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~*Official #COVID-19 Thread of Doom*~ Revenge of Omicron Prime

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18 minutes ago, Commissar SFLUFAN said:



From April:



The CDC has reached an agreement with popular video game deals twitter account Wario64 to announce COVID-19 vaccine availability nationwide.


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30 minutes ago, CitizenVectron said:

Did anyone post this thread? It's very long and very detailed on why COVID will likely cause massive long-term health damage to society, and that we should be thinking of it more like polio or measles than the flu because of the systemic way it attacks our body:




This guy is sus 

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1 hour ago, CitizenVectron said:

Did anyone post this thread? It's very long and very detailed on why COVID will likely cause massive long-term health damage to society, and that we should be thinking of it more like polio or measles than the flu because of the systemic way it attacks our body:





I would imagine no one posted it because that is just some random guy (not a doctor) who strung together a bunch of research on superficial premises? I don't doubt we might end up seeing long-term issues, but good god, talk about confirmation bias.

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2 hours ago, Jason said:


One thing I'm wondering is where the booster efficacy numbers are coming from because everywhere I'm getting tested in Los Angeles is still only asking about your first two shots. 


58 minutes ago, AbsolutSurgen said:

Yes.  UK health agency has made further estimates ongoing as well.

SARS-CoV-2 variants of concern and variants under investigation (publishing.service.gov.uk)




Data from that report, for England, Wales, and Northern Ireland.


EDIT - Also, this is per 100k pop per week, meaning they only include boosted pop once they started receiving boosters, not over the entire period. So, it's a great comparison.

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6 hours ago, thewhyteboar said:

I'm pretty sure my brother-in-law is vaccinated but I do know that he is a worthless piece of shit who has never changed a diaper in his life. He also failed to notice that my nephew (his own son) lost his shoes at the park and drove him home barefoot. In November. 

So he’s deathly afraid of stinky shoe germs and poop germs. Sounds like he definitely doesn’t have the vid

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Anecdote time

Co worker had almost 40 people over at Christmas. As best as they can tell 1 person brought it with them and infected the majority of them 

About 1/2 were vaccinated but no booster and they all caught it with symptoms ranging from mild to moderate.

1/4 of them had no vaccine and had symptoms going mild to severe with 3 folks in the hospital.

The other 1/4 were vaccinated and boosted and and did not get it all with the exception of 1 person who tested positive but had no symptoms what so ever.



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Nothing infuriates me more than some faux alpha male motherfucker being all like, "it's no big deal, I got COVID in April of last year and it was like a cold. Stop living in fear."


Tell that to the 800,000 who died you selfish mountain of ignorant trash.


It's like their pea sized lizard brains are incapable of understanding that there are things that happen in the world that don't have anything to do with their unique person experiences. If it's not happening to them it's just not a problem. They are like this because they are worthless asshole pieces of trash. 


I have way too much interaction with these people.

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Sometimes I wonder if what's wrong with many conservatives is that they are literally incapable of understanding why anyone would want to act altruisticly.


It's like, they know that they are completely self centered pieces of garbage, they understand how their terrible own selfish mind works and then they assume that everyone else thinks exactly like they do. It impossible for them to understand why anyone would act selflessly so they assume everything is some sort of hustle... because in their world of swirling garbage selfishness, everything is.


It's this sort of shit garbage thinking that leads these deranged motherfuckers to think something lie wearing masks is some sort of government conspiracy to try and control the populous. I mean, this is a well established way to think about the situation. It boggles my mind. They really truly believe that there's some smoke filled room full of Democrats somewhere rubbing their hands together and laughing over their brilliant idea of making everyone wear a mask. This is literally what millions of people think.

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Or that the master plan behind crippling the world's 94 trillion dollar economy is every single government in the world is participating in a global conspiracy to help a handful of pharmaceutical companies make like an extra 40 billion dollars. Yeah, that fucking makes so much sense.

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So guys how do you deal with your family and friends who are believing covid lies/conspiracies, are complaining about lockdowns, seemingly anti-vaxx, and screaming about government tyranny? How do you address their false beliefs and concerns, if you do? 


