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More RDR2 -- I have a love hate relationship with this game.  I am still very much enjoying the characters/story.  http://www.theboardgamefamily.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/05/Game-ending.jpg

While the mission variety is getting better, it is still finding new ways to piss me off WRT long sequences of bad interaction -- having me hold "forward" for 5 minutes, while my character moves forward in a predetermined way is not fun.  Right now, the combat amounts to me hitting the left trigger (to auto aim on an enemy), tapping upwards on the right analog stick, and firing -- to get an 80-90% headshot rate.  The combat is just boring.  The only time I am using deadeye is during hunting (which I am trying to avoid as much as possible).



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Xen in Black Mesa looks better and is more interesting but it's so long and eventually gets annoying (but at least there were lots of ammo packs and health & armor rechargers). Frame rate was generally good but there was a part where it dropped to single digit. The game locked up at one point and while Windows was still responding it wouldn't display the task manager and Alt + F4 didn't work either. I could get the taskbar to appear so I could right click to start the run box but that wasn't visible either. It did work though so even though I couldn't see it I was able to type a command to kill bms.exe to avoid having to restart my PC. That was the only lock up I had. There was a point where I got stuck somewhere I couldn't get out and another point where there was something like a giant vine I had to use as a ramp while being chased but I was passing right through it so in each of those cases I had to reload. There was an area where the water didn't fit the terrain properly so I could see under the surface from the side. Other than those issues it was fine.


Overall it was an enjoyable revisit of Half-Life.

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On 1/17/2020 at 6:19 AM, gamer.tv said:

I might play some (don't judge) Soul Silver today as I'll be out all day and in the evening as well. I think it's time to get back to RE2 as well (for no real reason, I've put off playing it for a while).


As a person nearly 20 years too late for this statement "fuck Whitney". 


I also decided, after a few games coming in the top 10, to delete Fortnite. I came fifth after literally doing nothing, hung around to see the last few fight and the building level you need to get to, to be good at the game is just beyond my point of caring. If I fancy any more BR in my life, I'll look at Apex Legends. 

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Went to replay Prey on PC on Game Pass but I'm really not used to keyboard & mouse controls anymore so got really frustrated and deleted it.


I vastly prefer a controller still, aiming speed be damned. I just can't get used to the keyboards WSAD thing. Just going to replay my PS4 copy soon.

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Still playing Division 2. After completing the story and all side missions tier 1 opened up. The world map turned red bringing in new enemies and missions, and with it the specialized weapons and perks to play with; it's almost like a whole new experience. This is so far so much better than the first game.

  • stepee 1
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If you know where he first appears, you just need to do everything you can before going there. Usually when he appears suddenly you can just enter the nearest room and wait for him to move away (usually the room you just came out of or were about to enter is a room he can't enter). He's still annoying but if you did everything you can before he arrives you'll just need to do a more tedious "lead him to the opposite side of the station from what you need to do" once or twice.


On a second run the door to the secret room in the central part of the station doesn't close but Mr X still can't enter it so hiding in there till he goes away is an option, just hope he goes to the side you're not going to next.


On Leon's second run there is an appearance that is especially annoying:



When leaving the jail with the parking pass, you'll probably want to have the magnum ready, let the zombies get a bit close before running down the hall where Mr X appears, shoot him in the head with the magnum and run past him and out of the jail.


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57 minutes ago, Bloodporne said:

Been enjoying a long-awaited return to Dark Souls: Prepare To Die with all sorts of lovely mods on PC.


This game is too fucking good, I swear. I've already beaten it three times and ended up playing two hours past my bed time last night.



Dark Souls is definitely the one game I wish I could play all over again for the first time. 

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6 minutes ago, Dodger said:



Dark Souls is definitely the one game I wish I could play all over again for the first time. 

There definitely isn't anything like playing that blind for the first time but I really enjoy going through it again and exhausting all dialog options and realizing how much is actually being explained and so on that I thought wasn't. It's just that I've been conditioned by subsequent From games to actually pay attention to this type of shit and at the time other games never asked that of me so I found this way more obscure than it even is. 


Either way, the game is a fucking joy and just as great as when it came out. I'm also about 3/4 through replaying Sekiro and it's wild to see how much they've managed to polish their own formula without losing much of its rawness. I still think going insta-fast-travel in subsequent games was a huge misstep and replaying Dark Souls reminds me why.

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I'm playing more WoW Classic. My mage reached level 60 and I have been raiding regularly for the past couple of weeks. It is fun and interesting to go back and play somehting where I know how it can play out. I know what to expect and it is fun to revisit the dungeons and raids.

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12 hours ago, AbsolutSurgen said:

I've played a couple of hours of The Witcher -- watching the Netflix series got me interested in playing the games.

Feels like an old-school CRPG, terrible graphics (lots of glitches/clipping), a questionable battle system and bad voice acting.

I'm still pretty early in Chapter 1 -- so it might get better.



It doesn’t. At least not for me. :lol:


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