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~*Official #COVID-19 Thread of Doom*~ Revenge of Omicron Prime

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1 hour ago, CitizenVectron said:


Just sad they need to hide things from the federal government.


What's wild about this is that this isn't even a secret. An entire Patriots Jet worth of supplies that Massachusetts paid for were confiscated by the feds and went...somewhere...and all of that happened very publicly.

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2 minutes ago, Ghost_MH said:

What's wild about this is that this isn't even a secret. An entire Patriots Jet worth of supplies that Massachusetts paid for were confiscated by the feds and went...somewhere...and all of that happened very publicly.



  • Haha 2
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7 minutes ago, thewhyteboar said:

Republicans are the dumbest motherfuckers on the planet. Scroll through the comments and you'll see a Confederate flag being waved. In Washington. We became a state in 1889. Fuck them and their white supremacy. 



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The city of Las Vegas is hurting and what used to be a mecca for conventions, sports and entertainment has now "stopped dead," due to closures expedited by the coronavirus pandemic, Mayor Carolyn Goodman told FOX5 Thursday.

The Goodmans have been in the valley since the 60s. To witness a thriving economy built on tourism suffer "more than breaks" Goodman's heart, she said.


Goodman believes the abundance of caution Nevada has taken is misguided, as there is no crystal ball-evidence to suggest when it's "safe" to reopen.

"We know what we have built here, all of us together," Goodman said. "All we ask is please give us the opportunity to get back to work ... to earn an honest dollar and be able to support our grandparents, and support our parents and support our children."


Please open us up," Goodman said in a please to Gov. Sisolak. "Let's go forward. Do it now. Give (them) an opportunity to earn a living" because there is no guarantee of when a vaccine will be developed or the virus under control.


She detailed the plight of the community by recounting heartbreaking phone calls and stories of families barely scraping by. For Las Vegas, hospitality is the lifeblood of the town. Goodman cited security detail, housekeepers, maintenance workers, etc. as "the very heart beat" of every property in Las Vegas.

"Give us the right to live our lives," Goodman said. "Let Las Vegas come back to be the convention and hospitality center that is is."

Goodman a former Democrat now independent. So it isn't just Republicans caring more about the economy instead of people's lives.

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6 hours ago, thewhyteboar said:

Republicans are the dumbest motherfuckers on the planet. Scroll through the comments and you'll see a Confederate flag being waved. In Washington. We became a state in 1889. Fuck them and their white supremacy. 

This is for Michigan, but it still applies. :p 




5 hours ago, MarSolo said:


We’re through the looking glass people.




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1 hour ago, thewhyteboar said:

A Republican congressional candidate will attend a protest virtually. Lol. So she is ok with her dumbass supporters getting sick and dying, but doesn't want to risk it herself. 

That’s the GOP and Fox. So willing to let everyone do the dying for them, just so long as they arent inconvenienced. 

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Wynn Resorts Ltd. Chief Executive Officer Matt Maddox is calling for parts of the Nevada economy to start reopening in early May, followed by the Las Vegas Strip in the middle or later part of the month.

“I understand that if we incrementally reopen we might have to pull back if a spike in cases occurs that jeopardizes our health care system capacity,” he said in an opinion piece published by the Nevada Independent. “However, the only way to cross this river is one stone at a time, and we need to put our feet in the water before it is too late.”

The opinion piece was accompanied by a 23-page proposal detailing steps it’s taking to keep its casino, hotel rooms and facilities sanitized and safe, down to details such as giving all guests amenity bags that include hand sanitizer and face masks, as well as a “Covid-19 awareness card.”


Other safeguards he proposed include:

Reopening with reduced occupancy, physical distancing measures, temperature checks and no large gatherings

The need to wear masks

An increase in coronavirus tests in the state

Ensure hospitalizations and deaths relative to the population aren’t exceeding the national average

Hospital critical care availability should increase

Limiting the number of guests in elevators and limos

Removing guest rooms with presumptive positives from service and quarantined

Security officers to greet visitors, who will be screened and asked to use hand sanitizer and wear a mask



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4 minutes ago, Remarkableriots said:


That's great and all, but I'd be curious to know how many people would actually be willing to visit a casino right after the stay at home order is lifted?  The poker chips alone are going to be petri dishes.  

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40 minutes ago, thewhyteboar said:

From March 9:




That 15 cases statement is memorable because even at the time it was a lie. There were more cases than he was saying. And I would have to check to be sure, but I am almost sure the CDC released revised numbers upwards almost immediately after Trump said that and then there were the unconfirned but almost certainly true reports soon after that, yeah, the CDC had definately advised Trump of the increase right before he lied to everybody.

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22 minutes ago, mclumber1 said:


That's great and all, but I'd be curious to know how many people would actually be willing to visit a casino right after the stay at home order is lifted?  The poker chips alone are going to be petri dishes.  


16 minutes ago, marioandsonic said:

Can't they sanitize those?


Easy solution, everyone is wheeled around in one of these filled with hand sanitizer:




But in seriousness, while some parts of the economy can eventually be slowly opened fairly safely (assuming that people still take it seriously...which is a big if), industries revolving around large, dense, gatherings really can't. Or if they are legally empowered to, people probably aren't going to return for a long time in large numbers.




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