I have a friend who is constantly sharing these sort of sentiments, just recently calling treason for the Federal Health Minister suggesting that mandatory vaccine laws could exist in Canada. I want to call him out on this bullshit, and try to show him he's wrong, but I don't want to risk getting into a fight and losing a friend, and would it even be worth it because is his mind even going to be open, or is he even going to listen to reason and see where he is wrong? 

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8 minutes ago, Brick said:

So guys how do you deal with your family and friends who are believing covid lies/conspiracies, are complaining about lockdowns, seemingly anti-vaxx, and screaming about government tyranny? How do you address their false beliefs and concerns, if you do? 


I have a friend who is constantly sharing these sort of sentiments, just recently calling treason for the Federal Health Minister suggesting that mandatory vaccine laws could exist in Canada. I want to call him out on this bullshit, and try to show him he's wrong, but I don't want to risk getting into a fight and losing a friend, and would it even be worth it because is his mind even going to be open, or is he even going to listen to reason and see where he is wrong? 

Does it matter to your relationship that they hold these false beliefs? As an example, if my doctor were anti-vaccine, I would question his medical opinions to a degree that would necessitate ending my relationship with him. 

But my mother, who told me mask mandates are a punishment to her, can hold those silly views all she wants and it really has nothing to do with the basis of our relationship.

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2 minutes ago, Brick said:

So guys how do you deal with your family and friends who are believing covid lies/conspiracies, are complaining about lockdowns, seemingly anti-vaxx, and screaming about government tyranny? How do you address their false beliefs and concerns, if you do? 


I have a friend who is constantly sharing these sort of sentiments, just recently calling treason for the Federal Health Minister suggesting that mandatory vaccine laws could exist in Canada. I want to call him out on this bullshit, and try to show him he's wrong, but I don't want to risk getting into a fight and losing a friend, and would it even be worth it because is his mind even going to be open, or is he even going to listen to reason and see where he is wrong? 

I am currently dancing that line with my cousins. Well one more then the other cousin (still sort of Trump fan) Anyways they lost their mom to the disease April 2020, called out people to wear a mask. Yet she won’t take the vaccine because she believes they have natural immunity because they fought the “delta” version a year before it was even discovered. Plus the vaccines are a money grab, aren’t safe, don’t work cause you can still catch Covid (she’s a hell of a lot smarter then this, which hurts even more) vaccines have killed +12K people and are better off not getting it because of natural immunity. She has long hauler shit like me, has had minor surgery and now needs a follow up that keeps getting delayed because of Doug Ford. She blames him and not people like herself that aren’t vaccinated for these delays. She isn’t eating and is mentally fragile, stopping husband from getting shot (does what she does, great guy too) and might lose his job because of the job’s mandate. So she’s adding stress on top of stress on top of stress.

This is where it becomes dicey because she has literally blocked out of her life her dad, step mom/sister and now trans brother. Now in fairness they screwed up a good thing and deserved more credit for helping out her step sisters and getting them where they are today. Shelled out tons of money to help house, feed, clothe and help educate. Parents in a car crash got a good settlement and she got squat for all the help/money she shelled out for their kids.Sadly the girls screwed a good situation and started backward commenting to parents/friends what they did to them. So it hurt her and has nothing to do with them now.  I think if I shout at her the hard truth, and doesn’t take it well. She just might write me out of her life too, and I don’t want that

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14 minutes ago, sblfilms said:

Does it matter to your relationship that they hold these false beliefs? As an example, if my doctor were anti-vaccine, I would question his medical opinions to a degree that would necessitate ending my relationship with him. 

But my mother, who told me mask mandates are a punishment to her, can hold those silly views all she wants and it really has nothing to do with the basis of our relationship.


I mean he's a good friend, and I've known him for over 9 years now, so if I could actually get through to him, and help stop the spread of misinformation, yeah I'd like to do it, especially if he also said to his friends how he was wrong and corrected some people. Like I don't know where he gets his news from (he's one of those people who doesn't like "mainstream media" and thinks it just fear mongers), and he probably gets too many bad takes from Instagram that are factually false, but align with his already held beliefs (seriously social media really was a mistake, and the amount of misinformation that spreads through it is criminal), like he once shared something from Breitbart, but I honestly doubt he even knows what Breitbart is, and that it's an alt-right trash site that Steve Bannon formerly ran. 


