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~*Official #COVID-19 Thread of Doom*~ Revenge of Omicron Prime

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Lol I've heard that can happen. The girl I dated before my current girlfriend said to dab that on cold sores to make them go away faster. I had never heard of the stuff so I went to a health supplement store to see if they had any, and the girl said, oh yeah just take a teaspoon a day, and I had to stop myself from telling her I'm not drinking the shit, you nut. 


Yeah drinking it does nothing, but I find using it topically can reduce cold sores. Maybe it's a placebo effect though lol. 

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Does the quack shit just go in cycles, we had the colloidal silver stuff back at the start nearly 2 years ago coming from Alex Jones and Jim Bakker.  There's also the Dallas Q people chugging that miracle solution industrial bleach shit we had going around 2 years ago.  Maybe we'll get back to fish medicine and horse paste.

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30 minutes ago, MarSolo said:

When can we just stop pacifying anti-vaxxers?


Philly already said “fuck this” and is making the entire city “must be vaccinated to enter any establishment”.

My family of 5 are all fully vaccinated, wife and I boosted, and all 5 of us caught it. Not all of us were exposed via the brother in law, so most likely a vaxxed-to-vaxxed transmission for at least 2 of us.


Game over on the trying to stop the spread via segregation of the vaxxed and unvaxxed.

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3 minutes ago, sblfilms said:

My family of 5 are all fully vaccinated, wife and I boosted, and all 5 of us caught it. Not all of us were exposed via the brother in law, so most likely a vaxxed-to-vaxxed transmission for at least 2 of us.


Game over on the trying to stop the spread via segregation of the vaxxed and unvaxxed.

Yeah, I'm having people around me catch it too that are fully vaxxed. Really getting nervous about my wife catching it. She's 26 weeks on Wednesday and I just want us to get to at least 30 before we would have to deal with this shit. 


How is your family doing? Anyone have anything more than a Cold? How are you feeling?

  • stepee 4
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4 minutes ago, Chollowa said:

Yeah, I'm having people around me catch it too that are fully vaxxed. Really getting nervous about my wife catching it. She's 26 weeks on Wednesday and I just want us to get to at least 30 before we would have to deal with this shit. 


How is your family doing? Anyone have anything more than a Cold? How are you feeling?

We are all doing pretty well. Mostly still cold symptoms, my two boys had low grade fevers one night. Just a slight sore throat, nasal congestion, and a cough that comes and goes for me. Vaccines did their job ❤️

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4 minutes ago, sblfilms said:

We are all doing pretty well. Mostly still cold symptoms, my two boys had low grade fevers one night. Just a slight sore throat, nasal congestion, and a cough that comes and goes for me. Vaccines did their job ❤️

That is really good to hear. I hope you and your family have a speedy recovery. 

  • stepee 1
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1 hour ago, sblfilms said:

My family of 5 are all fully vaccinated, wife and I boosted, and all 5 of us caught it. Not all of us were exposed via the brother in law, so most likely a vaxxed-to-vaxxed transmission for at least 2 of us.


Game over on the trying to stop the spread via segregation of the vaxxed and unvaxxed.

Weren't you on a airplane like 5 days ago.

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2 hours ago, sblfilms said:

My family of 5 are all fully vaccinated, wife and I boosted, and all 5 of us caught it. Not all of us were exposed via the brother in law, so most likely a vaxxed-to-vaxxed transmission for at least 2 of us.


Game over on the trying to stop the spread via segregation of the vaxxed and unvaxxed.


It's more important to slow the spread and if segregating vaxxed and unvaxxed helps do that, then let's do that. My wife was just admitted for four days last week with a non-COVID-related illness. Luckily, she got back home in time for Christmas. I'm in Massachusetts. We have tons of hospitals and clinics in this state. We live five minutes from one hospital, ten minutes from another, half an hour from five more. She was sent off to a hospital over an hour from here and it was the last bed they had left in northeastern Massachusetts. At least in the non-ICU wings up here. She was literally told to either make the hour drive, herself, or come back in a week to see if they had a bed for her.


Even if we're all going to get it, I'm all for doing everything we can to keep our adjust shitty healthcare system from collapsing any more than it already has in the last couple of years.

