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In the last few days I have watched all the Star Wars movies (minus Rogue One). I haven't seen most of them in over 10+ years.


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With having Disney+ and Netflix, I have access to all the movies in basically one place. I watched all the movies in episodic order except for Solo which I watched after RotJ and before TFA. This is more of a blog post than anything else and I can't say it will be exactly coherent and I have already forgotten all the things I wanted to say so... yeah.


I remember I watched some fan edit of the prequel movies awhile back, but I can't actually remember watching it. I just know I did. Anyway, I have not seen any of the full length films since at least 2010. And I gotta say, for the most part, I really enjoyed these films. I really love this side of the Star Wars universe. The Old Republic era shit. Even if Lucas doesn't really do it justice, I just love it. The biggest issue with the films is actually the god awful CGI. It is just so fucking bad. I'd love to see these movies updated with modern CGI. People tend to shit on the characters and story, but the only issues I had with the characters and story were the love scenes. They just aren't good and cringe yikes tier I literally browsed Reddit when those scenes came up because I couldn't watch. Legit secondhand embarrassment. Pod Racing was still really awesome. Duel of the Fates makes everything awesome. I wasn't really bored during the first film. I feel like there I have seen much more boring films and shows and yet they are vastly more popular.


I will admit that I think the prequel memes have made me enjoy the prequels more. I mean, I'd get a legit smile on my face whenever a meme appeared. Now memes aren't a reason to say a movie is good, but boy do they make the movies better. I don't really mind the midichlorians shit. Is it dumb, yeah, but I really don't care. It's like when someone tells you what's in a hotdog and you are expected to care and scrunch your face in disgust, but you don't and take a huge bite out of you hotdog as mustard and ketchup smear across your face. I felt the same way about how Han Solo got the name Solo. Dumb, but I don't care that much.


On one hand, I really like the flourishy Lightsaber fights, on the other hand, it just feels like anyone with a blaster and a quick draw ability could kill a Jedi. Like, if Anakin just whipped out a blaster when first encountering Dooku, I think he might have never lost his right arm. Almost every fight/action scene in the series was way too over the top. The events that I have in mind are the droid plant in the second movie and the fight with Anikin and Obi-wan. They were like some completely unrealistic circus act. Like, it doesn't even feel realistic for the SW universe. Like, you can just shut up and enjoy the adventure, but that shit was just too absurd for me to ignore. But I do love the Yoda vs Palpatine fight. I mean, Palpatine is just great in general in the third movie. It's hilarious.


Like, these films aren't great, but they really aren't that bad. Like, I had fun watching these shitty movies. And in a world where everyone wants Star Wars to be different, the prequels sure are fucking different. Maybe not in the best of ways all the time, but there is a lot of originality in the prequels (at least original for SW) and sometimes that is enough to make something OK. In this case, the prequels just being different is enough for me to like them. A lot of my positive feelings are because these movies expanded the universe. You don't have to like it, but I sure did. Like, I really want SW to become as expansive as the BioWare games. Also, I was only 12 with RotS came out. So, most of my first time SW viewing happened before I was even 10. This might be why my opinions are different from older fans.


So the OT is what I haven't seen in the longest time. I don't think the "updates" were added to the films the last time I watched them in full, but maybe they were.  I was really surprised by how much Vader talks. I remembered him as very being very stoic and Jason Voorhees-like, and while you could say that is somewhat true, it is very much an exaggeration of the character. It is like I had only remembered Vader as the Rogue One Vader. I was also surprised by how much better the OT looked. Sure, the lightsabers are kinda jank after the PT and ST, but the old effects that still remain on the OT were a breath of fresh air after 3 movies or vomit inducing CG. After looking at the wiki there were some minor changes I didn't even notice, but all the ones that were god awful CG were noticed. I actually like the new song in RotJ, but not at the cost of that CG. 


What was really nice was the more compact plot. I liked that over the three films the OT really only focused on three groups; Luke and the people around him, the Rebels, and the Empire but basically Vader. There was no character overload like there sometimes is in the other two trilogies. I will not really give the final duel between Obi-wan and Vader any negative marks. It was weak after watching the prequels, but sword fighting wasn't the point and the movies are quite old. I mean, my brother and I had more convincing sword fights as children, but whatever.


