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~*Official #COVID-19 Thread of Doom*~ Revenge of Omicron Prime

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2 hours ago, sblfilms said:

At the airport in Houston and I’ve noticed the Asian population is heavy on wearing masks, I would say close to 80% of the Asian travelers I saw were in masks. Hispanics were the next largest contingent of mask wearers, but probably only 20% at most. Almost no white or black people wearing masks.


A lady dropped her wet tissue in my bag of food when she tried to put her bag in the overhead compartment. 

I ate the food, because I was REALLY hungry

Great you’re bringing the virus to the D1P boards and we know Wade doesn’t fuck around like our government. Quarantine for all of us. 

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Scientists were close to a coronavirus vaccine years ago. Then the money dried up.



Dr. Peter Hotez says he made the pitch to anyone who would listen. After years of research, his team of scientists in Texas had helped develop a vaccine to protect against a deadly strain of coronavirus. Now they needed money to begin testing it in humans.


But this was 2016. More than a decade had passed since the viral disease known as severe acute respiratory syndrome, or SARS, had spread through China, killing more than 770 people. That disease, an earlier coronavirus similar to the one now sweeping the globe, was a distant memory by the time Hotez and his team sought funding to test whether their vaccine would work in humans.



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so fucking Dr Drew is on my local morning radio show every week and they spoke to him this morning and it was infuriating.  he was downplaying all this and even at one point praised fucking pence from his work in Indiana during the HIV stuff there.


basically said  you shouldnt worry about anything and this will be over by end of the month lol

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let's go weekend GIF


This morning, I watched a group of suburban office workers assemble in front of the coffee maker on my weekly trip into the office and decree that the virus is indeed a hoax and "really convenient" for democrats during an election year. When I asked why they collectively have a deeper insight than the world's scientists, I was met with actual, earnest laughter and a collectively agreed-upon retort of "you don't think they can be bought off...?".


How exactly this is particularly convenient for...anyone...was not explained.


I knew it wouldn't take long and voila!

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28 minutes ago, Bloodporne said:

let's go weekend GIF


This morning, I watched a group of suburban office workers assemble in front of the coffee maker on my weekly trip into the office and decree that the virus is indeed a hoax and "really convenient" for democrats during an election year. When I asked why they collectively have a deeper insight than the world's scientists, I was met with actual, earnest laughter and a collectively agreed-upon retort of "you don't think they can be bought off...?".


How exactly this is particularly convenient for...anyone...was not explained.


I knew it wouldn't take long and voila!

I hope they all get it, I'm sorry. You will be tribute.

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There’s a few people being monitored here in Jacksonville, FL already. Which probably means it’s already getting spreading.



I work in special education at a private tutoring center and do one-on-one instruction with students that range from kindergarten to eighth grade. The parents of one of my students pulled him out yesterday because he has a weak immune system due to a medical condition he’s had since birth. He already has to call in absence a lot due to being regularly sick. He now does instruction with me via web cam. I hope to hell that he makes it through this okay.

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Just met with my spouse's neurologist today for follow-up on her MS treatment. She has undergone two bouts of alemtuzumab which is basically chemo. Her lymphocyte count dropped to 0 the first year (no immune system) and .2 the second year. Fortunately (after 13 months since the final treatment) it has risen to 2.2 (normal is 1.2 to 3.4). So she will be safe against the virus. 


Unfortunately, most modern and powerful treatments for MS (which basically halt progression) are immuno-suppressants. Her neuro said he has patients now deciding to delay treatment due to the virus. It's a bad situation. The worst part is, alcohol sanitizer is sold out everywhere even though healthy people are fine just using soap and being careful. But people with actual risk factors cannot find any and they really need it to stay alive.

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52 minutes ago, CitizenVectron said:

Just met with my spouse's neurologist today for follow-up on her MS treatment. She has undergone two bouts of alemtuzumab which is basically chemo. Her lymphocyte count dropped to 0 the first year (no immune system) and .2 the second year. Fortunately (after 13 months since the final treatment) it has risen to 2.2 (normal is 1.2 to 3.4). So she will be safe against the virus. 


Unfortunately, most modern and powerful treatments for MS (which basically halt progression) are immuno-suppressants. Her neuro said he has patients now deciding to delay treatment due to the virus. It's a bad situation. The worst part is, alcohol sanitizer is sold out everywhere even though healthy people are fine just using soap and being careful. But people with actual risk factors cannot find any and they really need it to stay alive.

I’m worried about my dad, he’s a cancer survivor. Same with one of my closest friends. 

Honestly, if something happens to either of them, I might lose my shit.

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19 minutes ago, MarSolo said:

I’m worried about my dad, he’s a cancer survivor. Same with one of my closest friends. 

