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Xbox Series X | S OT - Power Your Dreams, update: FTC case unredacted documents leaked, including XSX mid-generation refresh, new gyro/haptic-enabled controller, and next-generation plans for 2028


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10 minutes ago, JPDunks4 said:


Yes, they still want to be in the hardware space, because they know there are still tens of millions of people that don't play on PC.  So walking away entirely from the hardware space would be absolutely idiotic.  Especially when its another big distribution point for Game Pass.   But it's also not their primary focus.  They are not primarily focused on selling hardware, if they were, they wouldn't put their exclusives on PC Day 1.  They haven't been focused on hardware since they made that decision.  They shifted their focus to building their Xbox ecosystem and brand to be as accessible and with the most distribution points possible.  xCloud will only further push that initiative to more distribution points.


Micrsoft's primary goal is Game Pass, and has been for years now.  They invested in 15 1st party studios the same way Disney invested in making the Mandalorian for Disney+.  They know they will need the content to keep growing their subscriptions.  It's why I think we haven't seen the end of Microsoft's investment into 1st party or 2nd Party deals.  They want a healthy dose of content continuously flowing into Game Pass to keep people subbed.


If they were as focused on Games Pass as you say, they would stop selling their games altogether.  And make the subscription the only way to play them.

No, I believe they want their cake and to eat it too.  Subscription services, paywalls, DLC sales, royalties, they want their hands in every part of the pot.  Give the consumer the choice, but always be in the market to take a cut somewhere.  The living room of greater importance to them than just the subscription end of it.

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2 minutes ago, crispy4000 said:


If they were as focused on Games Pass as you say, they would stop selling their games altogether.  And make the subscription the only way to play them.

No, I believe they want their cake and to eat it too.  Subscription services, subscription paywalls, DLC sales, royalties, they want their hands in every part of the pot.  Give the consumer the choice, but always be in the market to take a cut somewhere.  The living room of greater importance to them than just one area.


In other words, their strategy is based on providing multiple avenues for the consumer to engage their ecosystem.

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4 minutes ago, crispy4000 said:


If they were as focused on Games Pass as you say, they would stop selling their games altogether.  And make the subscription the only way to play them.

No, I believe they want their cake and to eat it too.  Subscription services, subscription paywalls, DLC sales, royalties, they want their hands in every part of the pot.  Give the consumer the choice, but always be in the market to take a cut somewhere.  The living room of greater importance to them than just one area.

ummm no shit?


Just now, Emperor Diocletian II said:


In other words, their strategy is based on providing multiple avenues for the consumer to engage their ecosystem.

 What is this gibberish you speak of? 'Tis madness... madness I say!


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3 minutes ago, Emperor Diocletian II said:


In other words, their strategy is based on providing multiple avenues for the consumer to engage their ecosystem.


But to still be able to profit more from those who tap into closer to the center of it.


3 minutes ago, skillzdadirecta said:

ummm no shit?

It really should be.  It’s one reason why their stage events are still principally focused on their consoles.

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42 minutes ago, Greatoneshere said:

I object all the time though. I think calling out peoples' strange reasoning and desiring explanations for what don't make sense so things can be reconciled to make sense isn't strange to me. My sister-in-law (my wife's younger sister) took 8 years to finish a basic college with a shitty bachelor's of psychology degree, she's 26, broke, no job (not because of Covid), dating an ex-con who went back to jail after only dating him less than two months (they've now been together for another 1.5 years since he went to jail) and wants to get pregnant and have his baby as soon as he gets out in another 2 years despite her having very little prospects and him having absolutely none. This is after lying to her in those first two months, hiding his alcoholism from her (which is what ultimately got him sent back to prison since he was drunk when he was committing the crime), bringing cops to my mother-in-law's door by surprise, etc. etc. Now, I could go: "these are her preferences, she wants to live this kind of life, I could question these preferences, suggesting it makes more sense to stabilize your life and at least be financially secure before having a baby, beyond every other fucked up thing I just listed about her situation". Like, logic objects. I object. What makes sense objects. People can do what they want, but in any order of priorities when it comes to gaming, if you could do PC gaming and without good reason just frivolously choose not to, those might be your preferences but they make no sense from any priority I'd care about as a gamer who has been playing games for 30 years now. It has nothing to do with PC master race or saying XSX or PS5 are moot or anything like that. My original point was simply being mystified by what I just laid out. I really am arguing in good faith here. :p 


People easily make bad decisions, even with respect to their own internal values. They don't always play out the scenarios well. In these cases, you can argue, according their own value system, that they've made a mistake. You can also be successful doing that. I'm not objecting to that.


