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~*Official #COVID-19 Thread of Doom*~ Revenge of Omicron Prime

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1 hour ago, CastlevaniaNut18 said:

I mean, I would be more offended, but it's Milo.


I did enjoy a bit of a petty power trip over this one patient earlier this week. It's a woman, though. She's a frequent flier and a truly awful human being. She's never discharged for more than a few days before coming right back because she's noncompliant. She has the worst ileostomy ever. Leaks constantly and she wants to act helpless and make us take care of it. She fucking goes home and downs laxatives to make it pour out and throw her lytes out of whack. Most of us refuse and make her do it herself. Problem is, she wants to constantly eat and drink, making the output even higher. So we usually decline to give her much on night shift. I'm already pissed because she called me a bitch and falsely accused me of punching her and she's calling out for more ice water at 3am. Her nurse is on break, so I explain to her why she doesn't need the extra fluids in the middle of the night. She gets pissed. I take her a cup with about 2 tsp of ice in it, set it on the table and walk away without a word. It was kinda funny.


But that's probably the meanest I've ever been. If you had the misfortune of caring for this awful human being, you'd commend me on my restraint!

Some people truly never emotionally mature past childhood.

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6 minutes ago, CitizenVectron said:

Authorities arrested a suburban Milwaukee pharmacist Thursday suspected of deliberately ruining hundreds of doses of vaccine.



His Pharmacist license will be revoked, but I hope he faces many, many years in prison

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I worked last night. It was crazy busy until around 8:30. Not that that's necessarily bad in its own right (everyone has to be outside, no groups bigger than 5, can't stand up with your drink, etc), but the amount of people that I heard say like "well we're meeting with so-and-so in 30 minutes" or whatever was astonishing. It seemed like pretty much everyone there was going to a NYE party. And then business pretty much completely died by 8:30... I wonder why.

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As county health departments dole out the vaccine doses they have to health workers and long-term care facility residents and workers, they’re also thinking ahead to widespread distribution.


  • stepee 1
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On 12/31/2020 at 9:16 PM, Keyser_Soze said:


If I ever pass through Arkansas and get horribly injured I'm personally asking for @CastlevaniaNut18 to take care of me!


"What's his status?"


"Broken leg and a collapsed lung. He's losing blood fast."




"Give him 50 more ccs of Jesus Christ."

  • Confused 1
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2 hours ago, Ricofoley said:



As a Pennsylvanian, the only thing I have to say is this:


Replace him with a Democrat if at all possible.




















What? I'm from Philadelphia. Fuck this bozo. I'm done playing patty cakes with people who perpetuate the worst of the virus in thought and action then expect me to care when they recklessly get it and die from it? Hah, yeah, okay. 

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Oh yeah, you don't need to feel bad about saying that at all. How many times have you seen something to the effect of, "Why are people so afraid of a virus with a 99% survivability rate?!" from a sitting Republican official? If they're gonna throw that out, then the flip side is that nobody has to feel bad when a few sitting Republicans find themselves in the 1%.

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Let's sed how a so-called "developing world" country handled Old Year's Night in this pandemic:



Po­lice Com­mis­sion­er Gary Grif­fith be­lieves the peo­ple of T&T have grown and ma­tured as it re­lat­ed to the host­ing of par­ties and use of fire­works to ring in the new year.

“The vast majority of this country, virtually all adhered to their responsibility. We would have seen all the restaurants, bars and hotels…whether it was based on them understanding their responsibility or whether it was based on releases issued by the TTPS, virtually everyone did what was required.”


Griffith said they had not received any reports of anyone hosting events around midnight which meant persons did what was required of them.


In addition, he said there were no reports of private residences hosting large parties or major events.


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