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~*Official #COVID-19 Thread of Doom*~ Revenge of Omicron Prime

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8 minutes ago, CitizenVectron said:


You know, killing someone in a vehicle is the easiest type of murder to get away with. "A squirrel ran into the road and I swerved into the crowd. I didn't even see them!"


Just joking, of course.

I wonder, how fast could I change my name legally to Covid-19? That way if *hypothetically* I were to do such an act. They can officially say in the press that they were killed by Covid-19. Everyone else I missed or slightly injure, would at least know someone affected by Covid

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4 minutes ago, Jason said:


Or we're just not douchebags. People in public don't know if we're vaccinated.


Yeah, my wife and I went for a walk outside a couple days ago and we got looks for not wearing masks. Next time, we'll wear them.

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2 minutes ago, sblfilms said:

Why does that matter?


Why does it matter that I don't insist on making a scene by trying to get into the grocery store without a mask by waving my vaccination card around? Seriously?

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3 minutes ago, Joe said:

Yeah, my wife and I went for a walk outside a couple days ago and we got looks for not wearing masks. Next time, we'll wear them.


My job said we're keeping with 100% masks until it's safe to be walking into random public spaces without a mask on because, one, it's just easier to enforce "everyone has to have a mask on", but two, and more saliently to this conversation, we have no way of knowing who in the office is and isn't vaccinated and there's no way to do it that isn't a PII nightmare so it's better for everyone to just not put people who have to be in the office in the position of having to figure out who's vaccinated and who's just an anti-mask douchebag.


It's not a big deal, it makes everyone else more comfortable, and it does also help with controlling any vaccine-resistant variants from spreading right now.

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Just now, Jason said:


My job said we're keeping with 100% masks until it's safe to be walking into random public spaces without a mask on because, one, it's just easier to enforce "everyone has to have a mask on", but two, and more saliently to this conversation, we have no way of knowing who in the office is and isn't vaccinated and there's no way to do it that isn't a PII nightmare so it's better for everyone to just not put people who have to be in the office in the position of having to figure out who's vaccinated and who's just an anti-mask douchebag.


Exactly, What were we going to do on this walk? Tell everyone we passed "don't worry we're vaccinated!" I mean, c'mon. Imagine being in their shoes. 

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3 minutes ago, Jason said:


Why does it matter that I don't insist on making a scene by trying to get into the grocery store without a mask by waving my vaccination card around? Seriously?

This is a different argument than “people don’t know I’ve been vaccinated” So which one do you actually want to make?

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6 minutes ago, Joe said:


Yeah, my wife and I went for a walk outside a couple days ago and we got looks for not wearing masks. Next time, we'll wear them.

A walk *outside* 😂 Insanity.

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The mRNA vaccines are about 90 percent effective at blocking coronavirus infection, which could lead to reduced transmission, real-world data suggest.



Those data show vaccinated people have a lower “viral load” and are less likely to pass the coronavirus to others if they do become infected, but the effect is not as strong as might be hoped to truly limit transmission, Kilpatrick says. 


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7 minutes ago, sblfilms said:

This is a different argument than “people don’t know I’ve been vaccinated” So which one do you actually want to make?


Jesus christ, I'm not doing this stupid dance with you. You said people wearing a mask aren't paying attention to the science, clearly suggesting vaccinated people still wearing masks are dummies, and I responded to you with reasons why you should still wear a mask.

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1 minute ago, Jason said:


Jesus christ, I'm not doing this stupid dance with you. You said people wearing a mask aren't paying attention to the science, clearly suggesting vaccinated people still wearing masks are dummies, and I responded to you with reasons why you should still wear a mask.


I didn't say they were dummies, I said they aren't paying attention to the data. Meaning they are doing things for reasons separate from the facts. In your case, you are doing it because you think it's a courtesy to others because of how they will feel. Maybe so. 


5 minutes ago, Joe said:

Like there's literally zero downside to wearing a mask. Imagine having a problem with that.


There is zero downside to many behaviors that are also unnecessary. This is not an argument for doing so. Again, the reasons all boil down to feelings. At least be willing to own that.

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1 minute ago, sblfilms said:

I didn't say they were dummies, I said they aren't paying attention to the data. Meaning they are doing things for reasons separate from the facts. In your case, you are doing it because you think it's a courtesy to others because of how they will feel. Maybe so. 



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Just now, Joe said:

I mean the risk is unbelievably low to me, sure, but not zero. And yes, I already stated that it would mostly be as a courtesy to others. Which I have zero problem with.


And, again, variants. 

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I remember going on a few hikes with my ex last summer. I brought my mask, she didn't (we're outdoors, after all)


When we passed by someone on the trail, if they had masks on, I'd put mine on. It's not a big deal to me, but they clearly thought it was, so whatever. It's more about being considerate of others' feelings.

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1 minute ago, Jason said:



Just because YOU go around attacking people in such a way doesn't mean others are. Don't project your intentions on me.

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I think sblfilms obsession with masks has to do with the fact that disgusting Texans have accosted his staff over having mandates at the drive-in, IF I am remembering correctly! Your state doesn't require you to have a mandate anymore, so you shouldn't have one if it stresses you out, bro.

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1 minute ago, Joe said:

I think sblfilms obsession with masks has to do with the fact that disgusting Texans have accosted his staff over having mandates at the drive-in, IF I am remembering correctly! Your state doesn't require you to have a mandate anymore, so you shouldn't have one if it stresses you out, bro.


Also how he hates being told what to do, which is like ten thousand spoons when all you need is a knife, when you think about it. 

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2 minutes ago, Joe said:

I think sblfilms obsession with masks has to do with the fact that disgusting Texans have accosted his staff over having mandates at the drive-in, IF I am remembering correctly! Your state doesn't require you to have a mandate anymore, so you shouldn't have one if it stresses you out, bro.


