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~*Official #COVID-19 Thread of Doom*~ Revenge of Omicron Prime

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24 minutes ago, Dodger said:

I'm about to brave the super market or Walmart grocery side for the first time since the shit hit the fan. Hopefully I can find some water

I think it really depends where you live. I was working in another city today, stopped at a grocery store to buy lunch and they were cleaned out of all paper products and canned goods. Where I live I have at least 5 grocery stores within 10 minutes and they only seen to be low on toilet paper. 

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1 minute ago, DarkStar189 said:

I think it really depends where you live. I was working in another city today, stopped at a grocery store to buy lunch and they were cleaned out of all paper products and canned goods. Where I live I have at least 5 grocery stores within 10 minutes and they only seen to be low on toilet paper. 



I don't care about TP because I have some and I can just jump in the shower and wash my ass after since I'm stuck home all day. I care about food and water so hopefully it's not that bad. 

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In my experience if you have any smaller stores in your area, they are less picked over than the big chains like Krogers and Walmart. My Krogers was not as bad as some stories I've heard online but they were completely out of water and toilet paper with the canned goods and meat very bare.


But we have a Dollar General and Dollar Tree in town that was largely untouched in the canned goods. Though no water or toilet paper(but plenty of paper napkins)

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1 hour ago, Chris- said:

My wife might be out of work then. She works at a big preschool. I think they normally have around 150 kids enrolled. They have been staying open this week only for families where the parents work police/fire/ems, or are a Dr or nurse that cannot call off. The past couple days they have only had 10-15 kids in the entire place. It's a church based center which gets them out of paying in to unemployment so if they close I don't think my wife can collect. 

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2 minutes ago, Chairslinger said:

In my experience if you have any smaller stores in your area, they are less picked over than the big chains like Krogers and Walmart. My Krogers was not as bad as some stories I've heard online but they were completely out of water and toilet paper with the canned goods and meat very bare.


But we have a Dollar General and Dollar Tree in town that was largely untouched in the canned goods. Though no water or toilet paper(but plenty of paper napkins)

Also keep in mind that these stores are designed to sell to people who can’t afford to stock up so don’t buy them out. 

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Just now, ort said:

My wife asked me if we should be buying water.


I told her that if it gets so bad that we need water, it really won't matter.



Yeah, there are a couple eventualities I am not worrying about too much because if they become a problem then it's likely the entire society has collapsed and we're all fucked anyway.

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2 minutes ago, Chairslinger said:



Yeah, there are a couple eventualities I am not worrying about too much because if they become a problem then it's likely the entire society has collapsed and we're all fucked anyway.

You are, of course, referring to porn, no? 

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3 minutes ago, Mr.Vic20 said:

You are, of course, referring to porn, no? 


People will lose their minds if if public services/utilities start to go down.  


6. Television

5. Trash collection

4. Internet 

3. Cell phones

2. Electrcity

1. Water


Once you lose those last two items, it'll be chaos.

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5 minutes ago, mclumber1 said:


People will lose their minds if if public services/utilities start to go down.  


6. Television

5. Trash collection

4. Internet 

3. Cell phones

2. Electrcity

1. Water


Once you lose those last two items, it'll be chaos.

I was telling a friend yesterday that if a solar flare was to take out our technology now it would send us into chaos.

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10 minutes ago, mclumber1 said:


People will lose their minds if if public services/utilities start to go down.  


6. Television

5. Trash collection

4. Internet 

3. Cell phones

2. Electrcity

1. Water


Once you lose those last two items, it'll be chaos.

People still watch Television?

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Some SARS-CoV-2 populations in Singapore tentatively begin to show the same kinds of deletion that reduced the fitness of SARS-CoV and MERS-CoV


Here’s an ELI5: The researchers sequenced the genome of a number of COVID19 viruses from a series of infected patients from Singapore. They found that the viral genome had a large deletion that was also witnessed in past epidemics of related viruses (MERS, SARS), especially later in the epidemic. The form with the deletion was less infective, and has been attributed to the dying out of these past epidemics. In other words, COVID19 seems to be following the same evolutionary trajectory.


Well why is that? Why would a virus evolve to be less infective? Seems kind of counterintuitive, right? The authors hypothesize that it has to do with the selective pressure from the human adaptive immune system. In other words, that region that is deleted happens to have a high level of antigenicity (human antibodies like to target it), which means its presence leads to lower levels of survival of the virus. So the removal allows the virus to be less detectible at the expense of a lower infectivity/replication rate. So in the evolutionary arms race between the human adaptive immune system and the virus, the immune system is basically driving the virus into a corner. This is really good news as it suggests that as this pandemic proceeds, the virus will (likely?) tend to evolve into a less virulent strain, and so fizzle our eventually.


Just for reference, SARS-CoV-1 hasn't surfaced again since 2004.

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As of right my, my hospital is keeping all of the suspected cases isolated to one unit. But talking to some on the hospitalist team last night, it's not going to last. I think we all knew that. It certainly feels different at work lately. You can feel the tension, most notably from the physicians.


Nice to see some of them not hold back on their disgust for "our distinguished leader" though.

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Minions got delayed from it’s July release date, which exposed the next thing that will cause the theatrical release calendar to get torn up. With post houses closing all over the world, these movies which often aren’t complete until days before their premieres are simply not going to be completed in time to hit their release dates. We could be in a situation with no tent pole films until November/December...

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Just now, Firewithin said:


What's the angle here? I dont know what this world is....



There were times during the Mueller report that Burr did questionable things like informing the White House of things seemingly more for political loyalty than any valid reason.


However, the Senate also ran a marginally more bi-partisan, less hackish investigation than the House. Coming to the conclusion that Russia interfered, and they did it to help Trump, for instance. Even that little bit of independence may have put Burr in Trump's crosshairs. And, like Ghost said, this is a pretty easy story to score political points on. I still highly doubt this will result in any consequences. We don't punish corruption anymore.

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2 minutes ago, DarkStar189 said:

A group of friends spent 25 days rafting in the Grand Canyon with no outside contact — and returned to find the world in the midst of a 'disorienting' pandemic 




Reminds me of this.




My name is Shackleton,” I said.

Immediately, he put out his hand and said, “Come in. Come in.”

“Tell me, when was the war over?” I asked.

“The war is not over.” he answered, “Millions are being killed. Europe is mad. The world is mad.”



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