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~*Official #COVID-19 Thread of Doom*~ Revenge of Omicron Prime

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2 minutes ago, skillzdadirecta said:

I remember when she first came on the scene earlier in the pandemic and the word on her was that she was VERY political... seems that has proven to be true and it bit her in the ass. Fuck her.

I don’t know anything about her, so I could be very wrong, but I could see a doctor who wants to actually help people going on tv to blow smoke up his ass, because that seems to be the only way to get shit done and keep your job under Trump. But she could also be just a terrible person trying to rehab her image, and is most likely that.

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14 minutes ago, BloodyHell said:

I don’t know anything about her, so I could be very wrong, but I could see a doctor who wants to actually help people going on tv to blow smoke up his ass, because that seems to be the only way to get shit done and keep your job under Trump. But she could also be just a terrible person trying to rehab her image, and is most likely that.

She deliberately stayed silent while Trump spewed obvious bullshit in order to maintain her position unlike Fauci who contradicted Trump and got death threats. It didn't work becuase Trump turned on her anyway and now she's a "woman without a country" with ALL sides being pissed at her and she's now trying to do damage control. But yes, the word on her VERY early on was that she was not above playing politics unlike Fauci. Fauci isn't perfect either... his handling of the AIDS crisis in the 80's was somewhat questionable but he has chalked that up to following the science that was available at the time and not some poltitical agenda. I tend to believe him. Her? Not so much.

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Pretty sure my oldest son caught it when he was at my parents house helping my mom out before we knew my brother had fallen ill. Nobody bothered to mention that my brother had been 1.) exposed and 2.) feeling symptoms himself until a couple days later. Now my kiddos has had various symptoms the last 5 days. Nothing major, but we’ve sent him to his personal leper colony in his room. He’s suuuper social, so the worst part for him is the isolation. Seems to be symptom-wise on the upswing now.

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So I just watched that Dr. Birx interview in its entirety and she's definitely in "Cover my ass" mode... she talks about how much she did behind the scenes to make sure the proper information was getting to Trump even though she says she didn't have a lot of contact with him directly. She seems to indicate that she kept a bunch of memos and notes that will prove that and she seems most offended by the fact that Saturday Night Live did a skit about her :| She claims to not be a political creature but when asked why she didn't go public more with some of her misgivings she says that she "didn't want to step outisde the chain of command" which seems goofy to me considering that if you were more concerned with public health, you would have spoken up more regardless of the chain of command.


She also says that when infamous bleach moment happened, Trump wasn't talking to her he was talking to someone else seated two seats over from her and that when he DID address her directly, she corrected him and said that lysol and bleach were NOT treatments. This interview comes off as very self serving and an effort to salvage her reputation. The fact is that at worse, she stayed silent during this crisis when it counted and also lending legitimacy to a lot of Trump's bullshit because she didn't and wouldn't speak up for whatever reason. Again, FUCK HER. She should just retire and sit her ass down somewhere.

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The Biden administration aims for 100 million vaccinations within his first 100 days as president.

The newly appointed director of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention warned Sunday that the federal government remains in the dark about just how much vaccine is currently available and warned that states like New York won't be able to quickly replenish its limited supply.


“One of the biggest problems right now is I can't tell you how much vaccine we have, and if I can't tell it to you then I can't tell it to the governors and I can't tell it to the state health officials," Dr. Rochelle Walensky told "Fox News Sunday."


Walensky added the government does not "have as many doses as we would like now for states like New York [or] for other states that are claiming to have run out of vaccine."


As President Joe Biden pledges to distribute 100 million Covid-19 vaccinations in his first 100 days, Walensky said "the supply is probably going to be the most limiting constraint early on."


"We're really hoping that after that first 100 days we'll have much more production," she added.


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Federal transportation officials are considering a range of options to enforce President Joe Biden's new face mask requirement for interstate travelers, including the possibility of...


I say 1 warning on the flight and then no-fly list for 3 years if behavior isn't automatically corrected.




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56 minutes ago, marioandsonic said:






Governor Gavin Newsom is expected to lift the statewide stay-at-home order on Monday, California Capitol Correspondent Ashley Zavala says.




  • Guillotine 2
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Suck it, COVID.



Out of an abundance of caution, Moderna launches clinical program to boost immunity to emerging variants Manuscript posted to preprint server; company to host conference call once manuscript is available CAMBRIDGE, Mass. --(BUSINESS WIRE)--Jan. 25, 2021-- Moderna Inc .


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Great.  Just great.



The world's largest syringe maker does not have the capacity to substantially increase U.S. supplies of specialty syringes needed to squeeze more doses from Pfizer Inc COVID-19 vaccine vials in the coming weeks, an executive said in an...




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7 minutes ago, Commissar SFLUFAN said:

Great.  Just great.



The world's largest syringe maker does not have the capacity to substantially increase U.S. supplies of specialty syringes needed to squeeze more doses from Pfizer Inc COVID-19 vaccine vials in the coming weeks, an executive said in an...





And they already lobbied to ship fewer vials because they said the extra doses per vial should count. Awesome!

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After those 65+ and essential workers have been vaccinated, California plans to transition to age-based eligibility which may takes up to 20-22 weeks.



Newsom just sprung this on everyone today while announcing he's ending the stay-at-home order. I can't fucking take this. I was supposed to be eligible in March. Now I'll be lucky if I'm eligible in May. All while it's not gonna get any safer to go outside because he's more worried about getting recalled than responsible policy.

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Literally this morning I was listening to an NPR interview with a public health official where she was saying that the worst thing you can do is confuse or frustrate people about what the process is going to be. Massively upending everything and shoving a ton of people to the back of the line when they were expecting to be eligible soon sure is a great way to do both of those!

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