 -- a good game.  Nothing remarkably good, nothing remarkably bad.  A bland protagonist, with a mediocre story.  Graphics that occasionally looked really good, and sometimes look extremely underwhelming.  A combat system that felt pretty good by the end of the game, but had a lot of what made it fun hidden behind a skill tree for WAY too long.


In my quest to get into the Witcher universe, I booted up Witcher 2 (using a gamepad) -- I can already tell I am in for some Eurojank.  My god though, does it look a lot better than The Witcher.

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Just tidying up my posting. 



Jet Force Gemini (rescued Vela, just learned from a guide I need to rescue every Tribal...ugh)

The World is Not Enough (on Level 4)

1080 Snowboarding (completed the first Match Race)

Hydro Thunder (Completed all Easy races and one medium)



Horizon Zero Dawn (finished the Nora bits, completing the side quests in the second area)

Crash Team Racing (beat Dragon Mines)


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I just got Silent Hill 2 working really well via PS2 emulation and dove into that for the first time in ages. My PS2 broke many moons ago and the game's been sitting there taunting me ever since.


I thought it would've lost its bite a bit due to its age but it's still the eeriest, anxiety-inducing game I've ever played. I had to step away after two hours or so, that game is every ounce as heavy feeling as I remembered it.

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13 minutes ago, Bloodporne said:

I just got Silent Hill 2 working really well via PS2 emulation and dove into that for the first time in ages. My PS2 broke many moons ago and the game's been sitting there taunting me ever since.


I thought it would've lost its bite a bit due to its age but it's still the eeriest, anxiety-inducing game I've ever played. I had to step away after two hours or so, that game is every ounce as heavy feeling as I remembered it.

Nah, that game holds up. Still creeps me out and one of my all time favorite games.

  • stepee 1
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SH2 is one of the few games where I just had to straight up stop playing the game for a day (it was the *ahem* scene in the apartment complex, i was playing it pretty late at night when I got to that scene). Still love that game to this day.


So yesterday night I decided to finally crack open one of my copies of Etrian Odyssey Nexus for 3ds. The music is really strong in this game and overall it's a great entry in the series.



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I also started playing Alien: Isolation, Steam had a sale for $2.99 or some crazy price so I snagged it.


I only played up to the first stealth section with human enemies, had no idea what the game expected me to do, aka how stealth worked, and got destroyed within two seconds. Will have to try again tomorrow to see how the whole stealth system works here.


I'm really digging what I've played so far and I think the environments and atmosphere are some spectacular shit. There are some really easy .ini file style fixes to squeeze out much higher settings on PC and it looks, and sounds, fantastic. I'm really hoping the alien stalker aspect because so far this is an impressive game as a huge fan of the first film.

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I'm playing Sekiro, Deus Ex Mankind Divided, The Evil Within 2 and Streets of Rage 4. Mostly maining Sekiro and Evil Within 2. I just beat Seven Spears and that weird ninja dude at the bottom of the well. Evil Within 2 is an improvement over the first game but it's still janky as hell. Too bad because some of the issues definitely bring the game down a peg or two.

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Playing a whole bunch of shit. I tend to go through phases where I strictly focus on one game for a couple weeks, then spread myself thin on like 10 different games and I'm currently on the later. Was playing the shit out of FFXIII but I can't beat the final Mission so I'm off to grind but I hate grinding so I've stopped. 


The Assassin's Creed thread made me download the only AC games I have, I"ll probably get the rest next time they all go on sale as they sometimes do and I restarted Origins. So far enjoying that. Started the first new Wolfenstien but that one has quickly been placed on the back burner. Not because I don't like it, but my sleep pattern is all fucked up lately from not having anywhere to actually go ever so I haven't wanted to play a shooter. Got an inch to play a "GTA clone" but noticed that sadly the last few years we haven't had a good GTA clone that I can think of so I just downloaded GTAV. I know the market was saturated with them 15 years ago, but we're due for someone to to come up with something like it. 


The other game I just got into is RDR2, and so far I'm really enjoying it. But I'm also still near the beginning and haven't had the fun of wasting an hour of my life just to get a poor squirrel and deer pelt. I think the key to not getting bored with it will be to switch to other games freqeuently and break it up. When it first came out it's all I played for like 3 weeks and I think I just got burned out on it. So I'll have to try and slow roll my playthrough this time and see if that keeps things fresh. 

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11 hours ago, skillzdadirecta said:

I'm playing Sekiro, Deus Ex Mankind Divided, The Evil Within 2 and Streets of Rage 4. Mostly maining Sekiro and Evil Within 2. I just beat Seven Spears and that weird ninja dude at the bottom of the well. Evil Within 2 is an improvement over the first game but it's still janky as hell. Too bad because some of the issues definitely bring the game down a peg or two.

Every time I see the TEW2 box on my shelf I get this vaguely annoyed feeling and wonder why I even forced myself to beat that game. I'm one of those weirdos who loves the original despite its many glaring flaws but I borderline hated the sequel.

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8 minutes ago, Dodger said:

Playing a whole bunch of shit. I tend to go through phases where I strictly focus on one game for a couple weeks, then spread myself thin on like 10 different games and I'm currently on the later. Was playing the shit out of FFXIII but I can't beat the final Mission so I'm off to grind but I hate grinding so I've stopped. 


Do you have the double CP item? With that equipped, fight the behemoth and giant wolf enemies in the steppe on the path towards the caverns until you're ready to take on the oretoises and then switch to those. If you've already finished all the missions in the circle of stones so that the oretoises have already been upgraded, you can find the non-upgraded version back where you encountered one in Eden. You can also lower the difficulty if you want to greatly increase the common drop rate at the expense of no rare drops. You can get lots of platinum ingots that way if you need cash.

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6 minutes ago, dualhunter said:


Do you have the double CP item? With that equipped, fight the behemoth and giant wolf enemies in the steppe on the path towards the caverns until you're ready to take on the oretoises and then switch to those. If you've already finished all the missions in the circle of stones so that the oretoises have already been upgraded, you can find the non-upgraded version back where you encountered one in Eden. You can also lower the difficulty if you want to greatly increase the common drop rate at the expense of no rare drops. You can get lots of platinum ingots that way if you need cash.


I have the growth egg, if I intend on getting 100% achievements I need to start doing some turtle farming soon. I forgot about the difficulty thing, maybe I need to try that for turtle and cash farming. Thanks for the tip.


I've 5 starred every mission but the last one. I can get the fucker down to about half health, but once he starts doing Wicked Whirl every round I have to switch to defense until he does it and then poison him or Vanille Ends up dead. So the problem I have is I can survive, but then the fucker keeps healing and I'm no longer out damaging his healing because I can't rush to get poison on him anymore or I end up dead. Every video or tip I've seen on it has people with secondary roles I haven't upgraded yet so I figured I'd go farming until I have more secondary roles available. 

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I beat him without trouble but didn't get 5 stars. When I tried again for 5 stars I lost a few times. I think I had maxed out all roles before doing that mission and at least had ultimate weapons for party members in use for the fight. If you don't get 5 stars the first time, the Gold Watch from beating him will make getting 5 stars easier the next attempt (it also helps to have used a Librascope on him the first time and not have to waste a turn on the second attempt).

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