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~*Official #COVID-19 Thread of Doom*~ Revenge of Omicron Prime

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1 hour ago, Nokra said:

OK, we get it, you have actual leadership. Stop bragging*. :p 






* I'm totally kidding about you needing to stop, though sadly not the actual leadership part. :lol: :/ 

We actually don't.  Our "leader" told us that travel bans weren't necessary, 'cause science.  Had his wife travel to the UK, attend a conference, and predictably came back with COVID-19.

Then he has to go into self-isolation, and decides that maybe a travel ban makes sense.

I am not saying he is Trump bad.  But damn.

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In a somewhat COVID-19, and St. Paddy's day post.

On Friday I went to "No Frills", our local low cost grocery store to try and get some groceries.  Due to the great COVID-19 grocery panic of 2020, the bakery section  of No Frills was pretty much picked clean.  My eyes wandered over to the Vachon-brand cakes.  

1)  I was aware of the existence of the "Vachon" cakes -- most notably "Jos Louis"

2)  I had never tried one of the "Vachon" cakes.  

Vachon cakes are the Canadian equivalent of a Twinkie (or perhaps a "Little Debbie" cake).  I made the dubious decision to purchase a box of said cakes,. with the assumption that they would probably "keep".  (Despite spending 9 of the last 13 years of my life living in the US, I never realized that Vachon cakes were a Canadian only thing.)  This afternoon, the following video appeared in my YouTube feed.


Since it is St. Paddy's day, and we had a box of "Ah Caramel", my son and I decided to try said cakes (given the coincidence).  Normally, I would try to hit an Irish pub, but given the circumstances, an "Ah Caramel" would have to suffice.

I am not sure they qualify as "food", and I suspect they would survive for several years without deteriorating.  But, they're actually pretty good.

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51 minutes ago, Spawn_of_Apathy said:

If Nevada wasn’t a one trick pony it may be such a big concern. But they stopped exploding Atomic bombs decades ago, so casinos is all they have. 

Mining in Nevada is huge! So no gaming isn't the only thing we have.



Two of the top 10 gold mines in the world are in Nevada.

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Headlines I just read in the past few minutes (may be old)


- Kansas schools are shut down for the rest of the 2019-2020 school year

- New York City alone is reporting 923 cases and 10 deaths

- All Nevada casinos ordered closed, Vegas included.

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Regrading the UK's "herd immunity" debacle, this article is worth reading.


The U.K.’s Coronavirus ‘Herd Immunity’ Debacle (The Atlantic)


The country is not aiming for 60 percent of the populace to get COVID-19, but you’d be forgiven for thinking so based on how badly the actual plan has been explained.


Now, what I found really important is this section regarding "natural immunity" from exposure to the virus:



But making a decent long-term strategy is hard when there are still two big unknowns that substantially affect how the pandemic will progress. First, we don’t know how long immunity against the new coronavirus, SARS-CoV-2, lasts. When people are infected with OC43 and HKU1—two other coronaviruses that regularly circulate among humans and cause common colds—they stay immune for less than a year. By contrast, immunity against the first SARS virus (from 2003) holds for much longer. No one knows whether SARS-CoV-2 will hew to either of these extremes, and according to one recent study, its behavior could mean anything from annual outbreaks to a decades-long quiet spell.


We don’t know how the virus will behave across the year either. Other human coronaviruses tend to peak in the winter, while lying low during the high humidity and temperatures of the summer. But it’s unclear whether SARS-CoV-2 will do the same. One study showed that, across the globe, the biggest outbreaks have occurred within a narrow band of climate. But a more granular analysis across Chinese provinces showed that the virus can still easily spread in humid areas, and a third modeling study concluded that “SARS-CoV-2 can proliferate at any time of year.” The bottom line: There’s a very wide range of possible futures.



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1 hour ago, Remarkableriots said:

Mining in Nevada is huge! So no gaming isn't the only thing we have.



Two of the top 10 gold mines in the world are in Nevada.

40% of the state's budget still comes from tourism (and a large part of that from gambling). Sure we have made huge strides since 2008 to diversify the state's economy, but to say that it won't hurt is a healthy bit of BS. 

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1 minute ago, Littleronin said:

40% of the state's budget still comes from tourism (and a large part of that from gambling). Sure we have made huge strides since 2008 to diversify the state's economy, but to say that it won't hurt is a healthy bit of BS. 

I didn't say it won't hurt I said gaming isn't the only thing we have. We definitely need to expand beyond tourism. We should be generating a lot more renewable energy to provide to neighboring states for one.

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I heard an NPR interview with Mike Pence today and I'm not sure what was more infuriating, the fact it was the exact thing people have been saying in this thread in terms of the GOP spinning the everloving fuck out of Trump's "response" to Covid-19 or the fact that the interviewer just kept letting him repeat the same canned Trump 2020 commercial non-responses without calling him out for brazenly taking advantage of this dire situation.


If anyone else heard it, it was truly surreal how fucking creepy this guy is with his Lord Emperor and Führer Trump ass-licking.

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1 hour ago, SFLUFAN said:



While not as deadly, this is literally Contagion.


I mean if this is the template the White House is working off, we'll need to live exactly like this until at least July, and live similarly for the next 18 months. And then the entire population will need to be vaccinated.


Maybe a stupid question, but hasn't it largely died off in China? And they didn't have to do anything nearly to this scale (other than shut down for 2-3 months).

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