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~*Official #COVID-19 Thread of Doom*~ Revenge of Omicron Prime

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14 minutes ago, b_m_b_m_b_m said:

A lot of people have been saying this




A couple of days ago when seeing some news story from Fox News I thought, "Forget the bragging about how if Nixon had Fox News during Watergate he never would have had to step down. If Gorbachev had Fox News after Chernobyl the Soviet Union would have never fallen."

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9 hours ago, Dodger said:



As long as identity politics are at play and there are enough white people around to have any power left, we're going to get people like Trump, and the shit GOP. People either don't realize or just plain don't care that telling some poor uneducated rural white person with limited job prospects that they have "white privilege" is royally pissing them off, and causing them to be Maga chuds. There is no privilege in being poor. I suppose it's slightly better to be a poor white than a poor POC, but not by much. As long as continue to piss all over poor white people, which this board alone does on basically a daily basis, we're going to continue to have MAGA and the GOP exploiting these people to line the pockets of the rich.


Of course it doesn't really matter, because even if we get Diamond Joe elected, coprorate democrats do basically the same thing, they just throw us a bone here and there to make us forget we're still being robbed blind by the elite. They just don't care if you get gay married or have an abortion while they do it and we're supposed to celebrate them for that.



Of fuck, man... snowflakes 

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So in the UK despite not coming close to achieving their 5 tests before removing lockdown, which are: 


Test one: making sure the NHS can cope and continues to have sufficient capacity

Test two: a ‘sustained and consistent’ fall in daily deaths

Test three: solid data showing the rate of infection is decreasing to ‘manageable’ levels

Test four: ensuring that supply of tests and personal protective equipment (PPE) can meet future demand

Test five: avoiding a second peak that would risk overwhelming the NHS


The general feeling is lockdown will be somewhat relaxed on Monday (make as many trips outdoors as you want, allowed to spend time in outside in public whilst socially distancing) and the consensus is also that they will look to re-open schools on the 1st of June in a limited capacity. I do appreciate the economy is dying a very quick death, mental health is suffering and a lot of people do want more freedome...but I wonder if we're going to have the caveat that Scotland proposed that isolation may be enacted again at very short notice. 


I still can't understand how with infection rates still going up, deaths slowing (but not stopping) and the fact we have no PPE in the UK, how a decision could be considered at the moment. 

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Is your state testing enough? Here's how your state is doing.


Scroll down to get specifics for where you live.


The states that are exceeding the daily target of tests for their state:

  1. Alaska
  2. Hawaii
  3. Montana
  4. North Dakota
  5. Tennessee
  6. Utah
  7. Wyoming

States that are close to hitting their daily target:

  1. Oregon
  2. Washington
  3. West Virginia
  4. Wisconsin

The chart's even more interesting to me because of, say, Rhode Island. They're not even close to meeting their target yet they're pumping out those tastes at a rate of which I was unaware.

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“Sisolak is trampling our Constitutional rights,” he said. “People can’t go to churches because they are closed. He’s closing camp grounds, places to go fishing. I’m not sure what … rights that violates but it’s not right.”


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13 minutes ago, Jason said:

Once it's proven that you don't need everyone to be physically present in the chamber to conduct business, there should really be a push to get rid of the Permanent Apportionment Act of 1929. 



Pelosi and Schumer are more concerned with their own power in congress, and their class interests that go with it, than anything else. (And because there is no real, effective progressive block to oppose their power, they get away with it)


The next speaker should be for completely rewriting/scrapping the Permanent Apportionment act, expanding congress, and more importantly lessen the power of the speaker/chamber leadership. But we're likely to get a pelosi like stooge and not someone good as next speaker so I'm not optimistic.

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1 minute ago, CitizenVectron said:

There was a poll a few weeks ago that showed the group calling most for reopening was white people who still had jobs...so I 100% believe this.



Several, several right wing memes I've seen on Facebook say the survival rate is greater than 99.5%, as if long term damage to your lungs, heart, and neurological system isn't a thing or something to be concerned with, even in younger people.

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1 minute ago, SaysWho? said:

News is reporting a valet to Trump who served him his meals tested positive for COVID19

Given he’s a notorious germ freak, the thought of him having intense pangs of anxiety while waiting to see if he caught it is quite entertaining. I hope he’s in complete meltdown mode. 

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6 minutes ago, SaysWho? said:

News is reporting a valet to Trump who served him his meals tested positive for COVID19


3 minutes ago, Chris- said:

Given he’s a notorious germ freak, the thought of him having intense pangs of anxiety while waiting to see if he caught it is quite entertaining. I hope he’s in complete meltdown mode. 


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