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Xbox Series X | S OT - Power Your Dreams, update: FTC case unredacted documents leaked, including XSX mid-generation refresh, new gyro/haptic-enabled controller, and next-generation plans for 2028


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2 hours ago, legend said:


The number of options I go through on PC, the benchmark tests within a game, etc. vastly dwarfs time I spend in a console option set, which pretty much consists of "Invert vertical axis" :p 


I don't think it's a lame excuse. *I* still prefer PC gaming, I'm with you there. But I totally get just wanting to get going without fuss and avoid the rarer more significant issues that can suck up a lot of your time.


Here's a semi recent example of one of the worse failure cases: Borderlands 3 on my PC has serious stutter issues if I run at >=60FPS. Its average will still be 60FPS (or greater if not capped), but it stutters a lot to the point that it very negatively impacts gaming (I hate micro stutter in general, but this was worse than micro stutter, it was like a loading issue). I ended up playing through most of the game capped at 30FPS because that didn't stutter. But I spent a fair amount of time trying to troubleshoot it, and even just finding that it went away at 30FPS. Many people reported similar issues online, but none of the workarounds suggested worked and I wasted hours trying to figure out what it's problem was and still never got a solution by the time I finished the game.


That's not the norm, but it happens often enough to point out. And then you have the other smaller issues.


Hmmm - I just use the GeForce Experience program and then just max out all the settings in game and 9/10 times I'm set and good to go and I just play. I don't bother with benchmark tests or anything and I've been fine just downloading games and jumping in on my PC. I'm honestly surprised it dwarfs your time with consoles because for me they are literally the same, no joke. PC boots up fast, Steam or Epic or whatever is ready to go, launch game, turn on controller, good to go. I dunno. I'm not saying you don't get the odd bug as you outlined, but consoles these days function as closed OS computers to a degree and so it's not like they don't require some upkeep themselves, just less, which to me is not worth the trade off elsewhere when you switch to PC from consoles. I don't see how it could for anyone.


1 hour ago, sblfilms said:

1. I run a 3900X/RTX2080ti set up that I recently built


2. The thing I described that MS screwed up happened in like the last 18 months


I’ve had high end gaming PCs for 15 years, I still 9 times out of 10 grab the Xbox controller and jump into a game with my Xbox owning buddies or my kids. 

There is nothing outmoded about my perspective, some people just don’t mind the upkeep. 


Like I said, with cross-play needing a PS4 or Xbox is unnecessary, and you can just as easily hook up an Xbox controller or PS4 controller to a PC. If it's for family, as I said, that's a good reason, and doesn't fall under the logic I've outlined. I'm very surprised you've had so much trouble that it would dissuade you from PC gaming, I've never had such issues. I'm saying I'm surprised any serious gamer would mind the upkeep, especially given at least in my experience, it's minimal arguably given the loss of other things (60fps, 4K whatever) when switching to consoles. 

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1 hour ago, GeneticBlueprint said:

I have a relatively nice gaming PC (it's in need of an update tbh), but I still love playing on my Xbox that's connected to my nice TV and nice sound system in front of my couch. Plus there are some games that just feel more at home on a console to me despite the performance difference.


You can connect that same nice gaming PC tower to that nice TV and bypass the Xbox entirely and play it from your couch, and then you'll even get the choice of controller or mouse and keyboard depending on the game and all the benefits a PC otherwise gives over consoles. You can always get a second tower if you also want to game on a PC monitor for some reason.

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1 hour ago, ManUtdRedDevils said:

This x 1000. Consoles give you the easiest and quickest way to play a game especially with the resume feature. It ain’t hard to understand. #Lazy4lifebud


Difference in ease and speed are negligible and you can leave PC's on (just turn off the monitor, etc.) just fine, so for me, yes, it's hard to understand and appears lazy.

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7 minutes ago, Greatoneshere said:


You can connect that same nice gaming PC tower to that nice TV and bypass the Xbox entirely and play it from your couch, and then you'll even get the choice of controller or mouse and keyboard depending on the game and all the benefits a PC otherwise gives over consoles. You can always get a second tower if you also want to game on a PC monitor for some reason.


At my last place I did this. But in my current house this would require running cables through walls I don't want to tear into. I'm not buying all the components of another tower either. Too much money.

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10 minutes ago, Greatoneshere said:


Difference in ease and speed are negligible and you can leave PC's on (just turn off the monitor, etc.) just fine, so for me, yes, it's hard to understand and appears lazy.

That appears wasteful to leave anything running when not in use.

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20 minutes ago, GeneticBlueprint said:


At my last place I did this. But in my current house this would require running cables through walls I don't want to tear into. I'm not buying all the components of another tower either. Too much money.


Again, that's a good reason. Makes sense. It's a logistical concern, otherwise you would do it. That's been my entire point from the start. :p 


15 minutes ago, ManUtdRedDevils said:

That appears wasteful to leave anything running when not in use.


I don't think sleep mode on a PC is that different than sleep/rest mode with my PS4, and even if it was, my point still stands regardless. Again, the benefits are numerous and these things sound nitpicky by comparison.

