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~*Official #COVID-19 Thread of Doom*~ Revenge of Omicron Prime

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"At noon on Monday, an array of groups who are bashing Gov. Tom Wolf’s COVID-19 quarantine and business closure orders as overreaching, unnecessarily broad and harmful to a tottering economy are vowing to rally outside the now-empty Capitol complex.


They say they will be driving around, honking their horns to show their displeasure.

It is a sound and a message that has been echoing around the country with increasing volume of late."



Protests are scheduled for Monday in my area :twothumbsup: :skull:Bunch of people driving around an empty Capitol building.... I'm sure they will actually be elbow to elbow. 

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Is there any reason to care about people protesting from their cars? My thoughts are: the right to protest is theirs (even if I disagree with their reasoning), and as long as they don't block off hospitals like that other protest and they don't get out of their cars and potentially catch and/or spread COVID-19, I don't really care. It seems that the majority of people feel the same way, but I'm wanting to make sure I'm not missing something obvious.  



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3 hours ago, skillzdadirecta said:

Libertarian makes sense to adolescents and college aged kids, but at some point you would have to out grow that shit especially once you start living in the real world. 

I love arguing with my hardcore libertarian friend who is against abortion. I like to tell him he's so against big government that his view works since he wants the government so small that it fits into my uterus.

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Listening to my kids play with an assortment of toys (Hot Wheels, Ninja Turtles, Paw Patrol, a Barbie) before bath time; my eldest:


”Sorry to interrupt the Price is Right, but Chase has a special announcement. There is a virus. We need everyone off the streets. Everything will be closed, please stay at home,  and make sure to wash your hands.”



Hilarious and sad at the same time.

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I’m watching this One World Special on the networks right now and they just had some words from Lara Bush and Michelle Obama, and it was clear that Bush was just being recorded on a cell phone on the patio while Michelle had an actual properly lit and professionally recorded set up...which made me laugh when I started to think it was probably Dubya shooting the Bush video from an iPhone :lol:

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44 minutes ago, Nokra said:

Is there any reason to care about people protesting from their cars? My thoughts are: the right to protest is theirs (even if I disagree with their reasoning), and as long as they don't block off hospitals like that other protest and they don't get out of their cars and potentially catch and/or spread COVID-19, I don't really care. It seems that the majority of people feel the same way, but I'm wanting to make sure I'm not missing something obvious.  



It hopefully won't be a big deal in my area since the roads should be more empty than usual. In Harrisburg, the Capitol building is less than a mile from the major hospital. The hospital is also right off the highway. An article I read said, "Monday at noon thousands of citizens plan to attend"... So if the plan is to just circle the area in their vehicles, its going to quickly be gridlock around the hospital. Especially with traffic from the highway on the front and back side of the hospital. (Hospital is the red dot, Capitol grey) 


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An interesting thread from reddit about how how these "protest the quarantine" groups popped up overnight. 


Seems like someone from Florida is astroturfing and creating Facebook groups and websites for various states to rile up the masses and they are falling for it.




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14 minutes ago, SimpleG said:

An interesting thread from reddit about how how these "protest the quarantine" groups popped up overnight. 


Seems like someone from Florida is astroturfing and creating Facebook groups and websites for various states to rile up the masses and they are falling for it.




Americans are so dumb 

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1 hour ago, SimpleG said:

An interesting thread from reddit about how how these "protest the quarantine" groups popped up overnight. 


Seems like someone from Florida is astroturfing and creating Facebook groups and websites for various states to rile up the masses and they are falling for it.





I saw something about there being a DeVos connection. 

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1 hour ago, SimpleG said:

An interesting thread from reddit about how how these "protest the quarantine" groups popped up overnight. 


Seems like someone from Florida is astroturfing and creating Facebook groups and websites for various states to rile up the masses and they are falling for it.




These quarantine groups are definitely being organized. Not sure by who though.

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2 hours ago, SimpleG said:

An interesting thread from reddit about how how these "protest the quarantine" groups popped up overnight. 


Seems like someone from Florida is astroturfing and creating Facebook groups and websites for various states to rile up the masses and they are falling for it.





Hmm, I remember reading a report last year about this exact strategy, outside groups organizing conservative rallies and protests.

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39 minutes ago, skillzdadirecta said:

These quarantine groups are definitely being organized. Not sure by who though.



It's really disgusting when you consider that it's likely some big business riling up these people. So you got some rich douche bag sending out these culture warriors(because a fucking pandemic is now part of the fucking culture war) and the same undereducated white Trump lovers they are using to pull this shit are many of the same people that are fighting for the right to go back to some menial low wage job so they can risk their life so that the same rich douche bag cam buy a third yacht.


And yeah, this is probably more politically motivated than anything else, but at this point the GOP's political goals and the bank accounts of the ultra weathy are basically the same damn thing. So half a dozen of one, and so forth.


And what pisses me off is just how hard these mother fuckers are pulling a version of the chickenshit Glen Beck "I am just asking questions" shit. He gives 5 points on some crazy theory, you prove all 5 wrong, and he says, "Well I'm just asking questions". Which, itself, I think primed people to not blink an eye at Trump's "Well people are saying" shtick.


So yeah, these people(or at least some of them from what I have seen) go out and try to sound reasonable by saying, *paraphrase* "I'm not saying we shouldn't listen to health experts or that we should put anyone in danger, I am just calling my governor a Nazi for trying to impliment any precautions health experts say are necessary to protect people".


Fuck these Tea Party wannabes. They seem to be all in on turing this into a 2010-style protest movement that helps them in the election. Fuck these Rebublicans for so readily attempting to turn this into just another cynical partisan mud fight while literally tens, if not hundreds, of thousands of lives are on the line.


These protests are really fucking pissing me off, if you can't tell. Trump and Jordan and others jumping on board is the clearest indication yet that the GOP, shocked initially by the scale of this disaster into at least a few minimally bi-partisan gestures, do not give a single fuck about the pile of bodies anymore. All it's about from here on out is winning the messaging war. Expect any talk on the GOP side of another stimulus bill to boil down to, "Get your fucking ass back out there and work, that's your stimulus".

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I’m kind of surprised that my conservative friends and family aren’t more in favor of a quick return to normal. They all WANT that, but seem to understand it’s not practical at this point.


But then today I had a conversation via FB messenger with a customer who is sure it’s all overblown and we should all just go back to business because “they can’t jail us all”...

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2 hours ago, skillzdadirecta said:

These quarantine groups are definitely being organized. Not sure by who though.

If you dig in deeper in the thread its a good chance the Dorr Brothers are involved.

Basically these shit heels build web sites, stir up a ruckus and tell the right wing community that thru donations they can help them, take donations and run like hell.

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I had an interesting chat with a friend who is the film buyer for Cinemark in the north east. Obviously nothing is set in stone at this point, but the early indication they are getting from NY and LA officials is that theaters won’t be allowed to reopen there until 2021 unless something miraculous happens.


No LA and NYC means no new movies theatrically. Those cities together represent around 11% of all grosses nationally, and they are the crown jewel cities for the movie industry. If they are closed, that’s all she wrote for 2020.


If that happens you really are looking at a complete collapse of the cinema industry barring a massive rescue package by the federal government. 

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