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put in time with Borderlands 3 -- started a new character..the dude who can make a clone of himself or whatever.


Also played Fallen Order finished the second world. Controls not as precise as I'd prefer, and overall it's not as good as I'd hoped for but it's definitely growing on. 


oh and I put in a bunch of time in Pokémon Go...mostly did it for my nephew. He's in the band for HS and they were at a football game so he couldn't do the community day thingy and he really wanted a shiny ape thing (I swear I've played pokemon games for years and still only know a handful of them by name, lol) 

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      Back n' forth between RE2 Remake, Outer Worlds and Prey {just downloaded when I saw it on GP} GamePass has become amazing, and the last 3 games I paid for are all on GP now so I am oh so very slowly learning a life lesson I guess. Patience is a virtue. I bought Remnant, Rage2, and RE2 and they are all on GP now before I could beat a single one of them damnit!

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Lonely Mountains: Downhill - this is a free game on gamepass. My buddy turned me on to it and it’s wildly addicting. It’s a downhill mountain bike game that really encourages exploration off trail to find cool lines and faster ways down. Really fun. 

COD: season 1 dropped. I seriously fucking hate this game, lol. But I can’t stop playing. I really think they nailed the aesthetics and leveling system and the grind is keeping me hooked. There’s so much variation...but at the end of the day all the guns seem to have such similar TTK and range. it almost doesn’t matter. sniping is ridiculous with OHK anywhere on the body and near instant bullet velocity and no drop off. The overall TTK is just too fast to encourage cool gunfights. 

Battlefield V: trying to get as much time in as possible before they fuck up the TTK and add in the spotting nonsense. NFI why they are making these changes that the community didn’t ask for and actually all agree upon that it’s good as is. I’m loving the Jungle Carbine, so much fun playing an aggressive medic again. 

  • stepee 1
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been playing my Switch today. Guacamelee (forgot how tough this game could be....tough in the fact that my reflexes just aren't as quick as they used to be. Some of the platforming is just brutal for me. I know what needs to be done, but being able to input the commands as fast as necessary....)


Diablo III: gave it a bit of a test run to see how it plays on the switch. Seems to run just fine.


And last but certainly not least. DQ XI

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Yet more Arkham Knight, however I'm quite close to finishing it. I do have to say, despite the impressions that I've read, I didn't really mind the Bat Mobile combat and found it a perfectly OK diversion. I've always enjoyed the series and, on finishing this, will have finished all the console entries, however I still feel it peaked with Arkham Asylum, obviously not combat wise, but the setting for me was preferable over a large city. 


The reason I'm keen to finish it, is so I can get back into RE2 properly, especially as Christmas is coming and apart from visiting family, I'll have my first proper time off, with no work, for the first time in 6 years, which is nice. 


I can then also look through the various PS+ games that I have in my library and decide on what to try next.

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Halo Reach... its nice to go back to carefully crafted levels after spending so much time in open world battlefields... even better given that the Halo covenant AI is there to fight... the game is almost as good as the book... i dread the eventual crash and burn of Reach specially after the Long Night of Solace mission

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So I finished the main story arch for Arkham Knight and, contentious gameplay aside, the game has a really good ending. I didn't 100% the game, so I've looked on Youtube for the 'good' ending, but either way it was very well done. 


Now I can focus on RE2 properly and then go from there!

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1 hour ago, SimpleG said:

Hades - Rogue like game from Supergiant games

RDR2 - Being able to play this at 70-90 fps makes the game much more bearable also M/K help with slugish controls



Think I’ll play some RDR2 tonight. I’ve had the itch. But on the peasant PS4 Pro. 

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