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Resident Evil 3 Remake OT - The Great Escape


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As someone who plays a lot of FPS titles, I'm not really put off by 6 hours campaigns. However, Howlongtobeat has the original Resident Evil 3 rated at 6-1/2 hours for the main story and 8 hours with some extras. Obviously YMMV, but the remake is pretty close to the original at least in a sense of how long the game is. 

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I remember absolutely nothing about RE3 but I still have it on playstation. If I ever want to play the original I can play that.


7 minutes ago, Nokt said:

However, Howlongtobeat has the original Resident Evil 3 rated at 6-1/2 hours for the main story and 8 hours with some extras. Obviously YMMV, but the remake is pretty close to the original at least in a sense of how long the game is. 


Yeah, Max played through the original and his playthrough is just a little over 8 hours.




I think it's more like @Greatoneshere said. Any issues had with the remake are basically had with the original RE3 and that RE3 was never considered RE2 (RE2 is iconic) Just as MGS 2 will never be considered better than MGS, even if you enjoyed 2 you'll never admit 2 is better than MGS (unless you're crazy)

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I’m enjoying it but a minor gripe I have is that sometimes enemies de-aggro if you step out of a certain area. I mean it’s nice that you won’t get slaughtered if you try and run away but it kind ruins the tension, plus when they de-aggro they turn away making for an easy kill :p 

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I definitely remember the original Resident Evil three being on the shorter side... like surprisingly short for the time. I still need to finish RE2 in so I'm in no rush to get this one. I'll snag it when it goes on sale. I picked up RE2 Remake this year for $19.99. Plenty of games to play in the meantime.

  • stepee 1
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7 hours ago, skillzdadirecta said:

I definitely remember the original Resident Evil three being on the shorter side... like surprisingly short for the time. I still need to finish RE2 in so I'm in no rush to get this one. I'll snag it when it goes on sale. I picked up RE2 Remake this year for $19.99. Plenty of games to play in the meantime.

They were about the same length. RE2 got a boost from having Claire/Leon arcs and then having a meaningful 2nd play through option. I think I beat Claire A once on a speed run in under 5 hours. 


My only complaint so far is they ruined one of the best opening cinematics in gaming. It's now a mix of live action actors and an Umbrella commercial.



I wanted to see this but expanded and better or atleast this 1 for 1. Did not get that and am disappointed.

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For RE8 rumors and spoilers, I have questions about the franchise dating back to the original RE2 even...



Supposedly this new RE8 is going to be more monster-centric with werewolves (and other monsters of that ilk). And friends are telling me that the original RE2 was supposed to go in this direction, but that the director or creator (or someone at the time) said it wasn't survival horror like RE1, so it got scrapped and was turned into Devil May Cry while a new RE2 was made with the RE1 engine as its core mechanic to build off of.


Does any of that sound true??

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I was a fan of the hallucination-based gameplay in the RE4 concept, so that 'leak' doesn't disappoint me. 


I do wonder how close we are though to Resident Evil needing to reboot itself because 8 mainline entries, with some kind of tangible thread between them is both a lot and quite ridiculous. 

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5 hours ago, CastlevaniaNut18 said:

Dis is fun. Stupid spider throat fuckers. That unsettled me more than Nemesis.

I beat it Friday was a really good ride. But it seems more a reimagining of RE3 then a remake. I have the same problem with RE2make. You should play both the remakes and the originals. I wish they replaced the originals.

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Finished it last night. Quick impressions


  • Too much has been cut out imo.  Boss battles, enemy types, entire locations, and puzzles.  Some odd tweaks too.  Why not have Nemesis kill Brad again and resurrect him as a parasite zombie for that scene? Was gravedigger omitted because there's a second giant worm creature in Code Veronica? Fair enough, assuming  that one still appears in the CV remake.  Also wouldn’t using blue herbs to heal from Drain Deimos attacks have better continuity than using green herbs?  And why not make the gem puzzle a mandatory one and have it open up one more chunk of map? Why does it take at least an hour to an hour and a half for nemmy to BEGIN stalking you?  At times you can’t help but feel like this is almost a theatrical version of an improved director's cut. 