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28 minutes ago, Greatoneshere said:



I don't think sleep mode on a PC is that different than sleep/rest mode with my PS4, and even if it was, my point still stands regardless. Again, the benefits are numerous and these things sound nitpicky by comparison.

Wow. You are lucky you are good looking. 

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1 hour ago, Greatoneshere said:


Hmmm - I just use the GeForce Experience program and then just max out all the settings in game and 9/10 times I'm set and good to go and I just play. I don't bother with benchmark tests or anything and I've been fine just downloading games and jumping in on my PC. I'm honestly surprised it dwarfs your time with consoles because for me they are literally the same, no joke. PC boots up fast, Steam or Epic or whatever is ready to go, launch game, turn on controller, good to go. I dunno. I'm not saying you don't get the odd bug as you outlined, but consoles these days function as closed OS computers to a degree and so it's not like they don't require some upkeep themselves, just less, which to me is not worth the trade off elsewhere when you switch to PC from consoles. I don't see how it could for anyone.


Lets say your 1/10 is a correct universal figure: that's still more often than many people will like to have to worry about.


My fiddling time dwarfs console because consoles don't have graphics options that have different impacts and PC games have like 30 :p I usually start with high across the board and go up or down from there on individual settings. If you are currently sitting on the latest and greatest PC you can probably just set it to uber and be done (unless you're aiming for 4K or, I imagine, ray tracing, which will require some tuning for good performance).


I don't personally think consoles are worth the trade off either. But that's my point: it's a trade off, and for some people the less fussing matters (and lack of universal TV interface, and some other possible details) is worth the trade off.

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1 hour ago, Greatoneshere said:


Again, that's a good reason. Makes sense. It's a logistical concern, otherwise you would do it. That's been my entire point from the start. :p 


Even still, though, there are things I just want to play on an Xbox. Call of Duty doesn't feel right on anything but. Neither does Halo. Pretty much any racing game I'm going to prefer on the Xbox too. Call me crazy if you wish ;P

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What's being missed in this topic (Willfully I hope, because I refuse to believe that grown folks can be THIS dense) is that for some people, playing the game is more important than what the game is being played on. I watched my nephew and niece play Fortnite Co-op once, him on the Xbox and her on her phone and they had a great time. Nintendo hasn't put out the most technological console in any generation since... I can't remember to be honest. Are gamers who enjoy Nintendo systems lesser gamers because they like those games? I know some folks think they are and that's their prerogative but they shouldn't get their thongs in a bunch when they get called out on their... opinions. 


PC gaming is fine and I've come to understand that part of the appeal of it IS the tweaking and customizing your rig in the same way that gear heads like to tweak their rides. Gaming is bigger than that. It includes folks who play games on their phones all the way up to people who spend thousands of dollars on their rigs and everything in between. That's just what it is. SOME PC gamers  HAVE to put themselves above everyone else in order to mentally justify the cost and effort that they put into their rigs... that's THEIR issue. I'll continue to be #LAZYGAMERFOLIYFE Yo. (Even though I have a pretty decent rig and laptop that can run games at UBER settings)

  • stepee 4
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40 minutes ago, GeneticBlueprint said:


Even still, though, there are things I just want to play on an Xbox. Call of Duty doesn't feel right on anything but. Neither does Halo. Pretty much any racing game I'm going to prefer on the Xbox too. Call me crazy if you wish ;P

He might not, I will. ;)


I’ll be picking up the Master Chief Collection in the Steam sale and playing it with my DualShock 4.

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2 hours ago, Emperor Diocletian II said:

ANYWAY back to the ACTUAL TOPIC of this thread...


It seems that the Xbox event will occur on July 20:


Too late, already getting a PS5 like any smart person would do.


In all seriousness really eager to see what their 1st Party is up to.  They invested heavily into smaller studios that have shown they can do a lot with a little. Now that they have some financial backing, hopefully they take it to the next level.

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13 hours ago, skillzdadirecta said:

What's being missed in this topic (Willfully I hope, because I refuse to believe that grown folks can be THIS dense) is that for some people, playing the game is more important than what the game is being played on. I watched my nephew and niece play Fortnite Co-op once, him on the Xbox and her on her phone and they had a great time. Nintendo hasn't put out the most technological console in any generation since... I can't remember to be honest. Are gamers who enjoy Nintendo systems lesser gamers because they like those games? I know some folks think they are and that's their prerogative but they shouldn't get their thongs in a bunch when they get called out on their... opinions. 

All that’s true, and I won’t argue it.  But there is more be said for those who always wanted a ‘one console future’ and the death of exclusives finding a home with the modern PC, and with it, the things that have made it more console-esque over the past decade.

If playing the games is truly what is important, then we should be talking about the library above all else.  And hopefully not calling people plebs in the process, because that’s juvenile.

There’s a bit of hypocrisy there to be honest.  Console gaming enthusiasts have been obsessed with crowning kingmakers in every generation, looking down on those not on the winning side.  Now that the discussion of the best library is pretty much settled in PC’s favor, the conservation is starting to shift away from the games themselves to the hardware.

