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~*Official #COVID-19 Thread of Doom*~ Revenge of Omicron Prime

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3 hours ago, Remarkableriots said:

Mike Rowe seems like a nice guy at least from watching dirty jobs.


Interestingly I just watched a video about Mike "safety third" Rowe about an hour ago: 



He's a right wing ghoul. All you really gotta know about him is he thinks that safety first is a bad policy -- he literally says (in a clip in the video) that money should be number 1 and getting the job done should be number 2. 

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4 hours ago, mclumber1 said:

This is common knowledge to me (as I lived it), but for some of you it may be eye opening.  TLDR:  The reactor department on the TR got hit HARD, and that's the likely reason the Captain decided to write the letter.  You can't simply stick someone else in the reactor operator's seat and run the ship.  It takes years of training to be a reactor operator, along with almost every other senior watch in the power plant of an aircraft carrier or submarine.


Edit: Not only is it impossible to practice social distancing in the berthing areas of a ship, it's also impossible for the people who operate the reactor plant to do so.  You have 5 people (4 enlisted and 1 officer) in a space that is about the size of a small bedroom.  They cannot operate the plant from anywhere else. 



Just read this... who directs the Captain Crozier movie? My money is on Clint Eastwood or Peter Berg.

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3 hours ago, Spork3245 said:


The conspiracy theorists have begun to now claim that the death tolls are being inflated because hospitals are counting all deaths as COVID-19 related, even if it’s a heart attack, or something :rolleyes:

I guess they weren’t paying attention when the exact opposite of that was happening. Especially in other countries that suddenly saw huge spikes of people dying to things like pneumonia or just acute respiratory failure instead. Things that “clearly” were in no way due to corona. 

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8 hours ago, SilentWorld said:


Interestingly I just watched a video about Mike "safety third" Rowe about an hour ago: 



He's a right wing ghoul. All you really gotta know about him is he thinks that safety first is a bad policy -- he literally says (in a clip in the video) that money should be number 1 and getting the job done should be number 2. 


I'll watch the video later, but his point always seemed to be more pragmatic than principled (in other words, it wasn't that he opposed 'safety first', but that he acknowledged it doesn't come to fruition in reality).

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Also, I highly recommend you all check out 'The Great Mortality' by John Kelly. Some of the parallels between the second plague and now are incredibly fascinating, but more importantly, it will show you how resilient civilization can be: it killed up to 90% of the population is some areas, but people and systems persevered. This is not an 'end of ______' situation.

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1 hour ago, Spawn_of_Apathy said:

I guess they weren’t paying attention when the exact opposite of that was happening. Especially in other countries that suddenly saw huge spikes of people dying to things like pneumonia or just acute respiratory failure instead. Things that “clearly” were in no way due to corona. 

Yup! Logic doesn’t work with these people. Their argument is that reported deaths from non-COVID things are down, so clearly those things are being reported as COVID-related.

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'We have to share the burden': Small businesses call for commercial rent relief amid COVID-19 losses


As criticism of the government's emergency loan program for small businesses known as Canada emergency business account (CEBA) mounts in some quarters, there are calls for other ways to combat the economic impact of COVID-19.

A push for grants and direct relief for expenses in this country is coming from small business associations and experts looking at aid packages that have been doled out in places like the U.K., Denmark and Australia.

Now, a new Canadian advocacy group called Save Small Business (SSB) says instead of emergency loans, the federal government needs to create an emergency commercial rent relief program.

"It's unfair to close down local businesses and ask them to take out a loan in order to pay all their expenses," said Jon Shell, the group's co-founder.

"We have to share the burden of rent in a way so that the tenant isn't the only one responsible."

The Canadian Federation of Independent Business (CFIB) has called on provinces to provide rent subsidies for businesses devastated by the pandemic, also recommended hardship grants of $5,000 a month, like the program recently announced in Saskatchewan.


To survive we need rent cancelled and basic income, people on social assistance say


Though Judy Augustino is usually good at budgeting the paycheque she gets on disability, the mad dash to stock up on supplies amid COVID-19 in early March left her broke. 

"I've been going to the grocery store more often and just buying more food than I normally would because I don't know where this is going to go," Augustino said. "I don't know how this is gonna end up."

Augustino, 62, is one of about 50,000 Hamilton residents who rely on a provincial social assistance program.

While most Canadians are struggling under COVID-19, with many businesses shut down, local advocates argue that those at, or below, the poverty line will be hardest hit. 


More than a couple of months of shutdowns will be disastrous -- we need to figure a way of getting everything going again while still fighting the virus.

Potential suggestion

1) Two week "hard quarantine" in badly affected areas

2)  Developing a strategy for checking temperature of everyone working in essential services, to quickly remove people with a fever from the workforce

3)  Reducing shutdown in lower risk areas

I don't have all the answers, but we've essentially been in a lockdown for three weeks already, and numerous businesses are ready to shut their doors.

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On Friday, Rep. Mark Amodei, R-Nev., announced Hamilton Medical Corp. would receive a $551 million contract as part of a national effort to boost the stockpile by about 100,000 machines in the coming 100 days.