  • Nemesis is underutilized imo.  If he was like Mr X for most of the game only faster, smarter, stronger and occasionally using weapons, it would've been an indisputable progression on RE2make. What we got instead was maybe an hour of that with the rest of his appearances deigned as scripted boss battles and setpieces. That said, considering how OP Nem is here, limiting him to smaller doses seems pretty understandable.  Not sure how you’d balance that intensity and feeling of being unsafe at all times without overwhelming most players.  In the original he's not as strong even though he follows you around more.  I'm torn...considering that was a selling point and made the original so memorable, it's kinda weird it only happens like one fifth of the time here.  You can see how 5+ hours of that might get nerve-racking for most players, but on the other hand maybe the best of both worlds could've been achieved if he was nerf’d at the beginning (can still sprint, but can’t tentacle grab or super jump until a few hours later) and gradually became more formidable leading up to the clocktower fight.


  • Ultimately, since RE3make can so clearly be expanded into a better game (limited open world Raccoon City, persistent stalker Nem, more puzzles, new locations, etc), you can’t help but feel disappointed. I think it’s still top 5 RE though and I’m glad we have it. Four months ago nobody expected so much as screenshot for at least a few years, so playing it now does feel like a gift. It almost meets expectations despite that sting of disappointment, and since expectations were high that’s not too bad. These were my only complaints, honestly.  Overall it's a solid game. 7.9/10
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I just beat it right now. I finished it in almost exactly 7 hours. Though the game said 11 hours of total playtime.


I think of this game as the Aliens (RE3) to the Alien(RE2), one is a very suspenseful sci-fi movie while the sequel ended up ramping up the action but both are still considered good. As I mentioned before I don't remember a cot damn thing about RE3 original as the last and only time I played it was back when it came out back in 1999 so I have no issues about how "pure" the remake is. Heck I don't even remember this Nicholai fellow but evidently he was in the original game! In fact I think I like the fact this seems to be trying to tie everything in to RE4 now (or maybe it always did)


Really the only criticisms I've heard about this is that it's short, not an issue for me. And what the fellow above said (it's his opinion) and oddly enough  when I heard Max talking about it the other night, he kind of made it sound like Resident Evil always had some sort of emergent gameplay or something and that going down a linear path (or the way developers want) isn't part of RE. I just don't agree. EDIT: With his actual gripes he didn't like - That Nemesis wasn't like  Mr. X, the linearity of the game after the city, that it felt like RE4 action with RE2 zombies


I guess a lot of the gripes come about how the Nemesis isn't Mr. X, but that's how I remember it. What's funny is I've always remembered Nemesis but never remembered Mr. X (from my memories of playing RE2 originally) but I enjoyed all the set pieces surrounding him. I would say all of the battles with the nemesis were a heck of a lot more fun than the end of RE2 Remake.


And just like RE2RE this game rewards multiple play-throughs to collect goodies and such. In the end I'm very happy with it. Looks great, sounds great, fun to play and they made Jill a badass. (When you see it at the end you'll shit bricks)

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I'm around 3 to 4 hours in and I feel like I'm coming to an end soon?


I could be wrong. I feel like I am because the reviews said it was five hours, and I haven't been rushing. At the same time, I played the demo, so I didn't really have much trouble getting around the city.


Also, locked doors don't stay locked for long. I did like in RE2make that a door would sit there, taunting you for hours until you found a way to open it. I haven't encountered that here.


That said, this IS a lot of fun, and there's a time when you switch characters:



Returning to the Raccoon City Police Department and using that to learn where this is on the timeline was pretty cool. I don't really know the RE2/RE3 timeline, but when I saw the note about the dead guy in the locker, Carlos saying, "Better not open it," and then the explosion which caused the pipes to burst, it was an interesting and cool way to go about it.


After this I have to get back to Yakuza Kiwami 2, but I'm really tempted after all this RE to try RE7 in VR.

