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Ubisoft Will Release 3 AAA Games This Holiday Season, No Major Titles Before October


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Ubisoft Will Release 3 AAA Games This Holiday Season, No Major Titles Before October


Following the disappointing release of Ghost Recon Breakpoint late last year, Ubisoft announced they were delaying three major games, Watch Dogs: Legion, Rainbow Six Quarantine, and Gods & Monsters, to fiscal year 2021 (which runs from April 1 2020 to March 31 2021). Overall, Ubisoft said they planned to release five AAA games during FY 2021, but they didn’t say when exactly these games would arrive.

Well, Ubisoft provided a bit more detail about their FY 2021 release schedule today during their Q3 2020 earnings call. We can expect three major AAA titles to release in Q3 2021, which runs from October 1 to December 31, 2020, and two more AAA titles in Q4 2021, which runs from January 1 to March 31, 2021. So, it’s going to be a busy six months for Ubisoft from October to next April, but pretty barren before then.

It was also revealed that one of the titles coming out in in the early months of 2021 was one of the titles initially delayed from FY 2020 to FY 2021. So, out of our delayed trio of Watch Dogs: Legion, Rainbow Six Quarantine, and Gods & Monsters, two will come out this holiday and one will come out next year, and we’ll get two unconfirmed titles mixed in as well. One of those two mystery games is almost certainly the heavily-rumored Viking-themed Assassin’s Creed, and the other, well, that’s an open question. Ubisoft specifically mentioned it wasn’t Beyond Good & Evil 2 during the earnings call, and I wouldn’t get my hopes up for Splinter Cell. If I had to guess, I’d say it’s either more Far Cry or maybe, just maybe, Ubisoft will finally get around to finishing the pirate adventure Skull & Bones. Probably the former.

Whatever Ubisoft’s "AAA five" end up being, Ubisoft is promising they’ll all feel unique. As we recently reported, Ubisoft has made changes to it’s executive editorial team in order to make sure its upcoming games feel more diverse. Ubisoft claims we’ll be seeing the effect of that as early as this year.

So, what games do you expect to see from Ubisoft in 2020 and early 2021? Pure speculation on my part, but I’m going to say Rainbow Six Quarantine, Watch Dogs: Legion, and Assassin's Creed in 2020, and Far Cry and Gods & Monsters in early 2021. Now, you go!


I don't know how Ubi would release a new Watch_Dogs and a new AC game within a few months of each other.



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6 hours ago, XxEvil AshxX said:

But AC and Far Cry both follow the exact Ubi template they said they wanted to change. Surely any big AAA 2020 release is too far along to change up.


My guess is Far Cry and AC are both going to be as Ubisoft as ever.

These projects are probably too far along in development to change course with Ubisoft's shift in "editorial direction".

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4 hours ago, SFLUFAN said:

If my interest in Ubisoft's output was any lower, it would actually be taking away from my interest in other games.

I mean, isn't that the case? Horizon Zero Dawn I didn't think was a very good game from the outset, but it just being a gussied-up Ubisoft game was the primary driver of me not bothering to get much farther in it.

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11 hours ago, Xbob42 said:

I mean, isn't that the case? Horizon Zero Dawn I didn't think was a very good game from the outset, but it just being a gussied-up Ubisoft game was the primary driver of me not bothering to get much farther in it.


I beat it but had to sneak around all the bad robots cuz fighting was such a chore. At least Ubi's combat is a button mashy afterthought lol.

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Ubisoft has had some misses over the years.

However the last AC game was solid.


The best part of Horizon was the combat, it was inventive, varied, and IMHO a ton of fun.  Each different creature needed a different strategy & weapon/ammo combination to take out.  IMHO, I really don't get the comparison to an UBI game.

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2 hours ago, AbsolutSurgen said:

The best part of Horizon was the combat, it was inventive, varied, and IMHO a ton of fun.  Each different creature needed a different strategy & weapon/ammo combination to take out.


See, that's what i hated about Horizon. That kind of combat is great for a Dark Souls or a Ninja Gaiden type game. But for a game of that length, where i had to go from point A to point B, to point C, then over to point G, then back to point A via point F, (and then do it all over again) having to use specific strategy every time i came across a corrupted robot (which was like, every 30 seconds) it got tedious as shit to do anything and i would groan whenever i had to actually walk somewhere. I ended up running/sneaking past 90% of the ones i came across.


That and Alloy's mouth hung open a lot.

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35 minutes ago, XxEvil AshxX said:


See, that's what i hated about Horizon. That kind of combat is great for a Dark Souls or a Ninja Gaiden type game. But for a game of that length, where i had to go from point A to point B, to point C, then over to point G, then back to point A via point F, (and then do it all over again) having to use specific strategy every time i came across a corrupted robot (which was like, every 30 seconds) it got tedious as shit to do anything and i would groan whenever i had to actually walk somewhere. I ended up running/sneaking past 90% of the ones i came across.


That and Alloy's mouth hung open a lot.

Your experience was very different than mine.  TBH, I thought Horizon was relatively short compared to most open world games -- I have never played a Dark Souls game for more than a few hours, but I thought they were a similar length -- ~35-40 hours.


I never felt the way you did.  I loved coming across newer/more powerful enemies -- and getting to the point where the "once difficult" robots became trivial to deal with.  Certainly, when I was traversing the world, I frequently avoided "random encounters", but I never felt I had to use stealth to avoid them.  I would just run around them.  I'm sorry you didn't enjoy the experience as much as I did - because Horizon is probably one of my top 5 experiences of this gen.

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On 2/6/2020 at 11:40 AM, Keyser_Soze said:

Beyond Good and Evil 2 this year!



It would appear that Ubisoft is gearing up for a packed year throughout 2020 and into 2021. The company recently laid out some plans regarding much of its major launches in the near future. Reportedly, Ubisoft is set to put out five triple-A titles in this coming year. However, those hoping to hear more on Beyond Good & Evil 2 in this case are out of luck. Ubisoft says it’s not part of the plan through Q4 in 2021.


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