But if there is a legitimate impasse on value differences, you cannot argue with them using your values. You can only ever argue using theirs. Telling them "these things you don't like shouldn't matter to you" is the wrong way to go about it.


There may indeed be some people who don't realize what strides have been made on PC and would end up preferring it if they gave it a chance. But not all by any stretch. These "small" issues still matter enough to plenty of people, people who have done both, know what it's like, and still prefer consoles for the straightforwardness of it.


I think this is the fundamental issue: you don't believe people who value the straightforwardness of consoles over the other things PC brings exist. I believe they do. I believe they do because I know a bunch of informed and capable people who do.


I'm not sure how to convince you that such people with preferences like this exist though. I don't think it's a matter we can resolve easily on a message board :p 


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39 minutes ago, sblfilms said:

@Greatonesherethe problem I see here, and you know you’re my guy, is that you keep saying there a good reasons to make a particular decision but there are also bad reasons, yet seemingly the most common reasons are all legitimate reasons based on your responses here.


So what the hell are you even arguing :p 


I know a lot of gamers in real life who don't use PC's "just cause". They just don't bother because they don't feel like putting in the time/work, when I know that if they bothered they'd ultimately adopt and prefer it over their current set-ups/ways to play, and they have the means to do so but just . . . don't. I know a lot of gamers like that, and that was my original point. As outlined, that just appears lazy to me, no? It can simply be some real entrenched, lazy thinking is all. "If it ain't broke" type mentality. :p 


Something logistical like can't run the wires to the TV or something, or you have a family, then yeah, those make sense to not do PC. But every gamer I know, like me, is single or married without kids, and could easily make it work. That's the group I was originally commenting on.

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6 minutes ago, legend said:



People easily make bad decisions, even with respect to their own internal values. They don't always play out the scenarios well. In these cases, you can argue, according their own value system, that they've made a mistake. You can also be successful doing that. I'm not objecting to that.


But if there is a legitimate impasse on value differences, you cannot argue with them using your values. You can only ever argue using theirs. Telling them "these things you don't like shouldn't matter to you" is the wrong way to go about it.


There may indeed be some people who don't realize what strides have been made on PC and would end up preferring it if they gave it a chance. But not all by any stretch. These "small" issues still matter enough to plenty of people, people who have done both, know what it's like, and still prefer consoles for the straightforwardness of it.


I think this is the fundamental issue: you don't believe people who value the straightforwardness of consoles over the other things PC brings exist. I believe they do. I believe they do because I know a bunch of informed and capable people who do.


I'm not sure how to convince you that such people with preferences like this exist though. I don't think it's a matter we can resolve easily on a message board :p 



No, it makes sense, I take your point (see my separate post right above this one). The only distinction I want to make is I believe I am using their values. I would think most gamers would care about the things I outlined. If they truly don't, well, that's extremely bizarre to me, but okay. PC's really aren't that much work and all the gains with none of the losses, I just . . . that's very hard to compute.


I do believe in the straightforwardness of consoles, I just believe PC's are nearly as straightforward once you know how to use it at even a medium level of competency and all the other gains you'll make in putting the work to do so easily trumps any straightforwardness gained by using a console by comparison, especially when you become good at using a PC for games. I'm saying the work and time investment is worth the trade off, and anyone who doesn't do so does, indeed, appear lazy to me because, why not do it? Perhaps I'm missing the gap in straightforwardness? PC's have always seemed pretty easy to use to me, even since I was a kid.

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44 minutes ago, crispy4000 said:

If they were as focused on Games Pass as you say, they would stop selling their games altogether.  And make the subscription the only way to play them.