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It's not quite Resident Evil 2 Remake, but it's not as short as reviews claim, and it's a lot of fun. It's more action-oriented, and there's less, "You're in this place for a while and doors will be crying out to be opened for half the game." Locked doors don't stay locked for long in this. Still, I'm happy to say that the engine and gameplay work well in a more action-oriented world, and I think playing it on Hardcore (scarcer resources) will give me a better sense of item management than normal. There is some item management, and there are some puzzles and safes to crack, and I'd say the city area is the biggest time to do it, but other areas in the game will give you the same, "These doors are locked. You'll have to go explore the unlocked one here to eventually unlock this," that you get in parts of Raccoon City.


But when you control Carlos, know that conserving ammo isn't as necessary. You have assault weapons and you're not afraid to use them.


Nemesis isn't Mr. X Part 2. Heck, on the lead-up to the game, I thought Nemesis would be scarier because all I heard was, "He doesn't just walk at you like Mr. X. He runs at you and uses a rocket launcher!" But Mr. X is scarier because he chases you around the entire building, forcing you to walk slower and more methodically so you don't attract attention. Due to the nature of this game -- you're not staying in one place for as long as the mansion in RE1, the house in RE7, and the police department in RE2 -- that's not what happens here. They could have tried to make it like Mr. X, but the levels aren't built for it. Nemesis looks like Mr. X as far as build at the beginning, but that's where it ends, imo.


My game says total play time 8:18:15, Clear Time 6:46:33. I don't know what that means. Did I leave it paused for a long time? I dunno!


So marked spoilers:



I thought the return to the police department was REALLY cool. God, I wanted to explore it more, but that wouldn't make sense since the time period is set before Resident Evil 2. 

I don't know who Nikolai was working for. If I played the original, would I know?

I do wish there was more to do in the city. You could keep the rest of the game as is -- it's fine, it gives you a lot of places to explore, all that jazz -- but a beefier Raccoon City at the beginning would have been aces. Also, it's short-lived, but the spiders part by the city was very well done; I loved the camera angle when flipping the switched, and the second you see it, you probably stopped because you knew you'd have to watch your back. I love it when games do this. There were other times when a character would go, "I need to stop it in its tracks," and hint at what you should do, but video games are such a great medium to just show you a camera shot, which tells you all you need to know about how thoroughly you should scout around the switches.


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4 hours ago, SaysWho? said:



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I don't know who Nikolai was working for. If I played the original, would I know?



From what I understand Nikolai has an even smaller role in the original game so that is something they changed for the remake. I guess to some people's disappointment that it was focused more on him than Nemesis (though I can't see how you would consider that seeing as Nemesis is like 75% of the game :p)

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Do people really enjoy the tyrant as a mechanic?


I much prefer Nemesis' high tension short bursts vs tyrants low tension long burst. I felt like I actually had to make decisions about what I was going to do quickly and it wasn't shoehorning me into a specific play style for majority of game. The tyrant just feels like an annoyance that you just spend time figuring out how to cheese so that you can remain in areas where you want/need to be. As soon as you give the Nemesis that same consistency you turn him into the same thing even with an expanded tool kit. It might bring a heightened tension for a short time, but he will gradually just be as much of an annoyance and bring little tension.

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26 minutes ago, Nokt said:

Do people really enjoy the tyrant as a mechanic?


I much prefer Nemesis' high tension short bursts vs tyrants low tension long burst. I felt like I actually had to make decisions about what I was going to do quickly and it wasn't shoehorning me into a specific play style for majority of game. The tyrant just feels like an annoyance that you just spend time figuring out how to cheese so that you can remain in areas where you want/need to be. As soon as you give the Nemesis that same consistency you turn him into the same thing even with an expanded tool kit. It might bring a heightened tension for a short time, but he will gradually just be as much of an annoyance and bring little tension.


