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~*Official #COVID-19 Thread of Doom*~ Revenge of Omicron Prime

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14 hours ago, CastlevaniaNut18 said:

My aunt and her husband, who have refused to get vaccinated, both have covid. She’s having a particularly difficult time. 

Play stupid games, win stupid prizes. 


My response to every story like this:



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I’ll be booking my 2nd jab on Monday when I become eligible to do so. I got Pfizer for my first and more than likely will be getting Moderna for my 2nd. Which I would be completely fine with but there seems to be a lot of people who are hesitant on the mix

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4 hours ago, CitizenVectron said:



Moderna looked under the bed and found millions more doses for Canada this week and next. As of next week we'll have enough doses in Canada for 75% of the 12+ pop to have two doses.

I believe we are receiving them because the US has more-or-less stopped needing vaccines.

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The World Health Organization estimates boosters will be needed yearly for the most vulnerable, and every two years for the general population, according to an internal document seen by Reuters. 


COVID’s Delta variant, however, is worrying, because it appears to be escaping some immunity from vaccines, and, according to the modelling, may result in a greater than originally expected fall or winter surge.

But it’s not clear what evidence should be used in deciding if — or when — boosters might be needed, Hankins said. Tracking breakthrough infections in people who were fully vaccinated? Is it because of a variant or waning immunity? Scientists are trying to get a deeper understanding of the thresholds, or correlates of protection, the level of neutralizing antibodies required to protect from COVID. “We think that having antibodies is a good sign. We haven’t exactly figured out what level you need,” Watts said.

People who are vaccinated may need to be revaccinated if:

1)  Their initial vaccine shots are no longer effective (traditional booster) -- perhaps required after 2 years

2)  One of the variants is a "breakthrough variant" -- current vaccines are no longer effective against it

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Just now, AbsolutSurgen said:


People who are vaccinated may need to be revaccinated if:

1)  Their initial vaccine shots are no longer effective (traditional booster) -- perhaps required after 2 years

2)  One of the variants is a "breakthrough variant" -- current vaccines are no longer effective against it


For sure. I'll definitely get a booster, if offered.


Also, something that could reaallly help prevent large outbreaks/surges in the winter would be universal sick days. Sick? Stay the fuck home. As this pandemic has proven, one person can infect dozens at the workplace (who then infect others, etc). Sure, even the Delta variant is closer to the flu if you are double-vaccinated...but getting the flu sucks (and it still kills the vulnerable). Like, I've been guilty in the past (especially when I worked shift jobs) of going to work with the sniffles. No more. If I am feeling sick at all, I will be staying home. I am fortunate enough to have huge banked sick days (as well as the ability to work from home, on flex), but most people aren't. There should be a minimum amount of mandated paid sick days in Canada (I know, it's a provincial matter). I don't know the exact amount. Ten? 


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16 minutes ago, AbsolutSurgen said:


People who are vaccinated may need to be revaccinated if:

1)  Their initial vaccine shots are no longer effective (traditional booster) -- perhaps required after 2 years

2)  One of the variants is a "breakthrough variant" -- current vaccines are no longer effective against it


Fuck waiting to find out if we need boosters, gimme that double dose of Moderna right now and Novavax whenever it becomes available.

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46 minutes ago, PaladinSolo said:

The south seems primed for another big upswing as well, as we head into the hottest part of summer forcing people back indoors and low vaccine willingness, especially outside the cities.

I saw something recently that there are counties with sub 20% total population vaccination rates. Delta will roll through those types of populations. Only positive is the rates of ages 70+ vaccinated are pretty solidly high in those places, so we are still likely to see much less death per infection than prior to the vaccine.


Still needless death and suffering, but would be so much worse. Hopefully some of the promising therapeutics become available prior to the fall/winter to blunt the worst of outcomes when the unvaccinated become sick in large numbers. 

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Both my mom and sister will get their 2nd shot on July 1st, and I will try to book mine tomorrow. Currently I’m set for Sept 29th but will probably be able to get one next week. I’ve had Pfizer for my first but will probably be getting Moderna for my 2nd, with Pfizer being shorted.

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Got my 2nd dose rebooked for July 7th just a moment ago. If I wanted to stick with Pfizer, I needed to wait until early August to get it. So with the Delta variant hotspot being near me, I’ll take whatever mRNA is offered the soonest and it looks like it will have to be Moderna 

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I do wonder if my wife got the delta variant.  Seeing as how she got the J&J vaccine back in April, she is theoretically protected, but the trial data showed that you still had a chance to contract the virus, albeit with a very low probability of hospitalization or worse.  She has some underlying health issues, but all things considered, she's faring well.  Our daughter is back to 100%, and I'll get her tested today.  I have never had any symptoms, so my Moderna vaccine was probably highly effective. 