"Nobody should be saying mission accomplished while we’re still living in the midst of this challenge," Amodei said. "However, this is an important piece in making sure our healthcare professionals have access to some of the most essential lifesaving tools needed in this fight. It is my understanding that production at the new Reno factory will begin before the end of the month."



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My province now has quite a few more recovered cases than active, and active cases are continuing to drop. We still have a few more cases rolling in daily, but we also have no one in the ICU at this point, which is great:




For reference, the population of the province is 1.1 million. So not huge, but our testing has been quite high per capita.

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Seventy people at San Francisco’s largest homeless shelter have tested positive for the coronavirus, Mayor London Breed said on Friday.

The outbreak, which included two staff members, is the largest reported at a single shelter in the United States. It reinforces a major fear that homeless people, many whom have pre-existing respiratory illnesses, are especially vulnerable to the pandemic.


Advocates in San Francisco, where there are more than 8,000 homeless people, had expressed concern in recent weeks that the city had not moved quickly enough to use empty hotel rooms to thin out the shelter system.

That shelter can house 340 people at a time according to the news and they haven't received all the tests back. This is just outrageous.


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2 hours ago, AbsolutSurgen said:

'We have to share the burden': Small businesses call for commercial rent relief amid COVID-19 losses


To survive we need rent cancelled and basic income, people on social assistance say


More than a couple of months of shutdowns will be disastrous -- we need to figure a way of getting everything going again while still fighting the virus.

Potential suggestion

1) Two week "hard quarantine" in badly affected areas

2)  Developing a strategy for checking temperature of everyone working in essential services, to quickly remove people with a fever from the workforce

3)  Reducing shutdown in lower risk areas

I don't have all the answers, but we've essentially been in a lockdown for three weeks already, and numerous businesses are ready to shut their doors.

What's the policy you would set on someone that is running a temperature in the absence of SARS-CoV-2 testing? Do you allow them to come back to work when the fever is gone, or mandate they separate for two weeks, or is a doctor's note sufficient?


Given there are asymptomatic carriers, temperature checks are only going to help a very small amount. 

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13 minutes ago, Massdriver said:

What's the policy you would set on someone that is running a temperature in the absence of SARS-CoV-2 testing? Do you allow them to come back to work when the fever is gone, or mandate they separate for two weeks, or is a doctor's note sufficient?


Given there are asymptomatic carriers, temperature checks are only going to help a very small amount. 

Negative test to come back to work.

Clearly more affordable, widespread testing needs to be available (There is a $1,000 testing machine that just got approved by Health Canada that can do a result (without a laboratory technician) in under an hour.)  Until that happens, we can't shut everything down indefinitely.


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33 minutes ago, Iculus said:

The WH task force is now asking the cdc to run models that look at the data from opening one time zone at a time. lol we are so fucked. I could feel the eye rolls over the conference call.


I've been asked to run models showing ridiculous scenarios. 


But I usually say "no, this is ridiculous, I won't model that and XYZ is why." I understand that becomes different when the client is the President. Especially, THIS one. 

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4 hours ago, CitizenVectron said:


Lol the content of the rebuttal video isn't as great as the tweet suggests, but man Navarro is a moron.


The content of the video does exactly what he says they didn't do. It's better than what the Tweet suggests and Navarro is the same ignorant, arrogant asshole who equated being a social scientist to being a scientist. I used to deal with guys like this when I interned at the American Stock Exchange... you can't tell him shit about shit.


In other news, Coumo is giving a press conference right now along with the Governors of New Jersey, Connecticut, Pennsylvania , Delaware and other North Eastern Governors to coordinate a plan to reopen the economy. Because of I-95, the thinking is all of the Governors in this region need to be on the same page regarding reopening the economy.

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21 minutes ago, CayceG said:


I've been asked to run models showing ridiculous scenarios. 


But I usually say "no, this is ridiculous, I won't model that and XYZ is why." I understand that becomes different when the client is the President. Especially, THIS one. 

Im glad that you even understood what I was trying to say. Posting while dodging old people is hard. She immediately got off of the call and called her PhD advisor (who was also on the call) and her boss. She asked if it made any sense to spend time on that. Their response was cya... so stupid.

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27 minutes ago, skillzdadirecta said:

In other news, Coumo is giving a press conference right now along with the Governors of New Jersey, Connecticut, Pennsylvania , Delaware and other North Eastern Governors to coordinate a plan to reopen the economy. Because of I-95, the thinking is all of the Governors in this region need to be on the same page regarding reopening the economy.

The VA, MD, and DC governments are taking the same regional coordination approach same approach as well.

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Just now, skillzdadirecta said:

We're gonna be The Seven Kingdoms after this shit is over aren't we?

I'm fairly certain that you're going to see a lot more "Regional Compacts" among states going forward and once that starts the process of "defederalization" will be well underway.


Like I said a couple of weeks ago, time to dust off the ol' "Articles of Confederation".

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