Honestly, if something happens to either of them, I might lose my shit.


This is why it makes me angry when people don't take this seriously. Yes, it's not like MERS or SARS. But it's still 5-10x more deadly than the flu, and the flu is already potentially deadly to people with compromised immune systems. People just aren't as afraid of diseases as they used to be, partly because previous generations took it seriously (since most people had at least one family member die of horrible things fairly often) and we don't experience loss as often.

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my dad has health issues that would make him more at-risk but he is totally fine going to church and shaking everybody's hands. says he's not worried about it. just gonna "be smart". he is generally pretty careful about germs and such but it's like come on just give up on the hand shaking for a while. 

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10 hours ago, sblfilms said:

A lady dropped her wet tissue in my bag of food when she tried to put her bag in the overhead compartment. 

I ate the food, because I was REALLY hungry

As a mild germaphobe, I threw up in my mouth a little just reading this. :lol: :sick:

3 hours ago, CitizenVectron said:

Just met with my spouse's neurologist today for follow-up on her MS treatment. She has undergone two bouts of alemtuzumab which is basically chemo. Her lymphocyte count dropped to 0 the first year (no immune system) and .2 the second year. Fortunately (after 13 months since the final treatment) it has risen to 2.2 (normal is 1.2 to 3.4). So she will be safe against the virus. 


Unfortunately, most modern and powerful treatments for MS (which basically halt progression) are immuno-suppressants. Her neuro said he has patients now deciding to delay treatment due to the virus. It's a bad situation. The worst part is, alcohol sanitizer is sold out everywhere even though healthy people are fine just using soap and being careful. But people with actual risk factors cannot find any and they really need it to stay alive.

That sounds really stressful and worrisome. I hope the two of you are holding up OK. :hug:

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The question everyone is asking: Just how deadly is the novel coronavirus? As it spreads across the planet, researchers are desperate to understand the contagiousness and lethality of covid-19, a respiratory disease that has killed more than 3,400 people.


Evidence is mounting that the disease is most likely to result in serious illness or death among the elderly and people with existing health problems. It has little effect on most children, for reasons unknown.


The World Health Organization on Tuesday stated that the global case fatality rate is 3.4 percent. But that figure can be misleading if not framed correctly, and the official case fatality rate is likely to drop in coming months.


U.S. health officials on Thursday briefed lawmakers in Congress and said they believe the case fatality rate in this country will most likely be in the range of 0.1 to 1.0 percent, meaning somewhere between one of every thousand and one of every hundred people with covid-19 will die.


That would make covid-19 closer in lethality to influenza in severe or pandemic flu seasons, according to an article in the New England Journal of Medicine co-authored by Anthony Fauci, director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Disease. The article states that the true fatality rate of covid-19 “may be considerably less” than 1 percent, and “may ultimately be more akin to those of a severe seasonal influenza (which has a case fatality rate of approximately 0.1%) or a pandemic influenza (similar to those in 1957 and 1968) rather than a disease similar to SARS or MERS, which have had case fatality rates of 9 to 10% and 36%, respectively.”


The WHO’s fatality percentage, announced Tuesday, is based simply on the number of deaths globally (the numerator) and the number of confirmed cases of covid-19 (the denominator). As of Friday the WHO had counted 3,400 deaths among 100,000 cases.


But the official numbers do not capture the full scope of the contagion. The actual number of deaths from the virus might be somewhat higher, in part because of undercounting or misdiagnosis. There is little doubt that the number of infections — in many cases among people who either did not get sick or thought they had only a mild illness — is larger than the official case count. The infection rate will not be known until researchers do broad surveys to see who has developed antibodies to the virus.


“Many people don’t get sick and don’t get tested,” Brett P. Giroir, Assistant Secretary for Health at the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, told reporters Thursday after participating in a closed-door briefing for House members.


“The modeling suggests that we have a denominator problem. If you’re really sick and you have respiratory failure, you go see someone and you get tested. But if you’re not very ill, as most people are not, they do not get tested. They do not get counted in the denominator, especially in a crisis situation like in China,” he said.


As late as Friday afternoon, the United States had 14 deaths among 260 cases, a rate of 5.4 percent. But testing has been slow in the U.S., and as it becomes more widespread the rate will plummet.


“Your denominator is going to explode, which will push the case fatality rate down. But it will also push the number of affected persons and communities up,” said Kathleen Jordan, vice president and chief medical officer of Saint Francis Memorial Hospital in San Francisco.


The enigmatic nature of the new virus and the many unknowns about its trajectory have put people on edge, she said.


“I do think people tend to panic when it’s unknown. Just having information about how it spread, how to protect yourself, it calms people down and makes them act appropriately and effectively,” she said.


