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~*Official #COVID-19 Thread of Doom*~ Revenge of Omicron Prime

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9 minutes ago, AbsolutSurgen said:



The solution is to live in a province that has a working solution. In SK, as fucked as our government is, we have both a printable PDF QR code as well as an actual app. The app displays your code instantly, and the companion app for businesses scans it and displays your full name and vaccination status. Super simple. If you don't want to use the government app you can put the QR code into your Apple or Google wallet.

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2 minutes ago, CitizenVectron said:


The solution is to live in a province that has a working solution. In SK, as fucked as our government is, we have both a printable PDF QR code as well as an actual app. The app displays your code instantly, and the companion app for businesses scans it and displays your full name and vaccination status. Super simple. If you don't want to use the government app you can put the QR code into your Apple or Google wallet.


Using this my Lock Screen is now my vaccination passport QR code. 

  • stepee 1
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My wife got her third shot yesterday (first Pfizer, second and third Moderna) and she's out for the count, and probably will be for two-to-three days. It got to the point last night that she was crying in pain from the muscle soreness all over her body. Her second shot was the same. Glad she'll be better-protected, but her reaction to the vaccine is definitely on the extreme end. Could have something to do with her MS, as well, I know it's caused other people with MS to have pseudo-relapses since it sends the immune system into attack mode (which is what does damage in MS).

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My Dad is telling me that Vanguard which is owned by a secret shadow group of democrats is the one behind all of this. The vaccine is actually what’s causing covid or they created covid to force the vaccine or whatever, and Vanguard, which is ran by, believe it or not and this is a real conversation, Bill Gates and George Soros. Vanguard, who doesn’t not give out any information on who runs this secret society, owns 90%’ of everything worldwide and tells the media to push the vaccine and they laugh as people die from it or whatever.


After Vanguard being ran by George Soros and Bill Gates for a bit, it switched back to Vanguard being ran by some secret entities. So I read off a bit from wikipedia about the founder and then current ceo of the group, thinking since he kept wondering who runs the group he would be curious who they are. He was not interested at all, and kinda mumbled “oh okay” then started spouting out random incorrect statistics that he must spend most of his free time memorizing.


Anyway this is the latest rabbit hole I guess. It’s kind of creative, taking something quite complicated like asset management and just what a company like Vanguard actually does and is composed of, and using that to twist around to go back to your evil shadow jewish democrat puppet master whatever bullshit.


The thing that annoys me is he’s been dancing around this Vanguard shit for a few weeks, and I knew there was more that he was intentionally withholding (he played ignorant to what Vanguard actually is at first) and it took until today until he finally slipped that it’s just more George Soros/Bill Gates shit.


Oh wait sorry one more rant, the other game that grinds my gears is how they take one thing within their conspiracy that actually is true, (just irrelevant to anything) and ask you, “isn’t this true?” Like my Dad will be like “Ok so the people running Vanguard dont have a lot of money and power?” 


And it’s like, yes okay of course like the CEO and stuff up over there have wealth and influence and thank you for finally complaining about that stuff but our argument is about how I don’t think George Soros and Bill Gates secretly own 90% of all companies and run it behind the shadow of Vanguard in an effort to fake a vaccine that implants a microchips into everyone. That’s my point of contention. Not that rich people exist and are bad. FUCK.

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My favourite is that the vaccine makes you either lose an arm, or gain an arm. Okay...taken to the logical conclusion (I know that's not how these people think), that's a miracle and would make these companies incredibly rich without needing a pandemic to justify the use of the vaccine. Like, imagine if you could just grow extra limbs.


I swear to god these people need to take a class in sci-fi/fantasy worldbuilding, they lack imagination for the societal repercussions for their claims (if they were true).

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It's like the conspiracy theories that we've had the cure for cancer for ages, but the pharmaceutical companies don't want it out because they make too much money treating it.


