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~*Official #COVID-19 Thread of Doom*~ Revenge of Omicron Prime

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1 hour ago, Signifyin(g)Monkey said:

I actually think it's very possible the pandemic actually helps Trump get re-elected, if it plays out right.  Even if his image is tarnished by stuff like this.


If the pandemic abates a few months before his election, all the pent up demand in the economy could be unleashed all at once and it could be booming, along with the stock market, just in time to get him a second term.

This is my exact belief as well. I’m willing to believe we’ll have made great progress on flattening the curve in the next few months. Asia is getting back to normal. Italy is leveling off. Aid will be dispensed, and the trump propaganda machine will be running at full force convincing everyone that trump’s great leadership is responsible for any and all recovery we’ve experienced. Once the economy comes back, especially with rates at 0, shit will be booming and it will be one more weapon repub propagandists can use to tout trump, right in time for the election. I think at that point people will care more about getting back to normal life than removing trump from office. I hope I’m wrong. 

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2 hours ago, sblfilms said:

I was on a video conference this morning and the host was screen sharing. Her reminder to take her birth control kept popping up and she was getting so embarrassed. I couldn’t decide if the better course was to pretend I didn’t notice what was going on or to assure her it was fine.


My face did not comply with my desire to pretend I didn’t notice.

Well now she's definitely embarrassed. Nice job!

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43 minutes ago, sblfilms said:

There is an increasing number of people saying they are certain they had Covid-19 in December and January because they had some mystery illness that was unlike anything they had before. I think people are struggling to understand the math of epidemics.


The problem is that kind of thinking can gain stream because we don't know how many people or even who is actually infected. My wife is in quarantine and I'm doing everything I can to stay healthy while being home with the kids. Her doctor thinks she probably has COVID-19, but can't say for sure unless she gets tested. Except he won't test her because she doesn't qualify. He also won't test her for the flu because he doesn't want her anywhere near his office or the local hospital. His instructions were, "don't go anywhere unless you need to be checked into the ICU. If that happens, then we'll test you."


Since nobody knows what's actually going on and how widespread this thing actually is, people just start filling in blanks and coming up with theories on their own.

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14 minutes ago, SFLUFAN said:

I wish people would use another term othet than "gaslighting" because even after having it explained to me, it's still silly and makes little sense.


Are you gaslighting us about the use of the term gaslighting?

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From the article, it looks like this could include increasing EI for people who lose their jobs/hours and some form of direct income support for people who don't normally qualify (self-employed, business owners, etc). Money will be delivered through the existing social safety net, such as EI and the Canada Child Benefit. They are also looking at enacting the Emergency Act, which would allow the government to regulate and deliver essential services and goods (effectively commandeer/nationalize anything needed in an emergency) as well as create emergency hospitals and shelters. It would also allow the government to set fines for up to $5,000 for people not following government emergency orders (such as curfews, gathering in crowds, etc). It is a last resort, and would only be invoked in consultation with the provinces.


The aid package will be "significant and comprehensive," with the goal of making sure no one in the country misses any rent or food payments.


Tax deadline has also been moved to June 1.


So in general, it looks like it will be pretty large, though $25 billion is only $675 per Canadian. This rules out any temporary UBI, but would provide significant direct financial support (direct deposit into bank accounts) for people laid off.


EDIT - And I believe this is in addition to the $10 billion business credit line set up for small and medium-sized businesses to stay afloat. Government is going balls-deep on this, and looks like the commitment will be for months.

  • stepee 1
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Gov. Jim Justice on Tuesday has confirmed a case of the novel coronavirus in West Virginia.

He says the case is in the Eastern Panhandle.

"The last days and the last weeks have been tough," said Gov. Justice.

The governor says he is also closing restaurants, bars and casinos.

"None of us have ever gone through a pandemic," said Gov. Justice.

Customers will still be able to get takeout.

"West Virginia is absolutely the greatest place on Earth, the greatest people," said Gov. Justice


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