No, I believe they want their cake and to eat it too.  Subscription services, paywalls, DLC sales, royalties, they want their hands in every part of the pot.  Give the consumer the choice, but always be in the market to take a cut somewhere.  The living room of greater importance to them than just the subscription end of it.

Of course they want to get all the revenue they can, but just because they haven't blown up all other revenue streams doesn't suggest that Gamepass isn't their primary focus. Disney is focused on their streaming platforms, and will constantly talk about how direct to consumer streaming is the future, but they're still selling DVDs. Those two things aren't at odds.




This might be a different conversation, but I think that Microsoft would be happy to get out of hardware if they could be a first class citizen on other platforms, but that's not the way it works. In order to get that recurring revenue from the software side, they're basically required to build the hardware.


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As far as the insanity of the conversation that has eaten this thread whole, I'll just say that laziness is perfectly valid when it comes to enjoying hobbies.


I spent a lot of money to buy a nice AV setup, and I buy the occasional 4K Blu Ray, because I care about the audio and visual quality of what I'm watching. Still, I have often streamed a movie or TV show I own on disc because it's so much easier, and when it comes to entertainment, laziness is a valid reason.


If buying a console is a "worse" experience, but there's less friction in buying it and using it, then I'd argue that laziness is a fine reason to just do that. It doesn't have to be any more complicated than that.


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1 hour ago, TwinIon said:

Of course they want to get all the revenue they can, but just because they haven't blown up all other revenue streams doesn't suggest that Gamepass isn't their primary focus. Disney is focused on their streaming platforms, and will constantly talk about how direct to consumer streaming is the future, but they're still selling DVDs. Those two things aren't at odds.


This might be a different conversation, but I think that Microsoft would be happy to get out of hardware if they could be a first class citizen on other platforms, but that's not the way it works. In order to get that recurring revenue from the software side, they're basically required to build the hardware.



Never said Games Pass wasn't their primary focus.  It very well could be the future for them, and an opportunity to drop hardware entirely somewhere down the line.  They probably saw decreased sales this generation and thought it was dumb for their revenue to have such a direct tie to a hardware install base.

But if they can keep making hardware work for them in this non-exclusives environment, that's exactly where they'll want to remain.  This entire console generation will be a litmus test for it.  If Series X does better than the XBO did, I don't think they'll ever want to leave the space.  That's true regardless of what happens in PC land.


It's worth pouring resources into the Series X so that, to the best of their ability, it can happen.


Disney honestly isn't a great comparison.  They have sales from their own discs and subscriptions.  They aren't profiting from others' sales & subscriptions and the player itself.

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1 hour ago, TwinIon said:

As far as the insanity of the conversation that has eaten this thread whole, I'll just say that laziness is perfectly valid when it comes to enjoying hobbies.


I spent a lot of money to buy a nice AV setup, and I buy the occasional 4K Blu Ray, because I care about the audio and visual quality of what I'm watching. Still, I have often streamed a movie or TV show I own on disc because it's so much easier, and when it comes to entertainment, laziness is a valid reason.


If buying a console is a "worse" experience, but there's less friction in buying it and using it, then I'd argue that laziness is a fine reason to just do that. It doesn't have to be any more complicated than that.


Laziness is perfectly valid, I never said it wasn't just to be clear. I simply meant that laziness is anathema to me in regards to anything, and I don't believe any "serious" gamer would be lazy about something like this per se if they couldn't be I would hope. That's what I meant by serious, someone who wouldn't be "lazy" (or whatever word one wants to use) about something they say they take seriously. I think that makes sense? I was simply calling a spade a spade. It IS lazy, but I don't care if someone chooses to be lazy. But it is lazy. Lazy means averse or disinclined to work or an activity, so yes, it's lazy to me if someone says they are seriously into gaming, could maximize the hobby, but choose not to because "it's too much work (fussing with the PC)" or whatever typical weak excuse(s) people use to not do something that would be better for them but in the short term may require or ask more of them, despite the benefits and making their life easier down the road. To me, that is lazy, to avoid it because "it ain't broke". I guess maximization isn't on peoples' minds, and that to me strikes me as lame. 


I should also be clear I never meant to derail the thread.

