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~*Official #COVID-19 Thread of Doom*~ Revenge of Omicron Prime

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9 minutes ago, CastlevaniaNut18 said:

My hospital announced today that they're going to require all employees be vaccinated by November. Medical and religious exemptions apply. Though I always wondered how many legit religious objections there are to vaccination.


None at all if you're a Catholic because the Bishop of Rome, Vicar of Jesus Christ, Successor of the Prince of the Apostles, Supreme Pontiff of the Universal Church, Patriarch of the West, Primate of Italy, Metropolitan Archbishop of the Province of Rome, Sovereign of the State of Vatican City, Servant of the Servants of God himself said, "Morally everyone must take the vaccine. It is the moral choice because it is about your life but also the lives of others.”


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11 minutes ago, CastlevaniaNut18 said:

My hospital announced today that they're going to require all employees be vaccinated by November. Medical and religious exemptions apply. Though I always wondered how many legit religious objections there are to vaccination.


There could be many religious objections to the mRNA vaccines, but I doubt there are many, if any, real religious objections to the J&J.

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2 hours ago, CastlevaniaNut18 said:

My hospital announced today that they're going to require all employees be vaccinated by November. Medical and religious exemptions apply. Though I always wondered how many legit religious objections there are to vaccination.

I am purely speculating but my cousin’s are Jehovah’s Witnesses and I know they have some weird rules about blood transfusions and such. It wouldn’t surprise me if they had an issue with vaccines since it’s a “foreign” substance. 

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They're saying it's just for organ transplant receipients and people with comparable levels of immune system compromise, which Stelara (my colitis medicine) doesn't reach the level of, but it is an immunosuppressant so yeah.



CDC advisers plan to meet Friday to set official guidance.


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My sister’s wedding in November might get delayed as it’s being held at the Pennsylvania Academy of Fine Arts. They’re most likely going to be demanding proof of vaccination and if you aren’t vaccinated, wear a mask. 

That’s all fine and good, except her fiancé is adamant he doesn’t want people wearing masks at the wedding and they both know that the people who aren’t vaccinated won’t do so for the wedding…

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Transport Minister Omar Alghabra announced today that the federal government will soon require that all public servants be vaccinated — a mandate that he said will also be implemented by Crown corporations and other federally regulated businesses in the coming weeks.



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I wonder if years down the line with more research we will develop a vaccine that is a 100% immunization shot, as in you get the shot and you can't get the virus period. There are too many people that don't think the current vaccines are good enough because they don't prevent you from getting the virus, even though they significantly reduce the chances of you getting the virus, and lessen the effects of it if you do. With the type of virus this is though I'm not sure we'll be able to develop a 100% immunization vaccine since we haven't done so with similar virus types like the flu and common cold with how quickly they adapt. I hope I'm wrong though. 

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Oh so here we go:




People who should be considered for a third dose include:

  • Those in active cancer treatment; those who have received organ transplants and are taking immunosuppressive therapy;
  • People who have received CAR-T cell or blood stem cell transplants;
  • People who suffer from moderate or severe primary immunodeficiency (such as those with DiGeorge or Wiskott-Aldrich syndromes);
  • People with advanced or untreated HIV infection;
  • And those taking 20 milligrams or more or corticosteroids like prednisone every day, or alkylating agents, antimetabolites, transplant-related immunosuppressive drugs, severely immunosuppressive cancer chemotherapeutic agents, TNF blockers, and other biologic agents that are immunosuppressive or immunomodulatory.



Stelara is a biologic immunosuppressive. So I wasn't wrong to go get a third dose, especially before flying.



The CDC's expert advisory panel says only those with severely weakened immune systems should get an extra dose of COVID vaccine.


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56 minutes ago, Ghost_MH said:

All this talk about third doses and I'm wondering what to do as a J&J recipient on my single dose.

Go get you some mRNA. One dose is probably sufficient 

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Moments after Trudeau announced that all federal workers must be vaccinated, as well as all federally regulated industries (banking, transportation, etc), as well as mandatory vaccination required for all people flying in Canada (and on trains, ships), the Conservatives announce that they are morons and don't want to win the election:



This right after a pollster said their results show 80%+ approval for mandatory vaccinations for flying, and with the Conservatives closest to the lowest they've ever been in the polls.



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