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~*Official #COVID-19 Thread of Doom*~ Revenge of Omicron Prime

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44 minutes ago, Jason said:


There's honestly more than one thing wrong with the FDA board's analysis from what I'm reading. One is getting laser-focused on hospitalization/death. Breakthrough cases can still fuck you up pretty bad even if you don't wind up in the hospital, you can still have long-term complications, and waning prevention from catching it is going to be a breeding ground for variants with higher likelihood of breakthrough potential.



Another is they seem to have made this a dick-measuring contest to prove that they didn't get pushed around by Biden instead of actually making the right decision.




Yep I don't give a shit what the FDA says, their priorities are not the same as mine.

I have no interest in getting a breakthrough case.

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38 minutes ago, Air_Delivery said:

Yep I don't give a shit what the FDA says, their priorities are not the same as mine.

I have no interest in getting a breakthrough case.


And they're going with "well we can always change our mind later if we need to" like ffs how have they STILL not learned that you need to be proactive with measures against this virus.

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2 hours ago, Commissar SFLUFAN said:



If this is accurate, we ain't gettin' a Moderna booster anytime soon :p




Moderna's COVID-19 vaccine does a significantly better job of preventing COVID-19 hospitalizations compared with Pfizer's shot.




I knew Moderna was fairing better, and a few studies were hinting at it for a few months now, but I didn't realize the numbers were that different between it and Pfizer, if the data is to be solid.  This is the one downside to the Israel data, we know what's good for Pfizer, but Moderna, which we always just assumed was the same is behaving differently.  I'd love to know if it's down to the higher dosage we received, the spacing between jabs, or the slight differences in the mRNA being used.  I suppose we'll learn more next week when Moderna goes under the microscope.

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2 hours ago, Commissar SFLUFAN said:

I fail to conceive of anyone who contributes less to society than an editorial writer.


In fact, I dare say that society is actually worse off for their very existence.

Ross douthat is particularly terrible because he's the resident openly "not shitty" conservative at NYT

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1 hour ago, vaxick said:


I knew Moderna was fairing better, and a few studies were hinting at it for a few months now, but I didn't realize the numbers were that different between it and Pfizer, if the data is to be solid.  This is the one downside to the Israel data, we know what's good for Pfizer, but Moderna, which we always just assumed was the same is behaving differently.  I'd love to know if it's down to the higher dosage we received, the spacing between jabs, or the slight differences in the mRNA being used.  I suppose we'll learn more next week when Moderna goes under the microscope.

I’d bet a non-trivial sum that the higher dosage is the main factor, and a higher dosage Pfizer shot should be made available.

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34 minutes ago, sblfilms said:

I’d bet a non-trivial sum that the higher dosage is the main factor, and a higher dosage Pfizer shot should be made available.


I'd presume that had the biggest benefactor in their efficiency being so wildly different at this time apart, but I do know some studies into the spacing between vaccines did show some efficiency differences overall too as countries such as the UK were experimenting with time frames.


None the less, it's exciting to learn more about how Moderna is performing given how limited data on it is in comparison to Pfizer, leaving us to simply assume whatever was going on with Pfizer was happening with Moderna as well.

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The decisions on boosters are a complicated one:

1)  The Israel study focused on 60+ -- older people may have a different immune response than younger people.

2)  What is the right cadence for booster doses in the long term?

3)  What are the increased risks of myocarditis associated with a third dose of Pfizer (particularly among younger men)?  Do those risks outweigh the potential lowered risk of getting a booster?

4)  There have been cases with other vaccines where getting boosters too often or too early has caused increased side effects, or even a lowered immune response.


I think we need to trust the experts on this one, and follow the medical guidance from our health authorities.

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3 minutes ago, AbsolutSurgen said:

I think we need to trust the experts on this one, and follow the medical guidance from our health authorities.

It will be 😬😬😬😬 when it turns out getting boosters to soon is a net negative

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God, anti-vaxxers are the most annoying dipshits in the world. Have any of you had any interactions with them? Holy fuck what a bunch of entitled ridiculous selfish asshole man-babies those dumbfucks are. Truly fucked in the brain, just impenetrable willfully ignorant selfish fucksticks.


They don't listen to any fucking thing. They just invent their own reality and then seek out whatever information will validate their stupid fucking dumb opinions and ignore the 10's of thousands of other sources that say the exact opposite. I don't even understand how these people can manage to function in a society. Just move to a fucking cabin in the woods and shut the fuck up while the rest of us try to have a functioning society. We don't need you, go fuck off.


You can't have a useful discussion with someone who can just ignore any fact they feel like and then make up whatever information they feel like. They truly live in a parallel universe. It's flabbergasting.

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Did anybody read the article? The quote in the tweet doesn’t remotely capture the context. The author was responding to an assertion by Chris Hayes that the response in society to the pandemic wouldn’t be meaningfully different if the death toll to date were 10 times worse than the actual numbers. 

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13 minutes ago, sblfilms said:

Did anybody read the article? The quote in the tweet doesn’t remotely capture the context. The author was responding to an assertion by Chris Hayes that the response in society to the pandemic wouldn’t be meaningfully different if the death toll to date were 10 times worse than the actual numbers.

But if we read the article we wont be able to shit post for upvotes

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'It is our assessment that Alberta’s health care system is not just 'on the verge' of collapse – we believe it’s actually collapsing in front of our eyes'



Alberta's and Saskatchewan's healthcare systems are on the verge of collapse, with triaging ICU acceptance expected to begin within two weeks.

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5 hours ago, AbsolutSurgen said:

The decisions on boosters are a complicated one:

1)  The Israel study focused on 60+ -- older people may have a different immune response than younger people.

2)  What is the right cadence for booster doses in the long term?

3)  What are the increased risks of myocarditis associated with a third dose of Pfizer (particularly among younger men)?  Do those risks outweigh the potential lowered risk of getting a booster?

4)  There have been cases with other vaccines where getting boosters too often or too early has caused increased side effects, or even a lowered immune response.


I think we need to trust the experts on this one, and follow the medical guidance from our health authorities.


Number 4 in your list is something I wish people would realize when they go rogue.  Vaccines do have a timeline and despite fears of breakthrough infections, it's still best to follow proper timelines for dosage intervals if you want your vaccine to work at its best.  Over at Reddit, tons of people went rogue the second that Israel data came out, and virtually none of them were approaching the 6th month mark, nor were apart of the age range in which the data was showing, real, beneficial results.  It's been odd watching the community over there go from pro science to going after the CDC and FDA, claiming their actions to be pushing the goalposts further away.

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Cool. First COVID-19 case at my son's school. It took a whole two weeks. We'll see how the school's policy works going forward. Students get the choice of either staying home for the next ten days before coming back to school or agreeing to daily tests first thing in the morning for the next ten days. Sounds like everyone involved has agreed to the daily tests.

  • stepee 1
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22 minutes ago, Keyser_Soze said:

I'm sure the kids will love it!


I already pre-consented my son for daily testing if he were to ever be exposed. He's also going to be getting weekly tests regardless of known exposure. I signed him up the second the forms were available. These are the dumb quick swabs that aren't ticking your brain, so he'll be fine. I more worried about him finding some cotton swab and trying to ram them up his sisters' noses.

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