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1 minute ago, Greatoneshere said:


Laziness is perfectly valid, I never said it wasn't just to be clear. I simply meant that laziness is anathema to me in regards to anything, and I don't believe any "serious" gamer would be lazy about something like this per se if they couldn't be I would hope. That's what I meant by serious, someone who wouldn't be "lazy" (or whatever word one wants to use) about something they say they take seriously. I think that makes sense? :p 


I think the idea of anybody being "serious" about a hobby is stupid. I think the fact that there is apparently a measurement for a hobby, is stupid. It's a fuckin' hobby. People have hobbies for their enjoyment, and the only person that should decide how "serious" they are, is them. Nobody else gets an opinion.


If I want to mountain bike on a $89 Walmart special, and that's as much as I want to invest into it, that's up to me, and fuck all those guys with their expensive ass bikes in their little tight biking shorts with their ballsacks flopping around riding the exact same trails as me trying to get me to move out of their way like they have some sort of superiority over me just because they spent thousands of dollars more than me to do the exact same fucking thing.

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1 minute ago, XxEvil AshxX said:


I want to mountain bike on a $89 Walmart special, and that's as much as I want to invest into it, that's up to me, and fuck all those guys with their expensive ass bikes in their little tight biking shorts with their ballsacks flopping around riding the exact same trails as me trying to get me to move out of their way like they have some sort of superiority over me just because they spent thousands of dollars more than me to do the exact same fucking thing.

1. TMI

2. Stop looking at my flopping sack!

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2 hours ago, Greatoneshere said:


No, it makes sense, I take your point (see my separate post right above this one). The only distinction I want to make is I believe I am using their values. I would think most gamers would care about the things I outlined. If they truly don't, well, that's extremely bizarre to me, but okay. PC's really aren't that much work and all the gains with none of the losses, I just . . . that's very hard to compute.


I do believe in the straightforwardness of consoles, I just believe PC's are nearly as straightforward once you know how to use it at even a medium level of competency and all the other gains you'll make in putting the work to do so easily trumps any straightforwardness gained by using a console by comparison, especially when you become good at using a PC for games. I'm saying the work and time investment is worth the trade off, and anyone who doesn't do so does, indeed, appear lazy to me because, why not do it? Perhaps I'm missing the gap in straightforwardness? PC's have always seemed pretty easy to use to me, even since I was a kid.


From my perspective it seems weird too. But I do know plenty of people who I know are informed on the topic (and may even game on PC to some extent) but still prefer the straightforwardness of the consoles. So it is what it is. At some point, I just have to accept that they are crazy aliens have different preferences than I do :p 

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45 minutes ago, XxEvil AshxX said:


I think the idea of anybody being "serious" about a hobby is stupid. I think the fact that there is apparently a measurement for a hobby, is stupid. It's a fuckin' hobby. People have hobbies for their enjoyment, and the only person that should decide how "serious" they are, is them. Nobody else gets an opinion.


If I want to mountain bike on a $89 Walmart special, and that's as much as I want to invest into it, that's up to me, and fuck all those guys with their expensive ass bikes in their little tight biking shorts with their ballsacks flopping around riding the exact same trails as me trying to get me to move out of their way like they have some sort of superiority over me just because they spent thousands of dollars more than me to do the exact same fucking thing.


That just sounds stubborn. This is my point, all my posts went over your head. This has nothing to do with money or lording something over someone. If I bought an $89 bike from Walmart and cycled, I certainly wouldn't call myself a serious cyclist would I? I can enjoy myself thoroughly, but would I call myself a serious cyclist? No, I wouldn't. Ergo, my point still stands. Invest or don't invest as much as you want into something, but I'm not gonna think you're a serious cyclist if you choose to keep cycling with a terrible bike for no reason other than . . . to use worse equipment and materials for no reason? No one is saying you can't derive enjoyment from it (of course you can), I'm saying that if I were to be serious about cycling, I probably would look into and research bikes and try to get one of the best, yes. It doesn't have to be the most expensive, just what cyclists consider top tier for cyclists, if I'm gonna take myself serious as a cyclist. So no, the person themselves does not get to decide how "serious" they are, their actions and decisions do. There are objective factors to any industry or hobby and you can enjoy any hobby to any degree you want, no one can take that away from you, but whether you take something seriously or not is determined by more than your enjoyment of the thing. How much you know, how you practice it, etc. This is partly why humanity sucks so much, everyone is so entitled to their lazy practice of things with no push to be better or try harder to do more. 


