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~*Official #COVID-19 Thread of Doom*~ Revenge of Omicron Prime

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People who don't return their carts to the corral are human filth; primordial slime that has not evolved to the state that allows it the cognitive awareness of others in the same habitat. They are only a tenth of a unit up on the scale above MAGA chuds. There is never a good excuse not to return to a corral. 


One time I was getting into my car after the lady next to me had just finished loading all of her purchases into her trunk. She then pushed the cart behind my car and left it there and started walking to her driver door. I don't think she noticed me get into my car. So I got out and pushed the cart behind her car just as she was starting her engine and putting it into reverse. She saw me and opened her door and leaned out. The following conversation ensued. Not the exact words as this was like 5 years ago and I don't remember every detail. But it was more or less


Karen: Excuse me! Why are you leaving your cart behind my car?


Me: This isn't my cart. It's yours.


Karen: Huh?


Me: You left your cart behind my car. I watched you leave it there in my rearview mirror just as I sat down. I'm returning the favor.


She then just stared at me in this weird awe that was disgusted mixed with unbelief. Like how dare I throw her bullshit back in her face? I got back in my car and started it and waved goodbye as I backed out. I watched her in my rearview mirror as I left, and you're not going to believe this (lol just kidding of course you are; it's Karen). Not only did she not return it to the corral, not only did she not push it back to where she had previously left it where I had parked, she pushed it behind the car parked on her other side! Because that is the direction I left it pointing in. And here's the final kicker: the corral was just on the other side of that car! Un. Fucking. Believable.


My wife lived near a region of her home country that has signs posted by the government as you enter it saying "If you need help that's too bad. It's not coming." Can't remember the exact wording but that was the sentiment. People there litter like you wouldn't believe it. And there's not like a sanitation department in the city that goes around and cleans that kind of stuff up. They don't have supermarkets with big parking lots and carts.


But when she moved here and we went to the grocery store for the first time and we loaded up the car, the moment the last bag was lifted out of the cart she immediately took the cart and headed towards the nearest corral. It's not a fucking habit that you have to develop. It's basic human decency. Decency towards other customers. Decency towards their property. Decency towards store employees working the shittiest job for minimum wage. 

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12 minutes ago, GeneticBlueprint said:

Karen: Excuse me! Why are you leaving your cart behind my car?


Me: This isn't my cart. It's yours.


Karen: Huh?


Me: You left your cart behind my car. I watched you leave it there in my rearview mirror just as I sat down. I'm returning the favor.


Jeez. I thought you Mormons were nicer than this!

  • stepee 1
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12 minutes ago, Keyser_Soze said:


Jeez. I thought you Mormons were nicer than this!


Mormon Karens are the Karenest Karens that ever Karened


Actually, that's not true. Mormons are very non confrontational. They excel at passive aggression. Or they suffer in silence and put on a happy face. 


And yes, they are very kind. I think that is an apt stereotype and their best overall descriptor.

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4 hours ago, thewhyteboar said:

I want to see this same chart but for reracking weights at the gym. Every Korean would be chaotic evil...

I made myself cranky just thinking about this. What kind of monsters leaves their ice americano on a bench?? And of course they never wipe up the pool of condensation. And why would you put a dumbbell back in the wrong place??? The rack is clearly labeled. The weight is clearly labeled. I'm getting worked up about this. Thank god the virus is keeping me away from the gym, or I'd be hurling a kettlebell through the window.

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A return to normalcy following the Covid-19 pandemic could come within a year, but people need to tamp down their expectations for typical summer travel and activities, Dr. Anthony Fauci told British newspaper The Telegraph.

The latest time frame comes on the heels of a week that saw the national case count cross 2 million. Cases have increased in 18 states over the past week, with six states reporting more than a 50% jump. This has led some government and health officials to hit pause on reopening efforts.

More than 115,000 people have died in the United States as of Monday afternoon, according to data from Johns Hopkins University.


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17 minutes ago, b_m_b_m_b_m said:

Some normal shit down in the heart *clapclapclapclap* of Texas

Unrelated, but a contact I have in Texas let me know that a local high school graduation party included a George Floyd reenactment contest so that’s great.

  • Guillotine 2
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26 minutes ago, thewhyteboar said:

Abbott is going to kill off all the Trump voters. Guess that's one way to turn Texas blue.

Simultaneously arguing in court that only those age 65+ (heavy R leaning group) should be able to vote absentee without an excuse (and fear of getting covid isn't an excuse)

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34 minutes ago, thewhyteboar said:

Abbott is going to kill off all the Trump voters. Guess that's one way to turn Texas blue.


I seriously wonder if this pandemic ends up affecting the final vote tallies at all? So many Trump voters dying.

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12 minutes ago, Chris- said:

It’s killing many people of color, too. 

It is, but over half of Covid deaths are white, african americans make up less than 25% of total deaths and the bulk is in the 65+ age group so it very well could change vote shares.  A lot of the areas with abnormally high African American death rates are also still relatively low on overall deaths, like SC, Kansas, OK, and one of the states where White Americans are dying above their population percentage is also Texas, gonna be a long 5 months.

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4 minutes ago, CitizenVectron said:

NASCAR is moving their annual All Star Race from NC to TN because TN will let them have 30,000 people in attendance. So...look forward to that. 


Here's how we're doing:





I doubt that moving the race here will move our (pretty decent at this point in time) numbers. But that doesn't mean having 30,000 people at Bristol will be good. 


It will not. 


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I was shopping at a Costco and walking back to my car when I saw someone shove one of the tank-like carts up a hill to the sidewalk by the store. She didn't push hard enough though because the cart came back down the hill and smashed right into my car. Luckily my car wasn't damaged

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A number of businesses here at Jacksonville Beach have shut down again after briefly reopening because COVID outbreaks have been tied to their establishments.




I returned to work this week but we make everyone wear masks here. Based on everything I’m hearing, all of these establishments were filled without people who weren’t social distancing or wearing masks.

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