Assuming Mr. X = Tyrant and Nemesis = Nemesis

No I didn't really enjoy him (Mr. X). A lot of people like to stand and fight him. I just ran away and really he wasn't a big issue to me or fun in any way. :p  Like you said more of an annoyance. I think he really was only popular for the memes

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55 minutes ago, Nokt said:

Do people really enjoy the tyrant as a mechanic?


I much prefer Nemesis' high tension short bursts vs tyrants low tension long burst. I felt like I actually had to make decisions about what I was going to do quickly and it wasn't shoehorning me into a specific play style for majority of game. The tyrant just feels like an annoyance that you just spend time figuring out how to cheese so that you can remain in areas where you want/need to be. As soon as you give the Nemesis that same consistency you turn him into the same thing even with an expanded tool kit. It might bring a heightened tension for a short time, but he will gradually just be as much of an annoyance and bring little tension.


Because Mr. X was a constant threat, there wasn't always an easy way for me to get away from him. Sometimes I'd see him and go, "Okay, I'm going to run and then I'll slow down so he can't hear me," and forget that there's a licker in the room toward which I'm heading. I also didn't know when I'd bump into him, meaning there was no downtime in non-safe rooms since he could bust in at any minute.


Nemesis was less of a threat because he was easier to take down due to the increased ammo (after Yakuza Kiwami 2, I want to play on Hardcore mode to see if that feels the same), so I could stall him and get to where I need, or it would be a linear chase. Boss fights were definitely fun against him. It's its own thing and not bad, but Mr. X was a pretty fantastic enemy and one of the most memorable of this generation for me.


As I said in the post, though, the game isn't built for Nemesis to behave like Mr. X, so it wouldn't have worked unless the levels and how long you spend in them was overhauled. But we got Mr. X already, so I'm not upset that I didn't get Mr. X this time he runs and has a weapon.

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42 minutes ago, Keyser_Soze said:

Assuming Mr. X = Tyrant and Nemesis = Nemesis



17 minutes ago, SaysWho? said:

Because Mr. X was a constant threat, there wasn't always an easy way for me to get away from him. Sometimes I'd see him and go, "Okay, I'm going to run and then I'll slow down so he can't hear me," and forget that there's a licker in the room toward which I'm heading. I also didn't know when I'd bump into him, meaning there was no downtime in non-safe rooms since he could bust in at any minute.


Nemesis was less of a threat because he was easier to take down due to the increased ammo (after Yakuza Kiwami 2, I want to play on Hardcore mode to see if that feels the same), so I could stall him and get to where I need, or it would be a linear chase. Boss fights were definitely fun against him. It's its own thing and not bad, but Mr. X was a pretty fantastic enemy and one of the most memorable of this generation for me.


As I said in the post, though, the game isn't built for Nemesis to behave like Mr. X, so it wouldn't have worked unless the levels and how long you spend in them was overhauled. But we got Mr. X already, so I'm not upset that I didn't get Mr. X this time he runs and has a weapon.

I don't blame people for enjoying him more, its just surprising to me that people really enjoyed it.


My play style is pretty much clear the room so I don't have to deal with them again. So I never encountered those issues. I did encounter those issues with Nemesis though because I couldn't clear the streets with him chasing me or didn't feel like it was worth the effort. The easiest way to cheese X is either just literally circle around in the map and start walking as soon as you get a room ahead of him or just hit the nearest safe room. That's my problem though Nemesis was usually just pushing me where I was suppose to be going and X was doing the opposite and just dragging on the inevitable.

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3 minutes ago, Nokt said:



I don't blame people for enjoying him more, its just surprising to me that people really enjoyed it.


My play style is pretty much clear the room so I don't have to deal with them again. So I never encountered those issues. I did encounter those issues with Nemesis though because I couldn't clear the streets with him chasing me or didn't feel like it was worth the effort. The easiest way to cheese X is either just literally circle around in the map and start walking as soon as you get a room ahead of him or just hit the nearest safe room. That's my problem though Nemesis was usually just pushing me where I was suppose to be going and X was doing the opposite and just dragging on the inevitable.


With the amount of ammo I had, sometimes I couldn't afford to use bullets to clear a room. :p 

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