My posts are about people who could buy a serious bike, but don't, but then call them a serious cyclist. You see the hypocrisy there? It's not a measurement, it's a value judgment based on the factors. For gaming, presumably, if you care about gaming, you'd do it the best way(s) you could, no? It's as simple as that. If someone intentionally chooses to do their hobby in a worse way, like, let's say, watch movies on VHS instead of Bluray, then that's their prerogative, but it doesn't make it any less stupid. My point about being "serious" doesn't lock out poor people or whatever. I considered myself a "serious" gamer for years before I went full powerhouse PC 3-4 years ago. But the only reason I never went PC sooner was because I simply couldn't afford it, so your $89 bike analogy doesn't work here. This is only about people that can afford the expensive bikes, call themselves serious cyclists, then cycle with an $89 bike. That makes no sense. Have fun, go cycle, enjoy yourself, but you are not a serious cyclist. Someone who loves cycling and gets the best they can for their means, like an $89 bike, is a serious cyclist, the only reason for their limitation is external factors that aren't their fault. They would get the better tech if they could (like me when I wanted a PC but couldn't get one), they simply are unable to do so because of external factors. Such a person does not apply to any of my previous posts.


41 minutes ago, ARZ said:

I prefer the term "casual" or "social" over "lazy" in reference to my gaming interests.


I'm far from lazy, I just don't give a shit.


Casual is fine, social is fine. What do you think the inverse of a "serious" gamer is? A casual gamer. So if you're saying you are a casual gamer, then all my posts in this thread don't apply to you, since my initial post was about "serious" gamers. That's my point, there's nothing wrong with being a casual or social gamer, I know many. I was referring to people who are really into this shit, in a "serious" way.

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Just seems like BS gatekeeping to divide people into “serious” and “casual”. Not that you created such dichotomies, but a lot of that sort of thing is rooted in keeping undesirables on the outside looking in. Females in particular with regards to gaming. What value does that distinction bring to the table?

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1 minute ago, sblfilms said:

Just seems like BS gatekeeping to divide people into “serious” and “casual”. Not that you created such dichotomies, but a lot of that sort of thing is rooted in keeping undesirables on the outside looking in. Females in particular with regards to gaming. What value does that distinction bring to the table?

You said it not me sip GIF

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5 hours ago, BloodyHell said:

Sounds like you’re a bit too on the fanboy train.  MS hasn’t wowed anyone in a long time, and I have no reason to believe they will. And they wouldn’t fight to make the most powerful box if they didn’t care who bought it. 

Again, I hope they wow me, but nothing they have done suggests they can.

LOL JP aint Fanboying.  I'm the Granddaddy Fanboy for Xbox on this sight  EVERY thing JP said is a FACT.   M$ wowed with the x1x.  They have invested heavily in Studios doubling the size of current ones and also investing and buying more companies to get their studio  count to 15  and they are adding more.  If you cant see the improvements that Phil has made then you are simply blind.  If you are not impressed by the July show then simply Abandon xbox   Phil doesnt care cause he KNOWS he has GREAT shit coming.  MS is gonna smack Sony in the mouth this Gen.  they are gonna compete on all levels   Price, Content, Quality  Dont believe me just watch.  

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49 minutes ago, Greatoneshere said:


That just sounds stubborn. This is my point, all my posts went over your head. This has nothing to do with money or lording something over someone. If I bought an $89 bike from Walmart and cycled, I certainly wouldn't call myself a serious cyclist would I? I can enjoy myself thoroughly, but would I call myself a serious cyclist? No, I wouldn't. Ergo, my point still stands. Invest or don't invest as much as you want into something, but I'm not gonna think you're a serious cyclist if you choose to keep cycling with a terrible bike for no reason other than . . . to use worse equipment and materials for no reason? No one is saying you can't derive enjoyment from it (of course you can), I'm saying that if I were to be serious about cycling, I probably would look into and research bikes and try to get one of the best, yes. It doesn't have to be the most expensive, just what cyclists consider top tier for cyclists, if I'm gonna take myself serious as a cyclist. So no, the person themselves does not get to decide how "serious" they are, their actions and decisions do. There are objective factors to any industry or hobby and you can enjoy any hobby to any degree you want, no one can take that away from you, but whether you take something seriously or not is determined by more than your enjoyment of the thing. How much you know, how you practice it, etc. This is partly why humanity sucks so much, everyone is so entitled to their lazy practice of things with no push to be better or try harder to do more. 