A report from 25 researchers from China, the United States and six other countries and published by the WHO suggests the current high fatality rate is skewed by the terrible death toll in the first chaotic weeks of the outbreak in Wuhan, China. People who became sick in the first 10 days of January experienced a 17.3 percent death rate, the report said.


But among people developing symptoms after Feb. 1, the fatality rate has been 0.7 percent, the report said, noting that “the standard of care has evolved over the course of the outbreak.”


The first cases in Wuhan were identified at the end of December. Not until Jan. 23 did the Chinese authorities impose severe travel restrictions designed to contain the spread of the coronavirus, officially known as SARS-CoV-2.


In those early days, doctors struggled to understand what they were dealing with and how best to treat patients, and “were quite overwhelmed,” said Christine Kreuder Johnson, an epidemiologist at the University of California at Davis.


“That can create a high case fatality rate because you can only tackle the most severe cases,” she said. “You’ve got patients that might not get the same care they might get in other circumstances — in peacetime, as we say.”


Another new study from China, based on 1,099 patients in 552 hospitals across the country, put the case fatality rate there at 1.4 percent.


“At this point it’s all speculative. We don’t know the denominator,” said Columbia University epidemiologist Ian Lipkin, who recently visited China.

The China data does not necessarily predict what will happen elsewhere, said Michael Osterholm, an infectious disease expert at the University of Minnesota.


“You can’t just take Chinese data and suddenly lay it over the United States. And say it’s going to be 2 percent or 3,” he said. “It’s going to be totally a reflection of the at-risk population. What are the underlying risk factors? Obesity? Smoking? Over 60 percent of Americans have an underlying health problem that could contribute to a poor outcome with this event.”


China has a higher case fatality rate than South Korea, where, as of Thursday, 35 people had died among 6,088 cases — a rate of 0.57 percent. Germany has reported 262 cases but zero deaths.


A new study suggests the virus has split into two strains and a less aggressive strain is now more prevalent than a deadlier one. But that is a preliminary report and not confirmed.


The report said reviews of 103 samples of the virus showed two distinct strains, which the authors name the L and the S strains. They hypothesized that the more aggressive L strain sickened people to the point that they sought medical treatment or other interventions. That would have made it less likely to spread. A less aggressive strain, the S type, could have circulated more easily over time among people who continued about their daily lives.


Jeffery Taubenberger, a virologist at the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, said he would have to see “a lot more convincing data before I would begin to think that hypothesis was supported.”


He said the study did not contain enough data showing a clear link between the different strains and different medical outcomes. But animal viruses do mutate soon after they enter a new species, such as human beings, he said: “Certain adaptations are necessary. It’s likely that change will occur early on in the pandemic.”


Taubenberger is an expert on influenza pandemics, including the 1918 Spanish Flu, the worst in history. Estimates of the fatality rate of Spanish Flu are impeded by a lack of data on how many people were infected. But Taubenberger said a plausible estimate is a 1.1 percent case fatality rate in the United States and 4.6 percent globally.


In 1957, the influenza pandemic probably had a U.S. fatality rate of about 0.07, he said.


Asked to appraise the current coronavirus epidemic, he said, “Right now, to me, it looks like it’s sort of on par with an influenza pandemic in its impact. Obviously we hope it’s not going to be a 1918-like impact. It’s something we definitely need to take seriously.”




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3 hours ago, CitizenVectron said:

Just met with my spouse's neurologist today for follow-up on her MS treatment. She has undergone two bouts of alemtuzumab which is basically chemo. Her lymphocyte count dropped to 0 the first year (no immune system) and .2 the second year. Fortunately (after 13 months since the final treatment) it has risen to 2.2 (normal is 1.2 to 3.4). So she will be safe against the virus. 


Unfortunately, most modern and powerful treatments for MS (which basically halt progression) are immuno-suppressants. Her neuro said he has patients now deciding to delay treatment due to the virus. It's a bad situation. The worst part is, alcohol sanitizer is sold out everywhere even though healthy people are fine just using soap and being careful. But people with actual risk factors cannot find any and they really need it to stay alive.

If you can find rubbing alcohol, aloe, and tea tree oil (there are other essential oils that you can sub) you can make your own. Just look up home made hand sanitizer.

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There are two confirmed cases in Colorado to my knowledge, and one within Boulder County where I live.  My wife is a nurse and it's disheartening to read the letter from the RN earlier in this thread - I hope that the support for health care professionals improves since they are in the direct line of fire, so to speak.  I work at the university and we've had several communications go out with general guidance, but not any sort of comprehensive pandemic plan.  So far there haven't been any confirmed cases in Boulder, but the university confirmed that they are testing two students with possible symptoms; one of the tests came back negative and the other is still pending.

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