ANH was a much simpler movie than I remembered. It's not a bad thing as the movie was still good. It is neat to think that the laser sword basically wasn't even used by the hero and you really don't care. Empire is basically what Star Wars is in my memories. Both AT walkers, Sky city, Lightsaber fight, limb removal, snow planet, Jedi Training, Force Ghosts, "I am your father", The Imperial March, and I am sure there is more. It is only missing the death star. But like, the majority of the stuff I find iconic is in Empire. It is probably the best Star Wars film because of all of that.


When I was a kid, RotJ was my favorite of the og 3. But now I realize that it really is not great. I loved the green lightsaber. Green was always my favorite color and it was fucking rad seeing a lightsaber in your favorite color. I loved the speeder bikes, and the forest stormtroopers, and black outfit Luke. The beginning of the film has always remained strongly in my mind because of all the cool things, but the story never did. Well, that is because it isn't good, or it is at least not done well. Endor was a fucking mistake. Ewoks are a sin worthy of hell and the inventor will share their cell with the inventor of the furby. The parts of Endor that didn't involve Ewoks felt like they were just repeating events from the previous movies but a bit differently. Same with the space battles and the second death star. Luke's confrontation with the emperor was weak. It never felt like there was any reason for Luke to give in to the emp's offers or whatever. The Emp had nothing but power to offer to Luke, but every word he said felt like a lie. It really felt unrealistic that Luke would even consider giving in to the dark side after hearing the Emperor speak. But at least the final saber fight and seeing Palp get thrown down a well was enjoyable. 


Solo was good. Best Disney tainted SW film to date if you ask me. I don't mind how he got the name Solo even if it was dumb. Can't say I cared for the romance part of it. I would have rathered it just be another street rat friend he promised to get off world with. That character can still be played by Emilia Clarke for all I care, but whatever. Maul showing up is odd because I thought he was dead at this point. Like, dead from one of the cartoon show encounters with Obi-wan. Guess that hasn't happened yet. Either way, whatever all of that shit is leading to is something I have no interest in. 


TFA sucks because Rey sucks. Horrible MC. Finn is everything she is supposed to be. It would have been so much better if Rey was literally Finn and Finn was just removed. She can still want to find her parents, but it is different. Instead of Kylo noticing Finn after the village attack, it would have been Rey and it could have a whole new meaning with the force and shit. Rey then would have gone through all of the hero's dilemmas that Finn when through, instead of going through none. She literally feels like the side character until she reacts to the force/lightsaber. Like, she would have wanted to run instead of helping the resistance, and then eventually realizing the running won't solve anything. It would also solve the complaints of no combat training. Making Finn and Rey one character would probably result in the best lead hero SW has ever had. The only thing I think she would have lacked would be the piloting, which would have been just fine. Not every SW main hero need to be an amazing space ship driver. You know, there isn't much actually bad aside from Rey. All the other characters are great in the movie. The other biggest issue is that everything is ANH but Marvel/Disney-ified. OK, TFA doesn't actually suck. It is OK tho. 


The Last fucking Jedi is by far the worst "episode" of Star Wars. I have zero desire to ever watch TLJ ever again. There is no hyperbole here. I can't stand it. This was my first rewatch of TLJ, and I thought that maybe it wouldn't be as bad as I remembered, but I hated it even more the second time. Totally wasted Finn and Finn being wasted makes me just dislike Rose. There is nothing I like about Rose and I had to skip every scene she is in. The Casino shit was just so fucking dumb it wasn't even the enjoyable kind of dumb. While I didn't actually skip ahead, I often stopped watching without realizing when The Rebels/Resistance scenes played. I don't get how this is the fucking resistance that is giving the first order trouble. All the shit with Hodo or whatever, and Poe was boring crap that I just don't care about. It is like if Biggs and Mon Mothma became focal point characters. I am not going to care about them. People tend to go all, "BUT THE LIGHT SPEED JUMP" and that was fucking dumb. Visually? Great, cool, fantastic, bombastic. But like, why wasn't that done right off the fucking bat. All of those other resistance members died for nothing.


And then, as I  said in another thread: I do like Rey and Kylo. That is the only thing I like about TLJ. Kylo I have always liked. I still hate Rey in TFA, but I for some reason don't dislike her in TLJ. Maybe it is because of Kylo, or maybe it is because the rest of the movie is the ugly chick Rey brought along to make herself look better. I legit don't know. Maybe it is both or neither. Can't stand how they handled Luke. If he didn't die in TLJ I would have not minded so much, but I wanted to see Luke the Master Jedi, not Luke the depressed hermit. When his only display of advanced force mastery is a projection it is just a major letdown. It was impressive, but less impressive because "The Wizard died from using too much mana."  Anyway, yeah, Rey is fine in TLJ and I am not sure why. 