That was mostly in the early days of the mask mandate when we were simultaneously being threated by the county with being closed if we didn't enforce the mandate and regularly threatened by patrons when we tried to enforce it. But that pretty much subsided by the end of the summer last year. I wear a mask in any place that requires one, and don't in places that don't. I respect a businesses right to set the terms of entry. It really is that simple.

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4 minutes ago, Iculus said:

I had a symptomatic covid infection, and ended up being a long hauler. I've had both doses of the Moderna vaccine. I will wear a mask wherever allowed for the rest of my life. 

I’m like you and the whole long hauler ordeal. After your shot did you notice the long hauler symptoms disappear or are they just not as severe anymore? I was pretty much a lump all last week because of my long hauler shit


this goes for others users here who had long hauler stuff before they got their shot. You notice any difference?

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I personally have been offered, and politely declined getting vaccine just because I do not feel fully comfortable yet with it whatsoever. When it is "optional" yet then you are inundated with constant updates about who's available to get on the shot list now ... like I know it's vital information for the public & yet I cannot let go of the very real feeling I have deep down that its mass propaganda. Chalk it up to being less than enthused with my government & questioning them more & more in the last year + with how they completely flubbed the ball with the whole damn thing.


The untrustworthy sensation I have to all of this is quite real to me. Meanwhile, I cannot help but wonder, why is it when so many other vaccinations have the actual thing you are being vaccinated against, inside said inoculation, yet the myriad of versions out there for the masses do not?  Canada just halted all shipments of Astrazeneca (due to blood clot issues). Then there are the multiple varying strains that is more & more sounding like further inoculations will be needed for those variants as well.


I'm not coming at it completely conspiratorial, and in fact I would state that dismissing my concerns as such is just further propagating the way all things are done nowadays versus having an actual discussion. There shouldn't be anything wrong with someone wanting to take a "wait & see" approach to how ALL of this shakes out as things continue to change at least weekly if not even daily, bringing up more issues & concerns in my book.


Now we have, in New York State, an app made in conjunction with IBM for this passport while Biden says on a federal level, they will be enacting the same thing soon. Again, it is allegedly "voluntary" as is the vaccine, yet I know full damn well that while a law cannot necessarily be passed stating you HAVE TO HAVE THE SHOT OR ELSE, when private companies & corporations institute mandates that further this agenda of "BETTER PROVE IT OR NO ACCESS TO OUR GOODS/SERVICES", that is well within their standards & is legal to do so.


I understand that from their point of view, it IS in fact to ensure safety. However, if those that are like minded as myself, willingly continue to do what we have been doing for over a year and instead socially distance ourselves & wear masks, that should be good enough. Yet I fear that it will eventually (and quite honestly, I feel it to be much sooner than later), it is going to be an all or nothing type situation. More & more impetus against those still wanting to wait & see, while being vilified in the press and through social media because how dare we attempt any type of critical thinking that goes against the masses, we are less than because so?


I welcome any & all to share, contradict, or have a cordial conversation about what I just expressed.

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2 minutes ago, SoberChef said:

I personally have been offered, and politely declined getting vaccine just because I do not feel fully comfortable yet with it whatsoever. When it is "optional" yet then you are inundated with constant updates about who's available to get on the shot list now ... like I know it's vital information for the public & yet I cannot let go of the very real feeling I have deep down that its mass propaganda. Chalk it up to being less than enthused with my government & questioning them more & more in the last year + with how they completely flubbed the ball with the whole damn thing.


The untrustworthy sensation I have to all of this is quite real to me. Meanwhile, I cannot help but wonder, why is it when so many other vaccinations have the actual thing you are being vaccinated against, inside said inoculation, yet the myriad of versions out there for the masses do not?  Canada just halted all shipments of Astrazeneca (due to blood clot issues). Then there are the multiple varying strains that is more & more sounding like further inoculations will be needed for those variants as well.


I'm not coming at it completely conspiratorial, and in fact I would state that dismissing my concerns as such is just further propagating the way all things are done nowadays versus having an actual discussion. There shouldn't be anything wrong with someone wanting to take a "wait & see" approach to how ALL of this shakes out as things continue to change at least weekly if not even daily, bringing up more issues & concerns in my book.


Now we have, in New York State, an app made in conjunction with IBM for this passport while Biden says on a federal level, they will be enacting the same thing soon. Again, it is allegedly "voluntary" as is the vaccine, yet I know full damn well that while a law cannot necessarily be passed stating you HAVE TO HAVE THE SHOT OR ELSE, when private companies & corporations institute mandates that further this agenda of "BETTER PROVE IT OR NO ACCESS TO OUR GOODS/SERVICES", that is well within their standards & is legal to do so.


I understand that from their point of view, it IS in fact to ensure safety. However, if those that are like minded as myself, willingly continue to do what we have been doing for over a year and instead socially distance ourselves & wear masks, that should be good enough. Yet I fear that it will eventually (and quite honestly, I feel it to be much sooner than later), it is going to be an all or nothing type situation. More & more impetus against those still wanting to wait & see, while being vilified in the press and through social media because how dare we attempt any type of critical thinking that goes against the masses, we are less than because so?


I welcome any & all to share, contradict, or have a cordial conversation about what I just expressed.

Is this a Facebook share, or did you just type it?

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2 minutes ago, silentbob said:

I’m like you and the whole long hauler ordeal. After your shot did you notice the long hauler symptoms disappear or are they just not as severe anymore? I was pretty much a lump all last week because of my long hauler shit


this goes for others users here who had long hauler stuff before they got their shot. You notice any difference?

My second dose was on the 28th. I've been wrecked since then. I wasn't much better before. My PCP said to give it another 48 hours.

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