My posts are about people who could buy a serious bike, but don't, but then call them a serious cyclist. You see the hypocrisy there? It's not a measurement, it's a value judgment based on the factors. For gaming, presumably, if you care about gaming, you'd do it the best way(s) you could, no? It's as simple as that. If someone intentionally chooses to do their hobby in a worse way, like, let's say, watch movies on VHS instead of Bluray, then that's their prerogative, but it doesn't make it any less stupid. My point about being "serious" doesn't lock out poor people or whatever. I considered myself a "serious" gamer for years before I went full powerhouse PC 3-4 years ago. But the only reason I never went PC sooner was because I simply couldn't afford it, so your $89 bike analogy doesn't work here. This is only about people that can afford the expensive bikes, call themselves serious cyclists, then cycle with an $89 bike. That makes no sense. Have fun, go cycle, enjoy yourself, but you are not a serious cyclist. Someone who loves cycling and gets the best they can for their means, like an $89 bike, is a serious cyclist, the only reason for their limitation is external factors that aren't their fault. They would get the better tech if they could (like me when I wanted a PC but couldn't get one), they simply are unable to do so because of external factors. Such a person does not apply to any of my previous posts.



Casual is fine, social is fine. What do you think the inverse of a "serious" gamer is? A casual gamer. So if you're saying you are a casual gamer, then all my posts in this thread don't apply to you, since my initial post was about "serious" gamers. That's my point, there's nothing wrong with being a casual or social gamer, I know many. I was referring to people who are really into this shit, in a "serious" way.


And apparently my post went over your head, because my whole point was that grading someone's seriousness in a hobby, based on any criteria, is stupid. People will put into a hobby whatever they want to put into it. That's why it's a hobby. The idea of someone being more serious about it is silly. It just means they like to spend money on material shit.


If I put in every waking moment into gaming, by myself, in my living room, on a 32" 720p TV with one blown speaker, keep a gaming blog and read up on websites and youtube every day, would I be considered a less serious gamer than some dude who had the extra $5k to spend on an 90" OLED tv with 7.1 surround and theater lighting, yet only plays once a week? You could say yes, you could say no. The point is it doesn't matter.


I've been gaming since I was five, so a good 35 years now. But because I never bothered to build a gaming PC so I could get THE BEST EXPERIENCE EVAR I'm not serious about it.

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6 minutes ago, XxEvil AshxX said:


And apparently my post went over your head, because my whole point was that grading someone's seriousness in a hobby, based on any criteria, is stupid. People will put into a hobby whatever they want to put into it. That's why it's a hobby. The idea of someone being more serious about it is silly. It just means they like to spend money on material shit.


If I put in every waking moment into gaming, by myself, in my living room, on a 32" 720p TV with one blown speaker, keep a gaming blog and read up on websites and youtube every day, would I be considered a less serious gamer than some dude who had the extra $5k to spend on an 90" OLED tv with 7.1 surround and theater lighting, yet only plays once a week? You could say yes, you could say no. The point is it doesn't matter.


This is just about basic hardware selection, not the finer detail but that's neither here not there. Additionally, your example doesn't work because, again, no, that doesn't mean he's less serious. But if that person intentionally opted to not get the better setup if they could? I'd question that, yes. You can disagree with me, that's fair, but I do think you can assess someone's seriousness with something to one degree or another with enough evidence/details. You may think that's stupid, but I've seen the same human failings too consistently for it not to be measurable. And I never said it mattered, just that it's the case.