Not that I have typed all of that out, I think I might have made the prequels out to be better than I think they are. They aren't really good but I enjoyed watching them much more than I enjoyed TLJ. There is some legit fun scenes in the movies. Pod Racing, and anytime Palp is full on Darth Sidious are some scenes that come to mind. 


And I really hope Star Wars changes big time in the future. I really want Star Wars to take place in an Old Republic like setting, but I don't want any more prequels. I want Star Wars to keep advancing. There is no point in going backward. Or like if they don't go Old Republic style, I'd love if Jedi/Sith became wondering mystic warriors. Jedi and Sith ronin who are mostly self taught in the ways of the force. The light and dark side are totally forgotten and the Ronin just head in the direction they feel is right.


Oh. Yeah. Almost forgot. The Rise of Skywalker. If the leaks are correct(kinda spoilers so I'd really advise not opening it even tho I don't directly mention any of the leaked events):


Legit seems like it is going to be the worst of the 3. The ending might actually indicate that the Ronin thing I talked about might be the future of the series in some say. But yeah, holy shit it seem like absolute dog shit. Maybe I'll be surprised and I'll actually like it. But it is far more likely that I hate it as much as I already hate the leaks or it will somehow be even fucking worse. I woouldn't be suprised if this is the film everyone finally hates, but with how TLJ was recieved I wouldn't be surpised if there was another divide also. This is all assuming the leaks are real. 


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It’s fine if you enjoy the prequels but they are bad on virtually every level. On a technical level, the films are an absolute fucking mess. It’s honestly surprising that George Lucas was able to make competent things before the prequels. I too rewatched them recently to prepare for 9, and they are so fucking bad. Even episode 3 which I remember as being the decent one, was still shitty. 

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1 hour ago, Nokt said:

Unpopular Opinion, but Rogue One might be my most disliked of them. 

It's not my most disliked, that honor goes to Attack of the Clones, but dear god is the movie overrated. A mess of a story, completely forgettable characters that are straight out of a b-budget RPG and a narrative that REEKS of studio notes and a fix-it in post approach. OH and Forrest Whitaker as some kind of futuristic, bionic Fred Sanford. He was better in Jedi Fallen Order.

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1 hour ago, skillzdadirecta said:

It's not my most disliked, that honor goes to Attack of the Clones, but dear god is the movie overrated. A mess of a story, completely forgettable characters that are straight out of a b-budget RPG and a narrative that REEKS of studio notes and a fix-it in post approach. OH and Forrest Whitaker as some kind of futuristic, bionic Fred Sanford. He was better in Jedi Fallen Order.


You suck

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1 hour ago, skillzdadirecta said:

It's not my most disliked, that honor goes to Attack of the Clones, but dear god is the movie overrated. A mess of a story, completely forgettable characters that are straight out of a b-budget RPG and a narrative that REEKS of studio notes and a fix-it in post approach. OH and Forrest Whitaker as some kind of futuristic, bionic Fred Sanford. He was better in Jedi Fallen Order.

The most disappointing thing to me is how underdeveloped the whole crew is. I also think there’s a problem when your best scene is Darth Vader wrecking shit at the very end. When talking to people irl that was what they remembered and liked the most, which, probably isn’t very good for the rest of the movie lol. 

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1 minute ago, johnny said:

The most disappointing thing to me is how underdeveloped the whole crew is. I also think there’s a problem when your best scene is Darth Vader wrecking shit at the very end. When talking to people irl that was what they remembered and liked the most, which, probably isn’t very good for the rest of the movie lol. 

THANK YOU! I've been saying that for years now :p The only other memorable character in that whole movie is the damn droid :lol: I have no idea what ANY of that crew's names are.

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5 hours ago, Keyser_Soze said:

Not watching Rogue One was a mistake

I didn't watch it because it was a fairly recent watch for me. As in I saw it sometime after TLJ IIRC. I think I forgot to mention that this was my first time seeing Solo as well. I had no interest in watching it but when I noticed it was on Netflix I just thought I might as well watch it as I have seen all the other movies. I didn't hate Rogue One, but I agree with Skillz's and Johnny's opinions on the film for the most part. Johnny said it best with:

4 hours ago, johnny said:

I also think there’s a problem when your best scene is Darth Vader wrecking shit at the very end.


