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~*Official #COVID-19 Thread of Doom*~ Revenge of Omicron Prime

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42 minutes ago, Emperor Diocletian II said:

Ugh - my roommate is now going on and on about how this situation is compromising her freedom, and then she busted out that stupid Benjamin Franklin quote.


I mean this one "Those who would give up essential Liberty, to purchase a little temporary Safety, deserve neither Liberty nor Safety."

I recently got into an argument with two of my uncles on Facebook who also insisted that "muh freedum" was being threatened by the lockdown. It seemed to shut them up when I pointed out that we place limits on people's freedom all the time in order to live in a society and that, analogously to how their right to swing their fist ends at my nose, their right to go out is limited by my right to life. 


I know you personally don't go much for the idea of "rights" but this seemed to work on my conservative uncles. Either that or they just got tired of arguing. :p 

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Theaters Prepare to Reopen with TSA-Style Check-in, Temperature Screenings, and Plexiglass



With Texas allowed to reopen some nonessential businesses as of May 1, some exhibitors are battening the hatches to prepare for moviegoers, while others continue to wait out the storm. According to Variety, EVO Entertainment in Texas plans to open two locations on Monday, employing “airport security-style check-in,” CEO Mitchell Roberts said. Guests will be ferried through a cordoned area in the front door, asked whether anyone in their household had flu symptoms in the last 14 days, and finally be subjected to an infrared temperature screening. The theater will turn away anyone with a temperature of more than 100.4 degrees.


So...security theater at the theater. We already know people will lie about symptoms to get onto airplanes, and a temperature check isn't going to do shit against people who are infected but asymptomatic.

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5 minutes ago, Jason said:

Theaters Prepare to Reopen with TSA-Style Check-in, Temperature Screenings, and Plexiglass



So...security theater at the theater. We already know people will lie about symptoms to get onto airplanes, and a temperature check isn't going to do shit against people who are infected but asymptomatic.



Movie'ing while black incoming.....

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1 hour ago, Emperor Diocletian II said:

Ugh - my roommate is now going on and on about how this situation is compromising her freedom, and then she busted out that stupid Benjamin Franklin quote.


I mean this one "Those who would give up essential Liberty, to purchase a little temporary Safety, deserve neither Liberty nor Safety."

Isn' that not a real quote? I remember it not being real or atleast falsely attributed to him.

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How Profit and Incompetence Delayed N95 Masks While People Died at the VA (ProPublica)


Federal agencies have hired contractors with no experience to find respirators and masks, fueling a black market filled with price gouging and multiple layers of profiteering brokers. One contractor called them “buccaneers and pirates.”


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5 minutes ago, osxmatt said:

Shameless tweet share but not many Oregon news outlets have shared these pictures.



This will be one of Trump's long lasting legacies--the mainstreaming of white supremacy. For the past 40 years, Republicans have been hiding their white supremacist tendencies under a veneer of small government and 2nd amendment bullshit. But now it's all in the open.

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Want to see piss-poor headline writing?  Look at this Sky News story:


Coronavirus: Scientists conclude people cannot be infected twice


Researchers at the South Korean centre for disease control and prevention (CDC) now say it is impossible for the COVID-19 virus to reactivate in human bodies.


"Reactivation" and "infected twice" are NOT the same thing!

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Not only did the Federal government "divert" PPE intended for other countries and the states, it "diverted" PPE from itself!


Trump administration hijacked 5 million masks from veterans hospitals, chief physician says


The chief physician overseeing the Veterans Health Administration acknowledged that the Trump administration redirected a shipment of masks to the national stockpile after officials denied claims that health care workers were forced to work with inadequate protective equipment.


"I had 5 million masks incoming that disappeared," Richard Stone, the executive in charge of the veterans health system, told The Washington Post.


Stone said the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) directed vendors to send the masks to the agency rather than the VA so it could replenish the dwindling national stockpile. As a result, Stone said he was forced to move to "austerity levels" at some of the system's hospitals.


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11 minutes ago, Emperor Diocletian II said:

Not only did the Federal government "divert" PPE intended for other countries and the states, it "diverted" PPE from itself!


Trump administration hijacked 5 million masks from veterans hospitals, chief physician says




When Trump does something abhorrent there is often an argument over whether it was from malice or incompetence. Stories like this shows sometimes it's just both.

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22 minutes ago, Emperor Diocletian II said:

Not only did the Federal government "divert" PPE intended for other countries and the states, it "diverted" PPE from itself!


Trump administration hijacked 5 million masks from veterans hospitals, chief physician says


The easiest explanation is that a private broker, probably a large trump donor, has control of the distribution of the federal stockpile 

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15 minutes ago, SimpleG said:



2 hours ago, Emperor Diocletian II said:

Want to see piss-poor headline writing?  Look at this Sky News story:


Coronavirus: Scientists conclude people cannot be infected twice


"Reactivation" and "infected twice" are NOT the same thing!