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3 minutes ago, Ghost_MH said:


It's more important to slow the spread and if segregating vaxxed and unvaxxed helps do that, then let's do that. My wife was just admitted for four days last week with a non-COVID-related illness. Luckily, she got back home in time for Christmas. I'm in Massachusetts. We have tons of hospitals and clinics in this state. We live five minutes from one hospital, ten minutes from another, half an hour from five more. She was sent off to a hospital over an hour from here and it was the last bed they had left in northeastern Massachusetts. At least in the non-ICU wings up here. She was literally told to either make the hour drive, herself, or come back in a week to see if they had a bed for her.


Even if we're all going to get it, I'm all for doing everything we can to keep our anyway shitty healthcare system from collapsing any more than it already has in the last couple of years.

Segregating won’t slow the spread for a variant that is nearly unaffected by vaccination when it comes to preventing infection, and Covid positive vaccinated people spread the virus just the same. Being vaccinated is now wholly about how you want to experience being infected. People need to accept that.


The only thing that would slow the spread is individuals en masse deciding to stay home. Vaccines aren’t going to do it.

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35 minutes ago, sblfilms said:

Segregating won’t slow the spread for a variant that is nearly unaffected by vaccination when it comes to preventing infection, and Covid positive vaccinated people spread the virus just the same. Being vaccinated is now wholly about how you want to experience being infected. People need to accept that.


The only thing that would slow the spread is individuals en masse deciding to stay home. Vaccines aren’t going to do it.


As much as I hate them, I think at this point we should be flipping why to segregate anti-vaxers. Not from getting others sick but to restrict them to keep them from getting sick and collapsing the health care system. They're the ones causing hospitals to be filled up with covid patients that pushes out those that have surgeries they need because there no space or available health care workers. 

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45 minutes ago, Ghost_MH said:


It's more important to slow the spread and if segregating vaxxed and unvaxxed helps do that, then let's do that. My wife was just admitted for four days last week with a non-COVID-related illness. Luckily, she got back home in time for Christmas. I'm in Massachusetts. We have tons of hospitals and clinics in this state. We live five minutes from one hospital, ten minutes from another, half an hour from five more. She was sent off to a hospital over an hour from here and it was the last bed they had left in northeastern Massachusetts. At least in the non-ICU wings up here. She was literally told to either make the hour drive, herself, or come back in a week to see if they had a bed for her.


Even if we're all going to get it, I'm all for doing everything we can to keep our anyway shitty healthcare system from collapsing any more than it already has in the last couple of years.

Libs for segregation smh told you The Democrat party was the real racists

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Mandating vaccines in order to be allowed to participate in society has consistently proven extremely effective at motivating holdouts to get vaccinated. Go figure, turns out it's a lot harder to talk shit and dig your heels in once it's actually personally inconvenient to do so.

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2 hours ago, Chris- said:

Citation needed. 


Yeah, I'd love to see data indicating Omicron is spread by vaccinated at the same rate as unvaccinated. That it'll be caught by everyone eventually is a different matter, but catching it is not the same as spreading it. That also doesn't factor in behaviors. Everything I've seen says the unvaxxed as less likely to wear masks regularly and are more likely to participate in COVID-risky behaviors.


Like if someone presents me with two restaurants. One that requires everyone be vaxxed and one that doesn't, I'm not sure what data says the risks at either would be the same. Visiting both will increase your chances of getting sick, but, again, that's not the same thing as the risk being fully equal.

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Throughout the pandemic, Covid has been something that infected "other people".  Those that had to work on the front line, or weren't protecting themselves.  (At least that is the perception a lot of middle-class working-from-home people thought.)


Omicron changes the game.  I have heard from 3 people over the last week tell me (in various words) -- "I didn't know anyone who caught Covid during the entire pandemic, and now I know several people."


The only person I knew who had tested positive was a family friend who caught it on vacation in Spain.


My sister-in-law just tested positive today -- the third person I know who has tested positive in the last week -- who all caught it independently.  All who wore cloth masks religiously.


If you still think cloth masks do shit -- you're in for a surprise.

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34 minutes ago, Chris- said:

Citation needed. 


There are thousands of articles about antibody evasion in Omicron. Here is the first hit on Google.



And the only reason vaccinated people previously were less likely to spread the virus was due to the drastically lower chances of catching it in the first place. But once you are infected, there is nothing different about your Covid germs than the next guy. Something we have known for a looooong time, which is why the standard protocol for infected and vaccinated people has always been to isolate.