I hate misinformation, and if I could stop it from spreading I would like to, even a little bit. He's not a dumb guy, but he's not a thinker, if that makes sense. Like I don't believe he really looks at and challenges any of his viewpoints, and really just goes with what his gut tells him. He reacts, and responds to things with his emotions, rather than analyzing anything. He basically lives in a bubble, and if you do try and correct him on something he'll just say, "yeah well that's my opinion", when in certain situations it's not about opinion. I honestly just fear he's becoming increasingly cynical, and he's going to grow up to be a miserable bastard who pushes away a lot of friends, except for the other old cranks. 

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57 minutes ago, Brick said:

So guys how do you deal with your family and friends who are believing covid lies/conspiracies, are complaining about lockdowns, seemingly anti-vaxx, and screaming about government tyranny? How do you address their false beliefs and concerns, if you do? 


My approach is simple: the person simply no longer exists to me.


I consider practically all of my relationships to be "conditional" (I REALLY consider the notion of "unconditional love" to be complete and utter horseshit), so if a person holds a belief with which I am opposed on a fundamental level, then I have no issue with cutting that person out of my life completely.

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I’m actually “close” to very few people these days, and luckily they’re all pretty no-nonsense when it comes to all of this. Anyone in my extended family that is vocally anti-vax or MAGA or anything like that, I probably already cut ties with them for other reasons. 

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1 hour ago, ort said:

Sometimes I wonder if what's wrong with many conservatives is that they are literally incapable of understanding why anyone would want to act altruisticly.


It's like, they know that they are completely self centered pieces of garbage, they understand how their terrible own selfish mind works and then they assume that everyone else thinks exactly like they do. It impossible for them to understand why anyone would act selflessly so they assume everything is some sort of hustle... because in their world of swirling garbage selfishness, everything is.


Put some of that blame on white evangelicals. Everything is a hustle, even religion. You don't go to church and worship out of devotion, it's to not get punished with eternal damnation. Your acts aren't out of selfless love, it's because they're needed for salvation. Everything is about me.

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1 minute ago, Ghost_MH said:


Put some of that blame on white evangelicals. Everything is a hustle, even religion. You don't go to church and worship out of devotion, it's to not get punished with eternal damnation. Your acts aren't out of selfless love, it's because they're needed for salvation. Everything is about me.


I blame the heretical, so-called "Protestant Reformation" for this!

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I've made sure all the people I care about got the vaccine and booster. My sisters boyfriend is anti vax but luckily I got to her before he did (she usually believes the last person she talks to). Now they all have COVID and my sisters daughter is unvaccinated (because shes lazy and dumb not because of some strong opinion). I have no idea what his status is.


My sister is pretty sick and unfortuately she didn't get her booster until Dec 27 so she wouldn't have got the full benefit of it yet. Her daughter is sicker though.

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1 hour ago, Brick said:

So guys how do you deal with your family and friends who are believing covid lies/conspiracies, are complaining about lockdowns, seemingly anti-vaxx, and screaming about government tyranny? How do you address their false beliefs and concerns, if you do? 


I have a friend who is constantly sharing these sort of sentiments, just recently calling treason for the Federal Health Minister suggesting that mandatory vaccine laws could exist in Canada. I want to call him out on this bullshit, and try to show him he's wrong, but I don't want to risk getting into a fight and losing a friend, and would it even be worth it because is his mind even going to be open, or is he even going to listen to reason and see where he is wrong? 


If someone I know is teetering on the line of that stuff then I am very nice and try to educate them. If they are already down the rabbit hole then I cut them out of my life. I don't care how nice you are to me as a person if you've gone over the edge with conspiracy stuff. I can't (and don't want) to separate that. It's like people who are friends with racist pieces of shit. "Well yeah they believe X group is inferior and they've refused to hire them for their company, but they've always been there for me as a friend." Fuck that. I don't expect my friends or family to hold 100% of my views, but I do insist they hold at least some basic sense of reality and general empathy/fairness towards others if they want to be in my life.