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Pfizer, Moderna COVID vaccines likely to produce long-lasting immunity, including against variants, study suggests



The findings add to growing evidence that most people immunized with the mRNA vaccines may not need boosters, so long as the virus and its variants do not evolve much beyond their current forms — which is not guaranteed. People who recovered from COVID-19 before being vaccinated may not need boosters even if the virus does make a significant transformation.



The study did not consider the coronavirus vaccine made by Johnson & Johnson, but Ellebedy said he expected the immune response to be less durable than that produced by mRNA vaccines.



Ellebedy and his colleagues reported last month that in people who survived COVID-19, immune cells that recognize the virus lie quiescent in the bone marrow for at least eight months after infection. A study by another team indicated that so-called memory B cells continue to mature and strengthen for at least a year after infection.


Based on those findings, researchers suggested that immunity might last for years, possibly a lifetime, in people who were infected with the coronavirus and later vaccinated. But it was unclear whether vaccination alone might have a similarly long-lasting effect.


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My original second dose appointment is supposed to be in September, which I'm fine with since I actually heard earlier in this thread that spreading out your shots by three months might actually be better at building immunity, but now with people over 18 being able to move their second appointments up earlier I'm not sure what I should do. I want the best kind of immunity, but I also want it quickly. 

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12 minutes ago, Brick said:

My original second dose appointment is supposed to be in September, which I'm fine with since I actually heard earlier in this thread that spreading out your shots by three months might actually be better at building immunity, but now with people over 18 being able to move their second appointments up earlier I'm not sure what I should do. I want the best kind of immunity, but I also want it quickly. 

The best kind is the kind you get now. And you’re pretty young and in good health, right? You likely get close to zero added benefit from a delayed second dose as your immune response will be on the high end regardless.

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1 minute ago, sblfilms said:

The best kind is the kind you get now. And you’re pretty young and in good health, right? You likely get close to zero added benefit from a delayed second dose as your immune response will be on the high end regardless.


Yeah I know. I just feel weird. It'll also likely be the Moderna vaccine when my first was Pfizer, and I know they say it's fine, but maybe because I've been looking into what the idiot anti vaxxers are saying nowadays, there's a little one growing in the back of my mind going, "what if it's not good to mix them? It's too early, they don't know for sure. What if there are complications down the road from not getting the same ones?" etc., and I know it's stupid, and I know I should ignore that shit, but damn I'd still prefer to get Pfizer again. 


I'm just really stressed out with a lot lately. I might be going back to work in a couple weeks too, and I'm not exactly looking forward to that because I never really liked working there to begin with, but I haven't found a better job yet either. 

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29 minutes ago, Brick said:


Yeah I know. I just feel weird. It'll also likely be the Moderna vaccine when my first was Pfizer, and I know they say it's fine, but maybe because I've been looking into what the idiot anti vaxxers are saying nowadays, there's a little one growing in the back of my mind going, "what if it's not good to mix them? It's too early, they don't know for sure. What if there are complications down the road from not getting the same ones?" etc., and I know it's stupid, and I know I should ignore that shit, but damn I'd still prefer to get Pfizer again. 


I'm just really stressed out with a lot lately. I might be going back to work in a couple weeks too, and I'm not exactly looking forward to that because I never really liked working there to begin with, but I haven't found a better job yet either. 


We mix vaccines in multi-shots all the time. The two mRNA vaccines do the exact same thing. There is no legitimate reason to be concerned about taking a different one for the first and second shot. Fear not, my man.

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32 minutes ago, Brick said:


Yeah I know. I just feel weird. It'll also likely be the Moderna vaccine when my first was Pfizer, and I know they say it's fine, but maybe because I've been looking into what the idiot anti vaxxers are saying nowadays, there's a little one growing in the back of my mind going, "what if it's not good to mix them? It's too early, they don't know for sure. What if there are complications down the road from not getting the same ones?" etc., and I know it's stupid, and I know I should ignore that shit, but damn I'd still prefer to get Pfizer again. 


I'm just really stressed out with a lot lately. I might be going back to work in a couple weeks too, and I'm not exactly looking forward to that because I never really liked working there to begin with, but I haven't found a better job yet either. 

If you wait until mid July I’m sure there will be Pfizer 

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