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~*Official #COVID-19 Thread of Doom*~ Revenge of Omicron Prime

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A guy at work has been out for 4 weeks now. Got the Covid, stared to feel better but continued to test positive after two weeks, he started to feel awful again, got another positive test, and remains sick.  He said the doctor thinks he got infected with two different variants back to back.


Better news: second shot for daughter is done and she feels good. 

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17 hours ago, Jason said:

Slightly itchy throat and slightly dry cough. So far negative on home rapid tests but had a definite confirmed exposure over the weekend. :s Going for a PCR tomorrow. 


Ffffuuuu :SARS-CoV-2: :(

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1 minute ago, CitizenVectron said:

queen text GIF


Your previous immunity now passes to those of us still uninfected, only making us stronger!


But seriously, I hope you continue to experience only minor symptoms.


Yesterday it stepped up to some head/nasal congestion and a very minor sore throat, but the sore throat could still have just been post nasal drip, I often get some post nasal drip when congested. Then last night I was spewing a bit of pretty loose snot right before bed. But this was still within the range of what really bad allergies could be, plus for all I know it was a bit of COVID and a bit of allergies because asking around on the Los Angeles subreddit other people yesterday were saying they were experiencing bad allergies themselves. 


Right now feel mostly fine other than I only got four hours of sleep, congestion and sore throat are majorly let up but could be the long acting pseudoephedrine I took yesterday still being in my system. 

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I know you're not supposed to read the results before 15 minutes but did another one of these to compare to the two I did yesterday and lmao the T line was solid red after like 60 seconds on this one. 



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10 minutes ago, Jason said:


Since I've gotten vaccinated I've been way more worried about long COVID and other long term complications than the initial infection.

I know Long Covid is real, and I see a lot of stats, but everyone I know has had covid, and no one has had any real problems. I know thats obviously anecdotal, but I don't think its more than 1-2% of bad cases.

I think a lot of it is cases like Gene Park, people feeling terrible and blaming it on long covid, only to find out its something else/worse. (In Parks case, it was Colon cancer. He spent months with docs treating it as long covid)

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47 minutes ago, BloodyHell said:

I know Long Covid is real, and I see a lot of stats, but everyone I know has had covid, and no one has had any real problems. I know thats obviously anecdotal, but I don't think its more than 1-2% of bad cases.

I think a lot of it is cases like Gene Park, people feeling terrible and blaming it on long covid, only to find out its something else/worse. (In Parks case, it was Colon cancer. He spent months with docs treating it as long covid)

I had an endoscopy and a colonoscopy done near the beginning of June to figure out what is wrong with me. I had a good last week where eating wasn’t a big issue for me, but past 2-3 days I have felt my lack of hunger return. Last week after a toke I was in bliss for food and it had been months since that happened. Now I’m back to smaller plates and feeling full after half a Big Mac, and my tokes aren’t working as well for my hunger again. I even took my weed intake down to just before supper and bedtime, and I was feeling my weed hit hard. Now I’m back to feeling pretty sober after an hour or so. Last week it lasted hours, especially after something with oils/butter. Back to my results, I still don’t have them over a month later. Which really sucks because latest research thinks that long haulers have pockets of the virus still in the intestines. Hoping that my results would confirm that or show what really is wrong with me. Noticing more people wearing masks again in the stores though

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44 minutes ago, silentbob said:

I had an endoscopy and a colonoscopy done near the beginning of June to figure out what is wrong with me. I had a good last week where eating wasn’t a big issue for me, but past 2-3 days I have felt my lack of hunger return. Last week after a toke I was in bliss for food and it had been months since that happened. Now I’m back to smaller plates and feeling full after half a Big Mac, and my tokes aren’t working as well for my hunger again. I even took my weed intake down to just before supper and bedtime, and I was feeling my weed hit hard. Now I’m back to feeling pretty sober after an hour or so. Last week it lasted hours, especially after something with oils/butter. Back to my results, I still don’t have them over a month later. Which really sucks because latest research thinks that long haulers have pockets of the virus still in the intestines. Hoping that my results would confirm that or show what really is wrong with me. Noticing more people wearing masks again in the stores though

Good luck sir. 


Like I said, I fully believe its real, but I think a lot of it is issues that resulted from multiple years of not getting care for other issues during this pandemic, and those issues going uncared for because "its long covid".  

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1 minute ago, CitizenVectron said:


Unfortunately a lot of people dismiss these findings because they think things like fatigue aren't a real issue.

I mean if you're getting gassed just walking across the room that's a problem. I know someone who got Covid in January of 2021 and still doesn't fully have her sense of smell and taste back. 

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8 minutes ago, skillzdadirecta said:

I mean if you're getting gassed just walking across the room that's a problem. I know someone who got Covid in January of 2021 and still doesn't fully have her sense of smell and taste back. 


Plus the possibility of submarine long-term symptoms that don't show up until weeks or months afterward.

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At the risk of self-diagnosing outside of the medical system, I feel like I had covid around Christmas of 2021. 


Back then I came down with some sickness that had me very fatigued with a mild fever and body aches for about 3 days. No coughs to speak of, no loss of taste/smell, no lingering fatigue or cough. I tested negative on a rapid test and didn't take a PCR test at the time. 


But ever since, I've been noticing that I'm having difficulty constructing well-crafted sentences. I'll use words that kinda make sense, but I'll immediately realize that what I said did NOT make sense. If I'm typing, my fingers sometimes go to the wrong place. For instance, in the course of writing this post, I've typed "I'd" instead of "I've," "wiring" instead of "writing," and "property" instead of "properly."

Kaberle's comment about aphasia in the wake of his covid infection made me reconsider what I had. Christmas of '21 was about when Omicron was firing on all cylinders here, so it could have been that I did get it somewhere. I didn't attend my Christmas gatherings, so I got it somewhere before then. 


I think I may still be suffering the effects of that infection... OR in my isolation and work-from-home life, I've lost the ability to speak properly and I type too fast and so I wind up fat-fingering words. 



I don't know... This was one of the things I was overall pretty worried about through the pandemic. I hope it's only ever irritating and that it doesn't portend some mental incapacitation down the line...

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1 hour ago, skillzdadirecta said:

I mean if you're getting gassed just walking across the room that's a problem. I know someone who got Covid in January of 2021 and still doesn't fully have her sense of smell and taste back. 

My mom, sister, cousin and her husband still have issues with certain foods they use to love, and that’s an April 2020 infection. Mom says coffee comes and goes but usually tastes soapy whether heat or from store. Certain onions taste rotten but sweet onions are fine. I don’t think I really got that part, other than I can barely taste salt on some foods. I know I shouldn’t but everything tastes bland. Cousin has no appetite and is on a chemo recovery drug to give her an appetite and same with her husband. I remember after Covid they couldn’t handle beef and pork for that year and half they were still with us. We were buying so many chicken meals because everyone was still semi ok with that one protein. Don’t know if they still have that meat issue but tend to think it fluctuates like my long hauler shit. Again my cousins husband had a quarter or his left lung collapse because of Covid, and was winded going up half a flight of stairs. He literally took a moment midway up to have a breather. He seems better now, but that lung issue lasted I think 8+ months with him. 

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Feeling slightly feverishy but the thermometer is showing a perfectly normal temperature so I'm thinking my head is just starting to feel fuzzy from only getting four hours of sleep. I'm on an immunosuppressant for my ulcerative colitis so I called my doctor and am playing it safe with a paxlovid prescription.

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