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3 minutes ago, Greatoneshere said:


This is about basic hardware selection, not the finer detail but that's neither here not there. You can disagree with me, that's fair, but I do think you can assess someone's seriousness with something to one degree or another with enough evidence/details. You may think that's stupid, but I've seen the same failings too consistently for it not to be measurable. And I never said it mattered, just that it's the case.

If it doesn’t matter what is the value of the distinction?

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I spend all day setting up computers  installing software and fixing issues.  I dont want to come home buy a new game then have to adjust settings or change an Ini   file to make a game work the way i want it to.  I'll take the series X  which is better then 90% of the pc's out there and JUST PLAY



@greatoneshere   WHY are you even in this thread derailing it if you have no plans to purchase a Series X.   you just in here trolling.  I prefer  PC and Xbox but I dont go into Sony threads calling them lazy or Bad gamers

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3 minutes ago, sblfilms said:

If it doesn’t matter what is the value of the distinction?


I think he meant it doesn't matter in terms of enjoying the thing, which I was agreeing with. That it doesn't matter in terms of enjoyment. The distinction is merely for, as I outlined previously, the person who refuses to get better out of stubbornness, etc. rather than for any real, good reason but continues to call themselves serious about that thing. That rings false to me, and that's what lead to my original "serious" gamer comment. The distinction matters in the context of my original post, not in the context of enjoyment. 


I'm not going to be addressing this anymore because I feel I am repeating myself at this point. Continue on about the XSX everyone, please. 

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1 minute ago, TomCat said:

LOL JP aint Fanboying.  I'm the Granddaddy Fanboy for Xbox on this sight  EVERY thing JP said is a FACT.   M$ wowed with the x1x.  They have invested heavily in Studios doubling the size of current ones and also investing and buying more companies to get their studio  count to 15  and they are adding more.  If you cant see the improvements that Phil has made then you are simply blind.  If you are not impressed by the July show then simply Abandon xbox   Phil doesnt care cause he KNOWS he has GREAT shit coming.  MS is gonna smack Sony in the mouth this Gen.  they are gonna compete on all levels   Price, Content, Quality  Dont believe me just watch.  

The neat thing about this gen is that you can abandon Xbox and still play everything everything Microsoft produces.  Hell you might be able to do that for PlayStation games if you wait long enough.


It makes the whole exclusives arms race kind of a strange thing to obsess over in 2020.

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1 minute ago, crispy4000 said:

The neat thing about this gen is that you can abandon Xbox and still play everything everything Microsoft produces.  Hell you might be able to do that for PlayStation games if you wait long enough.


It makes the whole exclusives arms race kind of a strange thing to obsess over in 2020.

I've never obsessed  over exclusives because the Majority of the games I play are Multiplats  and no matter how you fuckers feel  PC is Microsoft and I will never change my opinion of that

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Just now, Greatoneshere said:


I think he meant it doesn't matter in terms of enjoying the thing, which I was agreeing with. That it doesn't matter in terms of enjoyment. The distinction is merely for, as I outlined previously, the person who refuses to get better out of stubbornness, etc. rather than for any real, good reason but continues to call themselves serious about that thing. That rings false to me, and that's what lead to my original "serious" gamer comment. The distinction matters in the context of my original post, not in the context of enjoyment. 

I don’t want to go back through a quote all the examples, but it is very clear that you yourself see a distinction. That’s why I’m wondering what you see as the value of the distinction. It seems to have no utility beyond telling people they are doing <insert activity> wrong.

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29 minutes ago, Greatoneshere said:

If I bought an $89 bike from Walmart and cycled, I certainly wouldn't call myself a serious cyclist would I?

Why not? If you buy the walmart special and I buy $5000 bike but your at every race and every meet, you ride that shit rain or shine but I only ride mine twice a month on a Saturday am I the more serious rider?

The "serious " or enthusiast is has so many versions


I am gamer enthusiast and PC hardware enthusiast or a serious gamer if you like. @GameDadGrant many plays on mostly on portable hardware and I am sure hes just as serious  as I am  . People like @CastlevaniaNut18 who is a retro enthusiast , she can run circles around my gaming history knowledge is she a more serious gamer?


I can afford a  GT350 but I drive a Kia Stinger , the uptick in price is just not worth it for me to gain 8/10th second in quarter. 


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