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8 hours ago, skillzdadirecta said:

I didn't exactly read this but there is just a bunch a shit I saw that is just like LOL no. They only thing I'll talk about is the title. And no, it did not fucking save Star Wars. I can't forgive the film because of Luke. We won't ever see him again, unless it is a force ghosts. I wanted to see Luke the Master Jedi and now we will never get that. At least not with Mark Hamill.


I will agree that it didn't break SW. You can't break SW when you can literally jump thousands of years into the future and abandon everything that came before it. SW has infinite growth. The issue is the characters I grew up with don't, and now they are gone for good in a bad way. 

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9 minutes ago, SaysWho? said:

I've still yet to really hear how TLJ is a bad movie; it's always about wanting to see Luke do things that are actually out of character for him or jump around swinging a light saber. 

I mean, I did talk about other things besides Luke in the main post. 

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4 hours ago, Bacon said:

I mean, I did talk about other things besides Luke in the main post. 


Yeah, it all falls under the same umbrella, with most of it about how Luke didn't act like Obi-Wan. Didn't like Poe, didn't like Rose, but there's not much to really say about that. I liked them a lot. *shrug*


And the light speed jump has been talked about so often that I think people want to find something to hate: it was a last-minute thing she did to sacrifice herself, and sacrifice is a staple of epics. Nobody has ever done kamikaze right off the bat for the Republic, Rebellion, or Resistance in any of the movies I can think of.

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14 minutes ago, SaysWho? said:


Yeah, it all falls under the same umbrella, with most of it about how Luke didn't act like Obi-Wan. Didn't like Poe, didn't like Rose, but there's not much to really say about that. I liked them a lot. *shrug*


And the light speed jump has been talked about so often that I think people want to find something to hate: it was a last-minute thing she did to sacrifice herself, and sacrifice is a staple of epics. Nobody has ever done kamikaze right off the Republic, Rebellion, or Resistance in any of the movies I can think of.

Are you serious? You basically are saying my complaints aren't valid because you like the movie? Because one point get talked about more than other it means that it also isn't a valid complaint? Edit: Also, I never said I wanted Luke to act like Obi-wan. I said I wanted to see Luke as a Master Jedi. You know, the thing he was for year after RotJ and before TFA. The thing the movies told us he was but never showed. 


I gave you reasons I think it is bad you just think, "Well, those aren't real reasons something can be bad so it must not be bad." That really sounds like what you are saying dude.

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1 minute ago, Bacon said:

Are you serious? You basically are saying my complaints are valid because you like the movie? Because one point get talked about more than other it means that it also isn't a valid complaint? 


I gave you reasons I think it is bad you just think, "Well, those aren't real reasons something can be bad so it must not be bad." That really sounds like what you are saying dude.


No, dude, I'm saying there's not much to talk about if you didn't like some characters and someone else did. But the rest is mostly fan complaints.


This is a movie critique: "Attack of the Clones suffers from bad dialogue because we never get to see relationships develop. We're told about things that happened to Anakin and Obi-Wan, but for the most part, the dialogue serves to tell you things that happened, things that are happening, and things that will happen, and the dialogue turns into exposition instead of a way to get to know the characters."


This is a fan service complaint: "I waited 30 years to see Luke kick ass as a Jedi Master and I didn't get to see it and he died in the movie so I can't see it happen now."


A character dying isn't a critique of the movie because someone had these scenes play out in their head and then didn't have it happen. And the consistent theme to TLJ criticisms is they aren't ever about the quality of the film but about what someone wished would happen, pickiness about the science of outer space, and wondering why good guys in a movie don't kamikaze on a regular basis to make things easier.


The last one always gets me because it shows a fundamental misunderstanding of the theme of sacrifice and how a film builds its story from those themes. Poe recklessly went to destroy a dreadnought, which led to many "heroes" dying instead of fighting for another day. He's scolded for this; there was no reason to rush in there to be the hero at that moment. Holdo's plan wasn't trying to be a hero; it was to get the Resistance to safety so they could regroup and live to fight another day. Her plan was already to stay behind. She sacrificed herself last minute not to be a hero, but to save the fleeing Resistance from being destroyed. These themes are revisited when Rose saves Finn and when Luke distracts Kylo and the First Order so everyone could escape. Hell, it's what Luke did in ROTJ. The badass thing to do wasn't killing Vader; it was throwing down his light saber in defiance of the Emperor. 

