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~*Official #COVID-19 Thread of Doom*~ Revenge of Omicron Prime

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48 minutes ago, gamer.tv said:

Still waiting for mine...but it’s fine as I’m a teacher in contact with 32 children daily and no one wears masks. Amazing I’ve made it this far really.


VaccineFinder helps you find clinics, pharmacies, and other locations that offer COVID-19 vaccines in the United States. In some states, information may be limited while more providers and pharmacies update locations in the coming weeks. COVID-19 vaccine availability is limited, and appointments are required at most locations.

This is how I got mine. Just put your reason down as obesity or anything. They don't question you like they did in the beginning.

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11 minutes ago, Air_Delivery said:

VaccineFinder helps you find clinics, pharmacies, and other locations that offer COVID-19 vaccines in the United States. In some states, information may be limited while more providers and pharmacies update locations in the coming weeks. COVID-19 vaccine availability is limited, and...

This is how I got mine. Just put your reason down as obesity or anything. They don't question you like they did in the beginning.

I think homeslice is in Borisland

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Blah. Friends of the family just had they're entire household wrecked with the newer COVID strain. Looks like no one will die, but one of them will now need to relearn how to walk and might be stuck with crutches for the rest of her life. Just had a conversation with family trying to explain, yeah, this is a thing that has been happening since the start. A year of this shit and people still don't get that it's not a black and white live or die thing.

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6 minutes ago, Ghost_MH said:

Blah. Friends of the family just had they're entire household wrecked with the newer COVID strain. Looks like no one will die, but one of them will now need to relearn how to walk and might be stuck with crutches for the rest of her life. Just had a conversation with family trying to explain, yeah, this is a thing that has been happening since the start. A year of this shit and people still don't get that it's not a black and white live or die thing.


Yet you still have all the shitstains going on about how we should just open up pronto because you probably won't die, stay home if you're so scared. 

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Even my sister has been musing that while the virus is real, "you have doctors saying that masks and lockdowns don't work, and it's all about control, and they want to close small businesses down", and she won't get the vaccine, and you won't see opposers on the news because they are trying to hide it, and other bullshit. 



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So I haven't really been paying attention to the AstraZeneca situation, but what's going on with it exactly? They've put it on pause because it causes blood clots in younger people or something? I saw someone say that it's only been in 25 people out of the 2 million vaccinated by it, but I don't only if that's accurate or not. 


@CitizenVectronyou've been pretty good at keeping up to date with everything. Is it an overreaction? 

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My SIL is getting her first dose on the 16th.


The only two left to get it in my immediate family are my brothers.  My younger one was the one that recently was infected with Covid, and was told by his doctor to wait about 60 days.  My older brother doesn't qualify, but that will change on the 19th.


There's also my two very young nephews, but obviously they can't get it.

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14 minutes ago, Jason said:


I get why it bugs you but I doubt the one day difference really matters, it's not like they scheduled you for a week after your first shot.

Would have been better to be longer. Looking more and more like UK actually got it right with the delay.

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3 minutes ago, sblfilms said:

Would have been better to be longer. Looking more and more like UK actually got it right with the delay.


Yes, but Joe was what, 19 days? Obviously 23 would have been better than 19 if not sticking to the exact schedule but I still doubt it matters, the whole point is just "give your body time after the first dose and then jolt it again" and he got that. 

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8 minutes ago, Jason said:


Yes, but Joe was what, 19 days? Obviously 23 would have been better than 19 if not sticking to the exact schedule but I still doubt it matters, the whole point is just "give your body time after the first dose and then jolt it again" and he got that. 

Oh, for sure. Mostly just interesting to me that the UK kinda lucked into a good plan when they did their delayed second doses.

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34 minutes ago, Jason said:


I get why it bugs you but I doubt the one day difference really matters, it's not like they scheduled you for a week after your first shot.

My wife got 19 days, too. It’s a fucking conspiracy. Q, save me!

