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I finally got out of the starting area in Witcher 3. I’m surprisingly having a good time, the Barons quest line is excellent and I hope it’s only a show of things to come. Combat still feels a bit wonky at times, but I’m getting the hang of it. 

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Collection of Mana. Picked it up during the current sale. I’ve played Secret of Mana countless times, but not the others. The first game, whatever you want to call it, is an interesting time capsule. You can see that it shares a lot of DNA with Secret, but understandably more limited by being a GB game. I’m not sure if I’ll see it through. 

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On 12/27/2019 at 7:32 PM, skillzdadirecta said:

I'm playing KOTOR2 and Rage 2. My Rage 2 game seems to be bugged though... final mission won't trigger despite all of the parameters being met :angry:

I don’t know why this reminded me of Prey, but they had a glitch where a dead guy floating in space that you had to find and space was..... big. It took me forever to find him. I think it’s been patched since then, but still annoys me.

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2 hours ago, Dodger said:

Restarted RE2, fuck Mr X following you around is annoying. 


I've just started in the sections where he appears and it really can be irritating, although after reading a guide about the best way to deal with him, it just suggest legging it to a save room and waiting for the music to go away. 


I need to get back into RE2 as I haven't touched it since before Christmas and it's not exactly a long game...



After finishing Super Mario 64 DS and sort of playing GTA3 (I'm tempted to abandon ship on both 3 and Vice City and just play through San Andreas due to the irritation of some of the missions) I wanted something that I could just kick back and play. I settled on Pokemon: Soul Silver and after honestly not playing any Pokemon games (for more than 2 hours) since Red, this is really fun and quite relaxing. There's something about catching a new Pokemon in an area, getting everything over-levelled and steam-rolling through all encounters, at least so far that's very fun. 


At some point as well, I would like to finish Metroid Prime (I am literally across the way from the Ice Beam so I could just use a guide and I've never finished the game before yet really enjoy the game and the genre). 

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TItanfall 2 (with the intention of hopefully finishing it this weekend, if I get my school work finished off) and also played some Majora's Mask on the N64. I'm at the point where I need to find the eggs for the singer, so I think I'll spend a few evenings going through the game, collecting the masks and finishing it for the first time ever. 


UPDATE: And finished. Really good game and it did enough to make it interesting when the main premise seemed to go - you need to do this, it went wrong, do another thing so you can do the original thing. It did give me the same fun vibes that Bulletstorm and Doom both did, which is nice considering I find a lot of games released tend to be very good, but not 'fun'. 


I've still got RE2 on the backburner and I've never played the The Last of Us DLC (Left Behind) which I believe is included with the remaster, so I might download that to see what it's like. 

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4 hours ago, Bloodporne said:

Still Death Stranding and Sekiro. Haven't been able to play much in the past few weeks, maybe an hour here and there, but this weekend is going to get self-indulgent. 


Last thing I did in Sekiro was beat Genichiro on my fourth try this time around. What an utter twat this guy is. 

I got so pissed playing Sekiro I rage deleted it off my PS4 Pro :lol:


I really should go back and try it again because it’s an awesome game that happens to frustrate the hell out of me!

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2 hours ago, Dodger said:

Mostly Resident Evil 2, I really hate the Mr. X parts. Maybe the 3make won't be for me since Nemesis will be chasing you in that too. 

Probably won't make you hate the parts less but when I was playing the game a ton, I figured out you can actually stand still behind doors he opens, let the door obscure you as he walks past you and once he's a little down the corridor/into the room you're in, start walking (not running) through same door he came through. You can actually play around with him a little unlike I had initially thought. It actually brought a bit of fun to the X parts for me where I previously kind of hated him. 

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Titanfall 2 which is now completed and deleted

Sonic Mania (I think I'm now on the 3rd world)

The Last of Us: Left Behind, as I wanted something short, relevant to this year and was something I hadn't played yet


I've also (for no real reason) downloaded Fortnite again, which I'm sure will be deleted pretty quickly but you never know. 


UPDATE: As I did literally no work yesterday, today I only had time to try out Fotnite. I played one game, came fifth and I think that'll do me. BR as a genre just doesn't do it for me (I need that immediacy that comes from being able to instantly respawn or direct competition with the chance of being able to right a wrong without completely starting over). 


I'm going to see if I can put some more time into Majora's Mask tomorrow (although I watched an Arlo youtube video about suggestions for BotW 2 and now I want to go back to it to try and finish the main game.

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