Don’t get me wrong, I prefer to see it as bigger picture.  But it is strange now, seeing people cling more to hardware features than library prospects.  The library used to be the main thing console gamers claimed to care about most in leveraging judgement.

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2 minutes ago, crispy4000 said:

All that’s true, and I won’t argue it.  But there is more be said for those who always wanted a ‘one console future’ and the death of exclusives finding a home with the modern PC, and with it, the things that have made it more console-esque over the past decade.

If playing the games is truly what is important, then we should be talking about the library above all else.  And hopefully not calling people plebs in the process, because that’s juvenile. 

There’s a bit of hypocrisy there to be honest.  Console gaming enthusiasts have been obsessed with crowning kingmakers in every generation, looking down on those not on the winning side.  Now that the discussion of the best library is pretty much settled in PC’s favor, the discussion has arguably shifted away from the games themselves.

I prefer to see it as bigger picture too.  But it is strange now seeing people cling more to hardware features than library prospects.  That used to be the main thing console gamers claimed to care about in leveraging judgement.



Yeah I've never been that guy because I've ALWAYS been a multi-console owner. We grew up with pretty much every available system in my house (Except for premium systems like the Neo Geo and 3D0) 

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9 hours ago, skillzdadirecta said:

You would have been better off using George Lucas or James Cameron or Robert Rodriguez... those guys embraced technology and even THEY encourage young filmmakers to shoot with whatever they have including Iphones. For a long time I refused to shoot digitally because when I was in school, I shot all of my stuff on actual film... 16mm and 35mm. The tech finally got good enough that I have no problem shooting digitally and I'm probably gonna buy another digital camera by the end of the year... need to get those write offs yo.


I shot mine on MiniDV tapes 👴

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15 hours ago, legend said:

I don't personally think consoles are worth the trade off either. But that's my point: it's a trade off, and for some people the less fussing matters (and lack of universal TV interface, and some other possible details) is worth the trade off.


I can't possibly see how it's worth the tradeoff, having been on both sides of the equation.


And I think it's funny people think I care about "PC master race". I don't. This is just logical. More games, played better, more options, better graphics, etc. etc. I mean, fussing with a PC isn't worth all that? Crazy. You can have the best of all worlds and people are willfully choosing not to in some instances. That is nuts to me. But people will keep making my arguments about pushing some master race narrative or that I'm against people who have a good reason not to get the best because it's easier to argue against those points, one's I'm not making.

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15 hours ago, GeneticBlueprint said:


Even still, though, there are things I just want to play on an Xbox. Call of Duty doesn't feel right on anything but. Neither does Halo. Pretty much any racing game I'm going to prefer on the Xbox too. Call me crazy if you wish ;P


Again, do as you like! But to me, that just sounds like brainwashing or locked into old fashioned thinking. Obviously, do what you prefer, but I push myself outside my comfort zones to adapt to the best. That makes more sense to me, even if I was originally more comfortable with something else.

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I mean, I don’t think its wrong to say PC is thd best platform there is. I have rarely had issues playing games in the last decade, it is generally easy to get the right settings. 

I also get that some games people just like to buy for console. Though for me, those are mostly just lengthy RPG’s. But in general, as long as I have both, I’ll continue to play exclusives on console, and the rest on PC. 

That said, I can’t imagine having a high end PC and wanting to play a game like Witcher 3 or Cyberpunk on console. 

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1 hour ago, Greatoneshere said:


Again, do as you like! But to me, that just sounds like brainwashing or locked into old fashioned thinking. Obviously, do what you prefer, but I push myself outside my comfort zones to adapt to the best. That makes more sense to me, even if I was originally more comfortable with something else.

We get it.  The reason this narrative is so aggravating at this point , is it's been brought up for 3 years since MS has announced they are putting their games on PC Day 1.


It's somehow been turned into a negative against Microsoft and Xbox with the same usual characters coming into threads with the same copy and paste..


I have a PC so I don't really see why I need an Xbox.  


No shit.  No one's argued against that and Microsoft doesn't care if you buy an Xbox.  They are fighting for what they see as the future, which is ecosystem and services. 


So it's great you have a PC, congrats.  The discussions about the consoles themselves don't really have to do with people like you they have no interest in an Xbox cause you don't need one.

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7 minutes ago, JPDunks4 said:

We get it.  The reason this narrative is so aggravating at this point , is it's been brought up for 3 years since MS has announced they are putting their games on PC Day 1.


It's somehow been turned into a negative against Microsoft and Xbox with the same usual characters coming into threads with the same copy and paste..


I have a PC so I don't really see why I need an Xbox.  


No shit.  No one's argued against that and Microsoft doesn't care if you buy an Xbox.  They are fighting for what they see as the future, which is ecosystem and services. 


So it's great you have a PC, congrats.  The discussions about the consoles themselves don't really have to do with people like you they have no interest in an Xbox cause you don't need one.


I'm not the one who called out my original post. I felt I had to elaborate once my post was mischaracterized, and that's how we got here. I didn't ask nor want to get into a lengthy debate when I made my original post. If people understand my point, then great, it certainly doesn't seem that way from the thread but it's not like I'm that invested here. :p 

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