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Got shot 2 of Pfizer on Friday morning... felt fine that day... woke up the next day feeling very lethargic, heavy and super worn down. Felt like I took 3 Benadryls or something... I didn't feel all that bad, just super drained and low energy. Kinda foggy. That lasted pretty much all day and I feel great today. 100% Back to normal.

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I forgot to give a canadian update but I took my in-laws yesterday to get their first dose of Pfizer. I couldn't be happier about it. Funny that a few weeks ago it was a huge struggle to convince them they should get a shot when the AZ was available, my father in law was convinced it would not do anything, but on friday the city of toronto dropped the age restriction down to 60 and now they were ok to get it. Then after getting it they were bugging me how I was able to book it so quickly because their friends want to get one as well (when back during AZ none trusted getting any shot).  Anyways they're done, it was a pretty smooth process to deal with and now I just have to wait till July when they qualify for their 2nd dose and when I can get my first dose. 



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21 hours ago, Brick said:

So I haven't really been paying attention to the AstraZeneca situation, but what's going on with it exactly? They've put it on pause because it causes blood clots in younger people or something? I saw someone say that it's only been in 25 people out of the 2 million vaccinated by it, but I don't only if that's accurate or not. 


@CitizenVectronyou've been pretty good at keeping up to date with everything. Is it an overreaction? 


Can't link anything at the moment, but my understanding is:

  • AZ vaccine may be causing a rare autoimmune response that causes clotting (instead of just a normal immune response)
  • The type of clotting is different (and more serious) then regular clotting
  • The risk of clotting is very, very low, and most common in people under 35 (and apparently, women, who are always more susceptible to blood clotting)
  • AZ was also not tested properly on older people (not enough in trial)—that was a separate issue, and as it turns out, not even an issue at all (works well in old people)
  • So initially Canada said it could only be used on people under 65 (due to trial issues), but then lifted that. Now, it can't be used on anyone under 55 (pending study)
  • My guess is that the restriction will also be lifted when it's determined the risk is something like 1 in 200,000 (or lower), which is still far, far lower than the risk of getting COVID-19 and having it develop into severe illness

Separate from this, there are other current concerns with the AZ vaccine:

  • In trials in South Africa (where the B1.351 variant originated), the AZ vaccine was only 10% effective in stopping transmission
  • HOWEVER, this was only the efficacy of stopping someone from getting it. Of the people that got it, it appears that no one died, or became severely ill
  • It is believed that the weakness towards the B1.351 variant is because the AZ vaccine does not provoke as strong an antibody response against this variant as the mRNA vaccines. However, it does seem to provoke a strong t-cell response, which is the long-lasting immunity
  • Think of it this way: B1.351 infects the body. Normal antibodies swarm it and know it's foreign, but can't remember how to fight it, so it multiplies a bit, and you start to get flu-like symptoms. T-cells kick in (the reinforcements) and find it, stopping it from getting worse, and then they wipe it out.

So the AZ vaccine is not quite as good (currently) as the mRNA vaccines, and probably a bit less effective than the J&J vaccine (which uses similar tech, but there have been no head-to-head trials, of course). So in a system where we have unlimited mRNA vaccines right now, I'd say sure, skip the AZ (and J&J) and get Pfizer or Moderna. However...we don't have unlimited supply, even in places like the US which are vaccinating very quickly. So the answer is (as health leaders are saying): the best vaccine is the one you can get right now. This is why I convinced my (and my wife's) parents to get the AZ shots that were available in my city 2 weeks ago. Better to get a good vaccine (and the AZ vaccine is good!) now than a great vaccine at some indeterminate point in the future. This is especially true as the B1.351 variant isn't widespread or dominant in Canada right now, it's the B.1.1.7 variant (in most of Canada), or the P1 variant (in BC). Both of those are far more deadly (and contagious) than the original strain, so the chances of catching them get higher each day.


Hell, if the AZ vaccine was the only vaccine for the entire world, we could still wipe COVID-19 out (especially since they are making an updated version for the variant strains). The real risk at this point isn't getting a bad vaccine, it's allowing the virus to continue to spread and mutate in a way that makes the existing vaccines ineffective, wiping out everything we've done.



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