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To be clear I have also cut people out of my life who were far too gone. Had a big falling out with a good friend back in 2016 because while he wasn't pro-Trump per se, he was apologetic towards him, and very "Hillary is so much worse", as well as increasingly anti-feminist, Islamophobic, complaining about the Syrian migrant crisis at the time, etc. Basically the kind of guy who I 100% believe without a doubt watched Sargon of Akkad videos. It got to the point where he even pissed off a few other people we knew with his bullshit. After a certain point I was just like, "yeah I don't want to be friends with him anymore". 


This current friend isn't MAGA trash, but he is certainly more right leaning than I am. He describes himself as libertarian, is very, very pro police and military (father was in the Gulf War, and a retired cop), pro 2nd Amendment (even though Canada doesn't have a 2nd Amendment...), stuff like that. He's not fully right wing of course, as he is pro-abortion, and isn't religious, and doesn't like religious doctrine influencing laws for a couple of examples. 


So yeah he and I do have some different beliefs, and of course that's fine since it's nothing major that we can't still get along, and of course do have some common interests. Hell I've even asked him to take me to the gun range because while I would never own a gun myself, they are fun to shoot. It's just more I'm worried about him because he has depression, and like I said he's becoming increasingly cynical over the years ("Canada is a piece of shit country" "we have no culture"). I know he's at least gotten one shot, but he joked how it was a "tyranny shot", which I don't get because he's not the typical anti-vaxxer moron who thinks they cause autism, so I don't know why he would be against vaccine mandates, other than some belief that it infringes on people's rights. He's a listener of Joe Rogan, so maybe he also is the type who thinks "I'm young and healthy, I don't need it". I could ask, but again I don't want to cause a fight. I kind of think he lives in a bubble, and needs to get out of the echo chamber he's currently in. 


I hate the anti-vaxxer movement because it's clearly influenced otherwise decent people who have gotten vaccines in the past, but are skeptical of the covid vaccines for any number of reasons. Had the anti-vaxx movement never taken off the way it did (massive fuck you to Andrew Wakefield), I don't think we'd be seeing these issues. Covid pandemic would have hit, then he vaccines would have come out and people would go, "oh good some relief at last", and vaccine mandates probably wouldn't need to be a thing because we'd all understand that we need to get them to get back to normal, and when government and health officials said we all need to get them so we can get back to normal, and open things back up, we'd all nod our heads in understanding, "yup OK, I better sign up to get mine soon". 


I mean for fuck's sake you need a handful of vaccines as a kid before you can enter kindergarten, and I don't see these people complaining about that! 

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1 hour ago, Commissar SFLUFAN said:

I blame the heretical, so-called "Protestant Reformation" for this!


Eh. Context, right? Like I could get behind the idea that pricey indulgences were bullshit, even if a bunch of the money went back to the community or funding scientific endeavors. I mean, that makes a million times more sense than Kenneth Copeland "needing" a private jet so he could remain holy. I could even get behind the idea that religion and politics shouldn't mix, even if that's been a thing since Constantine and that certainly isn't a thing evangelicals believe.


I'll say, sure, sort of; with the big caveat being that everyone on the ground during the Protestant Reformation would lose their shit seeing Protestant churches today.

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My brother is  the only one who refuses to get vaxed. We just don't really talk about it. I mean, I've dealt with being the black sheep in my family regarding most issues all of my adult life. I'm not changing their minds, so I just don't really discuss things with them. All of my immediate family lives in the same small town and there's no avoiding any one of them if I want to see the rest.

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I can’t understand giving up a typical friendship because of mere beliefs. Actions are a different thing. People believe all sorts of things that don’t meaningfully impact actions. There is plenty of evidence that people have very limited control over what they believe. I also think that friendships fit into very different tiers.

I don’t think I could be married to a person who had core convictions and principles that greatly diverged from mine, but I can have a buddy I play Xbox with and occasionally see at parties that hold dumb political views. 

The depth of the friendship dictates how much variance I can accept. Thinking about my 36 years of life, I’m pretty sure the only times I’ve ever ended a friendship were due to specific actions of a person that I couldn’t tolerate.

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