Like every conspiracy, there is some grain of probability. They do make a lot of money from chemo treatments and such. But all you have to do is ask yourself "what if I discovered the cure for cancer? ... I would make ALL THE MONEY."


Conspiracy theories almost always violate it Occam's razor in some way. The world is chaos and that makes some people uncomfortable, so... conspiracy.

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12 minutes ago, CitizenVectron said:

My favourite is that the vaccine makes you either lose an arm, or gain an arm. Okay...taken to the logical conclusion (I know that's not how these people think), that's a miracle and would make these companies incredibly rich without needing a pandemic to justify the use of the vaccine. Like, imagine if you could just grow extra limbs.


I swear to god these people need to take a class in sci-fi/fantasy worldbuilding, they lack imagination for the societal repercussions for their claims (if they were true).


lol Wait…WHAT?! They are on fucking MAPS (magical arm pill serum) already? This is moving so fast.

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I also like when he has the lazy fake statistics for me. Like when they just take whatever the actual numbers are and reverse them and then that’s that. Like if someone was trying to hide the real numbers they wouldn’t just literally flip them.


And the fact that they randomly chose Bill Gates as like the icon of the left always cracks me up still.



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2 minutes ago, stepee said:

I also like when he has the lazy fake statistics for me. Like when they just take whatever the actual numbers are and reverse them and then that’s that. Like if someone was trying to hide the real numbers they wouldn’t just literally flip them.


And the fact that they randomly chose Bill Gates as like the icon of the left always cracks me up still.



All billionaires are the enemy of the left.

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8 minutes ago, Fizzzzle said:

All billionaires are the enemy of the left.


lol yeah that’s what’s so funny. I swear the Bill Gates thing is just because he gives some money to charity and they think so low of themselves that anyone who isn’t just an absolute fucking monster 100% of the time can’t be on their side.

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5 hours ago, stepee said:


lol yeah that’s what’s so funny. I swear the Bill Gates thing is just because he gives some money to charity and they think so low of themselves that anyone who isn’t just an absolute fucking monster 100% of the time can’t be on their side.

When you achieve that level of wealth, there is no way you did it without systemic oppression of some kind. You or I could make 10 thousand dollars a day every day for our entire lives and never even approach the level of wealth a billionaire has.


Bill Gates does a lot of good things. He also lobbied to have the Oxford covid vaccine privately protected, which he benefited from, and he could also basically solve world hunger from his wealth, only he doesn't want to. It's a trick as old as capitalism. Give the poor some crumbs so they call you a "philanthropist."


Honestly, I don't get it. If I had enough money that I didn't have to work for the rest of my life (hopefully you're heading in that direction with your leg), guess what... I wouldn't fucking work. I'd pull a tom from myspace and travel around banging models and taking mediocre Instagram photos of flowers and shit. The fact that someone could be worth billions of dollars and think "I NEED MOORRE" baffles me.

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1 minute ago, Fizzzzle said:

When you achieve that level of wealth, there is no way you did it without systemic oppression of some kind. You or I could make 10 thousand dollars a day every day for our entire lives and never even approach the level of wealth a billionaire has.


Bill Gates does a lot of good things. He also lobbied to have the Oxford covid vaccine privately protected, which he benefited from, and he could also basically solve world hunger from his wealth, only he doesn't want to. It's a trick as old as capitalism. Give the poor some crumbs so they call you a "philanthropist."


Honestly, I don't get it. If I had enough money that I didn't have to work for the rest of my life (hopefully you're heading in that direction with your leg), guess what... I wouldn't fucking work. I'd pull a tom from myspace and travel around banging models and taking mediocre Instagram photos of flowers and shit. The fact that someone could be worth billions of dollars and think "I NEED MOORRE" baffles me.


I forgot he speaks about preserving the planet as well which is probably why they picked him actually. But yeah I never understood that either, at a certain point you are just wasting your time and losing more out of life than you are gaining.