That article also does not talk about immunity or how long any potential immunity would be conferred. That Sky news headline is irresponsibly misleading.

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5 hours ago, thewhyteboar said:

This will be one of Trump's long lasting legacies--the mainstreaming of white supremacy. For the past 40 years, Republicans have been hiding their white supremacist tendencies under a veneer of small government and 2nd amendment bullshit. But now it's all in the open.

Do you think it will eventually work out to be a positive thing? I find it easy enough to imagine the short term consequences as being pretty negative, but maybe by exposing this shit to a little sunlight, it could turn more people away from the party? Or is that naive?

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NJ opening state parks was a mistake.  You can't assume people will continue practice social distancing. You have people walking in large groups without facemasks. People think the pandemic is over if you choose to do this irresponsibly. This won't flatten the curve; this will highly increase the infection rates. I will put my money on the line that the infection rates will go up again.



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1 hour ago, darkness35 said:

NJ opening state parks was a mistake.  You can't assume people will continue practice social distancing. You have people walking in large groups without facemasks. People think the pandemic is over if you choose to do this irresponsibly. This won't flatten the curve; this will highly increase the infection rates. I will put my money on the line that the infection rates will go up again.



I agree, but, Murphy flat out stated that this is a “test” and he’ll shut them back down immediately if people are “fragrantly” breaking guidelines. That being said I think he opened them knowing he’d be closing them down again within 72-ish hours so he can throw up photos going “see? You fucking fucks are a bunch of fucks” in response to the backlash that he closed them 2-ish weeks back. Even the anti-shutdown clods on my FB were posting about the park reopenings begging for people “not to mess this up!”

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54 minutes ago, Spork3245 said:

I agree, but, Murphy flat out stated that this is a “test” and he’ll shut them back down immediately if people are “fragrantly” breaking guidelines. That being said I think he opened them knowing he’d be closing them down again within 72-ish hours so he can throw up photos going “see? You fucking fucks are a bunch of fucks” in response to the backlash that he closed them 2-ish weeks back. Even the anti-shutdown clods on my FB were posting about the park reopenings begging for people “not to mess this up!”

One of my favorite phrases: “this is why we can’t have nice things.”

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1 hour ago, Spork3245 said:

I agree, but, Murphy flat out stated that this is a “test” and he’ll shut them back down immediately if people are “fragrantly” breaking guidelines. That being said I think he opened them knowing he’d be closing them down again within 72-ish hours so he can throw up photos going “see? You fucking fucks are a bunch of fucks” in response to the backlash that he closed them 2-ish weeks back. Even the anti-shutdown clods on my FB were posting about the park reopenings begging for people “not to mess this up!”


He's been great generally so I don't want to be picky, but I don't get why he is treating all parts of NJ the same with the parks re-opening. Southwest NJ was doing especially bad recently and I can't imagine this will help them. I guess opening some parks and not others would piss too many people off. 

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2 minutes ago, Jose said:


He's been great generallyso Indon't want to be picky, but I don't get why he is treating all parts of NJ the same with the parks re-opening. Southwest NJ was doing especially bad recently and I can't imagine this will help them. I guess opening some parks and not others would piss too many people off. 

I hear ya, I’m in the north tip of Burlington County (10 minutes from Mercer County) and cases here have been doubling as opposed to lowering or flattening last I checked. Murphy seems to be focusing on the northern counties moreso than any other part of the state.

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4 minutes ago, Jose said:


He's been great generallyso Indon't want to be picky, but I don't get why he is treating all parts of NJ the same with the parks re-opening. Southwest NJ was doing especially bad recently and I can't imagine this will help them. I guess opening some parks and not others would piss too many people off. 

The entire state of New Jersey is smaller than the Dallas/Fort Worth metroplex. I don’t think opening some parks and not others will deter people from areas not doing well with infections just traveling to part of the state where lock down has been lifted. 

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4 minutes ago, Spawn_of_Apathy said:

The entire state of New Jersey is smaller than the Dallas/Fort Worth metroplex. I don’t think opening some parks and not others will deter people from areas not doing well with infections just traveling to part of the state where lock down has been lifted. 


Ask Spork the last time he was in Bergen County, then ask me the last time I was in Burlington County. 

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11 minutes ago, Spawn_of_Apathy said:

The entire state of New Jersey is smaller than the Dallas/Fort Worth metroplex. I don’t think opening some parks and not others will deter people from areas not doing well with infections just traveling to part of the state where lock down has been lifted. 

It’s a good 90 minute drive to get from where I am (basically dead center of the state on the border with PA) to somewhere like Newark. I know people are surprisingly stupid but I can’t imagine a 90+ minute drive to go for a walk in a park. :p 

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