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Why are you talking about movie critique when I never critiqued anything? Like, I already said this is just a blog post about my thoughts. What liked and disliked. Generally, when you dislike the taste of something, you call it bad. I don't like Blue Cheese. Blue Cheese tastes bad. I am not going to say, "Wow ,this shit makes me want to vomit. It don't like it but it actually really good and great." What I will say is this shit is disgusting.


And then someone comes in and says, "You have a fundamental misunderstanding of Blue Cheese. Here is why it's delicious," as I start to vomit from the Blue Cheese they shove down my throat. 


Like, I really don't like to critique shit. I lack the ability to intellectually discuss the finer points of film making and consciously take note of legitimate flaws made in the writing, directing, and other behind the scenes shit. That doesn't mean my opinions are wrong and that the film is objectively good. It just means I'm stupid. And like, I am pretty sure I could find critiques that I 100% agree with because it puts the thoughts I can't put into words, into words. But I am pretty sure that be another reason why complaints aren't valid. Or is that what I need to start doing? Post another's critique to validate my opinions? 


This isn't the first time you have said, "I've still yet to really hear how TLJ is a bad movie," and yet there are thousands videos, some with millions of views, on youtube that literally do just that. 

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8 hours ago, skillzdadirecta said:

that honor goes to Attack of the Clones


What?!?! but but but that story! The awesome acting! The steamy romance!!! I haven't seen such on screen chemistry since...since...since...well I just have never seen anything like it :silly: Seriously what Lucas did with that trilogy and that movie especially is absolutely amazing, and not in a good way. How he managed to get people to act that bad is beyond me. 




2 hours ago, SaysWho? said:

I've still yet to really hear how TLJ is a bad movie; it's always about wanting to see Luke do things that are actually out of character for him or jump around swinging a light saber. 


It's so much more than just Luke that is wrong with that film. But as I've complained many times before I won't rehash it here. For those that enjoy it, good for you I guess. 

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2 hours ago, SaysWho? said:

Yeah, it all falls under the same umbrella, with most of it about how Luke didn't act like Obi-Wan. Didn't like Poe, didn't like Rose, but there's not much to really say about that. I liked them a lot. *shrug*


Rose is basically Episode 1 Anakin Skywalker bad.


How's that?

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57 minutes ago, Bacon said:

Why are you talking about movie critique when I never critiqued anything? Like, I already said this is just a blog post about my thoughts. What liked and disliked. Generally, when you dislike the taste of something, you call it bad. I don't like Blue Cheese. Blue Cheese tastes bad. I am not going to say, "Wow ,this shit makes me want to vomit. It don't like it but it actually really good and great." What I will say is this shit is disgusting.


And then someone comes in and says, "You have a fundamental misunderstanding of Blue Cheese. Here is why it's delicious," as I start to vomit from the Blue Cheese they shove down my throat. 


Like, I really don't like to critique shit. I lack the ability to intellectually discuss the finer points of film making and consciously take note of legitimate flaws made in the writing, directing, and other behind the scenes shit. That doesn't mean my opinions are wrong and that the film is objectively good. It just means I'm stupid. And like, I am pretty sure I could find critiques that I 100% agree with because it puts the thoughts I can't put into words, into words. But I am pretty sure that be another reason why complaints aren't valid. Or is that what I need to start doing? Post another's critique to validate my opinions? 


This isn't the first time you have said, "I've still yet to really hear how TLJ is a bad movie," and yet there are thousands videos, some with millions of views, on youtube that literally do just that. 


It's not the first time because it consistently happens. YouTube videos? Lols


Most YouTube videos about movies are done by 20 year old film students who just learned something about cameras and need to make a 15 minute video of something they saw. They're blogs. CinemaSins gets millions of views, and they're the shittiest form of "criticism" I can think of.

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17 minutes ago, SaysWho? said:


It's not the first time because it consistently happens. YouTube videos? Lols


Most YouTube videos about movies are done by 20 year old film students who just learned something about cameras and need to make a 15 minute video of something they saw. They're blogs. CinemaSins gets millions of views, and they're the shittiest form of "criticism" I can think of.

Yeah, I am not talking about the Sins shit. There are legit criticism videos on the site, but at this point it is clear you only wish to hear praise and nothing else towards TLJ.  I mean, you literally responded with "lol, CinemaSins" as a way to simply dismiss what I said. Purposefully using the worst example. And even then, if it was a 20 year old film student, what makes their criticism worse than yours? And like, do you really know nothing about youtube? A 15 minute video? Try videos that are an hour to hours long. Or are those now too long and so you can't be bothered? 

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