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1 hour ago, CitizenVectron said:



I mean they're already in place in most provinces. I've only had to use mine once, and it was very easy. And it's by far been the single biggest measure to increase first-shot vaccinations. 

I want vaccine passports in the US, not because I personally am worried about getting vid from the unvaxxed masses, but because the meltdowns amongst my least favorite friends and family would be sooooo hilarious.

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11 minutes ago, sblfilms said:

I want vaccine passports in the US, not because I personally am worried about getting vid from the unvaxxed masses, but because the meltdowns amongst my least favorite friends and family would be sooooo hilarious.

If it happens, the worst people in America will film themselves having epic breakdowns in Chucky Cheeses and IHOPs. My god, the content we would see.

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17 hours ago, Fizzzzle said:

It's like the conspiracy theories that we've had the cure for cancer for ages, but the pharmaceutical companies don't want it out because they make too much money treating it.


Like every conspiracy, there is some grain of probability. They do make a lot of money from chemo treatments and such. But all you have to do is ask yourself "what if I discovered the cure for cancer? ... I would make ALL THE MONEY."


Conspiracy theories almost always violate it Occam's razor in some way. The world is chaos and that makes some people uncomfortable, so... conspiracy.


As someone who has worked in this industry for 15+ years at this point, and I know I’ve said this a million times, but…


For as tragically high as the number of people who have something like breast cancer is, the market for breast cancer treatment is limited to people who have breast cancer. The market for a vaccine for breast cancer is people with breasts. If you were going to pick a population to market a drug to… which one would you pick?


If people knew how much it cost to get a treatment out of the lab and into clinical trials, and then to run Phase I, II, and III clinical trials… the notion that a pharma company would sit on a compound they have exclusive rights to and would make a mint from both selling and a likely increase in their stock value is… bananas. I suspect that the conspiracy isn’t so much “pharmas want people to be sick” literally insomuch as it is “pharma makes most of their money when people are sick” / “pharma has no incentive to ‘cure’ people.” Again though, this really isn’t how the industry works.


If someone was honestly worried about pharma companies prioritizing profit over treatment they should be more concerned about approvals with dubious evidence about efficacy and safety and NOT about pharma companies withholding effective treatments.


This conspiracy theory also ignores the reality that a company like Moderna, for example, has no other commercial products. So they do not benefit at all from “keeping people sick,” so that’s dumb. 

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24 minutes ago, sblfilms said:

I want vaccine passports in the US, not because I personally am worried about getting vid from the unvaxxed masses, but because the meltdowns amongst my least favorite friends and family would be sooooo hilarious.

The rationale for vaccine passports is more to encourage people to get vaccinated, and to prevent the unvaxxed from mingling with each other and spreading the virus among themselves.  I don't think there is any rationale government that wants to impose a vaccine passport to prevent the spread of the virus to vaccinated people.

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36 minutes ago, AbsolutSurgen said:

The rationale for vaccine passports is more to encourage people to get vaccinated, and to prevent the unvaxxed from mingling with each other and spreading the virus among themselves.  I don't think there is any rationale government that wants to impose a vaccine passport to prevent the spread of the virus to vaccinated people.

Individuals, yourself included, have advocated for vaccine passports on the basis of being able to avoid being indoors with unvaccinated people :p 

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25 minutes ago, sblfilms said:

Individuals, yourself included, have advocated for vaccine passports on the basis of being able to avoid being indoors with unvaccinated people :p 

If I ever stated that as my reasoning, my thinking has evolved.


The risk to young, healthy, vaccinated people is really low.  The risk in places like Canada (or anywhere else with Universal Healthcare) is to hospital capacity -- and vaccine passports, in theory at least, encourage the unvaxxed to get vaxxed, and to prevent the unvaxxed from getting each other sick.

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1 minute ago, CitizenVectron said:


For me personally it's a quality-of-life improvement to not have to be around the unvaccinated, not just protection against the virus :p 


Fair, fair

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