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24 minutes ago, Ghost_MH said:


Yeah, I'd love to see data indicating Omicron is soar by vaccinated at the same rate as unvaccinated. That it'll be caught by everyone eventually is a different matter, but catching it is not the same as spreading it. That also doesn't factor in behaviors. Everything I've seen says the unvaxxed as less likely to wear masks regularly and are more likely to participate in COVID-risky behaviors.


Like if someone presents me with two restaurants. One that requires everyone be vaxxed and one that doesn't, I'm not sure what data says the risks at either would be the same. Visiting both will increase your chances of getting sick, but, again, that's not the same thing as the risk being fully equal.


We are waaaaay past the point of "risky behavior" differentiation.  And spreading it is the issue in the context of segregating people in public spaces. I'm genuinely surprised by how behind you guys seem to be on Omicron. Maybe @AbsolutSurgenwas right about our terrible news coverage here :p 

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25 minutes ago, AbsolutSurgen said:

Throughout the pandemic, Covid has been something that infected "other people".  Those that had to work on the front line, or weren't protecting themselves.  (At least that is the perception a lot of middle-class working-from-home people thought.)


Omicron changes the game.  I have heard from 3 people over the last week tell me (in various words) -- "I didn't know anyone who caught Covid during the entire pandemic, and now I know several people."


The moment I knew Omicron was a different ball of wax beyond the data itself is when a guy I know who was fully vaccinated, boosted, and had a prior infection got the Cron. It made the data alive in my mind in a way the cold hard facts hadn't yet. People need to completely rethink things.



6 minutes ago, Joe said:

There actually hasn’t been data yet on if the vaccinated spread Omicron the same as the unvaccinated, at least none that I have seen.


I know for Delta it was thought that the vaccinated could spread it the same as the unvaccinated initially, but that turned out not to be the case:



A UCLA study of 12,000 health care workers found infected individuals who were unvaccinated shed more viral particles.



We already know why this is different, and it has to do with the antibodies still doing work to limit the viral load at the point of infection. Because Omicron walks right on past your antibodies for the vast majority, there will be no meaningful difference. That isn't to say no measurable difference, but it doesn't have any meaningful impact on the ability to spread this around.


33 minutes ago, b_m_b_m_b_m said:



When I was there two weeks ago you had to show a vaccine card to get into *outdoor dining* at all the places we went to. I don't know if that is standard government policy, but it was enforced every place we went. Same for the two shops we went to, the movie theater, and our hotel.

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Deleted my other post because it was actually was a study of 2020 before Delta was prominent. 

Here’s a study that shows that full vaccination did lower viral loads in breakthrough Delta infections, but that the effect vanished after 6 months. Just means we have to consider the booster as fully vaccinated, not just 2 doses.



Vaccination with BNT162b2 is associated with lower viral load in breakthrough infections of SARS-CoV-2, but this effect wanes at 2 months and vanishes at 6 months after vaccination. A third vaccine...


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1 minute ago, Joe said:

Deleted my other post because it was actually was a study of 2020 before Delta was prominent. 

Here’s a study that shows that full vaccination did lower viral loads in breakthrough Delta infections, but that the effect vanished after 6 months. Just means we have to consider the booster as fully vaccinated, not just 2 doses.



Vaccination with BNT162b2 is associated with lower viral load in breakthrough infections of SARS-CoV-2, but this effect wanes at 2 months and vanishes at 6 months after vaccination. A third vaccine...



Response is the same. The issue is the effects antibodies have prior to the infection taking hold. With a variant in which that vast majority of vaccinated people will see antibody evasion, the impact goes away when it comes to any reductions in viral load post infection.

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3 minutes ago, sblfilms said:


Response is the same. The issue is the effects antibodies have prior to the infection taking hold. With a variant in which that vast majority of vaccinated people will see antibody evasion, the impact goes away when it comes to any reductions in viral load post infection.

Not with the booster though. If you mean just people with 2 doses, I’d say that’s fair.

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9 minutes ago, Joe said:

Not with the booster though. If you mean just people with 2 doses, I’d say that’s fair.




Even serum from persons vaccinated and boosted with mRNA-based vaccines exhibited substantially diminished neutralizing activity against B.1.1.529.



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